diff --git a/flake.lock b/flake.lock
index ab8fa280910e40e070c2769ea15db57799da55f1..e8954ad0db1471f4f3c8dd1f22bbd94c05fc5163 100644
--- a/flake.lock
+++ b/flake.lock
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
       "locked": {
         "host": "git.c3pb.de",
-        "lastModified": 1626923341,
-        "narHash": "sha256-CWvh6F6d1kEN6IpMvDBxSBNl4oJP2FhRGU5uGLwZSBw=",
+        "lastModified": 1628533241,
+        "narHash": "sha256-nvAqgEzmdYhvwTb0y6Vico4EvyOT1ehgzZU7/LrnW2g=",
         "owner": "jens",
         "repo": "quasar",
-        "rev": "458784d70f664f3af9b98655505ca93e72610376",
+        "rev": "894908377f0ee5cf626a6bdd8c4fdd29411b8e80",
         "type": "gitlab"
       "original": {
diff --git a/quasar-network.cabal b/quasar-network.cabal
index f50a4e5d91488327fbd62d9313872377f3fc726a..a4b02b4260fe423c82dd3b93a8299d656ef81579 100644
--- a/quasar-network.cabal
+++ b/quasar-network.cabal
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ library
+    Quasar.Network.Runtime.Observable
diff --git a/src/Quasar/Network.hs b/src/Quasar/Network.hs
index fa25d1eea7f7f63dbae6558509092a76fe5c67d1..47fa25f06d20154cc4194f6329b17fc5f63a02f1 100644
--- a/src/Quasar/Network.hs
+++ b/src/Quasar/Network.hs
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ module Quasar.Network (
+  rpcObservable,
   -- * Runtime
diff --git a/src/Quasar/Network/Runtime.hs b/src/Quasar/Network/Runtime.hs
index 567b878c33c2a0c9b613211dab07e81eeedcfd5d..64323920f02bcfc70aecdb56be36b933718038cd 100644
--- a/src/Quasar/Network/Runtime.hs
+++ b/src/Quasar/Network/Runtime.hs
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ import Data.Binary (Binary, encode, decodeOrFail)
 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
 import qualified Network.Socket as Socket
-import Quasar.Core
+import Quasar.Awaitable
 import Quasar.Network.Connection
 import Quasar.Network.Multiplexer
 import Quasar.Prelude
@@ -82,13 +82,13 @@ emptyClientState = ClientState {
 clientSend :: forall p m. (MonadIO m, RpcProtocol p) => Client p -> MessageConfiguration -> ProtocolRequest p -> m SentMessageResources
 clientSend client config req = liftIO $ channelSend_ client.channel config (encode req)
-clientRequest :: forall p m a. (MonadIO m, RpcProtocol p) => Client p -> (ProtocolResponse p -> Maybe a) -> MessageConfiguration -> ProtocolRequest p -> m (Async a, SentMessageResources)
+clientRequest :: forall p m a. (MonadIO m, RpcProtocol p) => Client p -> (ProtocolResponse p -> Maybe a) -> MessageConfiguration -> ProtocolRequest p -> m (Awaitable a, SentMessageResources)
 clientRequest client checkResponse config req = do
   resultAsync <- newAsyncVar
   sentMessageResources <- liftIO $ channelSend client.channel config (encode req) $ \msgId ->
     modifyMVar_ client.stateMVar $
       \state -> pure state{callbacks = HM.insert msgId (requestCompletedCallback resultAsync msgId) state.callbacks}
-  pure (toAsync resultAsync, sentMessageResources)
+  pure (toAwaitable resultAsync, sentMessageResources)
     requestCompletedCallback :: AsyncVar a -> MessageId -> ProtocolResponse p -> IO ()
     requestCompletedCallback resultAsync msgId response = do
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ clientRequest client checkResponse config req = do
       case checkResponse response of
         Nothing -> clientReportProtocolError client "Invalid response"
-        Just result -> putAsyncVar resultAsync result
+        Just result -> putAsyncVar_ resultAsync result
 clientHandleChannelMessage :: forall p. (RpcProtocol p) => Client p -> ReceivedMessageResources -> BSL.ByteString -> IO ()
 clientHandleChannelMessage client resources msg = case decodeOrFail msg of
@@ -153,14 +153,14 @@ streamClose (Stream channel) = liftIO $ channelClose channel
 -- ** Running client and server
-withClientTCP :: RpcProtocol p => Socket.HostName -> Socket.ServiceName -> (Client p -> AsyncIO a) -> IO a
