diff --git a/quasar-network.cabal b/quasar-network.cabal
index 86cad12cd2f9ea3cbebf57140cea39a748e248f8..465f359470ba51f543bbf726f5fcaa5e58bb502b 100644
--- a/quasar-network.cabal
+++ b/quasar-network.cabal
@@ -82,7 +82,9 @@ library
+    Quasar.Network.Runtime
+    Quasar.Network.TH
diff --git a/src/Quasar/Network.hs b/src/Quasar/Network.hs
index 8af66cb6e6954e726235183da1ed9e228b5bc8db..fa25d1eea7f7f63dbae6558509092a76fe5c67d1 100644
--- a/src/Quasar/Network.hs
+++ b/src/Quasar/Network.hs
@@ -11,726 +11,35 @@ module Quasar.Network (
-  makeRpc,
-  --makeProtocol,
-  --makeClient,
-  --makeServer,
-  --RpcProtocol(ProtocolRequest, ProtocolResponse),
-  --HasProtocolImpl
+  -- * Runtime
+  -- ** Client
-  -- * Runtime
-  Stream,
-  streamSend,
-  streamSetHandler,
-  streamClose,
-  -- ** Client
-  --newClientTCP,
-  --newClientUnix,
-  --newClient,
   -- ** Server
-  Listener,
+  Listener(..),
-  --newLocalClient,
-  -- ** Test implementation
-  --TODO remove here
-  withStandaloneClient,
+  -- ** Stream
+  Stream,
+  streamSend,
+  streamSetHandler,
+  streamClose,
 ) where
-import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
-import Control.Concurrent (forkFinally)
-import Control.Concurrent.Async (cancel, link, withAsync, mapConcurrently_)
-import Control.Exception (SomeException, bracket, bracketOnError, bracketOnError, interruptible, mask_)
-import Control.Monad (when, unless, forever, void)
-import Control.Monad.State (State, execState)
-import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
-import Control.Concurrent.MVar
-import Data.Binary (Binary, encode, decodeOrFail)
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
-import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
-import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
-import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
-import GHC.Generics
-import Language.Haskell.TH hiding (interruptible)
-import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
-import Quasar.Network.Multiplexer
-import Quasar.Network.Connection
-import qualified Network.Socket as Socket
-import Prelude
-import System.Posix.Files (getFileStatus, isSocket, fileExist, removeLink)
--- * Rpc api definition
-data RpcApi = RpcApi {
-  name :: String,
-  functions :: [ RpcFunction ]
-data RpcFunction = RpcFunction {
-  name :: String,
-  arguments :: [RpcArgument],
-  results :: [RpcResult],
-  streams :: [RpcStream],
-  fixedHandler :: Maybe (Q Exp)
-data RpcArgument = RpcArgument {
-  name :: String,
-  ty :: Q Type
-data RpcResult = RpcResult {
-  name :: String,
-  ty :: Q Type
-data RpcStream = RpcStream {
-  name :: String,
-  tyUp :: Q Type,
-  tyDown :: Q Type
-rpcApi :: String -> [RpcFunction] -> RpcApi
-rpcApi apiName functions = RpcApi {
-  name = apiName,
-  functions = functions
-rpcFunction :: String -> State RpcFunction () -> RpcFunction
-rpcFunction methodName setup = execState setup RpcFunction {
-    name = methodName,
-    arguments = [],
-    results = [],
-    streams = [],
-    fixedHandler = Nothing
-  }
-addArgument :: String -> Q Type -> State RpcFunction ()
-addArgument name t = State.modify (\fun -> fun{arguments = fun.arguments <> [RpcArgument name t]})
-addResult :: String -> Q Type -> State RpcFunction ()
-addResult name t = State.modify (\fun -> fun{results = fun.results <> [RpcResult name t]})
-addStream :: String -> Q Type -> Q Type -> State RpcFunction ()
-addStream name tUp tDown = State.modify (\fun -> fun{streams = fun.streams <> [RpcStream name tUp tDown]})
-setFixedHandler :: Q Exp -> State RpcFunction ()
-setFixedHandler handler = State.modify (\fun -> fun{fixedHandler = Just handler})
--- * Template Haskell rpc protocol generator
--- | Generates rpc protocol types, rpc client and rpc server
-makeRpc :: RpcApi -> Q [Dec]
-makeRpc api = mconcat <$> sequence [makeProtocol api, makeClient api, makeServer api]
-makeProtocol :: RpcApi -> Q [Dec]
-makeProtocol api@RpcApi{functions} = sequence [protocolDec, protocolInstanceDec, messageDec, responseDec]
-  where
-    protocolDec :: Q Dec
-    protocolDec = dataD (pure []) (protocolTypeName api) [] Nothing [] []
-    protocolInstanceDec :: Q Dec
-    protocolInstanceDec = instanceD (cxt []) (appT (conT ''RpcProtocol) (protocolType api)) [
-      tySynInstD (tySynEqn Nothing (appT (conT ''ProtocolRequest) (protocolType api)) (conT (requestTypeName api))),
-      tySynInstD (tySynEqn Nothing (appT (conT ''ProtocolResponse) (protocolType api)) (conT (responseTypeName api)))
-      ]
-    messageDec :: Q Dec
-    messageDec = dataD (pure []) (requestTypeName api) [] Nothing (messageCon <$> functions) serializableTypeDerivClauses
-      where
-        messageCon :: RpcFunction -> Q Con
-        messageCon fun = normalC (requestFunctionCtorName api fun) (messageConVar <$> fun.arguments)
-          where
-            messageConVar :: RpcArgument -> Q BangType
-            messageConVar (RpcArgument _name ty) = defaultBangType ty
-    responseDec :: Q Dec
-    responseDec = dataD (pure []) (responseTypeName api) [] Nothing (responseCon <$> filter hasResult functions) serializableTypeDerivClauses
-      where
-        responseCon :: RpcFunction -> Q Con
-        responseCon fun = normalC (responseFunctionCtorName api fun) [defaultBangType (resultTupleType fun)]
-        resultTupleType :: RpcFunction -> Q Type
-        resultTupleType fun = buildTupleType (sequence ((.ty) <$> fun.results))
-    serializableTypeDerivClauses :: [Q DerivClause]
-    serializableTypeDerivClauses = [
-      derivClause Nothing [[t|Eq|], [t|Show|], [t|Generic|], [t|Binary|]]
-      ]
-makeClient :: RpcApi -> Q [Dec]
-makeClient api@RpcApi{functions} = do
-  mconcat <$> mapM makeClientFunction functions
-  where
-    makeClientFunction :: RpcFunction -> Q [Dec]
-    makeClientFunction fun = do
-      clientVarName <- newName "client"
-      argNames <- sequence (newName . (.name) <$> fun.arguments)
-      channelNames <- sequence (newName . (<> "Channel") . (.name) <$> fun.streams)
-      streamNames <- sequence (newName . (.name) <$> fun.streams)
-      makeClientFunction' clientVarName argNames channelNames streamNames
-      where
-        funName :: Name
-        funName = mkName fun.name
-        makeClientFunction' :: Name -> [Name] -> [Name] -> [Name] -> Q [Dec]
-        makeClientFunction' clientVarName argNames channelNames streamNames = do
-          funArgTypes <- functionArgumentTypes fun
-          clientType <- [t|Client $(protocolType api)|]
-          resultType <- optionalResultType
-          streamTypes <- clientStreamTypes
-          sequence [
-            sigD funName (buildFunctionType (pure ([clientType] <> funArgTypes)) [t|IO $(buildTupleType (pure (resultType <> streamTypes)))|]),
-            funD funName [clause ([varP clientVarName] <> varPats) body []]
-            ]
-          where
-            optionalResultType :: Q [Type]
-            optionalResultType
-              | hasResult fun = (\x -> [x]) <$> buildTupleType (functionResultTypes fun)
-              | otherwise = pure []
-            clientStreamTypes :: Q [Type]
-            clientStreamTypes = sequence $ (\stream -> [t|Stream $(stream.tyUp) $(stream.tyDown)|]) <$> fun.streams
-            clientE :: Q Exp
-            clientE = varE clientVarName
-            varPats :: [Q Pat]
-            varPats = varP <$> argNames
-            body :: Q Body
-            body
-              | hasResult fun = normalB $ doE $
-                  [
-                    bindS [p|(response, resources)|] (requestE requestDataE),
-                    bindS [p|result|] (checkResult [|response|])
-                  ] <>
-                  createStreams [|resources.createdChannels|] <>
-                  [noBindS [|pure $(buildTuple (liftA2 (:) [|result|] streamsE))|]]
-              | otherwise = normalB $ doE $
-                  [bindS [p|resources|] (sendE requestDataE)] <>
-                  createStreams [|resources.createdChannels|] <>
-                  [noBindS [|pure $(buildTuple streamsE)|]]
-            requestDataE :: Q Exp
-            requestDataE = applyVars (conE (requestFunctionCtorName api fun))
-            createStreams :: Q Exp -> [Q Stmt]
-            createStreams channelsE = if length fun.streams > 0 then [assignChannels] <> go channelNames streamNames else [verifyNoChannels]
-              where
-                verifyNoChannels :: Q Stmt
-                verifyNoChannels = noBindS [|unless (null $(channelsE)) (fail "Invalid number of channel created")|]
-                assignChannels :: Q Stmt
-                assignChannels =
-                  bindS
-                    (tupP (varP <$> channelNames))
-                    $ caseE channelsE [
-                      match (listP (varP <$> channelNames)) (normalB [|pure $(tupE (varE <$> channelNames))|]) [],
-                      match [p|_|] (normalB [|fail "Invalid number of channel created"|]) []
