diff --git a/ffpb/ffpb-debug/files/bin/ffpb-debug-live b/ffpb/ffpb-debug/files/bin/ffpb-debug-live
index 366d1d33f4e28ac08e02e5966d686fb8f4561060..6ce5bd467c4944412d9832260fb3f30bac3adbe1 100755
--- a/ffpb/ffpb-debug/files/bin/ffpb-debug-live
+++ b/ffpb/ffpb-debug/files/bin/ffpb-debug-live
@@ -1,36 +1,134 @@
-if [ "$1" == "--send" ]; then
-	ts=$(date +%s)
+LIVE_DEBUG_GRAPHITE_DATAPATH_BASE="ffpb.debug."$(lua -e 'print(require("gluon.sysconfig").primary_mac)')
-	mac=$(lua -e 'print(require("gluon.sysconfig").primary_mac)')
-	target_host='fdca:ffee:ff12:a254::da7a'
-	target_port=1338
+. /etc/openwrt_release
+. /usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh
-	tf=/tmp/live-debug.dat
-	datapath="ffpb.debug.${mac}"
+determine_lan_device_name() {
+        local _iface="$1"
+        local _var="$2"
-	cat /proc/net/dev | awk "/\\s*wlan0:/ { print \"${datapath}.wifi.rx \", \$2, \" $ts\"; print \"${datapath}.wifi.tx \", \$10, \" $ts\"; }" >> $tf
-	cat /proc/net/dev | awk "/\\s*wlan0-1:/ { print \"${datapath}.mesh.rx \",  \$2, \" $ts\"; print \"${datapath}.mesh.tx \", \$10, \" $ts\"; }" >> $tf
-	cat /proc/net/dev | awk "/\\s*eth0:/ { print \"${datapath}.uplink.rx \",  \$2, \" $ts\"; print \"${datapath}.uplink.tx \", \$10, \" $ts\"; }" >> $tf
+        json_load "$(ubus call network.interface.${_iface} status)"
+        json_get_var is_up "up"
+        if [ $is_up == 1 ] ; then
+                json_get_var $_var "device"
+        fi
-	associations=$(iwinfo wlan0 assoclist | grep dBm | wc -l)
-	echo "${datapath}.associations $associations $ts" >> $tf
+        json_cleanup
-	clients=$(iw dev wlan0 station dump | grep ^Station | wc -l)
-	echo "${datapath}.clients $clients $ts" >> $tf
-	neighbours=$(iw dev wlan0-1 station dump | grep ^Station | wc -l)
-	echo "${datapath}.neighbours $neighbours $ts" >> $tf
+        local _iface="$1"
+        local _var="$2"
+        if [ "${DISTRIB_CODENAME}" == "attitude_adjustment" ] ; then
+                eval "$_var=\"$(uci -P/var/state get wireless.${_iface}.ifname)\""
+        else
+                json_load "$(ubus call network.wireless status)"
+                json_select "radio0"
+                json_select "interfaces"
+                local _idx=1
+                while json_get_type type "$_idx" && [ "$type" = object ] ; do
+                        json_select "$(( _idx++ ))"
+                        json_get_var section "section"
+                        if [ "${section}" == "${_iface}" ] ; then
+                                json_get_var $_var "ifname"
+                                break
+                        fi
+                        json_select ".."
+                done
+                json_cleanup
+        fi
+get_device_stats() {
+        local _dev="$1"
+        rx_bytes="$2"
+        tx_bytes="$3"
+        rx_dropped="$4"
+        tx_dropped="$5"
+        json_select "${_dev}"
+        json_select "statistics"
+        json_get_vars rx_bytes tx_bytes rx_dropped tx_dropped
+        json_select ".." && json_select ".."
+gather_device_data() {
+        local rx_bytes
+        local ty_bytes
+        local rx_dropped
+        local tx_dropped
+        json_load "$(ubus call network.device status)"
+        if [ -n "{$DEV_MESH_RADIO_24}" ] ; then
+                get_device_stats ${DEV_MESH_RADIO_24} rx_bytes tx_bytes rx_dropped tx_dropped
+                echo "${LIVE_DEBUG_GRAPHITE_DATAPATH_BASE}.mesh_radio0.rx_bytes ${rx_bytes} ${timestamp}" >> ${TEMP_DATA_FILE}
+                echo "${LIVE_DEBUG_GRAPHITE_DATAPATH_BASE}.mesh_radio0.tx_bytes ${tx_bytes} ${timestamp}" >> ${TEMP_DATA_FILE}
+                echo "${LIVE_DEBUG_GRAPHITE_DATAPATH_BASE}.mesh_radio0.rx_dropped ${rx_dropped} ${timestamp}" >> ${TEMP_DATA_FILE}
+                echo "${LIVE_DEBUG_GRAPHITE_DATAPATH_BASE}.mesh_radio0.tx_dropped ${tx_dropped} ${timestamp}" >> ${TEMP_DATA_FILE}
+        fi
+        if [ -n "{$DEV_CLIENT_RADIO_24}" ] ; then
+                get_device_stats ${DEV_CLIENT_RADIO_24} rx_bytes tx_bytes rx_dropped tx_dropped
+                echo "${LIVE_DEBUG_GRAPHITE_DATAPATH_BASE}.client_radio0.rx_bytes ${rx_bytes} ${timestamp}" >> ${TEMP_DATA_FILE}
