/** * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2016 by Daniel Eichhorn * Copyright (c) 2016 by Fabrice Weinberg * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * * Credits for parts of this code go to Mike Rankin. Thank you so much for sharing! */ #include "OLEDDisplay.h" bool OLEDDisplay::init() { if (!this->connect()) { DEBUG_OLEDDISPLAY("[OLEDDISPLAY][init] Can't establish connection to display\n"); return false; } this->buffer = (uint8_t*) malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE); if(!this->buffer) { DEBUG_OLEDDISPLAY("[OLEDDISPLAY][init] Not enough memory to create display\n"); return false; } #ifdef OLEDDISPLAY_DOUBLE_BUFFER this->buffer_back = (uint8_t*) malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE); if(!this->buffer_back) { DEBUG_OLEDDISPLAY("[OLEDDISPLAY][init] Not enough memory to create back buffer\n"); free(this->buffer); return false; } #endif sendInitCommands(); resetDisplay(); return true; } void OLEDDisplay::end() { if (this->buffer) free(this->buffer); #ifdef OLEDDISPLAY_DOUBLE_BUFFER if (this->buffer_back) free(this->buffer_back); #endif } void OLEDDisplay::resetDisplay(void) { clear(); #ifdef OLEDDISPLAY_DOUBLE_BUFFER memset(buffer_back, 1, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE); #endif display(); } void OLEDDisplay::setColor(OLEDDISPLAY_COLOR color) { this->color = color; } void OLEDDisplay::setPixel(int16_t x, int16_t y) { if (x >= 0 && x < 128 && y >= 0 && y < 64) { switch (color) { case WHITE: buffer[x + (y / 8) * DISPLAY_WIDTH] |= (1 << (y & 7)); break; case BLACK: buffer[x + (y / 8) * DISPLAY_WIDTH] &= ~(1 << (y & 7)); break; case INVERSE: buffer[x + (y / 8) * DISPLAY_WIDTH] ^= (1 << (y & 7)); break; } } } // Bresenham's algorithm - thx wikipedia and Adafruit_GFX void OLEDDisplay::drawLine(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1) { int16_t steep = abs(y1 - y0) > abs(x1 - x0); if (steep) { _swap_int16_t(x0, y0); _swap_int16_t(x1, y1); } if (x0 > x1) { _swap_int16_t(x0, x1); _swap_int16_t(y0, y1); } int16_t dx, dy; dx = x1 - x0; dy = abs(y1 - y0); int16_t err = dx / 2; int16_t ystep; if (y0 < y1) { ystep = 1; } else { ystep = -1; } for (; x0<=x1; x0++) { if (steep) { setPixel(y0, x0); } else { setPixel(x0, y0); } err -= dy; if (err < 0) { y0 += ystep; err += dx; } } } void OLEDDisplay::drawRect(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t width, int16_t height) { drawHorizontalLine(x, y, width); drawVerticalLine(x, y, height); drawVerticalLine(x + width - 1, y, height); drawHorizontalLine(x, y + height - 1, width); } void OLEDDisplay::fillRect(int16_t xMove, int16_t yMove, int16_t width, int16_t height) { for (int16_t x = xMove; x < xMove + width; x++) { drawVerticalLine(x, yMove, height); } } void OLEDDisplay::drawCircle(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t radius) { int16_t x = 0, y = radius; int16_t dp = 1 - radius; do { if (dp < 0) dp = dp + 2 * (++x) + 3; else dp = dp + 2 * (++x) - 2 * (--y) + 5; setPixel(x0 + x, y0 + y); //For the 8 octants setPixel(x0 - x, y0 + y); setPixel(x0 + x, y0 - y); setPixel(x0 - x, y0 - y); setPixel(x0 + y, y0 + x); setPixel(x0 - y, y0 + x); setPixel(x0 + y, y0 - x); setPixel(x0 - y, y0 - x); } while (x < y); setPixel(x0 + radius, y0); setPixel(x0, y0 + radius); setPixel(x0 - radius, y0); setPixel(x0, y0 - radius); } void OLEDDisplay::drawCircleQuads(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t radius, uint8_t