diff --git a/src/Quasar/Network/Multiplexer.hs b/src/Quasar/Network/Multiplexer.hs
index e4889d71dbf4325bf009c3139385961526ccb2a4..0915ecc5d412c22cf927a46f8f299c47529702f6 100644
--- a/src/Quasar/Network/Multiplexer.hs
+++ b/src/Quasar/Network/Multiplexer.hs
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ module Quasar.Network.Multiplexer (
   -- ** Exception handling
+  MultiplexerDirection(..),
@@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ data MultiplexerSide = MultiplexerSideA | MultiplexerSideB
 data MultiplexerException
   = ConnectionLost ConnectionLostReason
   | InvalidMagicBytes BS.ByteString
-  | LocalException SomeException
+  | LocalException MultiplexerDirection SomeException
   | RemoteException String
   | ProtocolException String
   | ReceivedProtocolException String
@@ -136,6 +137,9 @@ instance Exception MultiplexerException where
     mconcat ["Magic bytes don't match: Expected ", show magicBytes, ", got ", show received]
   displayException ex = show ex
+data MultiplexerDirection = Sending | Receiving
+  deriving stock Show
 data ConnectionLostReason
   = SendFailed SomeException
   | ReceiveFailed SomeException
@@ -196,8 +200,8 @@ newRootChannel multiplexer = do
   pure channel
-newChannelSTM :: RawChannel -> ChannelId -> STMc NoRetry '[ChannelException] RawChannel
-newChannelSTM parent@RawChannel{multiplexer, quasar=parentQuasar} channelId =
+newChannel :: RawChannel -> ChannelId -> STMc NoRetry '[ChannelException] RawChannel
+newChannel parent@RawChannel{multiplexer, quasar=parentQuasar} channelId =
   (flip (catchSTMc @NoRetry @'[ChannelException, FailedToAttachResource])) (\FailedToAttachResource -> throwC ChannelNotConnected) do
     -- Channels inherit their parents close state
     parentReceivedCloseMessage <- readTVar parent.receivedCloseMessage
@@ -357,18 +361,19 @@ newMultiplexerInternal side connection = disposeOnError do
     channelsVar <- liftIO $ newTVarIO $ HM.singleton 0 rootChannel
     multiplexer <- mfix \multiplexer -> do
-      exSink <- catchSink (multiplexerExceptionHandler multiplexer) <$> askExceptionSink
+      sendingExSink <- catchSink (multiplexerExceptionHandler multiplexer Sending) <$> askExceptionSink
+      receivingExSink <- catchSink (multiplexerExceptionHandler multiplexer Receiving) <$> askExceptionSink
-      receiveTask <- unmanagedAsync exSink $
+      receiveTask <- unmanagedAsync receivingExSink $
         receiveThread multiplexer (receiveCheckEOF connection)
-      sendTask <- unmanagedAsync exSink $
+      sendTask <- unmanagedAsync sendingExSink $
         sendThread multiplexer connection.send
         sendThreadCompleted = void $ toFuture sendTask
         receiveThreadCompleted = void $ toFuture receiveTask
-      registerDisposeActionIO do
+      registerDisposeActionIO_ do
         -- NOTE The network connection should be closed automatically when the root channel is closed.
         -- This action exists to ensure the network connection is not blocking a resource manager for an unbounded
         -- amount of time while having enough time to perform a graceful close.
@@ -410,18 +415,19 @@ newMultiplexerInternal side connection = disposeOnError do
   pure (rootChannel, toFuture multiplexerResult)
-multiplexerExceptionHandler :: MonadSTMc NoRetry '[] m => Multiplexer -> SomeException -> m ()
-multiplexerExceptionHandler multiplexer (toMultiplexerException -> ex) = liftSTMc @NoRetry @'[] do
+multiplexerExceptionHandler :: MonadSTMc NoRetry '[] m => Multiplexer -> MultiplexerDirection -> SomeException -> m ()
+multiplexerExceptionHandler multiplexer direction (toMultiplexerException direction -> ex) = liftSTMc @NoRetry @'[] do
   unlessM (tryFulfillPromise multiplexer.multiplexerException ex) do
     queueLogError $ "Multiplexer ignored exception: " <> displayException ex <> "\nMultiplexer already failed with: " <> displayException ex
   disposeEventually_ multiplexer
-toMultiplexerException :: SomeException -> MultiplexerException
+toMultiplexerException :: MultiplexerDirection -> SomeException -> MultiplexerException
 -- Exception is a MultiplexerException already
-toMultiplexerException (fromException -> Just ex) = ex
+toMultiplexerException _ (fromException -> Just ex) = ex
 -- Otherwise it's a local exception (usually from application code) (may be on a multiplexer thread)
-toMultiplexerException (fromException -> Just (AsyncException ex)) = LocalException ex
-toMultiplexerException ex = LocalException ex
+toMultiplexerException direction (fromException -> Just (AsyncException ex)) =
+  LocalException direction ex
+toMultiplexerException direction ex = LocalException direction ex
 sendThread :: Multiplexer -> (BSL.ByteString -> IO ()) -> IO ()
@@ -446,7 +452,7 @@ sendThread multiplexer sendFn = do
             messages <- swapTVar multiplexer.outbox []
             case messages of
               -- Exit when the receive thread has stopped and there is no error and no message left to send
-              [] -> pure () <$ awaitSTM multiplexer.receiveThreadCompleted
+              [] -> pure () <$ readFuture multiplexer.receiveThreadCompleted
               _ -> pure do
                 bytes <- execWriterT do
                   -- outbox is a list that is used as a queue, so it has to be reversed to preserve the correct order
@@ -457,7 +463,7 @@ sendThread multiplexer sendFn = do
     sendException :: MultiplexerException -> StateT ChannelId IO ()
     sendException (ConnectionLost _) = pure ()
     sendException (InvalidMagicBytes _) = pure ()
-    sendException (LocalException ex) = liftIO $ send $ Binary.put $ InternalError $ show ex
+    sendException (LocalException _ ex) = liftIO $ send $ Binary.put $ InternalError $ displayException ex
     sendException (RemoteException _) = pure ()
     sendException (ProtocolException message) = liftIO $ send $ Binary.put $ MultiplexerProtocolError message
     sendException (ReceivedProtocolException _) = pure ()
@@ -549,7 +555,7 @@ receiveThread multiplexer readFn = do
         sentClose <- readTVar channel.sentCloseMessage
         -- Create channels even if the current channel has been closed, to stay in sync with the remote side
         createdChannelIds <- stateTVar multiplexer.nextReceiveChannelId (createChannelIds newChannelCount)
-        createdChannels <- mapM (newChannelSTM channel) createdChannelIds
+        createdChannels <- mapM (newChannel channel) createdChannelIds
         pure do
           -- Receiving messages after the remote side closed a channel is a protocol error
           when closedByRemote $ protocolException $
@@ -702,7 +708,7 @@ sendRawChannelMessageInternal queueBehavior channel@RawChannel{multiplexer} msgH
     disposeEventually_ channel
   createdChannelIds <- stateTVar multiplexer.nextSendChannelId (createChannelIds createChannels)
-  createdChannels <- liftSTMc $ mapM (newChannelSTM channel) createdChannelIds
+  createdChannels <- liftSTMc $ mapM (newChannel channel) createdChannelIds
   let res = SentMessageResources {
@@ -771,9 +777,9 @@ rawChannelSetBinaryHandler channel fn = rawChannelSetInternalHandler channel bin
         stepDecoder :: Decoder a -> Maybe BS.ByteString -> IO InternalMessageHandler
         stepDecoder (Fail _ _ errMsg) _ = throwM $ ChannelProtocolException channel.channelId $ "Failed to parse channel message: " <> errMsg
         stepDecoder (Partial feedFn) chunk@(Just _) = pure $ InternalMessageHandler $ stepDecoder (feedFn chunk)
-        stepDecoder (Partial feedFn) Nothing = throwM $ ChannelProtocolException channel.channelId $ "End of message has been reached but decoder expects more data"
-        stepDecoder (Done "" _ result) Nothing = InternalMessageHandler (const impossibleCodePathM) <$ runHandler result
-        stepDecoder (Done _ bytesRead msg) _ = throwM $ ChannelProtocolException channel.channelId $
+        stepDecoder (Partial _feedFn) Nothing = throwM $ ChannelProtocolException channel.channelId $ "End of message has been reached but decoder expects more data"
+        stepDecoder (Done "" _ result) Nothing = InternalMessageHandler (const unreachableCodePathM) <$ runHandler result
+        stepDecoder (Done _ bytesRead _msg) _ = throwM $ ChannelProtocolException channel.channelId $
           mconcat ["Decoder failed to consume complete message (", show (fromIntegral resources.messageLength - bytesRead), " bytes left)"]
         runHandler :: a -> IO ()