+withClientTCP :: RpcProtocol p => Socket.HostName -> Socket.ServiceName -> (Client p -> IO a) -> IO a
 withClientTCP host port = withClientBracket (newClientTCP host port)
 newClientTCP :: forall p. RpcProtocol p => Socket.HostName -> Socket.ServiceName -> IO (Client p)
 newClientTCP host port = newClient =<< connectTCP host port
-withClientUnix :: RpcProtocol p => FilePath -> (Client p -> AsyncIO a) -> IO a
+withClientUnix :: RpcProtocol p => FilePath -> (Client p -> IO a) -> IO a
 withClientUnix socketPath = withClientBracket (newClientUnix socketPath)
 newClientUnix :: RpcProtocol p => FilePath -> IO (Client p)
@@ -170,14 +170,14 @@ newClientUnix socketPath = bracketOnError (Socket.socket Socket.AF_UNIX Socket.S
   newClient sock
-withClient :: forall p a b. (IsConnection a, RpcProtocol p) => a -> (Client p -> AsyncIO b) -> IO b
+withClient :: forall p a b. (IsConnection a, RpcProtocol p) => a -> (Client p -> IO b) -> IO b
 withClient connection = withClientBracket (newClient connection)
 newClient :: forall p a. (IsConnection a, RpcProtocol p) => a -> IO (Client p)
 newClient connection = newChannelClient =<< newMultiplexer MultiplexerSideA (toSocketConnection connection)
-withClientBracket :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p) => IO (Client p) -> (Client p -> AsyncIO a) -> IO a
-withClientBracket createClient action = bracket createClient clientClose $ \client -> runAsyncIO (action client)
+withClientBracket :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p) => IO (Client p) -> (Client p -> IO a) -> IO a
+withClientBracket createClient = bracket createClient clientClose
 newChannelClient :: RpcProtocol p => Channel -> IO (Client p)
@@ -293,8 +293,8 @@ runServerHandler protocolImpl = runMultiplexer MultiplexerSideB registerChannelS
     registerChannelServerHandler channel = channelSetHandler channel (serverHandleChannelMessage @p protocolImpl channel)
-withLocalClient :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => Server p -> ((Client p) -> AsyncIO a) -> IO a
-withLocalClient server action = bracket (newLocalClient server) clientClose $ \client -> runAsyncIO (action client)
+withLocalClient :: forall p m a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => Server p -> (Client p -> IO a) -> IO a
+withLocalClient server = bracket (newLocalClient server) clientClose
 newLocalClient :: forall p. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => Server p -> IO (Client p)
 newLocalClient server = do
@@ -306,5 +306,5 @@ newLocalClient server = do
 -- ** Test implementation
-withStandaloneClient :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => ProtocolImpl p -> (Client p -> AsyncIO a) -> IO a
+withStandaloneClient :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => ProtocolImpl p -> (Client p -> IO a) -> IO a
 withStandaloneClient impl runClientHook = withServer impl [] $ \server -> withLocalClient server runClientHook
diff --git a/src/Quasar/Network/Runtime/Observable.hs b/src/Quasar/Network/Runtime/Observable.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..49ae3b74143217199556c1239647b2d6547ef0cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Quasar/Network/Runtime/Observable.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+module Quasar.Network.Runtime.Observable () where
+import Quasar.Network.Runtime
+import Quasar.Core
+import Quasar.Observable
+import Quasar.Prelude
+  :: ((ObservableMessage v -> IO ()) -> IO Disposable)
+  -> (forall m. HasResourceManager m => m (Task v))
+  -> IO (Observable v)
+newNetworkObservable observeFn retrieveFn = pure $ fnObservable observeFn retrieveFn
diff --git a/src/Quasar/Network/TH.hs b/src/Quasar/Network/TH.hs
index e25c7bef7c4cc78401adc6a5a97425cfe0e0f3f8..503d87af3394d93504f81efb2866a8a7f875cb67 100644
--- a/src/Quasar/Network/TH.hs
+++ b/src/Quasar/Network/TH.hs
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module Quasar.Network.TH (
+  rpcObservable,
   -- TODO: re-add functions that generate only client and server later