quads) { int16_t x = 0, y = radius; int16_t dp = 1 - radius; while (x < y) { if (dp < 0) dp = dp + 2 * (++x) + 3; else dp = dp + 2 * (++x) - 2 * (--y) + 5; if (quads & 0x1) { setPixel(x0 + x, y0 - y); setPixel(x0 + y, y0 - x); } if (quads & 0x2) { setPixel(x0 - y, y0 - x); setPixel(x0 - x, y0 - y); } if (quads & 0x4) { setPixel(x0 - y, y0 + x); setPixel(x0 - x, y0 + y); } if (quads & 0x8) { setPixel(x0 + x, y0 + y); setPixel(x0 + y, y0 + x); } } if (quads & 0x1 && quads & 0x8) { setPixel(x0 + radius, y0); } if (quads & 0x4 && quads & 0x8) { setPixel(x0, y0 + radius); } if (quads & 0x2 && quads & 0x4) { setPixel(x0 - radius, y0); } if (quads & 0x1 && quads & 0x2) { setPixel(x0, y0 - radius); } } void OLEDDisplay::fillCircle(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t radius) { int16_t x = 0, y = radius; int16_t dp = 1 - radius; do { if (dp < 0) dp = dp + 2 * (++x) + 3; else dp = dp + 2 * (++x) - 2 * (--y) + 5; drawHorizontalLine(x0 - x, y0 - y, 2*x); drawHorizontalLine(x0 - x, y0 + y, 2*x); drawHorizontalLine(x0 - y, y0 - x, 2*y); drawHorizontalLine(x0 - y, y0 + x, 2*y); } while (x < y); drawHorizontalLine(x0 - radius, y0, 2 * radius); } void OLEDDisplay::drawHorizontalLine(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t length) { if (y < 0 || y >= DISPLAY_HEIGHT) { return; } if (x < 0) { length += x; x = 0; } if ( (x + length) > DISPLAY_WIDTH) { length = (DISPLAY_WIDTH - x); } if (length <= 0) { return; } uint8_t * bufferPtr = buffer; bufferPtr += (y >> 3) * DISPLAY_WIDTH; bufferPtr += x; uint8_t drawBit = 1 << (y & 7); switch (color) { case WHITE: while (length--) { *bufferPtr++ |= drawBit; }; break; case BLACK: drawBit = ~drawBit; while (length--) { *bufferPtr++ &= drawBit; }; break; case INVERSE: while (length--) { *bufferPtr++ ^= drawBit; }; break; } } void OLEDDisplay::drawVerticalLine(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t length) { if (x < 0 || x >= DISPLAY_WIDTH) return; if (y < 0) { length += y; y = 0; } if ( (y + length) > DISPLAY_HEIGHT) { length = (DISPLAY_HEIGHT - y); } if (length <= 0) return; uint8_t yOffset = y & 7; uint8_t drawBit; uint8_t *bufferPtr = buffer; bufferPtr += (y >> 3) * DISPLAY_WIDTH; bufferPtr += x; if (yOffset) { yOffset = 8 - yOffset; drawBit = ~(0xFF >> (yOffset)); if (length < yOffset) { drawBit &= (0xFF >> (yOffset - length)); } switch (color) { case WHITE: *bufferPtr |= drawBit; break; case BLACK: *bufferPtr &= ~drawBit; break; case INVERSE: *bufferPtr ^= drawBit; break; } if (length < yOffset) return; length -= yOffset; bufferPtr += DISPLAY_WIDTH; } if (length >= 8) { switch (color) { case WHITE: case BLACK: drawBit = (color == WHITE) ? 0xFF : 0x00; do { *bufferPtr = drawBit; bufferPtr += DISPLAY_WIDTH; length -= 8; } while (length >= 8); break; case INVERSE: do { *bufferPtr = ~(*bufferPtr); bufferPtr += DISPLAY_WIDTH; length -= 8; } while (length >= 8); break; } } if (length > 0) { drawBit = (1 << (length & 7)) - 1; switch (color) { case WHITE: *bufferPtr |= drawBit; break; case BLACK: *bufferPtr &= ~drawBit; break; case INVERSE: *bufferPtr ^= drawBit; break; } } } void OLEDDisplay::drawProgressBar(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint8_t progress) { uint16_t radius = height / 2; uint16_t xRadius = x + radius; uint16_t yRadius = y + radius; uint16_t doubleRadius = 2 * radius; uint16_t innerRadius = radius - 2; setColor(WHITE); drawCircleQuads(xRadius, yRadius, radius, 