-                      ]
-                go :: [Name] -> [Name] -> [Q Stmt]
-                go [] [] = []
-                go (cn:cns) (sn:sns) = createStream cn sn : go cns sns
-                go _ _ = fail "Logic error: lists have different lengths"
-                createStream :: Name -> Name -> Q Stmt
-                createStream channelName streamName = bindS (varP streamName) [|newStream $(varE channelName)|]
-            streamsE :: Q [Exp]
-            streamsE = mapM varE streamNames
-            messageConfigurationE :: Q Exp
-            messageConfigurationE = [|defaultMessageConfiguration{createChannels = $(litE $ integerL $ toInteger $ length fun.streams)}|]
-            sendE :: Q Exp -> Q Exp
-            sendE msgExp = [|$typedSend $clientE $messageConfigurationE $msgExp|]
-            requestE :: Q Exp -> Q Exp
-            requestE msgExp = [|$typedRequest $clientE $messageConfigurationE $msgExp|]
-            applyVars :: Q Exp -> Q Exp
-            applyVars = go argNames
-              where
-                go :: [Name] -> Q Exp -> Q Exp
-                go [] ex = ex
-                go (n:ns) ex = go ns (appE ex (varE n))
-            -- check if the response to a request matches the expected result constructor
-            checkResult :: Q Exp -> Q Exp
-            checkResult x = caseE x [valid, invalid]
-              where
-                valid :: Q Match
-                valid = do
-                  result <- newName "result"
-                  match (conP (responseFunctionCtorName api fun) [varP result]) (normalB [|pure $(varE result)|]) []
-                invalid :: Q Match
-                invalid = match wildP (normalB [|clientReportProtocolError $clientE "TODO"|]) []
-            typedSend :: Q Exp
-            typedSend = appTypeE [|clientSend|] (protocolType api)
-            typedRequest :: Q Exp
-            typedRequest = appTypeE [|clientRequestBlocking|] (protocolType api)
-makeServer :: RpcApi -> Q [Dec]
-makeServer api@RpcApi{functions} = sequence [handlerRecordDec, logicInstanceDec]
-  where
-    handlerRecordDec :: Q Dec
-    handlerRecordDec = dataD (pure []) (implTypeName api) [] Nothing [recC (implTypeName api) (handlerRecordField <$> functionsWithoutBuiltinHandler)] []
-    functionsWithoutBuiltinHandler :: [RpcFunction]
-    functionsWithoutBuiltinHandler = filter (isNothing . fixedHandler) functions
-    handlerRecordField :: RpcFunction -> Q VarBangType
-    handlerRecordField fun = varDefaultBangType (implFieldName api fun) (handlerFunctionType fun)
-    handlerFunctionType :: RpcFunction -> Q Type
-    handlerFunctionType fun = do
-      argumentTypes <- functionArgumentTypes fun
-      streamTypes <- serverStreamTypes
-      buildFunctionType (pure (argumentTypes <> streamTypes)) [t|IO $(buildTupleType (functionResultTypes fun))|]
-      where
-        serverStreamTypes :: Q [Type]
-        serverStreamTypes = sequence $ (\stream -> [t|Stream $(stream.tyDown) $(stream.tyUp)|]) <$> fun.streams
-    logicInstanceDec :: Q Dec
-    logicInstanceDec = instanceD (cxt []) [t|HasProtocolImpl $(protocolType api)|] [
-      tySynInstD (tySynEqn Nothing [t|ProtocolImpl $(protocolType api)|] (implType api)),
-      messageHandler
-      ]
-    messageHandler :: Q Dec
-    messageHandler = do
-      handleMessagePrimeName <- newName "handleMessage"
-      implName <- newName "impl"
-      channelsName <- newName "channels"
-      funD 'handleMessage [clause [varP implName, varP channelsName] (normalB (varE handleMessagePrimeName)) [handleMessagePrimeDec handleMessagePrimeName (varE implName) (varE channelsName)]]
-      where
-        handleMessagePrimeDec :: Name -> Q Exp -> Q Exp -> Q Dec
-        handleMessagePrimeDec handleMessagePrimeName implE channelsE = funD handleMessagePrimeName (handlerFunctionClause <$> functions)
-          where
-            handlerFunctionClause :: RpcFunction -> Q Clause
-            handlerFunctionClause fun = do
-              argNames <- sequence (newName . (.name) <$> fun.arguments)
-              channelNames <- sequence (newName . (<> "Channel") . (.name) <$> fun.streams)
-              streamNames <- sequence (newName . (.name) <$> fun.streams)
-              serverLogicHandlerFunctionClause' argNames channelNames streamNames
-              where
-                serverLogicHandlerFunctionClause' :: [Name] -> [Name] -> [Name] -> Q Clause
-                serverLogicHandlerFunctionClause' argNames channelNames streamNames = clause [conP (requestFunctionCtorName api fun) varPats] body []
-                  where
-                    varPats :: [Q Pat]
-                    varPats = varP <$> argNames
-                    body :: Q Body
-                    body = normalB $ doE $ createStreams <> [callImplementation]
-                    createStreams :: [Q Stmt]
-                    createStreams = if length fun.streams > 0 then [assignChannels] <> go channelNames streamNames else [verifyNoChannels]
-                      where
-                        verifyNoChannels :: Q Stmt
-                        verifyNoChannels = noBindS [|unless (null $(channelsE)) (fail "Received invalid channel count")|] -- TODO channelReportProtocolError
-                        assignChannels :: Q Stmt
-                        assignChannels =
-                          bindS
-                            (tupP (varP <$> channelNames))
-                            $ caseE channelsE [
-                              match (listP (varP <$> channelNames)) (normalB [|pure $(tupE (varE <$> channelNames))|]) [],
-                              match [p|_|] (normalB [|fail "Received invalid channel count"|]) [] -- TODO channelReportProtocolError
-                              ]
-                        go :: [Name] -> [Name] -> [Q Stmt]
-                        go [] [] = []
-                        go (cn:cns) (sn:sns) = createStream cn sn : go cns sns
-                        go _ _ = fail "Logic error: lists have different lengths"
-                        createStream :: Name -> Name -> Q Stmt
-                        createStream channelName streamName = bindS (varP streamName) [|newStream $(varE channelName)|]
-                    callImplementation :: Q Stmt
-                    callImplementation = noBindS callImplementationE
-                    callImplementationE :: Q Exp
-                    callImplementationE
-                      | hasResult fun = [|Just <$> $(packResponse (applyStreams (applyArguments implExp)))|]
-                      | otherwise = [|Nothing <$ $(applyStreams (applyArguments implExp))|]
-                    packResponse :: Q Exp -> Q Exp
-                    packResponse = fmapE (conE (responseFunctionCtorName api fun))
-                    applyArguments :: Q Exp -> Q Exp
-                    applyArguments = go argNames
-                      where
-                        go :: [Name] -> Q Exp -> Q Exp
-                        go [] ex = ex
-                        go (n:ns) ex = go ns (appE ex (varE n))
-                    applyStreams :: Q Exp -> Q Exp
-                    applyStreams = go streamNames
-                      where
-                        go :: [Name] -> Q Exp -> Q Exp
-                        go [] ex = ex
-                        go (sn:sns) ex = go sns (appE ex (varE sn))
-                    implExp :: Q Exp
-                    implExp = implExp' fun.fixedHandler
-                      where
-                        implExp' :: Maybe (Q Exp) -> Q Exp
-                        implExp' Nothing = varE (implFieldName api fun) `appE` implE
-                        implExp' (Just handler) = [|
-                          let
-                            impl :: $(implSig)
-                            impl = $(handler)
-                          in impl
-                          |]
-                    implSig :: Q Type
-                    implSig = handlerFunctionType fun
--- * Runtime
-class (Binary (ProtocolRequest p), Binary (ProtocolResponse p)) => RpcProtocol p where
-  -- "Up"
-  type ProtocolRequest p
-  -- "Down"
-  type ProtocolResponse p
-type ProtocolResponseWrapper p = (MessageId, ProtocolResponse p)
-class RpcProtocol p => HasProtocolImpl p where
-  type ProtocolImpl p
-  handleMessage :: ProtocolImpl p -> [Channel] -> ProtocolRequest p -> IO (Maybe (ProtocolResponse p))
-data Client p = Client {
-  channel :: Channel,
-  stateMVar :: MVar (ClientState p)
-newtype ClientState p = ClientState {
-  callbacks :: HM.HashMap MessageId (ProtocolResponse p -> IO ())
-emptyClientState :: ClientState p
-emptyClientState = ClientState {
-  callbacks = HM.empty
-clientSend :: RpcProtocol p => Client p -> MessageConfiguration -> ProtocolRequest p -> IO SentMessageResources
-clientSend client config req = channelSend_ client.channel config (encode req)
