My tests for the CH32V003 with gcc-riscv64
This contains:
- EVT Folder for running demos from the ch32v003 EVT.
- Barebones. For compiling without the EVT.
System Prep
On WSL or Debian based OSes apt-get install build-essential libnewlib-dev gcc-riscv64-unknown-elf
cd barebones
Use the WCH-LinkUtility to flash the built hex file.
For using EVT demos, check out the EVT folder.
It enumerates as 2 interfaces. 0. the programming interface. I can't get anything except the propreitary interface to work.
- the usb serial port built in.
If you want to mess with the programming code in Windows, you will have to install WinUSB to the interface 0. Then you can uninstall it in Device Manager under USB Devices.