0b00000110); drawHorizontalLine(xRadius, y, width - doubleRadius + 1); drawHorizontalLine(xRadius, y + height, width - doubleRadius + 1); drawCircleQuads(x + width - radius, yRadius, radius, 0b00001001); uint16_t maxProgressWidth = (width - doubleRadius - 1) * progress / 100; fillCircle(xRadius, yRadius, innerRadius); fillRect(xRadius + 1, y + 2, maxProgressWidth, height - 3); fillCircle(xRadius + maxProgressWidth, yRadius, innerRadius); } void OLEDDisplay::drawFastImage(int16_t xMove, int16_t yMove, int16_t width, int16_t height, const char *image) { drawInternal(xMove, yMove, width, height, image, 0, 0); } void OLEDDisplay::drawXbm(int16_t xMove, int16_t yMove, int16_t width, int16_t height, const char *xbm) { int16_t widthInXbm = (width + 7) / 8; uint8_t data = 0; for(int16_t y = 0; y < height; y++) { for(int16_t x = 0; x < width; x++ ) { if (x & 7) { data >>= 1; // Move a bit } else { // Read new data every 8 bit data = pgm_read_byte(xbm + (x / 8) + y * widthInXbm); } // if there is a bit draw it if (data & 0x01) { setPixel(xMove + x, yMove + y); } } } } void OLEDDisplay::drawStringInternal(int16_t xMove, int16_t yMove, char* text, uint16_t textLength, uint16_t textWidth) { uint8_t textHeight = pgm_read_byte(fontData + HEIGHT_POS); uint8_t firstChar = pgm_read_byte(fontData + FIRST_CHAR_POS); uint16_t sizeOfJumpTable = pgm_read_byte(fontData + CHAR_NUM_POS) * JUMPTABLE_BYTES; uint8_t cursorX = 0; uint8_t cursorY = 0; switch (textAlignment) { case TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER_BOTH: yMove -= textHeight >> 1; // Fallthrough case TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER: xMove -= textWidth >> 1; // divide by 2 break; case TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT: xMove -= textWidth; break; case TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT: break; } // Don't draw anything if it is not on the screen. if (xMove + textWidth < 0 || xMove > DISPLAY_WIDTH ) {return;} if (yMove + textHeight < 0 || yMove > DISPLAY_HEIGHT) {return;} for (uint16_t j = 0; j < textLength; j++) { int16_t xPos = xMove + cursorX; int16_t yPos = yMove + cursorY; byte code = text[j]; if (code >= firstChar) { byte charCode = code - firstChar; // 4 Bytes per char code byte msbJumpToChar = pgm_read_byte( fontData + JUMPTABLE_START + charCode * JUMPTABLE_BYTES ); // MSB \ JumpAddress byte lsbJumpToChar = pgm_read_byte( fontData + JUMPTABLE_START + charCode * JUMPTABLE_BYTES + JUMPTABLE_LSB); // LSB / byte charByteSize = pgm_read_byte( fontData + JUMPTABLE_START + charCode * JUMPTABLE_BYTES + JUMPTABLE_SIZE); // Size byte currentCharWidth = pgm_read_byte( fontData + JUMPTABLE_START + charCode * JUMPTABLE_BYTES + JUMPTABLE_WIDTH); // Width // Test if the char is drawable if (!(msbJumpToChar == 255 && lsbJumpToChar == 255)) { // Get the position of the char data uint16_t charDataPosition = JUMPTABLE_START + sizeOfJumpTable + ((msbJumpToChar << 8) + lsbJumpToChar); drawInternal(xPos, yPos, currentCharWidth, textHeight, fontData, charDataPosition, charByteSize); } cursorX += currentCharWidth; } } } void OLEDDisplay::drawString(int16_t xMove, int16_t yMove, String strUser) { uint16_t lineHeight = pgm_read_byte(fontData + HEIGHT_POS); // char* text must be freed! char* text = utf8ascii(strUser); uint16_t yOffset = 0; // If the string should be centered vertically too // we need to now how heigh the string is. if (textAlignment == TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER_BOTH) { uint16_t