diff --git a/firmware/rust1/src/modbus_server.rs b/firmware/rust1/src/modbus_server.rs
index aa6d6bf7f0f8a67176c5e3e166c82b4222f4e78b..ea79739098648d95bc5cf9d5d8073088ee621159 100644
--- a/firmware/rust1/src/modbus_server.rs
+++ b/firmware/rust1/src/modbus_server.rs
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ impl<REGS: ModbusRegisters> RS485Handler for ModbusServer<REGS> {
                 let calculated_crc = CRC.checksum(rx_data);
                 const CORRECT_CRC: u16 = 0;  // because we include the CRC bytes in our calculation
                 if calculated_crc != CORRECT_CRC {
-                    info!("CRC: {:04x} (should be zero)", calculated_crc);
+                    warn!("CRC: {:04x} (should be zero)", calculated_crc);
                 if calculated_crc == CORRECT_CRC {
diff --git a/firmware/rust1/src/rs485.rs b/firmware/rust1/src/rs485.rs
index 771255e016aa49df9be32f880b55d6fc66d7c7d0..8fe8ef3e40ebb4e0cae5cccacaed4e0301e792e6 100644
--- a/firmware/rust1/src/rs485.rs
+++ b/firmware/rust1/src/rs485.rs
@@ -482,6 +482,13 @@ impl<H: RS485Handler> RS485<H> {
                 Either4::Fourth(Either3::Third(())) => {
+                    let x = unsafe { embassy_rp::pac::UART0.uartfr().read().rxfe() };
+                    let x2 = unsafe { embassy_rp::pac::UART0.uartfr().read().0 };
+                    let mut x5 = 0;
+                    while ! unsafe { embassy_rp::pac::UART0.uartfr().read().rxfe() } {
+                        // wait for IRQ to handle this
+                        x5 += 1;
+                    }
                     let rx_data = match select(self.rx.read(&mut self.rx_buffer), core::future::ready(())).await {
                         Either::First(Ok(len)) => {
                             // The UART uses a ringbuffer and it only pops data once so we need to ask a second
@@ -493,7 +500,20 @@ impl<H: RS485Handler> RS485<H> {
                             match select(self.rx.read(&mut self.rx_buffer[len..]), core::future::ready(())).await {
                                 Either::First(Ok(len2)) => {
                                     info!("DEBUG: We needed two calls to self.rx.read(): {} + {}", len, len2);
-                                    Ok(&self.rx_buffer[0..len+len2])
+                                    if false {
+                                        // ... and a third time's the charm because we may have received the last char right now.
+                                        // -> Actually, it isn't. That's still not enough so we have the loop with rxfe above.
+                                        match select(self.rx.read(&mut self.rx_buffer[len+len2..]), core::future::ready(())).await {
+                                            Either::First(Ok(len3)) => {
+                                                info!("DEBUG: We needed three calls to self.rx.read(): {} + {} + {}", len, len2, len3);
+                                                Ok(&self.rx_buffer[0..len+len2+len3])
+                                            },
+                                            Either::First(Err(err)) => Err(err), // oops, we are ignoring the previous data
+                                            Either::Second(()) => Ok(&self.rx_buffer[0..len+len2]),
+                                        }
+                                    } else {
+                                        Ok(&self.rx_buffer[0..len+len2])
+                                    }
                                 Either::First(Err(err)) => Err(err), // oops, we are ignoring the previous data
                                 Either::Second(()) => Ok(&self.rx_buffer[0..len]),
@@ -504,6 +524,14 @@ impl<H: RS485Handler> RS485<H> {
+                    let x3 = unsafe { embassy_rp::pac::UART0.uartfr().read().rxfe() };
+                    let x4 = unsafe { embassy_rp::pac::UART0.uartfr().read().0 };
+                    if !x || !x3 {
+                        info!("DEBUG: RX: {} bytes, {}, {}, {}, {}, x5={}", rx_data.map(|x| x.len()), x, x2, x3, x4, x5);
+                    }
+                    //let addr = unsafe { embassy_rp::pac::PIO0.sm(0).addr().read().addr() };
+                    //info!("DEBUG: pio {}", addr);
                     if tx_in_progress {
                         // use a dummy closure to fix the type of the option because I don't know a better way...