diff --git a/configuration.nix b/configuration.nix
index e8b17f2c226a5d7b1352eed2a71b68127719ef2a..e5a3d1aef75e0d535b8d1529201715dc58694fd2 100644
--- a/configuration.nix
+++ b/configuration.nix
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ let
   layerImports = map layerPath dotfilesConfig.layers;
   normalSystemConfiguration = (lib.attrsets.optionalAttrs (!isIso) {
+    # TODO move to machine configuration?
     imports = [ (path + "/hardware-configuration.nix") ];
     # Bootloader
     boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = (installResult.bootloader == "efi");
diff --git a/machine-manager.nix b/machine-manager.nix
index 9cdbf18338481807f1baff526621fe8511dbd251..2db4f4754fdf5ebefba366e079e7558553389a46 100644
--- a/machine-manager.nix
+++ b/machine-manager.nix
@@ -8,28 +8,12 @@ with flakeInputs.nixpkgs.lib;
   finalFlakeInputs = flakeInputs // extraFlakeInputs;
   finalFlakeOutputs = flakeOutputs // extraFlakeOutputs;
-  # defaultChannel :: path (channel)
-  #defaultChannel = loadChannel "nixos-unstable";
   # helpers :: { *: ? }
   helpers = import ./helpers.nix;
-  # channelsDir :: path
-  #channelsDir = ./channels;
-  # loadChannel :: string -> path (channel)
-  #loadChannel = name: import (channelsDir + "/${name}") name;
-  # allChannels :: { *: path (channel) }
-  #allChannels = with helpers; keysToAttrs loadChannel (readFilterDir (filterAnd [(not filterDirHidden) filterDirDirs]) channelsDir);
   # getMachineChannel :: string -> path
   getMachineChannel = _: finalFlakeInputs.nixpkgs;
-  #getMachineChannel = { name, path }:
-  #  let
-  #    channelFile = path + "/channel.nix";
-  #  in
-  #    if (pathExists channelFile)
-  #      then (import channelFile) allChannels
-  #      else defaultChannel;
-  # machineChannels :: { *: path }
   machineChannels = withMachines getMachineChannel;
   machinesDirContents = readDir machinesDir;