-clientRequestBlocking :: forall p. RpcProtocol p => Client p -> MessageConfiguration -> ProtocolRequest p -> IO (ProtocolResponse p, SentMessageResources)
-clientRequestBlocking client config req = do
-  resultMVar <- newEmptyMVar
-  sentMessageResources <- channelSend client.channel config (encode req) $ \msgId ->
-    modifyMVar_ client.stateMVar $
-      \state -> pure state{callbacks = HM.insert msgId (requestCompletedCallback resultMVar msgId) state.callbacks}
-  -- Block on resultMVar until the request completes
-  -- TODO: Future-based variant
-  result <- takeMVar resultMVar
-  pure (result, sentMessageResources)
-  where
-    requestCompletedCallback :: MVar (ProtocolResponse p) -> MessageId -> ProtocolResponse p -> IO ()
-    requestCompletedCallback resultMVar msgId response = do
-      -- Remove callback
-      modifyMVar_ client.stateMVar $ \state -> pure state{callbacks = HM.delete msgId state.callbacks}
-      putMVar resultMVar response
-clientHandleChannelMessage :: forall p. (RpcProtocol p) => Client p -> ReceivedMessageResources -> BSL.ByteString -> IO ()
-clientHandleChannelMessage client resources msg = case decodeOrFail msg of
-  Left (_, _, errMsg) -> channelReportProtocolError client.channel errMsg
-  Right ("", _, resp) -> clientHandleResponse resp
-  Right (leftovers, _, _) -> channelReportProtocolError client.channel ("Response parser pureed unexpected leftovers: " <> show (BSL.length leftovers))
-  where
-    clientHandleResponse :: ProtocolResponseWrapper p -> IO ()
-    clientHandleResponse (requestId, resp) = do
-      unless (null resources.createdChannels) (channelReportProtocolError client.channel "Received unexpected new channel during a rpc response")
-      callback <- modifyMVar client.stateMVar $ \state -> do
-        let (callbacks, mCallback) = lookupDelete requestId state.callbacks
-        case mCallback of
-          Just callback -> pure (state{callbacks}, callback)
-          Nothing -> channelReportProtocolError client.channel ("Received response with invalid request id " <> show requestId)
-      callback resp
-clientClose :: Client p -> IO ()
-clientClose client = channelClose client.channel
-clientReportProtocolError :: Client p -> String -> IO a
-clientReportProtocolError client = channelReportProtocolError client.channel
-serverHandleChannelMessage :: forall p. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => ProtocolImpl p -> Channel -> ReceivedMessageResources -> BSL.ByteString -> IO ()
-serverHandleChannelMessage protocolImpl channel resources msg = case decodeOrFail msg of
-    Left (_, _, errMsg) -> channelReportProtocolError channel errMsg
-    Right ("", _, req) -> serverHandleChannelRequest resources.createdChannels req
-    Right (leftovers, _, _) -> channelReportProtocolError channel ("Request parser pureed unexpected leftovers: " <> show (BSL.length leftovers))
-  where
-    serverHandleChannelRequest :: [Channel] -> ProtocolRequest p -> IO ()
-    serverHandleChannelRequest channels req = handleMessage @p protocolImpl channels req >>= maybe (pure ()) serverSendResponse
-    serverSendResponse :: ProtocolResponse p -> IO ()
-    serverSendResponse response = channelSendSimple channel (encode wrappedResponse)
-      where
-        wrappedResponse :: ProtocolResponseWrapper p
-        wrappedResponse = (resources.messageId, response)
-newtype Stream up down = Stream Channel
-newStream :: Channel -> IO (Stream up down)
-newStream = pure . Stream
-streamSend :: Binary up => Stream up down -> up -> IO ()
-streamSend (Stream channel) value = channelSendSimple channel (encode value)
-streamSetHandler :: Binary down => Stream up down -> (down -> IO ()) -> IO ()
-streamSetHandler (Stream channel) handler = channelSetSimpleHandler channel handler
-streamClose :: Stream up down -> IO ()
-streamClose (Stream channel) = channelClose channel
--- ** Running client and server
-withClientTCP :: RpcProtocol p => Socket.HostName -> Socket.ServiceName -> (Client p -> IO a) -> IO a
-withClientTCP host port = bracket (newClientTCP host port) clientClose
-newClientTCP :: forall p. RpcProtocol p => Socket.HostName -> Socket.ServiceName -> IO (Client p)
-newClientTCP host port = newClient =<< connectTCP host port
-withClientUnix :: RpcProtocol p => FilePath -> (Client p -> IO a) -> IO a
-withClientUnix socketPath = bracket (newClientUnix socketPath) clientClose
-newClientUnix :: RpcProtocol p => FilePath -> IO (Client p)
-newClientUnix socketPath = bracketOnError (Socket.socket Socket.AF_UNIX Socket.Stream Socket.defaultProtocol) Socket.close $ \sock -> do
-  Socket.withFdSocket sock Socket.setCloseOnExecIfNeeded
-  Socket.connect sock $ Socket.SockAddrUnix socketPath
-  newClient sock
-withClient :: forall p a b. (IsConnection a, RpcProtocol p) => a -> (Client p -> IO b) -> IO b
-withClient x = bracket (newClient x) clientClose
-newClient :: forall p a. (IsConnection a, RpcProtocol p) => a -> IO (Client p)
-newClient x = newChannelClient =<< newMultiplexer MultiplexerSideA (toSocketConnection x)
-newChannelClient :: RpcProtocol p => Channel -> IO (Client p)
-newChannelClient channel = do
-  stateMVar <- newMVar emptyClientState
-  let client = Client {
-    channel,
-    stateMVar
-  }
-  channelSetHandler channel (clientHandleChannelMessage client)
-  pure client
-data Listener =
-  TcpPort (Maybe Socket.HostName) Socket.ServiceName |
-  UnixSocket FilePath |
-  ListenSocket Socket.Socket
-data Server p = Server {
-  protocolImpl :: ProtocolImpl p
--- | Internal
-newServer :: forall p. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => ProtocolImpl p -> IO (Server p)
-newServer protocolImpl = pure Server { protocolImpl }
--- | Internal
-execServer :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => Server p -> [Listener] -> IO a
-execServer server listeners = mapConcurrently_ runListener listeners >> fail "Server failed: All listeners stopped unexpectedly"
-  where
-    runListener :: Listener -> IO ()
-    runListener (TcpPort mhost port) = runTCPListener server mhost port
-    runListener (UnixSocket path) = runUnixSocketListener server path
-    runListener (ListenSocket socket) = runListenerOnBoundSocket server socket
-runServer :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => ProtocolImpl p -> [Listener] -> IO a
-runServer _ [] = fail "Tried to start a server without any listeners attached"
-runServer protocolImpl listener = do
-  server <- newServer @p protocolImpl
-  execServer server listener
-withServer :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => ProtocolImpl p -> [Listener] -> (Server p -> IO a) -> IO a
-withServer protocolImpl [] action = action =<< newServer @p protocolImpl
-withServer protocolImpl listeners action = do
-  server <- newServer @p protocolImpl
-  withAsync (execServer server listeners) (\x -> link x >> action server <* cancel x)
-listenTCP :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => ProtocolImpl p -> Maybe Socket.HostName -> Socket.ServiceName -> IO a
-listenTCP impl mhost port = runServer @p impl [TcpPort mhost port]
--- | Internal
-runTCPListener :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => Server p -> Maybe Socket.HostName -> Socket.ServiceName -> IO a
-runTCPListener server mhost port = do
-  addr <- resolve
-  bracket (open addr) Socket.close (runListenerOnBoundSocket server)
-  where
-    resolve :: IO Socket.AddrInfo
-    resolve = do
-      let hints = Socket.defaultHints {Socket.addrFlags=[Socket.AI_PASSIVE], Socket.addrSocketType=Socket.Stream}
-      (addr:_) <- Socket.getAddrInfo (Just hints) mhost (Just port)
-      pure addr
-    open :: Socket.AddrInfo -> IO Socket.Socket
-    open addr = bracketOnError (Socket.socket Socket.AF_UNIX Socket.Stream Socket.defaultProtocol) Socket.close $ \sock -> do
-      Socket.withFdSocket sock Socket.setCloseOnExecIfNeeded
-      Socket.bind sock (Socket.addrAddress addr)
-      pure sock
-listenUnix :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => ProtocolImpl p -> FilePath -> IO a
-listenUnix impl path = runServer @p impl [UnixSocket path]
-runUnixSocketListener :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => Server p -> FilePath -> IO a
-runUnixSocketListener server socketPath = do
-  bracket create Socket.close (runListenerOnBoundSocket server)
-  where
-    create :: IO Socket.Socket
-    create = do
-      fileExistsAtPath <- fileExist socketPath
-      when fileExistsAtPath $ do
-        fileStatus <- getFileStatus socketPath
-        if isSocket fileStatus
-          then removeLink socketPath
-          else fail "Cannot bind socket: Socket path is not empty"
-      bracketOnError (Socket.socket Socket.AF_UNIX Socket.Stream Socket.defaultProtocol) Socket.close $ \sock -> do
-        Socket.withFdSocket sock Socket.setCloseOnExecIfNeeded
-        Socket.bind sock (Socket.SockAddrUnix socketPath)
-        pure sock
--- | Listen and accept connections on an already bound socket.