   RpcProtocol(ProtocolRequest, ProtocolResponse),
@@ -19,18 +20,20 @@ module Quasar.Network.TH (
 import Control.Monad.State (State, execState)
 import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
 import Data.Binary (Binary)
-import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
+import Data.Maybe (isJust, isNothing)
 import GHC.Records.Compat (HasField)
 import Language.Haskell.TH hiding (interruptible)
 import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
-import Quasar.Core
+import Quasar.Awaitable
 import Quasar.Network.Multiplexer
 import Quasar.Network.Runtime
+import Quasar.Observable
 import Quasar.Prelude
 data RpcApi = RpcApi {
   name :: String,
-  functions :: [ RpcFunction ]
+  functions :: [ RpcFunction ],
+  observables :: [ RpcObservable ]
 data RpcFunction = RpcFunction {
@@ -57,20 +60,36 @@ data RpcStream = RpcStream {
   tyDown :: Q Type
-rpcApi :: String -> [RpcFunction] -> RpcApi
-rpcApi apiName functions = RpcApi {
+data RpcObservable = RpcObservable {
+  name :: String,
+  ty :: Q Type
+rpcApi :: String -> State RpcApi () -> RpcApi
+rpcApi apiName setup = execState setup RpcApi {
   name = apiName,
-  functions = functions
+  functions = [],
+  observables = []
-rpcFunction :: String -> State RpcFunction () -> RpcFunction
-rpcFunction methodName setup = execState setup RpcFunction {
-    name = methodName,
-    arguments = [],
-    results = [],
-    streams = [],
-    fixedHandler = Nothing
-  }
+rpcFunction :: String -> State RpcFunction () -> State RpcApi ()
+rpcFunction methodName setup = State.modify (\api -> api{functions = api.functions <> [fun]})
+  where
+    fun = execState setup RpcFunction {
+      name = methodName,
+      arguments = [],
+      results = [],
+      streams = [],
+      fixedHandler = Nothing
+    }
+rpcObservable :: String -> Q Type -> State RpcApi ()
+rpcObservable name ty = State.modify (\api -> api{observables = api.observables <> [observable]})
+  where
+    observable = RpcObservable {
+      name,
+      ty
+    }
 addArgument :: String -> Q Type -> State RpcFunction ()
 addArgument name t = State.modify (\fun -> fun{arguments = fun.arguments <> [RpcArgument name t]})
@@ -90,8 +109,8 @@ setFixedHandler handler = State.modify (\fun -> fun{fixedHandler = Just handler}
 -- | Generates rpc protocol types, rpc client and rpc server
 makeRpc :: RpcApi -> Q [Dec]
 makeRpc api = do
-  code <- mconcat <$> sequence (generateFunction api <$> api.functions)
-  mconcat <$> sequence [makeProtocol api code, makeClient code, makeServer api code]
+  code <- mconcat <$> sequence ((generateFunction api <$> api.functions) <> (generateObservable api <$> api.observables))
+  mconcat <$> sequence [makeProtocol api code, makeClient api code, makeServer api code]
 makeProtocol :: RpcApi -> Code -> Q [Dec]
 makeProtocol api code = sequence [protocolDec, protocolInstanceDec, requestDec, responseDec]
@@ -124,8 +143,106 @@ makeProtocol api code = sequence [protocolDec, protocolInstanceDec, requestDec,
       derivClause (Just AnyclassStrategy) [[t|Binary|]]
-makeClient :: Code -> Q [Dec]
-makeClient code = sequence code.clientStubDecs
+makeClient :: RpcApi -> Code -> Q [Dec]
+makeClient api code = do
+  requestStubDecs <- mconcat <$> sequence (clientRequestStub api <$> code.requests)
+  sequence $ code.clientStubDecs <> requestStubDecs
+clientRequestStub :: RpcApi -> Request -> Q [Q Dec]
+clientRequestStub api req = do
+  clientStubPrimeName <- newName req.name
+  clientVarName <- newName "client"
+  argNames <- sequence (newName . (.name) <$> req.fields)
+  clientRequestStub' clientStubPrimeName clientVarName argNames
+  where
+    stubName :: Name
+    stubName = clientRequestStubName api req
+    makeStubSig :: Q [Type] -> Q Type
+    makeStubSig arguments =
+      [t|forall m. MonadIO m => $(buildFunctionType arguments [t|m $(buildTupleType (liftA2 (<>) optionalResultType resourceTypes))|])|]
+    resourceTypes :: Q [Type]
