From d9e4f9aaf8dedceeeafd3c54415499f0ba231d9f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jens Nolte <> Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2020 02:48:48 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Configure per-user zsh completion path --- nixos/layers/zsh.nix | 359 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- 1 file changed, 181 insertions(+), 178 deletions(-) diff --git a/nixos/layers/zsh.nix b/nixos/layers/zsh.nix index f07b714..aa70e4f 100644 --- a/nixos/layers/zsh.nix +++ b/nixos/layers/zsh.nix @@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ in programs.zsh.enableGlobalCompInit = false; programs.zsh.promptInit = '' -if [ "$TERM" != dumb ] -then - fpath=( - ${promptPath} - $fpath - ) - source ${promptPath}/load_prompt -fi + if [ "$TERM" != dumb ] + then + fpath=( + ${promptPath} + $fpath + ) + source ${promptPath}/load_prompt + fi ''; environment.shellAliases = { @@ -53,185 +53,188 @@ fi }; environment.shellInit = '' -export EDITOR=nvim -export VISUAL=nvim -export PAGER=less -export LS_COLORS='no=00:fi=00:di=34:ow=34;40:ln=35:pi=30;44:so=35;44:do=35;44:bd=33;44:cd=37;44:or=05;37;41:mi=05;37;41:ex=01;31:*.cmd=01;31:*.exe=01;31:*.com=01;31:*.bat=01;31:*.reg=01;31:*.app=01;31:*.txt=32:*.org=32:*.md=32:*.mkd=32:*.h=32:*.c=32:*.C=32:*.cc=32:*.cpp=32:*.cxx=32:*.objc=32:*.sh=32:*.csh=32:*.zsh=32:*.el=32:*.vim=32:*.java=32:*.pl=32:*.pm=32:*.py=32:*.rb=32:*.hs=32:*.php=32:*.htm=32:*.html=32:*.shtml=32:*.erb=32:*.haml=32:*.xml=32:*.rdf=32:*.css=32:*.sass=32:*.scss=32:*.less=32:*.js=32:*.coffee=32:*.man=32:*.0=32:*.1=32:*.2=32:*.3=32:*.4=32:*.5=32:*.6=32:*.7=32:*.8=32:*.9=32:*.l=32:*.n=32:*.p=32:*.pod=32:*.tex=32:*.go=32:*.bmp=33:*.cgm=33:*.dl=33:*.dvi=33:*.emf=33:*.eps=33:*.gif=33:*.jpeg=33:*.jpg=33:*.JPG=33:*.mng=33:*.pbm=33:*.pcx=33:*.pdf=33:*.pgm=33:*.png=33:*.PNG=33:*.ppm=33:*.pps=33:*.ppsx=33:*.ps=33:*.svg=33:*.svgz=33:*.tga=33:*.tif=33:*.tiff=33:*.xbm=33:*.xcf=33:*.xpm=33:*.xwd=33:*.xwd=33:*.yuv=33:*.aac=33:*.au=33:*.flac=33:*.m4a=33:*.mid=33:*.midi=33:*.mka=33:*.mp3=33:*.mpa=33:*.mpeg=33:*.mpg=33:*.ogg=33:*.ra=33:*.wav=33:*.anx=33:*.asf=33:*.avi=33:*.axv=33:*.flc=33:*.fli=33:*.flv=33:*.gl=33:*.m2v=33:*.m4v=33:*.mkv=33:*.mov=33:*.MOV=33:*.mp4=33:*.mp4v=33:*.mpeg=33:*.mpg=33:*.nuv=33:*.ogm=33:*.ogv=33:*.ogx=33:*.qt=33:*.rm=33:*.rmvb=33:*.swf=33:*.vob=33:*.webm=33:*.wmv=33:*.doc=31:*.docx=31:*.rtf=31:*.dot=31:*.dotx=31:*.xls=31:*.xlsx=31:*.ppt=31:*.pptx=31:*.fla=31:*.psd=31:*.7z=1;35:*.apk=1;35:*.arj=1;35:*.bin=1;35:*.bz=1;35:*.bz2=1;35:*.cab=1;35:*.deb=1;35:*.dmg=1;35:*.gem=1;35:*.gz=1;35:*.iso=1;35:*.jar=1;35:*.msi=1;35:*.rar=1;35:*.rpm=1;35:*.tar=1;35:*.tbz=1;35:*.tbz2=1;35:*.tgz=1;35:*.tx=1;35:*.war=1;35:*.xpi=1;35:*.xz=1;35:*.z=1;35:*.Z=1;35:*.zip=1;35:*.ANSI-30-black=30:*.ANSI-01;30-brblack=01;30:*.ANSI-31-red=31:*.ANSI-01;31-brred=01;31:*.ANSI-32-green=32:*.ANSI-01;32-brgreen=01;32:*.ANSI-33-yellow=33:*.ANSI-01;33-bryellow=01;33:*.ANSI-34-blue=34:*.ANSI-01;34-brblue=01;34:*.ANSI-35-magenta=35:*.ANSI-01;35-brmagenta=01;35:*.ANSI-36-cyan=36:*.ANSI-01;36-brcyan=01;36:*.ANSI-37-white=37:*.ANSI-01;37-brwhite=01;37:*.log=01;32:*~=01;32:*#=01;32:*.bak=01;33:*.BAK=01;33:*.old=01;33:*.OLD=01;33:*.org_archive=01;33:*.off=01;33:*.OFF=01;33:*.dist=01;33:*.DIST=01;33:*.orig=01;33:*.ORIG=01;33:*.swp=01;33:*.swo=01;33:*,v=01;33:*.gpg=34:*.gpg=34:*.pgp=34:*.asc=34:*.3des=34:*.aes=34:*.enc=34:*.sqlite=34:' + export