-listenOnBoundSocket :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => ProtocolImpl p -> Socket.Socket -> IO a
-listenOnBoundSocket protocolImpl socket = runServer @p protocolImpl [ListenSocket socket]
--- | Internal
-runListenerOnBoundSocket :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => Server p -> Socket.Socket -> IO a
-runListenerOnBoundSocket server sock = do
-  Socket.listen sock 1024
-  forever $ mask_ $ do
-    (conn, _sockAddr) <- Socket.accept sock
-    connectToServer server conn
--- | Internal
-connectToServer :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p, IsConnection a) => Server p -> a -> IO ()
-connectToServer server conn = void $ forkFinally (interruptible (runServerHandler @p server.protocolImpl connection)) socketFinalization
-  where
-    connection :: Connection
-    connection = toSocketConnection conn
-    socketFinalization :: Either SomeException () -> IO ()
-    socketFinalization (Left _err) = do
-      -- TODO: log error
-      --logStderr $ "Client connection closed with error " <> show err
-      connection.close
-    socketFinalization (Right ()) = do
-      connection.close
--- | Internal
-runServerHandler :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p, IsConnection a) => ProtocolImpl p -> a -> IO ()
-runServerHandler protocolImpl = runMultiplexer MultiplexerSideB registerChannelServerHandler . toSocketConnection
-  where
-    registerChannelServerHandler :: Channel -> IO ()
-    registerChannelServerHandler channel = channelSetHandler channel (serverHandleChannelMessage @p protocolImpl channel)
-withLocalClient :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => Server p -> ((Client p) -> IO a) -> IO a
-withLocalClient server = bracket (newLocalClient server) clientClose
-newLocalClient :: forall p. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => Server p -> IO (Client p)
-newLocalClient server = do
-  unless Socket.isUnixDomainSocketAvailable $ fail "Unix domain sockets are not available"
-  mask_ $ do
-    (clientSocket, serverSocket) <- Socket.socketPair Socket.AF_UNIX Socket.Stream Socket.defaultProtocol
-    connectToServer server serverSocket
-    newClient @p clientSocket
--- ** Test implementation
-withStandaloneClient :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => ProtocolImpl p -> (Client p -> IO a) -> IO a
-withStandaloneClient impl runClientHook = withServer impl [] $ \server -> withLocalClient server runClientHook
--- * Internal
--- ** Protocol generator helpers
-functionArgumentTypes :: RpcFunction -> Q [Type]
-functionArgumentTypes fun = sequence $ (.ty) <$> fun.arguments
-functionResultTypes :: RpcFunction -> Q [Type]
-functionResultTypes fun = sequence $ (.ty) <$> fun.results
-hasFixedHandler :: RpcFunction -> Bool
-hasFixedHandler RpcFunction{fixedHandler = Nothing} = False
-hasFixedHandler _ = True
-hasResult :: RpcFunction -> Bool
-hasResult fun = not (null fun.results)
--- *** Name helper functions
-protocolTypeName :: RpcApi -> Name
-protocolTypeName RpcApi{name} = mkName (name <> "Protocol")
-protocolType :: RpcApi -> Q Type
-protocolType = conT . protocolTypeName
-requestTypeIdentifier :: RpcApi -> String
-requestTypeIdentifier RpcApi{name} = name <> "ProtocolRequest"
-requestTypeName :: RpcApi -> Name
-requestTypeName = mkName . requestTypeIdentifier
-requestFunctionCtorName :: RpcApi -> RpcFunction -> Name
-requestFunctionCtorName api fun = mkName (requestTypeIdentifier api <> "_" <> fun.name)
-responseTypeIdentifier :: RpcApi -> String
-responseTypeIdentifier RpcApi{name} = name <> "ProtocolResponse"
-responseTypeName :: RpcApi -> Name
-responseTypeName = mkName . responseTypeIdentifier
-responseFunctionCtorName :: RpcApi -> RpcFunction -> Name
-responseFunctionCtorName api fun = mkName (responseTypeIdentifier api <> "_" <> fun.name)
-implTypeName :: RpcApi -> Name
-implTypeName RpcApi{name} = mkName $ name <> "ProtocolImpl"
-implType :: RpcApi -> Q Type
-implType = conT . implTypeName
-implFieldName :: RpcApi -> RpcFunction -> Name
-implFieldName _api fun = mkName (fun.name <> "Impl")
--- ** Template Haskell helper functions
-funT :: Q Type -> Q Type -> Q Type
-funT x = appT (appT arrowT x)
-infixr 0 `funT`
-buildTupleType :: Q [Type] -> Q Type
-buildTupleType fields = buildTupleType' =<< fields
-  where
-    buildTupleType' :: [Type] -> Q Type
-    buildTupleType' [] = [t|()|]
-    buildTupleType' [single] = pure single
-    buildTupleType' fs = pure $ go (TupleT (length fs)) fs
-    go :: Type -> [Type] -> Type
-    go t [] = t
-    go t (f:fs) = go (AppT t f) fs
-buildTuple :: Q [Exp] -> Q Exp
-buildTuple fields = buildTuple' =<< fields
-  where
-    buildTuple' :: [Exp] -> Q Exp
-    buildTuple' [] = [|()|]
-    buildTuple' [single] = pure single
-    buildTuple' fs = pure $ TupE (Just <$> fs)
-buildFunctionType :: Q [Type] -> Q Type -> Q Type
-buildFunctionType argTypes returnType = go =<< argTypes
-  where
-    go :: [Type] -> Q Type
-    go [] = returnType
-    go (t:ts) = pure t `funT` go ts
-defaultBangType  :: Q Type -> Q BangType
-defaultBangType = bangType (bang noSourceUnpackedness noSourceStrictness)
-varDefaultBangType  :: Name -> Q Type -> Q VarBangType
-varDefaultBangType name qType = varBangType name $ bangType (bang noSourceUnpackedness noSourceStrictness) qType
-fmapE :: Q Exp -> Q Exp -> Q Exp
-fmapE f e = [|$(f) <$> $(e)|]
--- ** General helper functions
--- | Lookup and delete a value from a HashMap in one operation
-lookupDelete :: forall k v. (Eq k, Hashable k) => k -> HM.HashMap k v -> (HM.HashMap k v, Maybe v)
-lookupDelete key m = State.runState fn Nothing
-  where
-    fn :: State.State (Maybe v) (HM.HashMap k v)
-    fn = HM.alterF (\c -> State.put c >> pure Nothing) key m
+import Quasar.Network.TH
+import Quasar.Network.Runtime
diff --git a/src/Quasar/Network/Connection.hs b/src/Quasar/Network/Connection.hs
index 666a84e0a48eb47606e30a22cb8a4f781aeeb171..e2f747c56283a746f70b04fe0773cab74d88bf58 100644
--- a/src/Quasar/Network/Connection.hs
+++ b/src/Quasar/Network/Connection.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
-module Quasar.Network.Connection where
+module Quasar.Network.Connection (
+  Connection(..),
+  IsConnection(..),
+  connectTCP,
+) where
 import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
 import Control.Concurrent.Async (Async, async, cancel, link, waitCatch, withAsync)
diff --git a/src/Quasar/Network/Runtime.hs b/src/Quasar/Network/Runtime.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b171ee57cb361b3e347984dba4fd1dce087e0917
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Quasar/Network/Runtime.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+module Quasar.Network.Runtime (
+  -- * Client
+  Client,
+  clientClose,
+  withClientTCP,
+  newClientTCP,
+  withClientUnix,
+  newClientUnix,
+  withClient,
+  newClient,
+  -- * Server
+  Server,
+  Listener(..),
+  runServer,
+  withServer,
+  withLocalClient,
+  newLocalClient,
+  listenTCP,
+  listenUnix,
+  listenOnBoundSocket,
+  -- * Stream
+  Stream,
+  streamSend,
+  streamSetHandler,
+  streamClose,
+  -- * Test implementation
+  withStandaloneClient,
+  -- * Internal runtime interface
+  RpcProtocol(..),
+  HasProtocolImpl(..),
+  clientSend,
+  clientRequestBlocking,
+  clientReportProtocolError,
+  newStream,
+) where
+import Control.Concurrent (forkFinally)
+import Control.Concurrent.Async (cancel, link, withAsync, mapConcurrently_)
+import Control.Exception (SomeException, bracket, bracketOnError, bracketOnError, interruptible, mask_)
+import Control.Monad (when, unless, forever, void)
+import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar
+import Data.Binary (Binary, encode, decodeOrFail)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
+import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
+import qualified Network.Socket as Socket
+import Prelude
+import Quasar.Network.Connection
+import Quasar.Network.Multiplexer