lb = 0; // Find number of linebreaks in text for (uint16_t i=0;text[i] != 0; i++) { lb += (text[i] == 10); } // Calculate center yOffset = (lb * lineHeight) / 2; } uint16_t line = 0; char* textPart = strtok(text,"\n"); while (textPart != NULL) { uint16_t length = strlen(textPart); drawStringInternal(xMove, yMove - yOffset + (line++) * lineHeight, textPart, length, getStringWidth(textPart, length)); textPart = strtok(NULL, "\n"); } free(text); } void OLEDDisplay::drawStringMaxWidth(int16_t xMove, int16_t yMove, uint16_t maxLineWidth, String strUser) { uint16_t firstChar = pgm_read_byte(fontData + FIRST_CHAR_POS); uint16_t lineHeight = pgm_read_byte(fontData + HEIGHT_POS); char* text = utf8ascii(strUser); uint16_t length = strlen(text); uint16_t lastDrawnPos = 0; uint16_t lineNumber = 0; uint16_t strWidth = 0; uint16_t preferredBreakpoint = 0; uint16_t widthAtBreakpoint = 0; for (uint16_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { strWidth += pgm_read_byte(fontData + JUMPTABLE_START + (text[i] - firstChar) * JUMPTABLE_BYTES + JUMPTABLE_WIDTH); // Always try to break on a space or dash if (text[i] == ' ' || text[i]== '-') { preferredBreakpoint = i; widthAtBreakpoint = strWidth; } if (strWidth >= maxLineWidth) { if (preferredBreakpoint == 0) { preferredBreakpoint = i; widthAtBreakpoint = strWidth; } drawStringInternal(xMove, yMove + (lineNumber++) * lineHeight , &text[lastDrawnPos], preferredBreakpoint - lastDrawnPos, widthAtBreakpoint); lastDrawnPos = preferredBreakpoint + 1; // It is possible that we did not draw all letters to i so we need // to account for the width of the chars from `i - preferredBreakpoint` // by calculating the width we did not draw yet. strWidth = strWidth - widthAtBreakpoint; preferredBreakpoint = 0; } } // Draw last part if needed if (lastDrawnPos < length) { drawStringInternal(xMove, yMove + lineNumber * lineHeight , &text[lastDrawnPos], length - lastDrawnPos, getStringWidth(&text[lastDrawnPos], length - lastDrawnPos)); } free(text); } uint16_t OLEDDisplay::getStringWidth(const char* text, uint16_t length) { uint16_t firstChar = pgm_read_byte(fontData + FIRST_CHAR_POS); uint16_t stringWidth = 0; uint16_t maxWidth = 0; while (length--) { stringWidth += pgm_read_byte(fontData + JUMPTABLE_START + (text[length] - firstChar) * JUMPTABLE_BYTES + JUMPTABLE_WIDTH); if (text[length] == 10) { maxWidth = max(maxWidth, stringWidth); stringWidth = 0; } } return max(maxWidth, stringWidth); } uint16_t OLEDDisplay::getStringWidth(String strUser) { char* text = utf8ascii(strUser); uint16_t length = strlen(text); uint16_t width = getStringWidth(text, length); free(text); return width; } void OLEDDisplay::setTextAlignment(OLEDDISPLAY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT textAlignment) { this->textAlignment = textAlignment; } void OLEDDisplay::setFont(const char *fontData) { this->fontData = fontData; } void OLEDDisplay::displayOn(void) { sendCommand(DISPLAYON); } void OLEDDisplay::displayOff(void) { sendCommand(DISPLAYOFF); } void OLEDDisplay::invertDisplay(void) { sendCommand(INVERTDISPLAY); } void OLEDDisplay::normalDisplay(void) { sendCommand(NORMALDISPLAY); } void OLEDDisplay::setContrast(char contrast) { sendCommand(SETCONTRAST); sendCommand(contrast); } void OLEDDisplay::flipScreenVertically() { sendCommand(SEGREMAP | 0x01); sendCommand(COMSCANDEC); //Rotate screen 180 Deg } void