+    resourceTypes = sequence $ resourceType <$> req.createdResources
+    optionalResultType :: Q [Type]
+    optionalResultType = case req.mResponse of
+                            Nothing -> pure []
+                            Just resp -> sequence [[t|Awaitable $(buildTupleType (sequence ((.ty) <$> resp.fields)))|]]
+    resourceType :: RequestCreateResource -> Q Type
+    resourceType RequestCreateChannel = [t|Channel|]
+    resourceType (RequestCreateStream up down) = [t|Stream $up $down|]
+    clientRequestStub' :: Name -> Name -> [Name] -> Q [Q Dec]
+    clientRequestStub' clientStubPrimeName clientVarName argNames = do
+      pure [
+        clientRequestStubSigDec api req,
+        funD stubName [clause ([varP clientVarName] <> varPats) body clientStubPrimeDecs]
+        ]
+      where
+        clientE :: Q Exp
+        clientE = varE clientVarName
+        varPats :: [Q Pat]
+        varPats = varP <$> argNames
+        body :: Q Body
+        body = case req.mResponse of
+          Just resp -> normalB [|$(requestE resp requestDataE) >>= \(result, resources) -> $(varE clientStubPrimeName) result resources.createdChannels|]
+          Nothing -> normalB [|$(sendE requestDataE) >>= \resources -> $(varE clientStubPrimeName) resources.createdChannels|]
+        clientStubPrimeDecs :: [Q Dec]
+        clientStubPrimeDecs = [
+          sigD clientStubPrimeName (makeStubSig (liftA2 (<>) optionalResultType (sequence [[t|[Channel]|]]))),
+          funD clientStubPrimeName (clientStubPrimeClauses req)
+          ]
+        clientStubPrimeClauses :: Request -> [Q Clause]
+        clientStubPrimeClauses req = [mainClause, invalidChannelCountClause]
+          where
+            mainClause :: Q Clause
+            mainClause = do
+              resultAsyncName <- newName "result"
+              channelNames <- sequence $ newName . ("channel" <>) . show <$> [0 .. (numPipelinedChannels req - 1)]
+              clause
+                (whenHasResult (varP resultAsyncName) <> [listP (varP <$> channelNames)])
+                (normalB (buildTupleM (sequence (whenHasResult [|pure $(varE resultAsyncName)|] <> ((\x -> [|newStream $(varE x)|]) <$> channelNames)))))
+                []
+            invalidChannelCountClause :: Q Clause
+            invalidChannelCountClause = do
+              channelsName <- newName "newChannels"
+              clause
+                (whenHasResult wildP <> [varP channelsName])
+                (normalB [|$(varE 'multiplexerInvalidChannelCount) $(litE (integerL (toInteger (numPipelinedChannels req)))) $(varE channelsName)|])
+                []
+        hasResponse :: Bool
+        hasResponse = isJust req.mResponse
+        whenHasResult :: a -> [a]
+        whenHasResult x = [x | hasResponse]
+        requestDataE :: Q Exp
+        requestDataE = applyVars (conE (requestConName api req))
+        messageConfigurationE :: Q Exp
+        messageConfigurationE = [|defaultMessageConfiguration{createChannels = $(litE $ integerL $ toInteger $ numPipelinedChannels req)}|]
+        sendE :: Q Exp -> Q Exp
+        sendE msgExp = [|$typedSend $clientE $messageConfigurationE $msgExp|]
+        requestE :: Response -> Q Exp -> Q Exp
+        requestE resp msgExp = [|$typedRequest $clientE $checkResult $messageConfigurationE $msgExp|]
+          where
+            checkResult :: Q Exp
+            checkResult = lamCaseE [valid, invalid]
+            valid :: Q Match
+            valid = do
+              result <- newName "result"
+              match (conP (responseConName api resp) [varP result]) (normalB [|pure $(varE result)|]) []
+            invalid :: Q Match
+            invalid = match wildP (normalB [|Nothing|]) []
+        applyVars :: Q Exp -> Q Exp
+        applyVars = go argNames
+          where
+            go :: [Name] -> Q Exp -> Q Exp
+            go [] ex = ex
+            go (n:ns) ex = go ns (appE ex (varE n))
