From 92c45c25bea70e4998ca84fdcabf0cab6bec3216 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jens Nolte <>
Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2020 22:42:48 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Delete blocks that are no longer required

 .../desktop/.config/qbar/blocks/battery2      | 110 ------------------
 .../desktop/.config/qbar/blocks/cpu_usage     |  59 ----------
 .../desktop/.config/qbar/blocks/iface         |  70 -----------
 3 files changed, 239 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 home-profiles/desktop/.config/qbar/blocks/battery2
 delete mode 100755 home-profiles/desktop/.config/qbar/blocks/cpu_usage
 delete mode 100755 home-profiles/desktop/.config/qbar/blocks/iface

diff --git a/home-profiles/desktop/.config/qbar/blocks/battery2 b/home-profiles/desktop/.config/qbar/blocks/battery2
deleted file mode 100755
index b4d6925..0000000
--- a/home-profiles/desktop/.config/qbar/blocks/battery2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright (C) 2016 James Murphy, 2018 Jens Nolte
-# Licensed under the GPL version 2 only
-# A battery indicator blocklet script for i3blocks
-import re
-from subprocess import check_output
-status = check_output(['acpi'], universal_newlines=True)
-if not status:
-    # stands for no battery found
-    fulltext = "<span color='red'>🔋❌</span>"
-    percentleft = 100
-    # if there is more than one battery in one laptop, the percentage left is 
-    # available for each battery separately, although state and remaining 
-    # time for overall block is shown in the status of the first battery 
-    batteries = status.split("\n")
-    state_batteries=[]
-    commasplitstatus_batteries=[]
-    percentleft_batteries=[]
-    time = ""
-    for battery in batteries:
-        if battery!='':
-            state_batteries.append(battery.split(": ")[1].split(", ")[0])
-            commasplitstatus = battery.split(", ")
-            if not time:
-                time = commasplitstatus[-1].strip()
-                # check if it matches a time
-                time = re.match(r"(\d+):(\d+)", time)
-                if time:
-                    time = ":".join(time.groups())
-                    timeleft = " ({})".format(time)
-                else:
-                    timeleft = ""
-            p = int(commasplitstatus[1].rstrip("%\n"))
-            if p>0:
-                percentleft_batteries.append(p)
-            commasplitstatus_batteries.append(commasplitstatus)
-    state = state_batteries[0]
-    commasplitstatus = commasplitstatus_batteries[0]
-    if percentleft_batteries:
-        percentleft = int(sum(percentleft_batteries)/len(percentleft_batteries))
-    else:
-        percentleft = 0
-    # stands for charging
-    FA_LIGHTNING = "âš¡"
-    # stands for plugged in
-    FA_PLUG = "🔌"
-    # stands for using battery
-    FA_BATTERY = "🔋"
-    # stands for unknown status of battery
-    FA_QUESTION = "❓"
-    discharging=True
-    if state == "Discharging":
-        fulltext = FA_BATTERY + " "
-    elif state == "Full":
-        fulltext = FA_PLUG + " "
-        timeleft = ""
-        discharging=False
-    elif state == "Unknown":
-        fulltext = FA_BATTERY + FA_QUESTION + " "
-        timeleft = ""
-    else:
-        fulltext = FA_PLUG + FA_LIGHTNING + " "
-        discharging=False
-    def color(percent):
-        if percent < 10:
-            # exit code 33 will turn background red
-            return "#FFFFFF"
-        if percent < 15:
-            return "#FF3300"
-        if percent < 20:
-            return "#FF6600"
-        if percent < 25:
-            return "#FF9900"
-        if percent < 30:
-            return "#FFCC00"
-        if percent < 35:
-            return "#FFFF00"
-        if percent < 40:
-            return "#FFFF33"
-        if percent < 45:
-            return "#FFFF66"
-        return "#FFFFFF"
-    if discharging:
-        form =  '<span color="{}">{}%</span>'
-        fulltext += form.format(color(percentleft), percentleft)
-    else:
-        form =  '{}%'
-        fulltext += form.format(percentleft)
-    fulltext += timeleft
-if percentleft < 10:
-    exit(33)
diff --git a/home-profiles/desktop/.config/qbar/blocks/cpu_usage b/home-profiles/desktop/.config/qbar/blocks/cpu_usage
deleted file mode 100755
index b94ff91..0000000
--- a/home-profiles/desktop/.config/qbar/blocks/cpu_usage
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-# Copyright 2014 Pierre Mavro <>
-# Copyright 2014 Vivien Didelot <>
-# Copyright 2014 Andreas Guldstrand <>
-# Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v3, or any later version.
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use utf8;
-use Getopt::Long;
-# default values
-my $t_warn = 80;
-my $t_crit = 90;
-my $cpu_usage = -1;
-my $decimals = 2;
-sub help {
-    print "Usage: cpu_usage [-w <warning>] [-c <critical>] [-d <decimals>]\n";
-    print "-w <percent>: warning threshold to become yellow\n";
-    print "-c <percent>: critical threshold to become red\n";
-    print "-d <decimals>:  Use <decimals> decimals for percentage (default is $decimals) \n"; 
-    exit 0;
-GetOptions("help|h" => \&help,
-           "w=i"    => \$t_warn,
-           "c=i"    => \$t_crit,
-           "d=i"    => \$decimals,
-# Get CPU usage
-$ENV{LC_ALL}="en_US"; # if mpstat is not run under en_US locale, things may break, so make sure it is
-open (MPSTAT, 'mpstat 1 1 |') or die;
-while (<MPSTAT>) {
-    if (/^.*\s+(\d+\.\d+)[\s\x00]?$/) {
-        $cpu_usage = 100 - $1; # 100% - %idle
-        last;
-    }
-$cpu_usage eq -1 and die 'Can\'t find CPU information';
-# Print short_text, full_text
-printf "%.${decimals}f%%\n", $cpu_usage;
-printf "%.${decimals}f%%\n", $cpu_usage;
-# Print color, if needed
-if ($cpu_usage >= $t_crit) {
-    print "#FF0000\n";
-    #exit 33;
-} elsif ($cpu_usage >= $t_warn) {
-    print "#FFFC00\n";
-exit 0;
diff --git a/home-profiles/desktop/.config/qbar/blocks/iface b/home-profiles/desktop/.config/qbar/blocks/iface
deleted file mode 100755
index 25ff09c..0000000
--- a/home-profiles/desktop/.config/qbar/blocks/iface
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Copyright (C) 2014 Julien Bonjean <>
-# Copyright (C) 2014 Alexander Keller <>
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-# Use the provided interface, otherwise the device used for the default route.
-if [[ -n $BLOCK_INSTANCE ]]; then
-  IF=$(ip route | awk '/^default/ { print $5 ; exit }')
-# As per #36 -- It is transparent: e.g. if the machine has no battery or wireless
-# connection (think desktop), the corresponding block should not be displayed.
-[[ ! -d /sys/class/net/${IF} ]] && exit
-for flag in "$1" "$2"; do
-  case "$flag" in
-    -4)
-      AF=inet ;;
-    -6)
-      AF=inet6 ;;
-    -L)
-      if [[ "$IF" = "" ]]; then
-        LABEL="iface "
-      else
-        LABEL="$IF: "
-      fi ;;
-  esac
-if [[ "$IF" = "" ]] || [[ "$(cat /sys/class/net/$IF/operstate)" = 'down' ]]; then
-  echo "${LABEL}down" # full text
-  echo "${LABEL}down" # short text
-  echo \#FF0000 # color
-  exit
-# if no interface is found, use the first device with a global scope
-IPADDR=$(ip addr show $IF | perl -n -e "/$AF ([^\/]+).* scope global/ && print \$1 and exit")
-case $BLOCK_BUTTON in
-  3) echo -n "$IPADDR" | xclip -q -se c ;;
-echo "$LABEL$IPADDR" # full text
-echo "$LABEL$IPADDR" # short text