EDITOR=nvim + export VISUAL=nvim + export PAGER=less + export LS_COLORS='no=00:fi=00:di=34:ow=34;40:ln=35:pi=30;44:so=35;44:do=35;44:bd=33;44:cd=37;44:or=05;37;41:mi=05;37;41:ex=01;31:*.cmd=01;31:*.exe=01;31:*.com=01;31:*.bat=01;31:*.reg=01;31:*.app=01;31:*.txt=32:*.org=32:*.md=32:*.mkd=32:*.h=32:*.c=32:*.C=32:*.cc=32:*.cpp=32:*.cxx=32:*.objc=32:*.sh=32:*.csh=32:*.zsh=32:*.el=32:*.vim=32:*.java=32:*.pl=32:*.pm=32:*.py=32:*.rb=32:*.hs=32:*.php=32:*.htm=32:*.html=32:*.shtml=32:*.erb=32:*.haml=32:*.xml=32:*.rdf=32:*.css=32:*.sass=32:*.scss=32:*.less=32:*.js=32:*.coffee=32:*.man=32:*.0=32:*.1=32:*.2=32:*.3=32:*.4=32:*.5=32:*.6=32:*.7=32:*.8=32:*.9=32:*.l=32:*.n=32:*.p=32:*.pod=32:*.tex=32:*.go=32:*.bmp=33:*.cgm=33:*.dl=33:*.dvi=33:*.emf=33:*.eps=33:*.gif=33:*.jpeg=33:*.jpg=33:*.JPG=33:*.mng=33:*.pbm=33:*.pcx=33:*.pdf=33:*.pgm=33:*.png=33:*.PNG=33:*.ppm=33:*.pps=33:*.ppsx=33:*.ps=33:*.svg=33:*.svgz=33:*.tga=33:*.tif=33:*.tiff=33:*.xbm=33:*.xcf=33:*.xpm=33:*.xwd=33:*.xwd=33:*.yuv=33:*.aac=33:*.au=33:*.flac=33:*.m4a=33:*.mid=33:*.midi=33:*.mka=33:*.mp3=33:*.mpa=33:*.mpeg=33:*.mpg=33:*.ogg=33:*.ra=33:*.wav=33:*.anx=33:*.asf=33:*.avi=33:*.axv=33:*.flc=33:*.fli=33:*.flv=33:*.gl=33:*.m2v=33:*.m4v=33:*.mkv=33:*.mov=33:*.MOV=33:*.mp4=33:*.mp4v=33:*.mpeg=33:*.mpg=33:*.nuv=33:*.ogm=33:*.ogv=33:*.ogx=33:*.qt=33:*.rm=33:*.rmvb=33:*.swf=33:*.vob=33:*.webm=33:*.wmv=33:*.doc=31:*.docx=31:*.rtf=31:*.dot=31:*.dotx=31:*.xls=31:*.xlsx=31:*.ppt=31:*.pptx=31:*.fla=31:*.psd=31:*.7z=1;35:*.apk=1;35:*.arj=1;35:*.bin=1;35:*.bz=1;35:*.bz2=1;35:*.cab=1;35:*.deb=1;35:*.dmg=1;35:*.gem=1;35:*.gz=1;35:*.iso=1;35:*.jar=1;35:*.msi=1;35:*.rar=1;35:*.rpm=1;35:*.tar=1;35:*.tbz=1;35:*.tbz2=1;35:*.tgz=1;35:*.tx=1;35:*.war=1;35:*.xpi=1;35:*.xz=1;35:*.z=1;35:*.Z=1;35:*.zip=1;35:*.ANSI-30-black=30:*.ANSI-01;30-brblack=01;30:*.ANSI-31-red=31:*.ANSI-01;31-brred=01;31:*.ANSI-32-green=32:*.ANSI-01;32-brgreen=01;32:*.ANSI-33-yellow=33:*.ANSI-01;33-bryellow=01;33:*.ANSI-34-blue=34:*.ANSI-01;34-brblue=01;34:*.ANSI-35-magenta=35:*.ANSI-01;35-brmagenta=01;35:*.ANSI-36-cyan=36:*.ANSI-01;36-brcyan=01;36:*.ANSI-37-white=37:*.ANSI-01;37-brwhite=01;37:*.log=01;32:*~=01;32:*#=01;32:*.bak=01;33:*.BAK=01;33:*.old=01;33:*.OLD=01;33:*.org_archive=01;33:*.off=01;33:*.OFF=01;33:*.dist=01;33:*.DIST=01;33:*.orig=01;33:*.ORIG=01;33:*.swp=01;33:*.swo=01;33:*,v=01;33:*.gpg=34:*.gpg=34:*.pgp=34:*.asc=34:*.3des=34:*.aes=34:*.enc=34:*.sqlite=34:' + + # set the default less options + export LESS='-g -i -M -R -S -w -z-4' -# set the default less options -export LESS='-g -i -M -R -S -w -z-4' + export