+                echo "${LIVE_DEBUG_GRAPHITE_DATAPATH_BASE}.client_radio0.tx_bytes ${tx_bytes} ${timestamp}" >> ${TEMP_DATA_FILE}
+                echo "${LIVE_DEBUG_GRAPHITE_DATAPATH_BASE}.client_radio0.rx_dropped ${rx_dropped} ${timestamp}" >> ${TEMP_DATA_FILE}
+                echo "${LIVE_DEBUG_GRAPHITE_DATAPATH_BASE}.client_radio0.tx_dropped ${tx_dropped} ${timestamp}" >> ${TEMP_DATA_FILE}
+        fi
+        if [ -n "${DEV_MESH_VPN}" ] ; then
+                get_device_stats ${DEV_MESH_VPN} rx_bytes tx_bytes rx_dropped tx_dropped
+                echo "${LIVE_DEBUG_GRAPHITE_DATAPATH_BASE}.mesh_vpn.rx_bytes ${rx_bytes} ${timestamp}" >> ${TEMP_DATA_FILE}
+                echo "${LIVE_DEBUG_GRAPHITE_DATAPATH_BASE}.mesh_vpn.tx_bytes ${tx_bytes} ${timestamp}" >> ${TEMP_DATA_FILE}
+                echo "${LIVE_DEBUG_GRAPHITE_DATAPATH_BASE}.mesh_vpn.rx_dropped ${rx_dropped} ${timestamp}" >> ${TEMP_DATA_FILE}
+                echo "${LIVE_DEBUG_GRAPHITE_DATAPATH_BASE}.mesh_vpn.tx_dropped ${tx_dropped} ${timestamp}" >> ${TEMP_DATA_FILE}
+        fi
+        json_cleanup
+gather_stations_data() {
+        if [ -n "${DEV_CLIENT_RADIO_24}" ] ; then
+                cnt_assoc_clients=$(iwinfo ${DEV_CLIENT_RADIO_24} assoclist | grep dBm | wc -l)
+                echo "${LIVE_DEBUG_GRAPHITE_DATAPATH_BASE}.cnt_assoc_clients ${cnt_assoc_clients} ${timestamp}" >> ${TEMP_DATA_FILE}
+        fi
+        if [ -n "${DEV_CLIENT_RADIO_24}" ] ; then
+                cnt_client_stations=$(iw dev ${DEV_CLIENT_RADIO_24} station dump | grep ^Station | wc -l)
+                echo ${LIVE_DEBUG_GRAPHITE_DATAPATH_BASE}.cnt_client_stations ${cnt_client_stations} ${timestamp} >> ${TEMP_DATA_FILE}
+        fi
+        cnt_batman_clients=$(batctl tl | tail -n +3 |  grep -v "\[\.P\.\.\.\]" | wc -l)
+        echo ${LIVE_DEBUG_GRAPHITE_DATAPATH_BASE}.cnt_batman_clients ${cnt_batman_clients} ${timestamp} >> ${TEMP_DATA_FILE}
+        if [ -n "${DEV_MESH_RADIO_24}" ] ; then
+                cnt_neighbours=$(iw dev ${DEV_MESH_RADIO_24} station dump | grep ^Station | wc -l)
+                echo "${LIVE_DEBUG_GRAPHITE_DATAPATH_BASE}.cnt_neighbours ${cnt_neighbours} ${timestamp}" >> ${TEMP_DATA_FILE}
+        fi
-	nc "${target_host}" "${target_port}" < $tf && rm $tf
-	exit 0
 echo "Starting live-debug ... press Ctrl+C to abort."
+determine_wifi_device_name "mesh_radio0" DEV_MESH_RADIO_24
+determine_wifi_device_name "client_radio0" DEV_CLIENT_RADIO_24
+determine_lan_device_name "mesh_vpn" DEV_MESH_VPN
 while true; do
-	date
-	$0 --send
-	sleep 5
+        timestamp=$(date +%s)
+        date -R -d "${timestamp}"
+        gather_device_data
+        gather_stations_data
+        sleep 5
diff --git a/ffpb/ffpb-key/Makefile b/ffpb/ffpb-key/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index b7802d6e5cf2a12a3d84c3d7e139ae25dc958e37..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ffpb/ffpb-key/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
-include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
-define Package/ffpb-key
-  SECTION:=ffpb
-  CATEGORY:=ffpb
-  TITLE:=Status-Bot Koy
-  DEPENDS:=+dropbear
-define Package/ffpb-key/description
-	Setups the status bot key (SSH).
-define Build/Prepare
-	mkdir -p $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)
-define Build/Configure
-define Build/Compile
-define Package/ffpb-key/install
-	$(CP) ./files/* $(1)/
-$(eval $(call BuildPackage,ffpb-key))
diff --git a/ffpb/ffpb-key/files/etc/dropbear/authorized_keys b/ffpb/ffpb-key/files/etc/dropbear/authorized_keys
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fa137b60759d4ade0f8e2e62a2c08e90fb061ae..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ffpb/ffpb-key/files/etc/dropbear/authorized_keys
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDJfsG/myO4y9WzJSP+ixluHFmkIMJJRsvRT8t5h4y/5A7QzovOw1GpCmWJWnZ6GKXilTxb8ycqVfDcFPB2NRkdJUjYL+v4IMriPeBigAjc6FoUZXOS3TOZVhaTlNT4XxXKOYF/Rpgscv5f0iu1SG0Tp4mb2TX04pZjbnLNBABbjn592abEuMG5bH/g9odi50S0MoU/qCH9AZvkoc8vGu+flOBrKfFi+7g2GxF/w66mMvCJfK27QFSPOiFV3CT6ZfSZM138OCdC1SOi89X9+oCEQ3LB9A+bJgyYnxqp8eVpRPui6K9sPkax71tMimRJA5Xgdvqt9HpcgtNYxKJ4gYMR ffpb-statusbot