package main

import (

	// Imported for side effects to register format handlers
	_ "image/jpeg"
	_ "image/png"



var errNotFound = errors.New("not found")

type Comment struct {
	ID      int    `db:"id"`
	Content string `db:"content"`

type ISO2CountryCode [2]byte

var UnknownCountry = ISO2CountryCode{'X', 'X'}

func ISO2CountryCodeFromString(s string) (ISO2CountryCode, error) {
	if len(s) == 0 {
		return UnknownCountry, nil

	if len(s) != 2 {
		return UnknownCountry, errors.New("invalid length")

	return ISO2CountryCode{s[0], s[1]}, nil

func (i ISO2CountryCode) String() string {
	if i[0] == 0 || i[1] == 0 {
		return "XX"

	return fmt.Sprintf("%c%c", i[0], i[1])

func (i *ISO2CountryCode) UnmarshalBinary(d []byte) error {
	if len(d) == 0 {
		*i = UnknownCountry
		return nil

	if len(d) != 2 {
		*i = UnknownCountry
		return nil

	copy(i[:], d)

	return nil

func (i ISO2CountryCode) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
	return i.String(), nil

func (i *ISO2CountryCode) Scan(data interface{}) error {
	var raw string

	switch data := data.(type) {
	case string:
		raw = data
	case []byte:
		raw = string(data)
		return fmt.Errorf("can't convert from %T", data)

	c, err := ISO2CountryCodeFromString(raw)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	*i = c

	return nil

type Vino struct {
	ID         int             `db:"id"`
	Name       string          `db:"name"`
	Rating     int             `db:"rating"`
	Country    ISO2CountryCode `db:"country"`
	Picture    image.Image     `db:"-"`
	HasPicture bool            `db:"has_picture"` // Set to true if there's picture data for this vino
	Comments   []Comment       `db:"-"`

func DeleteVino(ctx context.Context, db *sqlx.DB, id int) (err error) {
	tx, err := db.Begin()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	defer func() {
		if err != nil {
			rerr := tx.Rollback()
			if rerr != nil {
					Error("can't roll back transaction")


		err = tx.Commit()

	_, err = tx.ExecContext(ctx, `DELETE FROM comments WHERE wine = ?1`, id)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("deleting comments for %d: %w", id, err)

	_, err = tx.ExecContext(ctx, `DELETE FROM wines WHERE id() = ?1`, id)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("deleting wine %d: %w", id, err)

	return nil

func (v *Vino) loadComments(ctx context.Context, tx *sqlx.Tx) error {
	err := tx.SelectContext(ctx, &v.Comments, `
		SELECT id() as id, content
		FROM comments
		WHERE wine = ?1`, v.ID)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil

// loadVino uses the given read-only bolt transaction to load the data for the wine with the given id. When
// there are no wines at all, or there is no wine with the given ID, loadVino returns errNotFound.
func loadVino(ctx context.Context, tx *sqlx.Tx, id int) (Vino, error) {
	var v Vino
	err := tx.GetContext(ctx, &v, `
		SELECT id() as id, name, rating, country, picture IS NOT NULL AS has_picture
		FROM wines
		WHERE id() = ?1`, id)
	if err != nil {
		return v, err

	err = v.loadComments(ctx, tx)
	if err != nil {
		return v, err

	return v, nil

func LoadVino(ctx context.Context, db *sqlx.DB, id int) (Vino, error) {
	tx, err := db.Beginx()
	if err != nil {
		return Vino{}, err
	defer tx.Rollback() //nolint:errcheck // No change in tx intended, it's only used for read consistency

	v, err := loadVino(ctx, tx, id)
	if err != nil {
		return v, err

	return v, nil

func ListWines(ctx context.Context, db *sqlx.DB) ([]Vino, error) {
	var wines []Vino

	tx, err := db.Beginx()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer tx.Rollback() //nolint:errcheck // No write intended in this tx, it's only for read consistency

	err = tx.SelectContext(ctx, &wines, `
		SELECT id() as id, name, rating, country, picture IS NOT NULL AS has_picture
		FROM wines`)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Load comments
	for _, v := range wines {
		err = v.loadComments(ctx, tx)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	sort.Slice(wines, func(i, j int) bool {
		return wines[i].Rating > wines[j].Rating

	return wines, nil

func LoadPictureData(ctx context.Context, db *sqlx.DB, id int) ([]byte, error) {
	var data []byte
	err := db.GetContext(ctx, &data, `SELECT picture FROM wines WHERE id() = ?1`, id)
	if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
		return nil, errNotFound

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if len(data) == 0 {
			Info("zero length image data")
		return nil, errNotFound

	return data, nil

// AddPicture loads picture data (PNG or JPEG) from fh and sets v's picture to it.
// If something goes wrong during loading, or the image is neither PNG nor JPEG, an error
// is returned. If contentType is not the empty string, it is validated to be either
// image/png or image/jpeg.
func (v *Vino) AddPicture(fh io.Reader, contentType string) error {
	switch contentType {
	case "", "image/jpeg", "image/png":
		return fmt.Errorf("unexpected content type for image: %q", contentType)

	img, _, err := image.Decode(fh)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	v.Picture = img

	return nil

func (v Vino) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("{Name: %q, Rating: %d}", v.Name, v.Rating)

func (v *Vino) Store(ctx context.Context, db *sqlx.DB) (err error) {
	// Encode scaled image as PNG, will contain image data if there is any

	values := map[string]interface{}{
		"name":    v.Name,
		"rating":  v.Rating,
		"country": v.Country,

	if v.Picture != nil {
		// Scale image down and encode as PNG
		// Get aspect ratio of incoming picture
		bounds := v.Picture.Bounds()
		aspect := float64(bounds.Max.X) / float64(bounds.Max.Y)

		const destHeight = 800

		rect := image.Rect(0, 0, int(destHeight*aspect), destHeight)

				"bounds": bounds,
				"aspect": aspect,
				"rect":   rect,
			Info("resizing image")

		scaled := image.NewRGBA(rect)

		draw.ApproxBiLinear.Scale(scaled, rect, v.Picture, v.Picture.Bounds(), draw.Over, nil)

		var img bytes.Buffer
		err := png.Encode(&img, scaled)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		values["picture"] = img.Bytes()

	var (
		query string
		args  []interface{}

	if v.ID != 0 {
		query, args, err = squirrel.Update("wines").
			Where(squirrel.Eq{"id()": v.ID}).
	} else {
		query, args, err = squirrel.Insert("wines").

	if err != nil {
		return err

	tx, err := db.Beginx()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	defer func() {
		if err != nil {
			rerr := tx.Rollback()
			if rerr != nil {
					Error("can't roll back transaction")


		err = tx.Commit()

	res, err := tx.ExecContext(ctx, query, args...)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if v.ID == 0 {
		id, err := res.LastInsertId()
		if err != nil {
			return err

		v.ID = int(id)

	return nil

func (v *Vino) StoreComment(ctx context.Context, db *sqlx.DB, text string) (err error) {
	tx, err := db.Begin()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	_, err = tx.ExecContext(ctx, `INSERT INTO comments (wine, content) VALUES (?1, ?2)`, v.ID, text)
	if err != nil {
		rerr := tx.Rollback()
		if rerr != nil {
				Error("can't roll back transaction")

		return err

	return tx.Commit()