LOCAL_ZSH_COMPLETION_PATH=~/.local/zsh-completions + fpath=($LOCAL_ZSH_COMPLETION_PATH $fpath) ''; # FIXME: set the less input preprocessor #export LESSOPEN="| ${pkgs.lesspipe}/bin/ %s 2>&-" programs.zsh.interactiveShellInit = '' -zstyle ':completion:*' auto-description '%d' -zstyle ':completion:*' completer _expand _complete _ignored -zstyle ':completion:*' format '%d' -zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors "''${(@s.:.)LS_COLORS}" -zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-z}={A-Za-z}' -zstyle ':completion:*' max-errors 0 -zstyle ':completion:*' menu select=1 -zstyle ':completion:*' select-prompt '%SScrolling active: current selection at %p%s' -autoload -Uz compinit -compinit - -if (( $+commands[kitty] )) -then - kitty + complete setup zsh | source /dev/stdin - alias icat="kitty +kitten icat" -fi - -if (( $+commands[direnv] )) -then - eval "$(direnv hook zsh)" -fi - -# "The time the shell waits, in hundredths of seconds, for another key to be pressed when reading bound multi-character sequences." -# This is for vim-style multi-letter commands (<f><d> is mapped to <Esc>) -KEYTIMEOUT=20 - -HISTSIZE=100000 -SAVEHIST=100000 - -setopt appendhistory histignorealldups -setopt autocd -setopt extendedglob - -# Shift-Tab reverse tab through completions -bindkey '^[[Z' reverse-menu-complete - -# F1 to view man pages -autoload -Uz run-help -autoload -Uz run-help-sudo -autoload -Uz run-help-git -autoload -Uz run-help-openssl -bindkey '^[OP' run-help - -# edit command line using $VISUAL (or $EDITOR) -# bound to ctrl-x-ctrl-e (common shell behaviour) and alt-v (faster shortcut) -zle -N edit-command-line -autoload -Uz edit-command-line -bindkey '\ev' edit-command-line -bindkey '^X^E' edit-command-line - -# pos1, end, ctrl+arrow word navigation -bindkey '^[[H' beginning-of-line -bindkey '^[[F' end-of-line -bindkey '^[[1;5D' emacs-backward-word -bindkey '^[[1;5C' emacs-forward-word - -# vi mode -bindkey -v -bindkey 'fd' vi-cmd-mode -# backspace -bindkey '^?' backward-delete-char -# delete key -bindkey '^[[3~' delete-char - -# ctrl-j, ctrl-k, alt-p, alt-n: search for commands starting with the current input -bindkey '\ep' history-search-backward -bindkey '^K' history-search-backward -bindkey '\en' history-search-forward -bindkey '^J' history-search-forward -# alt-enter: insert newline without running command -bindkey -M viins '\e\r' self-insert-unmeta - -# ctrl-h, ctrl-w, ctrl-? for char and word deletion (standard behavior) -bindkey '^H' backward-delete-char -bindkey '^W' backward-kill-word -bindkey '^U' backward-kill-line - -# ctrl-p, ctrl-n for history navigation (standard behavior) -bindkey '^P' up-history -bindkey '^N' down-history - -# bind ctrl-r to perform backward search in history -bindkey '^r' history-incremental-search-backward - -# bind ctrl-a and ctrl-e to move to beginning/end of line -bindkey '^a' beginning-of-line -bindkey '^e' end-of-line - -# alt-backspace to kill backwards to the next '/' -backward-kill-dir () { - local