OLEDDisplay::clear(void) { memset(buffer, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE); } void OLEDDisplay::drawLogBuffer(uint16_t xMove, uint16_t yMove) { uint16_t lineHeight = pgm_read_byte(fontData + HEIGHT_POS); // Always align left setTextAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT); // State values uint16_t length = 0; uint16_t line = 0; uint16_t lastPos = 0; for (uint16_t i=0;i<this->logBufferFilled;i++){ // Everytime we have a \n print if (this->logBuffer[i] == 10) { length++; // Draw string on line `line` from lastPos to length // Passing 0 as the lenght because we are in TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT drawStringInternal(xMove, yMove + (line++) * lineHeight, &this->logBuffer[lastPos], length, 0); // Remember last pos lastPos = i; // Reset length length = 0; } else { // Count chars until next linebreak length++; } } // Draw the remaining string if (length > 0) { drawStringInternal(xMove, yMove + line * lineHeight, &this->logBuffer[lastPos], length, 0); } } bool OLEDDisplay::setLogBuffer(uint16_t lines, uint16_t chars){ if (logBuffer != NULL) free(logBuffer); uint16_t size = lines * chars; if (size > 0) { this->logBufferLine = 0; // Lines printed this->logBufferMaxLines = lines; // Lines max printable this->logBufferSize = size; // Total number of characters the buffer can hold this->logBuffer = (char *) malloc(size * sizeof(uint8_t)); if(!this->logBuffer) { DEBUG_OLEDDISPLAY("[OLEDDISPLAY][setLogBuffer] Not enough memory to create log buffer\n"); return false; } } return true; } size_t OLEDDisplay::write(uint8_t c) { if (this->logBufferSize > 0) { // Don't waste space on \r\n line endings, dropping \r if (c == 13) return 1; bool maxLineNotReached = this->logBufferLine < this->logBufferMaxLines; bool bufferNotFull = this->logBufferFilled < this->logBufferSize; // Can we write to the buffer? if (bufferNotFull && maxLineNotReached) { this->logBuffer[logBufferFilled] = utf8ascii(c); this->logBufferFilled++; // Keep track of lines written if (c == 10) this->logBufferLine++; } else { // Max line number is reached if (!maxLineNotReached) this->logBufferLine--; // Find the end of the first line uint16_t firstLineEnd = 0; for (uint16_t i=0;i<this->logBufferFilled;i++) { if (this->logBuffer[i] == 10){ // Include last char too firstLineEnd = i + 1; break; } } // If there was a line ending if (firstLineEnd > 0) { // Calculate the new logBufferFilled value this->logBufferFilled = logBufferFilled - firstLineEnd; // Now we move the lines infront of the buffer memcpy(this->logBuffer, &this->logBuffer[firstLineEnd], logBufferFilled); } else { // Let's reuse the buffer if it was full if (!bufferNotFull) { this->logBufferFilled = 0; }// else { // Nothing to do here //} } write(c); } } // We are always writing all uint8_t to the buffer return 1; } size_t OLEDDisplay::write(const char* str) { if (str == NULL) return 0; size_t length = strlen(str); for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { write(str[i]); } return length; } // Private functions void OLEDDisplay::sendInitCommands(void) { sendCommand(DISPLAYOFF); sendCommand(SETDISPLAYCLOCKDIV); sendCommand(0xF0); // Increase speed of the display max ~96Hz sendCommand(SETMULTIPLEX); sendCommand(0x3F); sendCommand(SETDISPLAYOFFSET); sendCommand(0x00); sendCommand(SETSTARTLINE); sendCommand(CHARGEPUMP); sendCommand(0x14); sendCommand(MEMORYMODE); sendCommand(0x00); sendCommand(SEGREMAP); sendCommand(COMSCANINC); sendCommand(SETCOMPINS); sendCommand(0x12); sendCommand(SETCONTRAST); sendCommand(0xCF); sendCommand(SETPRECHARGE); sendCommand(0xF1); sendCommand(DISPLAYALLON_RESUME); sendCommand(NORMALDISPLAY); sendCommand(0x2e); // stop scroll sendCommand(DISPLAYON); } void inline OLEDDisplay::drawInternal(int16_t xMove, int16_t yMove, int16_t width, int16_t height, const char *data, uint16_t offset, uint16_t bytesInData) { if (width < 0 || height < 0) return; if (yMove + height < 0 || yMove > DISPLAY_HEIGHT) return; if (xMove + width < 0 || xMove > DISPLAY_WIDTH) return; uint8_t rasterHeight = 1 + ((height - 1) >> 3); // fast ceil(height / 8.0) int8_t yOffset = yMove & 7; bytesInData = bytesInData == 0 ? width * rasterHeight : bytesInData; int16_t initYMove = yMove; int8_t initYOffset = yOffset; for (uint16_t i = 0; i < bytesInData; i++) { // Reset if next horizontal drawing phase is started. if ( i % rasterHeight == 0) { yMove = initYMove; yOffset = initYOffset; } byte currentByte = pgm_read_byte(data + offset + i); int16_t xPos = xMove + (i / rasterHeight); int16_t yPos = ((yMove >> 3) + (i % rasterHeight)) * DISPLAY_WIDTH; int16_t dataPos = xPos + yPos; if (dataPos >= 0 && dataPos < DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE && xPos >= 0 && xPos < DISPLAY_WIDTH ) { if (yOffset >= 0) { switch (this->color) { case WHITE: buffer[dataPos] |= currentByte << yOffset; break; case BLACK: buffer[dataPos] &= ~(currentByte << yOffset); break; case INVERSE: buffer[dataPos] ^= currentByte << yOffset; break; } if (dataPos < (DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE - DISPLAY_WIDTH)) { switch (this->color) { case WHITE: buffer[dataPos + DISPLAY_WIDTH] |= currentByte >> (8 - yOffset); break; case BLACK: buffer[dataPos + DISPLAY_WIDTH] &= ~(currentByte >> (8 - yOffset)); break; case INVERSE: buffer[dataPos + DISPLAY_WIDTH] ^= currentByte >> (8 - yOffset); break; } } } else { // Make new offset position yOffset = -yOffset; switch (this->color) { case WHITE: buffer[dataPos] |= currentByte >> yOffset; break; case BLACK: buffer[dataPos] &= ~(currentByte >> yOffset); break; case INVERSE: buffer[dataPos] ^= currentByte >> yOffset; break; } // Prepare for next iteration by moving one block up yMove -= 8; // and setting the new yOffset yOffset = 8 - yOffset; } yield(); } } } // Code form http://playground.arduino.cc/Main/Utf8ascii uint8_t OLEDDisplay::utf8ascii(byte ascii) { static uint8_t LASTCHAR; if ( ascii < 128 ) { // Standard ASCII-set 0..0x7F handling LASTCHAR = 0; return ascii; } uint8_t last = LASTCHAR; // get last char LASTCHAR = ascii; switch (last) { // conversion depnding on first UTF8-character case 0xC2: return (ascii); break; case 0xC3: return (ascii | 0xC0); break; case 0x82: if (ascii == 0xAC) return (0x80); // special case Euro-symbol } return 0; // otherwise: return zero, if character has to be ignored } // You need to free the char! char* OLEDDisplay::utf8ascii(String str) { uint16_t k = 0; uint16_t length = str.length() + 1; // Copy the string into a char array char* s = (char*) malloc(length * sizeof(char)); if(!s) { DEBUG_OLEDDISPLAY("[OLEDDISPLAY][utf8ascii] Can't allocate another char array. Drop support for UTF-8.\n"); return (char*) str.c_str(); } str.toCharArray(s, length); length--; for (uint16_t i=0; i < length; i++) { char c = utf8ascii(s[i]); if (c!=0) { s[k++]=c; } } s[k]=0; // This will leak 's' be sure to free it in the calling function. return s; }