+import System.Posix.Files (getFileStatus, isSocket, fileExist, removeLink)
+class (Binary (ProtocolRequest p), Binary (ProtocolResponse p)) => RpcProtocol p where
+  -- "Up"
+  type ProtocolRequest p
+  -- "Down"
+  type ProtocolResponse p
+type ProtocolResponseWrapper p = (MessageId, ProtocolResponse p)
+class RpcProtocol p => HasProtocolImpl p where
+  type ProtocolImpl p
+  handleMessage :: ProtocolImpl p -> [Channel] -> ProtocolRequest p -> IO (Maybe (ProtocolResponse p))
+data Client p = Client {
+  channel :: Channel,
+  stateMVar :: MVar (ClientState p)
+newtype ClientState p = ClientState {
+  callbacks :: HM.HashMap MessageId (ProtocolResponse p -> IO ())
+emptyClientState :: ClientState p
+emptyClientState = ClientState {
+  callbacks = HM.empty
+clientSend :: RpcProtocol p => Client p -> MessageConfiguration -> ProtocolRequest p -> IO SentMessageResources
+clientSend client config req = channelSend_ client.channel config (encode req)
+clientRequestBlocking :: forall p. RpcProtocol p => Client p -> MessageConfiguration -> ProtocolRequest p -> IO (ProtocolResponse p, SentMessageResources)
+clientRequestBlocking client config req = do
+  resultMVar <- newEmptyMVar
+  sentMessageResources <- channelSend client.channel config (encode req) $ \msgId ->
+    modifyMVar_ client.stateMVar $
+      \state -> pure state{callbacks = HM.insert msgId (requestCompletedCallback resultMVar msgId) state.callbacks}
+  -- Block on resultMVar until the request completes
+  -- TODO: Future-based variant
+  result <- takeMVar resultMVar
+  pure (result, sentMessageResources)
+  where
+    requestCompletedCallback :: MVar (ProtocolResponse p) -> MessageId -> ProtocolResponse p -> IO ()
+    requestCompletedCallback resultMVar msgId response = do
+      -- Remove callback
+      modifyMVar_ client.stateMVar $ \state -> pure state{callbacks = HM.delete msgId state.callbacks}
+      putMVar resultMVar response
+clientHandleChannelMessage :: forall p. (RpcProtocol p) => Client p -> ReceivedMessageResources -> BSL.ByteString -> IO ()
+clientHandleChannelMessage client resources msg = case decodeOrFail msg of
+  Left (_, _, errMsg) -> channelReportProtocolError client.channel errMsg
+  Right ("", _, resp) -> clientHandleResponse resp
+  Right (leftovers, _, _) -> channelReportProtocolError client.channel ("Response parser pureed unexpected leftovers: " <> show (BSL.length leftovers))
+  where
+    clientHandleResponse :: ProtocolResponseWrapper p -> IO ()
+    clientHandleResponse (requestId, resp) = do
+      unless (null resources.createdChannels) (channelReportProtocolError client.channel "Received unexpected new channel during a rpc response")
+      callback <- modifyMVar client.stateMVar $ \state -> do
+        let (callbacks, mCallback) = lookupDelete requestId state.callbacks
+        case mCallback of
+          Just callback -> pure (state{callbacks}, callback)
+          Nothing -> channelReportProtocolError client.channel ("Received response with invalid request id " <> show requestId)
+      callback resp
+clientClose :: Client p -> IO ()
+clientClose client = channelClose client.channel
+clientReportProtocolError :: Client p -> String -> IO a
+clientReportProtocolError client = channelReportProtocolError client.channel
+serverHandleChannelMessage :: forall p. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => ProtocolImpl p -> Channel -> ReceivedMessageResources -> BSL.ByteString -> IO ()
+serverHandleChannelMessage protocolImpl channel resources msg = case decodeOrFail msg of
+    Left (_, _, errMsg) -> channelReportProtocolError channel errMsg
+    Right ("", _, req) -> serverHandleChannelRequest resources.createdChannels req
+    Right (leftovers, _, _) -> channelReportProtocolError channel ("Request parser pureed unexpected leftovers: " <> show (BSL.length leftovers))
+  where
+    serverHandleChannelRequest :: [Channel] -> ProtocolRequest p -> IO ()
+    serverHandleChannelRequest channels req = handleMessage @p protocolImpl channels req >>= maybe (pure ()) serverSendResponse
+    serverSendResponse :: ProtocolResponse p -> IO ()
+    serverSendResponse response = channelSendSimple channel (encode wrappedResponse)
+      where
+        wrappedResponse :: ProtocolResponseWrapper p
+        wrappedResponse = (resources.messageId, response)
+newtype Stream up down = Stream Channel
+newStream :: Channel -> IO (Stream up down)
+newStream = pure . Stream
+streamSend :: Binary up => Stream up down -> up -> IO ()
+streamSend (Stream channel) value = channelSendSimple channel (encode value)
+streamSetHandler :: Binary down => Stream up down -> (down -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+streamSetHandler (Stream channel) handler = channelSetSimpleHandler channel handler
+streamClose :: Stream up down -> IO ()
+streamClose (Stream channel) = channelClose channel
+-- ** Running client and server
+withClientTCP :: RpcProtocol p => Socket.HostName -> Socket.ServiceName -> (Client p -> IO a) -> IO a
+withClientTCP host port = bracket (newClientTCP host port) clientClose
+newClientTCP :: forall p. RpcProtocol p => Socket.HostName -> Socket.ServiceName -> IO (Client p)
+newClientTCP host port = newClient =<< connectTCP host port
+withClientUnix :: RpcProtocol p => FilePath -> (Client p -> IO a) -> IO a
+withClientUnix socketPath = bracket (newClientUnix socketPath) clientClose
+newClientUnix :: RpcProtocol p => FilePath -> IO (Client p)
+newClientUnix socketPath = bracketOnError (Socket.socket Socket.AF_UNIX Socket.Stream Socket.defaultProtocol) Socket.close $ \sock -> do
+  Socket.withFdSocket sock Socket.setCloseOnExecIfNeeded
+  Socket.connect sock $ Socket.SockAddrUnix socketPath
+  newClient sock
+withClient :: forall p a b. (IsConnection a, RpcProtocol p) => a -> (Client p -> IO b) -> IO b
+withClient x = bracket (newClient x) clientClose
+newClient :: forall p a. (IsConnection a, RpcProtocol p) => a -> IO (Client p)
+newClient x = newChannelClient =<< newMultiplexer MultiplexerSideA (toSocketConnection x)
+newChannelClient :: RpcProtocol p => Channel -> IO (Client p)
+newChannelClient channel = do
+  stateMVar <- newMVar emptyClientState
+  let client = Client {
+    channel,
+    stateMVar
+  }
+  channelSetHandler channel (clientHandleChannelMessage client)
+  pure client
+data Listener =
+  TcpPort (Maybe Socket.HostName) Socket.ServiceName |
+  UnixSocket FilePath |
+  ListenSocket Socket.Socket
+data Server p = Server {
+  protocolImpl :: ProtocolImpl p
+newServer :: forall p. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => ProtocolImpl p -> IO (Server p)
+newServer protocolImpl = pure Server { protocolImpl }
+execServer :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => Server p -> [Listener] -> IO a
+execServer server listeners = mapConcurrently_ runListener listeners >> fail "Server failed: All listeners stopped unexpectedly"
+  where
+    runListener :: Listener -> IO ()
+    runListener (TcpPort mhost port) = runTCPListener server mhost port
+    runListener (UnixSocket path) = runUnixSocketListener server path
+    runListener (ListenSocket socket) = runListenerOnBoundSocket server socket
+runServer :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => ProtocolImpl p -> [Listener] -> IO a
+runServer _ [] = fail "Tried to start a server without any listeners attached"
+runServer protocolImpl listener = do
+  server <- newServer @p protocolImpl
+  execServer server listener
+withServer :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => ProtocolImpl p -> [Listener] -> (Server p -> IO a) -> IO a
+withServer protocolImpl [] action = action =<< newServer @p protocolImpl
+withServer protocolImpl listeners action = do
+  server <- newServer @p protocolImpl
+  withAsync (execServer server listeners) (\x -> link x >> action server <* cancel x)
+listenTCP :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => ProtocolImpl p -> Maybe Socket.HostName -> Socket.ServiceName -> IO a