+        -- check if the response to a request matches the expected response constructor
+        typedSend :: Q Exp
+        typedSend = appTypeE (varE 'clientSend) (protocolType api)
+        typedRequest :: Q Exp
+        typedRequest = appTypeE (varE 'clientRequest) (protocolType api)
 makeServer :: RpcApi -> Code -> Q [Dec]
 makeServer api@RpcApi{functions} code = sequence [protocolImplDec, logicInstanceDec]
@@ -153,7 +270,7 @@ makeServer api@RpcApi{functions} code = sequence [protocolImplDec, logicInstance
             mainClause :: Q Clause
             mainClause = do
-              channelNames <- sequence $ newName . ("channel" <>) . show <$> [0 .. (req.numPipelinedChannels - 1)]
+              channelNames <- sequence $ newName . ("channel" <>) . show <$> [0 .. (numPipelinedChannels req - 1)]
               fieldNames <- sequence $ newName . (.name) <$> req.fields
               let requestConP = conP (requestConName api req) (varP <$> fieldNames)
@@ -174,7 +291,7 @@ makeServer api@RpcApi{functions} code = sequence [protocolImplDec, logicInstance
               let requestConP = conP (requestConName api req) (replicate (length req.fields) wildP)
                 [requestConP, varP channelsName]
-                (normalB [|$(varE 'reportInvalidChannelCount) $(litE (integerL (toInteger req.numPipelinedChannels))) $(varE channelsName) $(varE channelName)|])
+                (normalB [|$(varE 'reportInvalidChannelCount) $(litE (integerL (toInteger (numPipelinedChannels req)))) $(varE channelsName) $(varE channelName)|])
     packResponse :: Maybe Response -> Q Exp -> Q Exp
@@ -205,11 +322,13 @@ instance Monoid Code where
 data Request = Request {
   name :: String,
   fields :: [Field],
-  numPipelinedChannels :: Int,
+  createdResources :: [RequestCreateResource],
   mResponse :: Maybe Response,
   handlerE :: RequestHandlerContext -> Q Exp
+data RequestCreateResource = RequestCreateChannel | RequestCreateStream (Q Type) (Q Type)
 data Response = Response {
   name :: String,
   fields :: [Field]
@@ -232,6 +351,44 @@ data RequestHandlerContext = RequestHandlerContext {
 -- * Rpc function code generator
+generateObservable :: RpcApi -> RpcObservable -> Q Code
+generateObservable api observable = pure Code {
+  clientStubDecs = [],
+  requests = [observeRequest, retrieveRequest],
+  serverImplFields = [varDefaultBangType serverImplFieldName serverImplFieldSig]
+  where
+    observeRequest :: Request
+    observeRequest = Request {
+      name = observable.name <> "_observe",
+      fields = [],
+      createdResources = [RequestCreateStream [t|Void|] observable.ty],
+      mResponse = Nothing,
+      handlerE = \ctx -> [|undefined|]
+      }
+    retrieveRequest :: Request
+    retrieveRequest = Request {
+      name = observable.name <> "_retrieve",
+      fields = [],
+      createdResources = [],
+      mResponse = Just retrieveResponse,
+      -- TODO use awaitable for result instead of blocking the network thread
+      handlerE = \ctx -> [|withDefaultResourceManager (awaitResult (retrieve $(observableE ctx)))|]
+      }
+    retrieveResponse :: Response
+    retrieveResponse = Response {
+      name = observable.name <> "_retrieve",
+      fields = [Field "result" observable.ty]
+    }
+    serverImplFieldName :: Name
+    serverImplFieldName = mkName observable.name
+    serverImplFieldSig :: Q Type
+    serverImplFieldSig = [t|Observable $(observable.ty)|]
+    observableE :: RequestHandlerContext -> Q Exp
+    observableE ctx = [|$(varE serverImplFieldName) $(ctx.implRecordE)|]
+    --observeE :: Q Exp
+    --observeE = r
 generateFunction :: RpcApi -> RpcFunction -> Q Code
 generateFunction api fun = do
   clientStubDecs <- clientFunctionStub
@@ -248,7 +405,7 @@ generateFunction api fun = do
     request = Request {
       name = fun.name,
       fields = toField <$> fun.arguments,
-      numPipelinedChannels = length fun.streams,
+      createdResources = (\stream -> RequestCreateStream stream.tyUp stream.tyDown) <$> fun.streams,
       mResponse = if hasResult fun then Just response else Nothing,
       handlerE = serverRequestHandlerE
@@ -286,102 +443,28 @@ generateFunction api fun = do
     clientFunctionStub :: Q [Q Dec]
     clientFunctionStub = do
-      clientStubPrimeName <- newName fun.name
-      clientVarName <- newName "client"
-      argNames <- sequence (newName . (.name) <$> fun.arguments)
-      makeClientFunction' clientStubPrimeName clientVarName argNames
+      funArgTypes <- functionArgumentTypes fun
+      clientType <- [t|Client $(protocolType api)|]
+      pure [
+        sigD funName (clientRequestStubSig api request),
+        funD funName [clause [] (normalB (clientRequestStubE api request)) []]
+        ]
         funName :: Name
         funName = mkName fun.name
-        makeClientFunction' :: Name -> Name -> [Name] -> Q [Q Dec]
-        makeClientFunction' clientStubPrimeName clientVarName argNames = do
-          funArgTypes <- functionArgumentTypes fun
-          clientType <- [t|Client $(protocolType api)|]
-          pure [
-            sigD funName (makeStubSig (pure (clientType : funArgTypes))),
-            funD funName [clause ([varP clientVarName] <> varPats) body clientStubPrimeDecs]
-            ]
-          where
-            makeStubSig :: Q [Type] -> Q Type
-            makeStubSig arguments = buildFunctionType arguments [t|AsyncIO $(buildTupleType (liftA2 (<>) optionalResultType clientStreamTypes))|]
-            optionalResultType :: Q [Type]
-            optionalResultType = sequence $ whenHasResult [t|Async $(buildTupleType (functionResultTypes fun))|]
-            clientStreamTypes :: Q [Type]
-            clientStreamTypes = sequence $ (\stream -> [t|Stream $(stream.tyUp) $(stream.tyDown)|]) <$> fun.streams
-            clientE :: Q Exp
-            clientE = varE clientVarName
-            varPats :: [Q Pat]
-            varPats = varP <$> argNames
-            body :: Q Body
-            body
-              | hasResult fun = normalB ([|$(requestE requestDataE) >>= \(result, resources) -> $(varE clientStubPrimeName) result resources.createdChannels|])
-              | otherwise = normalB ([|$(sendE requestDataE) >>= \resources -> $(varE clientStubPrimeName) resources.createdChannels|])
-            clientStubPrimeDecs :: [Q Dec]
-            clientStubPrimeDecs = [
-              sigD clientStubPrimeName (makeStubSig (liftA2 (<>) optionalResultType (sequence [[t|[Channel]|]]))),
-              funD clientStubPrimeName (clientStubPrimeClauses request)
-              ]
-            clientStubPrimeClauses :: Request -> [Q Clause]
-            clientStubPrimeClauses req = [mainClause, invalidChannelCountClause]
-              where
-                mainClause :: Q Clause
-                mainClause = do
-                  resultAsyncName <- newName "result"
-                  channelNames <- sequence $ newName . ("channel" <>) . show <$> [0 .. (req.numPipelinedChannels - 1)]
-                  clause
-                    (whenHasResult (varP resultAsyncName) <> [listP (varP <$> channelNames)])
-                    (normalB (buildTupleM (sequence (whenHasResult [|pure $(varE resultAsyncName)|] <> ((\x -> [|newStream $(varE x)|]) <$> channelNames)))))
-                    []
-                invalidChannelCountClause :: Q Clause
-                invalidChannelCountClause = do
-                  channelsName <- newName "newChannels"
-                  clause
-                    (whenHasResult wildP <> [varP channelsName])
-                    (normalB [|$(varE 'multiplexerInvalidChannelCount) $(litE (integerL (toInteger req.numPipelinedChannels))) $(varE channelsName)|])
-                    []
-            whenHasResult :: a -> [a]
-            whenHasResult x = if hasResult fun then [x] else []
-            requestDataE :: Q Exp
-            requestDataE = applyVars (conE (requestFunctionConName api fun))
-            messageConfigurationE :: Q Exp
-            messageConfigurationE = [|defaultMessageConfiguration{createChannels = $(litE $ integerL $ toInteger $ length fun.streams)}|]
-            sendE :: Q Exp -> Q Exp
-            sendE msgExp = [|$typedSend $clientE $messageConfigurationE $msgExp|]
-            requestE :: Q Exp -> Q Exp
-            requestE msgExp = [|$typedRequest $clientE $checkResult $messageConfigurationE $msgExp|]
-            applyVars :: Q Exp -> Q Exp
-            applyVars = go argNames
-              where
-                go :: [Name] -> Q Exp -> Q Exp
-                go [] ex = ex
-                go (n:ns) ex = go ns (appE ex (varE n))
-            -- check if the response to a request matches the expected response constructor
-            checkResult :: Q Exp
-            checkResult = lamCaseE [valid, invalid]
-              where
-                valid :: Q Match
-                valid = do
-                  result <- newName "result"
-                  match (conP (responseFunctionCtorName api fun) [varP result]) (normalB [|pure $(varE result)|]) []
-                invalid :: Q Match
-                invalid = match wildP (normalB [|Nothing|]) []
-            typedSend :: Q Exp
-            typedSend = appTypeE (varE 'clientSend) (protocolType api)
-            typedRequest :: Q Exp
-            typedRequest = appTypeE (varE 'clientRequest) (protocolType api)
 functionArgumentTypes :: RpcFunction -> Q [Type]
 functionArgumentTypes fun = sequence $ (.ty) <$> fun.arguments
 functionResultTypes :: RpcFunction -> Q [Type]
 functionResultTypes fun = sequence $ (.ty) <$> fun.results
 hasResult :: RpcFunction -> Bool
 hasResult fun = not (null fun.results)
+numPipelinedChannels :: Request -> Int
+numPipelinedChannels req = length req.createdResources
 -- ** Name helper functions
@@ -397,9 +480,6 @@ requestTypeIdentifier RpcApi{name} = name <> "ProtocolRequest"
 requestTypeName :: RpcApi -> Name
 requestTypeName = mkName . requestTypeIdentifier
-requestFunctionConName :: RpcApi -> RpcFunction -> Name
-requestFunctionConName api fun = mkName (requestTypeIdentifier api <> "_" <> fun.name)
 requestConName :: RpcApi -> Request -> Name
 requestConName api req = mkName (requestTypeIdentifier api <> "_" <> req.name)
@@ -424,6 +504,34 @@ implType = conT . implTypeName
 functionImplFieldName :: RpcApi -> RpcFunction -> Name
 functionImplFieldName _api fun = mkName (fun.name <> "Impl")
+clientRequestStubName :: RpcApi -> Request -> Name
+clientRequestStubName api req = mkName ("_" <> api.name <> "_" <> req.name)
+clientRequestStubE :: RpcApi -> Request -> Q Exp
+clientRequestStubE api req = (varE (clientRequestStubName api req))
+clientRequestStubSig :: RpcApi -> Request -> Q Type
+clientRequestStubSig api req = do
+  reqFieldTypes <- sequence $ (.ty) <$> req.fields
+  clientType <- [t|Client $(protocolType api)|]
+  makeStubSig (pure (clientType : reqFieldTypes))
+  where
+    makeStubSig :: Q [Type] -> Q Type
+    makeStubSig arguments =
+      [t|forall m. MonadIO m => $(buildFunctionType arguments [t|m $(buildTupleType (liftA2 (<>) optionalResultType resourceTypes))|])|]
+    resourceTypes :: Q [Type]
+    resourceTypes = sequence $ resourceType <$> req.createdResources
+    optionalResultType :: Q [Type]
+    optionalResultType = case req.mResponse of
+                            Nothing -> pure []
+                            Just resp -> sequence [[t|Awaitable $(buildTupleType (sequence ((.ty) <$> resp.fields)))|]]
+    resourceType :: RequestCreateResource -> Q Type
+    resourceType RequestCreateChannel = [t|Channel|]
+    resourceType (RequestCreateStream up down) = [t|Stream $up $down|]
+clientRequestStubSigDec :: RpcApi -> Request -> Q Dec
+clientRequestStubSigDec api req = sigD (clientRequestStubName api req) (clientRequestStubSig api req)
 -- * Template Haskell helper functions
 funT :: Q Type -> Q Type -> Q Type
@@ -442,6 +550,8 @@ buildTupleType fields = buildTupleType' =<< fields
