diff --git a/load-all.ghci b/load-all.ghci
index 5e904b24c6e4d6f70305b0b9f04de89445731b87..32b94e940d19656a88fd56b9481685cc6986e25a 100644
--- a/load-all.ghci
+++ b/load-all.ghci
@@ -4,4 +4,5 @@
 :load src/Prelude.hs
 :set -XImplicitPrelude
-:load src/QBar/Cli.hs
+:load src/QBar/Cli.hs src/QBar/Qubes/AdminAPI.hs
+:m QBar.Cli QBar.Qubes.AdminAPI
diff --git a/package.yaml b/package.yaml
index 52a0c3768ac47717ee73e216ce610a80ae99e848..a25ba9a89a24ad35ab11213e0b38848a349393b0 100644
--- a/package.yaml
+++ b/package.yaml
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ dependencies:
 - aeson
 - async
 - attoparsec
+- binary
 - bytestring
 - colour
 - concurrent-extra
@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ dependencies:
 - dbus
 - directory
 - filepath
+- hostname
 - lens
 - mtl
 - network
diff --git a/src/QBar/Qubes/AdminAPI.hs b/src/QBar/Qubes/AdminAPI.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5ede69c1d648575b5be713ed7354ea233d11132f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/QBar/Qubes/AdminAPI.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+module QBar.Qubes.AdminAPI where
+import Control.Monad (forM)
+import Data.Binary
+import Data.Binary.Get
+import Data.Binary.Put
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BLC
+import Network.HostName
+import Pipes
+import qualified Pipes.Safe as P
+import System.IO (Handle, hSetBinaryMode)
+import System.Process.Typed
+data QubesAdminReturn
+  = Ok { okContent :: BL.ByteString }
+  | Event { evSubject :: BL.ByteString, evEvent :: BL.ByteString, evProperties :: [(BL.ByteString, BL.ByteString)] }
+  | Exception { excType :: BL.ByteString, excTraceback :: BL.ByteString, excFormatString :: BL.ByteString, excFields :: [BL.ByteString] }
+  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
+putLazyByteStringNul x = do
+  when (0 `BL.elem` x) $ error "string mustn't contain any \\x00 bytes"
+  putLazyByteString x
+  putWord8 0x00
+instance Binary QubesAdminReturn where
+  put Ok {okContent} = do
+    putWord8 0x30 >> putWord8 0x00
+    putLazyByteString okContent
+  put Event {evSubject, evEvent, evProperties} = do
+    putWord8 0x31 >> putWord8 0x00
+    putLazyByteStringNul evSubject
+    putLazyByteStringNul evEvent
+    forM evProperties $ \(k, v) -> do
+      putLazyByteStringNul k
+      putLazyByteStringNul v
+    putWord8 0x00
+  put Exception {excType, excTraceback, excFormatString, excFields} = do
+    putWord8 0x32 >> putWord8 0x00
+    putLazyByteStringNul excType
+    putLazyByteStringNul excTraceback
+    putLazyByteStringNul excFormatString
+    forM excFields putLazyByteStringNul
+    putWord8 0x00
+  get = do
+    msgType <- getWord8
+    zero <- getWord8
+    case (msgType, zero) of
+      (0x30, 0x00) -> Ok <$> getRemainingLazyByteString
+      (0x31, 0x00) -> Event <$> getLazyByteStringNul <*> getLazyByteStringNul <*> getPairs
+      (0x32, 0x00) -> Exception <$> getLazyByteStringNul <*> getLazyByteStringNul <*> getLazyByteStringNul <*> getFields
+      _ -> fail $ "unsupported message type " <> show msgType <> ", " <> show zero
+    where
+      getPairs = untilZeroByte $ (,) <$> getLazyByteStringNul <*> getLazyByteStringNul
+      getFields = untilZeroByte getLazyByteStringNul
+      untilZeroByte inner = lookAhead getWord8 >>= \case
+        0x00 -> getWord8 >> return []
+        _    -> inner >>= \x -> (x:) <$> untilZeroByte inner
+qubesAdminConnect :: String -> IO (Process () Handle ())
+qubesAdminConnect serviceName = do
+  hostname <- getHostName
+  let cmd = if hostname == "dom0"
+      then "qubesd-query dom0 " <> serviceName <> " dom0"
+      else "qrexec-client-vm dom0 " <> serviceName
+  --NOTE qubesd-query and qrexec-client-vm don't like it if their input
+  --     is closed rather than empty.
+  --     hangs: qrexec-client-vm dom0 admin.vm.List <&-
+  --     works: qrexec-client-vm dom0 admin.vm.List </dev/null
+  let processConfig = setStdin nullStream $ setStdout createPipe $ shell cmd
+  startProcess processConfig
+qubesAdminCall :: String -> IO QubesAdminReturn
+qubesAdminCall serviceName = do
+  process <- qubesAdminConnect serviceName
+  let stdout = getStdout process
+  hSetBinaryMode stdout True
+  reply <- decode <$> BL.hGetContents stdout
+  case reply of
+    Ok {} -> return reply
+    Exception {} -> return reply
+    Event {} -> fail "service has returned events instead of a reply"
+qubesAdminCallP :: String -> Producer QubesAdminReturn (P.SafeT IO) ()
+qubesAdminCallP serviceName = do
+  process <- liftIO $ qubesAdminConnect serviceName
+  let stdout = getStdout process
+  liftIO $ hSetBinaryMode stdout True
+  let go :: Decoder QubesAdminReturn -> Producer QubesAdminReturn (P.SafeT IO) ()
+      go = \case
+        Done remainder _ value -> do
+          yield value
+          go $ pushChunk (runGetIncremental get) remainder 
+        d@(Partial _) -> do
+          chunk <- liftIO $ BS.hGetSome stdout 1024
+          if not (BS.null chunk)
+            then go $ pushChunk d chunk
+            else case pushEndOfInput d of
+              Done _ _ value -> yield value
+              _              -> return ()
+        Fail _ _ msg ->
+          fail $ "decoding reply from QubesAdmin failed: " <> msg
+  go (runGetIncremental get)
+    `P.finally` stopProcess process
+qubesAdminEvents :: String -> Producer QubesAdminReturn (P.SafeT IO) ()
+qubesAdminEvents serviceName = qubesAdminCallP serviceName >-> onlyEvents
+  where
+    onlyEvents :: Pipe QubesAdminReturn QubesAdminReturn (P.SafeT IO) ()
+    onlyEvents = forever $ await >>= \reply -> case reply of
+        Ok {} -> fail "service has returned OK instead of events"
+        Exception {} -> fail $ "service has returned an exception: " ++ show reply
+        Event {} -> yield reply
+qubesVMStats :: Producer QubesAdminReturn (P.SafeT IO) ()
+qubesVMStats = qubesAdminEvents "admin.vm.Stats"
+printEvents  :: Show a => Producer a (P.SafeT IO) () -> IO ()
+printEvents prod = P.runSafeT $ runEffect $ prod >-> (forever $ await >>= liftIO . print)