+listenTCP impl mhost port = runServer @p impl [TcpPort mhost port]
+runTCPListener :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => Server p -> Maybe Socket.HostName -> Socket.ServiceName -> IO a
+runTCPListener server mhost port = do
+  addr <- resolve
+  bracket (open addr) Socket.close (runListenerOnBoundSocket server)
+  where
+    resolve :: IO Socket.AddrInfo
+    resolve = do
+      let hints = Socket.defaultHints {Socket.addrFlags=[Socket.AI_PASSIVE], Socket.addrSocketType=Socket.Stream}
+      (addr:_) <- Socket.getAddrInfo (Just hints) mhost (Just port)
+      pure addr
+    open :: Socket.AddrInfo -> IO Socket.Socket
+    open addr = bracketOnError (Socket.socket Socket.AF_UNIX Socket.Stream Socket.defaultProtocol) Socket.close $ \sock -> do
+      Socket.withFdSocket sock Socket.setCloseOnExecIfNeeded
+      Socket.bind sock (Socket.addrAddress addr)
+      pure sock
+listenUnix :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => ProtocolImpl p -> FilePath -> IO a
+listenUnix impl path = runServer @p impl [UnixSocket path]
+runUnixSocketListener :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => Server p -> FilePath -> IO a
+runUnixSocketListener server socketPath = do
+  bracket create Socket.close (runListenerOnBoundSocket server)
+  where
+    create :: IO Socket.Socket
+    create = do
+      fileExistsAtPath <- fileExist socketPath
+      when fileExistsAtPath $ do
+        fileStatus <- getFileStatus socketPath
+        if isSocket fileStatus
+          then removeLink socketPath
+          else fail "Cannot bind socket: Socket path is not empty"
+      bracketOnError (Socket.socket Socket.AF_UNIX Socket.Stream Socket.defaultProtocol) Socket.close $ \sock -> do
+        Socket.withFdSocket sock Socket.setCloseOnExecIfNeeded
+        Socket.bind sock (Socket.SockAddrUnix socketPath)
+        pure sock
+-- | Listen and accept connections on an already bound socket.
+listenOnBoundSocket :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => ProtocolImpl p -> Socket.Socket -> IO a
+listenOnBoundSocket protocolImpl socket = runServer @p protocolImpl [ListenSocket socket]
+runListenerOnBoundSocket :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => Server p -> Socket.Socket -> IO a
+runListenerOnBoundSocket server sock = do
+  Socket.listen sock 1024
+  forever $ mask_ $ do
+    (conn, _sockAddr) <- Socket.accept sock
+    connectToServer server conn
+connectToServer :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p, IsConnection a) => Server p -> a -> IO ()
+connectToServer server conn = void $ forkFinally (interruptible (runServerHandler @p server.protocolImpl connection)) socketFinalization
+  where
+    connection :: Connection
+    connection = toSocketConnection conn
+    socketFinalization :: Either SomeException () -> IO ()
+    socketFinalization (Left _err) = do
+      -- TODO: log error
+      --logStderr $ "Client connection closed with error " <> show err
+      connection.close
+    socketFinalization (Right ()) = do
+      connection.close
+runServerHandler :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p, IsConnection a) => ProtocolImpl p -> a -> IO ()
+runServerHandler protocolImpl = runMultiplexer MultiplexerSideB registerChannelServerHandler . toSocketConnection
+  where
+    registerChannelServerHandler :: Channel -> IO ()
+    registerChannelServerHandler channel = channelSetHandler channel (serverHandleChannelMessage @p protocolImpl channel)
+withLocalClient :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => Server p -> ((Client p) -> IO a) -> IO a
+withLocalClient server = bracket (newLocalClient server) clientClose
+newLocalClient :: forall p. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => Server p -> IO (Client p)
+newLocalClient server = do
+  unless Socket.isUnixDomainSocketAvailable $ fail "Unix domain sockets are not available"
+  mask_ $ do
+    (clientSocket, serverSocket) <- Socket.socketPair Socket.AF_UNIX Socket.Stream Socket.defaultProtocol
+    connectToServer server serverSocket
+    newClient @p clientSocket
+-- ** Test implementation
+withStandaloneClient :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => ProtocolImpl p -> (Client p -> IO a) -> IO a
+withStandaloneClient impl runClientHook = withServer impl [] $ \server -> withLocalClient server runClientHook
+-- * Helper functions
+-- | Lookup and delete a value from a HashMap in one operation
+lookupDelete :: forall k v. (Eq k, Hashable k) => k -> HM.HashMap k v -> (HM.HashMap k v, Maybe v)
+lookupDelete key m = State.runState fn Nothing
+  where
+    fn :: State.State (Maybe v) (HM.HashMap k v)
+    fn = HM.alterF (\c -> State.put c >> pure Nothing) key m
diff --git a/src/Quasar/Network/TH.hs b/src/Quasar/Network/TH.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7af9bef76a0e638ed5b71174b857ba2de118dbcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Quasar/Network/TH.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+module Quasar.Network.TH (
+  RpcApi,
+  RpcFunction,
+  RpcArgument,
+  RpcResult,
+  RpcStream,
+  rpcApi,
+  rpcFunction,
+  addArgument,
+  addResult,
+  addStream,
+  setFixedHandler,
+  makeRpc,
+  -- TODO: re-add functions that generate only client and server later
+  RpcProtocol(ProtocolRequest, ProtocolResponse),
+  HasProtocolImpl
+) where
+import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
+import Control.Monad (unless)
+import Control.Monad.State (State, execState)
+import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
+import Data.Binary (Binary)
+import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
+import GHC.Generics
+import Language.Haskell.TH hiding (interruptible)
+import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
+import Prelude
+import Quasar.Network.Multiplexer
+import Quasar.Network.Runtime
+data RpcApi = RpcApi {
+  name :: String,
+  functions :: [ RpcFunction ]
+data RpcFunction = RpcFunction {
+  name :: String,
+  arguments :: [RpcArgument],
+  results :: [RpcResult],
+  streams :: [RpcStream],
+  fixedHandler :: Maybe (Q Exp)
+data RpcArgument = RpcArgument {
+  name :: String,
+  ty :: Q Type
+data RpcResult = RpcResult {
+  name :: String,
+  ty :: Q Type
+data RpcStream = RpcStream {
+  name :: String,
+  tyUp :: Q Type,
+  tyDown :: Q Type
+rpcApi :: String -> [RpcFunction] -> RpcApi
+rpcApi apiName functions = RpcApi {
+  name = apiName,
+  functions = functions
+rpcFunction :: String -> State RpcFunction () -> RpcFunction
+rpcFunction methodName setup = execState setup RpcFunction {
+    name = methodName,
+    arguments = [],
+    results = [],
+    streams = [],
+    fixedHandler = Nothing
+  }
+addArgument :: String -> Q Type -> State RpcFunction ()
+addArgument name t = State.modify (\fun -> fun{arguments = fun.arguments <> [RpcArgument name t]})
+addResult :: String -> Q Type -> State RpcFunction ()
+addResult name t = State.modify (\fun -> fun{results = fun.results <> [RpcResult name t]})
+addStream :: String -> Q Type -> Q Type -> State RpcFunction ()
+addStream name tUp tDown = State.modify (\fun -> fun{streams = fun.streams <> [RpcStream name tUp tDown]})
+setFixedHandler :: Q Exp -> State RpcFunction ()
+setFixedHandler handler = State.modify (\fun -> fun{fixedHandler = Just handler})
+-- * Template Haskell rpc protocol generator
+-- | Generates rpc protocol types, rpc client and rpc server
+makeRpc :: RpcApi -> Q [Dec]
+makeRpc api = mconcat <$> sequence [makeProtocol api, makeClient api, makeServer api]
+makeProtocol :: RpcApi -> Q [Dec]
+makeProtocol api@RpcApi{functions} = sequence [protocolDec, protocolInstanceDec, messageDec, responseDec]
+  where
+    protocolDec :: Q Dec
+    protocolDec = dataD (pure []) (protocolTypeName api) [] Nothing [] []
+    protocolInstanceDec :: Q Dec
+    protocolInstanceDec = instanceD (cxt []) (appT (conT ''RpcProtocol) (protocolType api)) [
+      tySynInstD (tySynEqn Nothing (appT (conT ''ProtocolRequest) (protocolType api)) (conT (requestTypeName api))),
