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+# Upgrade from 2.0 to 3.0
+While developing version 3.0 we made some breaking changes to the public
+API of this library. This document will help you update your code to work with
+version 3.0
+## Font Definitions
+To get better performance and a smaller font definition format, we change the memory
+layout of the font definition format. If you are using custom fonts not included in
+this library we updated the font generator [here](http://oleddisplay.squix.ch/#/home).
+Please update your fonts to be working with 3.0.
+## Architectural Changes
+To become a more versatile library for the SSD1306 chipset we abstracted the
+hardware connection into subclasses of the base display class now called `OLEDDisplay`.
+This library is currently shipping with three implementations:
+  * `SSD1306Wire` implementing the I2C protocol using the Wire Library.    
+  * `SSD1306Brzo` implementing the I2C protocol using the faster [`brzo_i2c`](https://github.com/pasko-zh/brzo_i2c) library.
+  * `SSD1306Spi` implementing the SPI protocol.
+To keep backwards compatiblity with the old API `SSD1306` is an alias of `SSD1306Wire`.
+If you are not using the UI components you don't have to change anything to keep your code working.
+## Name Changes
+[Naming things is hard](http://martinfowler.com/bliki/TwoHardThings.html), to better reflect our intention with this library
+we changed the name of the base class to `OLEDDisplay` and the UI library accordingly to `OLEDDisplayUi`.
+As a consequence the type definitions of all frame and overlay related functions changed.
+This means that you have to update all your frame drawing callbacks from:
+bool frame1(SSD1306 *display,  SSD1306UiState* state, int x, int y);
+void frame1(OLEDDisplay *display,  OLEDDisplayUiState* state, int16_t x, int16_t y);
+And your overlay drawing functions from:
+bool overlay1(SSD1306 *display,  SSD1306UiState* state);
+void overlay1(OLEDDisplay *display,  OLEDDisplayUiState* state);
+## New Features
+### Loading Animation
+While using this library ourself we noticed a pattern emerging. We want to drawing
+a loading progress while connecting to WiFi and updating weather data etc.
+The simplest thing was to add the function `drawProgressBar(x, y, width,  height, progress)`
+,where `progress` is between `0` and `100`, right to the `OLEDDisplay` class.
+But we didn't stop there. We added a new feature to the `OLEDDisplayUi` called `LoadingStages`.
+You can define your loading process like this:
+LoadingStage loadingStages[] = {
+  {
+    .process = "Connect to WiFi",
+    .callback = []() {
+      // Connect to WiFi
+    }
+  },
+  {
+    .process = "Get time from NTP",
+    .callback = []() {
+      // Get current time via NTP
+    }
+  }
+  // more steps
+int LOADING_STAGES_COUNT = sizeof(loadingStages) / sizeof(LoadingStage);
+After defining your array of `LoadingStages` you can than run the loading process by using
+`ui.runLoadingProcess(loadingStages, LOADING_STAGES_COUNT)`. This will give you a
+nice little loading animation you can see in the beginning of [this](https://vimeo.com/168362918)
+To further customize this you are free to define your own `LoadingDrawFunction` like this:
+void myLoadingDraw(OLEDDisplay *display, LoadingStage* stage, uint8_t progress) {
+  display->setTextAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER);
+  display->setFont(ArialMT_Plain_10);
+  // stage->process contains the text of the current progress e.q. "Connect to WiFi"
+  display->drawString(64, 18, stage->process);
+  // you could just print the current process without the progress bar
+  display->drawString(64, 28, progress);
+After defining a function like that, you can pass it to the Ui library by use
+### Text Logging
+It is always useful to display some text on the display without worrying to much
+where it goes and managing it. In 3.0 we made the `OLEDDisplay` class implement
+so you can use it like you would use `Serial`. We calls this feature `LogBuffer`
+and the only thing you have to do is to define how many lines you want to display
+and how many characters there are on average on each. This is done by calling
+`setLogBuffer(lines, chars);`. If there is not enough memory the function will
+return false.
+After that you can draw the `LogBuffer` anywhere you want by calling `drawLogBuffer(x, y)`.
+(Note: You have to call `display()` to update the screen)
+We made a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Fiss77A3TE) showing this feature in action.