WORDCHARS=''${WORDCHARS/\/} - zle backward-kill-word -} -zle -N backward-kill-dir -bindkey '^[^?' backward-kill-dir - -set-cursor-bar (){ - if [[ "$TERM" = xterm* ]]; then - echo -ne "\e[6 q" - fi -} -set-cursor-block() { - if [[ "$TERM" = xterm* ]]; then - echo -ne "\e[2 q" - fi -} - -# change cursor on vi mode switch -zle-keymap-select() { - # FIXME: Activating vi-command-mode (typing ":" in vicmd-keymap) results in incorrect bar cursor - if [ $KEYMAP = vicmd ]; then - # vi command mode - set-cursor-block - else - set-cursor-bar - fi - zle reset-prompt - zle -R -} -zle -N zle-keymap-select - -# runs before executing a command -preexec() { - set-cursor-block -} - -# runs before new prompt -precmd(){ - # change cursor to bar before new prompt - set-cursor-bar -} - -# use cd tab completion without cdpath if that gives a result -_cd_try_without_cdpath () { - CDPATH= _cd "$@" || _cd "$@" -} -compdef _cd_try_without_cdpath cd pushd - -# colored man output -man() { - LESS_TERMCAP_md=$'\e[01;31m' \ - LESS_TERMCAP_me=$'\e[0m' \ - LESS_TERMCAP_se=$'\e[0m' \ - LESS_TERMCAP_so=$'\e[01;44;33m' \ - LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$'\e[0m' \ - LESS_TERMCAP_us=$'\e[01;32m' \ - command man "$@" -} - -# submit file/stdin to pastebin, optionally signing it -pastebin () { - local -r pastebin='' - - if [ "$1" = '--sign' ]; then - local -r filter='gpg --clearsign --output -' - shift - else - local -r filter='cat' + zstyle ':completion:*' auto-description '%d' + zstyle ':completion:*' completer _expand _complete _ignored + zstyle ':completion:*' format '%d' + zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors "''${(@s.:.)LS_COLORS}" + zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-z}={A-Za-z}' + zstyle ':completion:*' max-errors 0 + zstyle ':completion:*' menu select=1 + zstyle ':completion:*' select-prompt '%SScrolling active: current selection at %p%s' + autoload -Uz compinit + compinit + + if (( $+commands[kitty] )) + then + kitty + complete setup zsh | source /dev/stdin + alias icat="kitty +kitten icat" fi - if [ -n "$1" ]; then - local -r file="$1" - else - local -r file='-' + if (( $+commands[direnv] )) + then + eval "$(direnv hook zsh)" fi - $filter "$file" | curl -F'file=@-' "$pastebin" -} + # "The time the shell waits, in hundredths of seconds, for another key to be pressed when reading bound multi-character sequences." + # This is for vim-style multi-letter commands (<f><d> is mapped to <Esc>) + KEYTIMEOUT=20 + + HISTSIZE=100000 + SAVEHIST=100000 + + setopt appendhistory histignorealldups + setopt autocd + setopt extendedglob + + # Shift-Tab reverse tab through completions + bindkey '^[[Z' reverse-menu-complete + + # F1 to view man pages + autoload -Uz run-help + autoload -Uz run-help-sudo + autoload -Uz run-help-git + autoload -Uz run-help-openssl + bindkey '^[OP' run-help + + # edit command line using $VISUAL (or $EDITOR) + # bound to ctrl-x-ctrl-e (common shell behaviour) and alt-v (faster shortcut) + zle -N edit-command-line + autoload -Uz edit-command-line + bindkey '\ev' edit-command-line + bindkey '^X^E' edit-command-line + + # pos1, end, ctrl+arrow word navigation + bindkey '^[[H' beginning-of-line + bindkey '^[[F' end-of-line + bindkey '^[[1;5D' emacs-backward-word + bindkey '^[[1;5C' emacs-forward-word + + # vi mode + bindkey -v + bindkey 'fd' vi-cmd-mode + # backspace + bindkey '^?' backward-delete-char + # delete key + bindkey '^[[3~' delete-char + + # ctrl-j, ctrl-k, alt-p, alt-n: search for commands starting with the current input + bindkey '\ep' history-search-backward + bindkey '^K' history-search-backward + bindkey '\en' history-search-forward + bindkey '^J' history-search-forward + # alt-enter: insert newline without running command + bindkey -M viins '\e\r' self-insert-unmeta + + # ctrl-h, ctrl-w, ctrl-? for char and word deletion (standard behavior) + bindkey '^H' backward-delete-char + bindkey '^W' backward-kill-word + bindkey '^U' backward-kill-line + + # ctrl-p, ctrl-n for history navigation (standard behavior) + bindkey '^P' up-history + bindkey '^N' down-history + + # bind ctrl-r to perform backward search in history + bindkey '^r' history-incremental-search-backward + + # bind ctrl-a and ctrl-e to move to beginning/end of line + bindkey '^a' beginning-of-line + bindkey '^e' end-of-line + + # alt-backspace to kill backwards to the next '/' + backward-kill-dir () { + local WORDCHARS=''${WORDCHARS/\/} + zle backward-kill-word + } + zle -N backward-kill-dir + bindkey '^[^?' backward-kill-dir + + set-cursor-bar (){ + if [[ "$TERM" = xterm* ]]; then + echo -ne "\e[6 q" + fi + } + set-cursor-block() { + if [[ "$TERM" = xterm* ]]; then + echo -ne "\e[2 q" + fi + } + + # change cursor on vi mode switch + zle-keymap-select() { + # FIXME: Activating vi-command-mode (typing ":" in vicmd-keymap) results in incorrect bar cursor + if [ $KEYMAP = vicmd ]; then + # vi command mode + set-cursor-block + else + set-cursor-bar + fi + zle reset-prompt + zle -R + } + zle -N zle-keymap-select + + # runs before executing a command + preexec() { + set-cursor-block + } + + # runs before new prompt + precmd(){ + # change cursor to bar before new prompt + set-cursor-bar + } + + # use cd tab completion without cdpath if that gives a result + _cd_try_without_cdpath () { + CDPATH= _cd "$@" || _cd "$@" + } + compdef _cd_try_without_cdpath cd pushd + + # colored man output + man() { + LESS_TERMCAP_md=$'\e[01;31m' \ + LESS_TERMCAP_me=$'\e[0m' \ + LESS_TERMCAP_se=$'\e[0m' \ + LESS_TERMCAP_so=$'\e[01;44;33m' \ + LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$'\e[0m' \ + LESS_TERMCAP_us=$'\e[01;32m' \ + command man "$@" + } + + # submit file/stdin to pastebin, optionally signing it + pastebin () { + local -r pastebin='' + + if [ "$1" = '--sign' ]; then + local -r filter='gpg --clearsign --output -' + shift + else + local -r filter='cat' + fi + + if [ -n "$1" ]; then + local -r file="$1" + else + local -r file='-' + fi + + $filter "$file" | curl -F'file=@-' "$pastebin" + } ''; } -- GitLab