+      tySynInstD (tySynEqn Nothing (appT (conT ''ProtocolResponse) (protocolType api)) (conT (responseTypeName api)))
+      ]
+    messageDec :: Q Dec
+    messageDec = dataD (pure []) (requestTypeName api) [] Nothing (messageCon <$> functions) serializableTypeDerivClauses
+      where
+        messageCon :: RpcFunction -> Q Con
+        messageCon fun = normalC (requestFunctionCtorName api fun) (messageConVar <$> fun.arguments)
+          where
+            messageConVar :: RpcArgument -> Q BangType
+            messageConVar (RpcArgument _name ty) = defaultBangType ty
+    responseDec :: Q Dec
+    responseDec = dataD (pure []) (responseTypeName api) [] Nothing (responseCon <$> filter hasResult functions) serializableTypeDerivClauses
+      where
+        responseCon :: RpcFunction -> Q Con
+        responseCon fun = normalC (responseFunctionCtorName api fun) [defaultBangType (resultTupleType fun)]
+        resultTupleType :: RpcFunction -> Q Type
+        resultTupleType fun = buildTupleType (sequence ((.ty) <$> fun.results))
+    serializableTypeDerivClauses :: [Q DerivClause]
+    serializableTypeDerivClauses = [
+      derivClause Nothing [[t|Eq|], [t|Show|], [t|Generic|], [t|Binary|]]
+      ]
+makeClient :: RpcApi -> Q [Dec]
+makeClient api@RpcApi{functions} = do
+  mconcat <$> mapM makeClientFunction functions
+  where
+    makeClientFunction :: RpcFunction -> Q [Dec]
+    makeClientFunction fun = do
+      clientVarName <- newName "client"
+      argNames <- sequence (newName . (.name) <$> fun.arguments)
+      channelNames <- sequence (newName . (<> "Channel") . (.name) <$> fun.streams)
+      streamNames <- sequence (newName . (.name) <$> fun.streams)
+      makeClientFunction' clientVarName argNames channelNames streamNames
+      where
+        funName :: Name
+        funName = mkName fun.name
+        makeClientFunction' :: Name -> [Name] -> [Name] -> [Name] -> Q [Dec]
+        makeClientFunction' clientVarName argNames channelNames streamNames = do
+          funArgTypes <- functionArgumentTypes fun
+          clientType <- [t|Client $(protocolType api)|]
+          resultType <- optionalResultType
+          streamTypes <- clientStreamTypes
+          sequence [
+            sigD funName (buildFunctionType (pure ([clientType] <> funArgTypes)) [t|IO $(buildTupleType (pure (resultType <> streamTypes)))|]),
+            funD funName [clause ([varP clientVarName] <> varPats) body []]
+            ]
+          where
+            optionalResultType :: Q [Type]
+            optionalResultType
+              | hasResult fun = (\x -> [x]) <$> buildTupleType (functionResultTypes fun)
+              | otherwise = pure []
+            clientStreamTypes :: Q [Type]
+            clientStreamTypes = sequence $ (\stream -> [t|Stream $(stream.tyUp) $(stream.tyDown)|]) <$> fun.streams
+            clientE :: Q Exp
+            clientE = varE clientVarName
+            varPats :: [Q Pat]
+            varPats = varP <$> argNames
+            body :: Q Body
+            body
+              | hasResult fun = normalB $ doE $
+                  [
+                    bindS [p|(response, resources)|] (requestE requestDataE),
+                    bindS [p|result|] (checkResult [|response|])
+                  ] <>
+                  createStreams [|resources.createdChannels|] <>
+                  [noBindS [|pure $(buildTuple (liftA2 (:) [|result|] streamsE))|]]
+              | otherwise = normalB $ doE $
+                  [bindS [p|resources|] (sendE requestDataE)] <>
+                  createStreams [|resources.createdChannels|] <>
+                  [noBindS [|pure $(buildTuple streamsE)|]]
+            requestDataE :: Q Exp
+            requestDataE = applyVars (conE (requestFunctionCtorName api fun))
+            createStreams :: Q Exp -> [Q Stmt]
+            createStreams channelsE = if length fun.streams > 0 then [assignChannels] <> go channelNames streamNames else [verifyNoChannels]
+              where
+                verifyNoChannels :: Q Stmt
+                verifyNoChannels = noBindS [|unless (null $(channelsE)) (fail "Invalid number of channel created")|]
+                assignChannels :: Q Stmt
+                assignChannels =
+                  bindS
+                    (tupP (varP <$> channelNames))
+                    $ caseE channelsE [
+                      match (listP (varP <$> channelNames)) (normalB [|pure $(tupE (varE <$> channelNames))|]) [],
+                      match [p|_|] (normalB [|fail "Invalid number of channel created"|]) []
+                      ]
+                go :: [Name] -> [Name] -> [Q Stmt]
+                go [] [] = []
+                go (cn:cns) (sn:sns) = createStream cn sn : go cns sns
+                go _ _ = fail "Logic error: lists have different lengths"
+                createStream :: Name -> Name -> Q Stmt
+                createStream channelName streamName = bindS (varP streamName) [|newStream $(varE channelName)|]
+            streamsE :: Q [Exp]
+            streamsE = mapM varE streamNames
+            messageConfigurationE :: Q Exp
+            messageConfigurationE = [|defaultMessageConfiguration{createChannels = $(litE $ integerL $ toInteger $ length fun.streams)}|]
+            sendE :: Q Exp -> Q Exp
+            sendE msgExp = [|$typedSend $clientE $messageConfigurationE $msgExp|]
+            requestE :: Q Exp -> Q Exp
+            requestE msgExp = [|$typedRequest $clientE $messageConfigurationE $msgExp|]
+            applyVars :: Q Exp -> Q Exp
+            applyVars = go argNames
+              where
+                go :: [Name] -> Q Exp -> Q Exp
+                go [] ex = ex
+                go (n:ns) ex = go ns (appE ex (varE n))
+            -- check if the response to a request matches the expected result constructor
+            checkResult :: Q Exp -> Q Exp
+            checkResult x = caseE x [valid, invalid]
+              where
+                valid :: Q Match
+                valid = do
+                  result <- newName "result"
+                  match (conP (responseFunctionCtorName api fun) [varP result]) (normalB [|pure $(varE result)|]) []
+                invalid :: Q Match
+                invalid = match wildP (normalB [|$(varE 'clientReportProtocolError) $clientE "TODO"|]) []
+            typedSend :: Q Exp
+            typedSend = appTypeE [|clientSend|] (protocolType api)
+            typedRequest :: Q Exp
+            typedRequest = appTypeE (varE 'clientRequestBlocking) (protocolType api)
+makeServer :: RpcApi -> Q [Dec]
+makeServer api@RpcApi{functions} = sequence [handlerRecordDec, logicInstanceDec]
+  where
+    handlerRecordDec :: Q Dec
+    handlerRecordDec = dataD (pure []) (implTypeName api) [] Nothing [recC (implTypeName api) (handlerRecordField <$> functionsWithoutBuiltinHandler)] []
+    functionsWithoutBuiltinHandler :: [RpcFunction]
+    functionsWithoutBuiltinHandler = filter (isNothing . fixedHandler) functions
+    handlerRecordField :: RpcFunction -> Q VarBangType
+    handlerRecordField fun = varDefaultBangType (implFieldName api fun) (handlerFunctionType fun)
+    handlerFunctionType :: RpcFunction -> Q Type
+    handlerFunctionType fun = do
+      argumentTypes <- functionArgumentTypes fun
+      streamTypes <- serverStreamTypes
+      buildFunctionType (pure (argumentTypes <> streamTypes)) [t|IO $(buildTupleType (functionResultTypes fun))|]
+      where
+        serverStreamTypes :: Q [Type]
+        serverStreamTypes = sequence $ (\stream -> [t|Stream $(stream.tyDown) $(stream.tyUp)|]) <$> fun.streams
+    logicInstanceDec :: Q Dec
+    logicInstanceDec = instanceD (cxt []) [t|HasProtocolImpl $(protocolType api)|] [
+      tySynInstD (tySynEqn Nothing [t|ProtocolImpl $(protocolType api)|] (implType api)),
+      messageHandler
+      ]
+    messageHandler :: Q Dec
+    messageHandler = do
+      handleMessagePrimeName <- newName "handleMessage"