     go t (f:fs) = go (AppT t f) fs
 -- | [a, b, c] -> (a, b, c)
+-- [a] -> a
+-- [] -> ()
 buildTuple :: Q [Exp] -> Q Exp
 buildTuple fields = buildTuple' =<< fields
@@ -451,6 +561,8 @@ buildTuple fields = buildTuple' =<< fields
     buildTuple' fs = pure $ TupE (Just <$> fs)
 -- | [m a, m b, m c] -> m (a, b, c)
+-- [m a] -> m a
+-- [] -> m ()
 buildTupleM :: Q [Exp] -> Q Exp
 buildTupleM fields = buildTuple' =<< fields
diff --git a/test/Quasar/NetworkSpec.hs b/test/Quasar/NetworkSpec.hs
index abbeaaced33b7490bba661d39ae2d479cfdaf1c9..014a9a343dc183f944f425bea810ce98037c818b 100644
--- a/test/Quasar/NetworkSpec.hs
+++ b/test/Quasar/NetworkSpec.hs
@@ -11,8 +11,9 @@
 module Quasar.NetworkSpec where
 import Control.Concurrent.MVar
-import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
 import Prelude
+import Quasar.Awaitable
 import Quasar.Core
 import Quasar.Network
 import Quasar.Network.Runtime (withStandaloneClient)
@@ -25,38 +26,43 @@ shouldReturnAsync :: (HasCallStack, Show a, Eq a) => AsyncIO a -> a -> AsyncIO (
 action `shouldReturnAsync` expected = action >>= liftIO . (`shouldBe` expected)
-$(makeRpc $ rpcApi "Example" [
+$(makeRpc $ rpcApi "Example" $ do
     rpcFunction "fixedHandler42" $ do
       addArgument "arg" [t|Int|]
       addResult "result" [t|Bool|]
-      setFixedHandler [| pure . (== 42) |],
+      setFixedHandler [| pure . (== 42) |]
     rpcFunction "fixedHandlerInc" $ do
       addArgument "arg" [t|Int|]
       addResult "result" [t|Int|]
-      setFixedHandler [| pure . (+ 1) |],
+      setFixedHandler [| pure . (+ 1) |]
     rpcFunction "multiArgs" $ do
       addArgument "one" [t|Int|]
       addArgument "two" [t|Int|]
       addArgument "three" [t|Bool|]
       addResult "result" [t|Int|]
-      addResult "result2" [t|Bool|],
+      addResult "result2" [t|Bool|]
     rpcFunction "noArgs" $ do
-      addResult "result" [t|Int|],
+      addResult "result" [t|Int|]
     rpcFunction "noResponse" $ do
-      addArgument "arg" [t|Int|],
+      addArgument "arg" [t|Int|]
     rpcFunction "noNothing" $ pure ()
-    ]
- )
+  )
-$(makeRpc $ rpcApi "StreamExample" [
+$(makeRpc $ rpcApi "StreamExample" $ do
     rpcFunction "createMultiplyStream" $ do
       addStream "stream" [t|(Int, Int)|] [t|Int|]
-    ,
     rpcFunction "createStreams" $ do
       addStream "stream1" [t|Bool|] [t|Bool|]
       addStream "stream2" [t|Int|] [t|Int|]
-    ]
- )
+    rpcObservable "intObservable" [t|Int|]
+  )
 exampleProtocolImpl :: ExampleProtocolImpl
 exampleProtocolImpl = ExampleProtocolImpl {
@@ -72,9 +78,9 @@ streamExampleProtocolImpl = StreamExampleProtocolImpl {
-    createMultiplyStreamImpl :: Stream Int (Int, Int) -> IO ()
+    createMultiplyStreamImpl :: MonadIO m => Stream Int (Int, Int) -> m ()
     createMultiplyStreamImpl stream = streamSetHandler stream $ \(x, y) -> streamSend stream (x * y)
-    createStreamsImpl :: Stream Bool Bool -> Stream Int Int -> IO ()
+    createStreamsImpl :: MonadIO m => Stream Bool Bool -> Stream Int Int -> m ()
     createStreamsImpl stream1 stream2 = do
       streamSetHandler stream1 $ streamSend stream1
       streamSetHandler stream2 $ streamSend stream2
@@ -84,10 +90,10 @@ spec = parallel $ do
   describe "Example" $ do
     it "works" $ do
       withStandaloneClient @ExampleProtocol exampleProtocolImpl $ \client -> do
-        awaitResult (fixedHandler42 client 5) `shouldReturnAsync` False
-        awaitResult (fixedHandler42 client 42) `shouldReturnAsync` True
-        awaitResult (fixedHandlerInc client 41) `shouldReturnAsync` 42
-        awaitResult (multiArgs client 10 3 False) `shouldReturnAsync` (13, True)
+        (awaitIO =<< fixedHandler42 client 5) `shouldReturn` False
+        (awaitIO =<< fixedHandler42 client 42) `shouldReturn` True
+        (awaitIO =<< fixedHandlerInc client 41) `shouldReturn` 42
+        (awaitIO =<< multiArgs client 10 3 False) `shouldReturn` (13, True)
         noResponse client 1337
         noNothing client