+      implName <- newName "impl"
+      channelsName <- newName "channels"
+      funD 'handleMessage [clause [varP implName, varP channelsName] (normalB (varE handleMessagePrimeName)) [handleMessagePrimeDec handleMessagePrimeName (varE implName) (varE channelsName)]]
+      where
+        handleMessagePrimeDec :: Name -> Q Exp -> Q Exp -> Q Dec
+        handleMessagePrimeDec handleMessagePrimeName implE channelsE = funD handleMessagePrimeName (handlerFunctionClause <$> functions)
+          where
+            handlerFunctionClause :: RpcFunction -> Q Clause
+            handlerFunctionClause fun = do
+              argNames <- sequence (newName . (.name) <$> fun.arguments)
+              channelNames <- sequence (newName . (<> "Channel") . (.name) <$> fun.streams)
+              streamNames <- sequence (newName . (.name) <$> fun.streams)
+              serverLogicHandlerFunctionClause' argNames channelNames streamNames
+              where
+                serverLogicHandlerFunctionClause' :: [Name] -> [Name] -> [Name] -> Q Clause
+                serverLogicHandlerFunctionClause' argNames channelNames streamNames = clause [conP (requestFunctionCtorName api fun) varPats] body []
+                  where
+                    varPats :: [Q Pat]
+                    varPats = varP <$> argNames
+                    body :: Q Body
+                    body = normalB $ doE $ createStreams <> [callImplementation]
+                    createStreams :: [Q Stmt]
+                    createStreams = if length fun.streams > 0 then [assignChannels] <> go channelNames streamNames else [verifyNoChannels]
+                      where
+                        verifyNoChannels :: Q Stmt
+                        verifyNoChannels = noBindS [|unless (null $(channelsE)) (fail "Received invalid channel count")|] -- TODO channelReportProtocolError
+                        assignChannels :: Q Stmt
+                        assignChannels =
+                          bindS
+                            (tupP (varP <$> channelNames))
+                            $ caseE channelsE [
+                              match (listP (varP <$> channelNames)) (normalB [|pure $(tupE (varE <$> channelNames))|]) [],
+                              match [p|_|] (normalB [|fail "Received invalid channel count"|]) [] -- TODO channelReportProtocolError
+                              ]
+                        go :: [Name] -> [Name] -> [Q Stmt]
+                        go [] [] = []
+                        go (cn:cns) (sn:sns) = createStream cn sn : go cns sns
+                        go _ _ = fail "Logic error: lists have different lengths"
+                        createStream :: Name -> Name -> Q Stmt
+                        createStream channelName streamName = bindS (varP streamName) [|$(varE 'newStream) $(varE channelName)|]
+                    callImplementation :: Q Stmt
+                    callImplementation = noBindS callImplementationE
+                    callImplementationE :: Q Exp
+                    callImplementationE
+                      | hasResult fun = [|Just <$> $(packResponse (applyStreams (applyArguments implExp)))|]
+                      | otherwise = [|Nothing <$ $(applyStreams (applyArguments implExp))|]
+                    packResponse :: Q Exp -> Q Exp
+                    packResponse = fmapE (conE (responseFunctionCtorName api fun))
+                    applyArguments :: Q Exp -> Q Exp
+                    applyArguments = go argNames
+                      where
+                        go :: [Name] -> Q Exp -> Q Exp
+                        go [] ex = ex
+                        go (n:ns) ex = go ns (appE ex (varE n))
+                    applyStreams :: Q Exp -> Q Exp
+                    applyStreams = go streamNames
+                      where
+                        go :: [Name] -> Q Exp -> Q Exp
+                        go [] ex = ex
+                        go (sn:sns) ex = go sns (appE ex (varE sn))
+                    implExp :: Q Exp
+                    implExp = implExp' fun.fixedHandler
+                      where
+                        implExp' :: Maybe (Q Exp) -> Q Exp
+                        implExp' Nothing = varE (implFieldName api fun) `appE` implE
+                        implExp' (Just handler) = [|
+                          let
+                            impl :: $(implSig)
+                            impl = $(handler)
+                          in impl
+                          |]
+                    implSig :: Q Type
+                    implSig = handlerFunctionType fun
+-- * Internal
+-- ** Protocol generator helpers
+functionArgumentTypes :: RpcFunction -> Q [Type]
+functionArgumentTypes fun = sequence $ (.ty) <$> fun.arguments
+functionResultTypes :: RpcFunction -> Q [Type]
+functionResultTypes fun = sequence $ (.ty) <$> fun.results
+hasResult :: RpcFunction -> Bool
+hasResult fun = not (null fun.results)
+-- *** Name helper functions
+protocolTypeName :: RpcApi -> Name
+protocolTypeName RpcApi{name} = mkName (name <> "Protocol")
+protocolType :: RpcApi -> Q Type
+protocolType = conT . protocolTypeName
+requestTypeIdentifier :: RpcApi -> String
+requestTypeIdentifier RpcApi{name} = name <> "ProtocolRequest"
+requestTypeName :: RpcApi -> Name
+requestTypeName = mkName . requestTypeIdentifier
+requestFunctionCtorName :: RpcApi -> RpcFunction -> Name
+requestFunctionCtorName api fun = mkName (requestTypeIdentifier api <> "_" <> fun.name)
+responseTypeIdentifier :: RpcApi -> String
+responseTypeIdentifier RpcApi{name} = name <> "ProtocolResponse"
+responseTypeName :: RpcApi -> Name
+responseTypeName = mkName . responseTypeIdentifier
+responseFunctionCtorName :: RpcApi -> RpcFunction -> Name
+responseFunctionCtorName api fun = mkName (responseTypeIdentifier api <> "_" <> fun.name)
+implTypeName :: RpcApi -> Name
+implTypeName RpcApi{name} = mkName $ name <> "ProtocolImpl"
+implType :: RpcApi -> Q Type
+implType = conT . implTypeName
+implFieldName :: RpcApi -> RpcFunction -> Name
+implFieldName _api fun = mkName (fun.name <> "Impl")
+-- ** Template Haskell helper functions
+funT :: Q Type -> Q Type -> Q Type
+funT x = appT (appT arrowT x)
+infixr 0 `funT`
+buildTupleType :: Q [Type] -> Q Type
+buildTupleType fields = buildTupleType' =<< fields
+  where
+    buildTupleType' :: [Type] -> Q Type
+    buildTupleType' [] = [t|()|]
+    buildTupleType' [single] = pure single
+    buildTupleType' fs = pure $ go (TupleT (length fs)) fs
+    go :: Type -> [Type] -> Type
+    go t [] = t
+    go t (f:fs) = go (AppT t f) fs
+buildTuple :: Q [Exp] -> Q Exp
+buildTuple fields = buildTuple' =<< fields
+  where
+    buildTuple' :: [Exp] -> Q Exp
+    buildTuple' [] = [|()|]
+    buildTuple' [single] = pure single
+    buildTuple' fs = pure $ TupE (Just <$> fs)
+buildFunctionType :: Q [Type] -> Q Type -> Q Type
+buildFunctionType argTypes returnType = go =<< argTypes
+  where
+    go :: [Type] -> Q Type
+    go [] = returnType
+    go (t:ts) = pure t `funT` go ts
+defaultBangType  :: Q Type -> Q BangType
+defaultBangType = bangType (bang noSourceUnpackedness noSourceStrictness)
+varDefaultBangType  :: Name -> Q Type -> Q VarBangType
+varDefaultBangType name qType = varBangType name $ bangType (bang noSourceUnpackedness noSourceStrictness) qType
+fmapE :: Q Exp -> Q Exp -> Q Exp
+fmapE f e = [|$(f) <$> $(e)|]
diff --git a/test/Quasar/NetworkSpec.hs b/test/Quasar/NetworkSpec.hs
index 77e158b55a2e82d05d6e3abe61bc84f39beb2ff8..93062f966e8fd2d32286b448f8cf36a61f5d6b1a 100644
--- a/test/Quasar/NetworkSpec.hs
+++ b/test/Quasar/NetworkSpec.hs
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ import Control.Concurrent.MVar
 import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
 import Prelude
 import Quasar.Network
+import Quasar.Network.Runtime (withStandaloneClient)
+import Quasar.Network.TH (makeRpc)
 import Test.Hspec
 import Test.QuickCheck
 import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic