diff --git a/examples/Server.hs b/examples/Server.hs
index 2b6bfb4c1488301a83266d50f1ac2a09802126fb..d7ba2ede40f64800f84cb5391b0c114640b4d6d3 100644
--- a/examples/Server.hs
+++ b/examples/Server.hs
@@ -5,15 +5,18 @@ import Quasar.Prelude
 import Quasar.Wayland.Server
 import Quasar.Wayland.Server.Registry
 import Quasar.Wayland.Server.Shm
+import Quasar.Wayland.Server.XdgShell
 import Quasar.Wayland.Shm
 import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol
 import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol.Generated
 main :: IO ()
 main = runQuasarAndExit (stderrLogger LogLevelWarning) do
+  wm <- atomically newServerWindowManager
     layerShellGlobal = createGlobal @Interface_zwlr_layer_shell_v1 maxVersion (\x -> setRequestHandler x layerShellHandler)
-  registry <- newRegistry [compositorGlobal @ShmBufferBackend, shmGlobal, layerShellGlobal]
+    wmGlobal = xdgShellGlobal @ShmBufferBackend wm
+  registry <- newRegistry [compositorGlobal @ShmBufferBackend, shmGlobal, layerShellGlobal, wmGlobal]
   server <- newWaylandServer registry
   listenAt "example.socket" server
diff --git a/quasar-wayland.cabal b/quasar-wayland.cabal
index 0e301372e65f64f52d9688faa889123c87166412..da55d18bb572798057cd258b3f5b2a85fa4353a7 100644
--- a/quasar-wayland.cabal
+++ b/quasar-wayland.cabal
@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ library
+    Quasar.Wayland.Server.XdgShell
diff --git a/src/Quasar/Wayland/Server/XdgShell.hs b/src/Quasar/Wayland/Server/XdgShell.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fafd3c802862a8954f9229a2276ec59f75ef1ae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Quasar/Wayland/Server/XdgShell.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+module Quasar.Wayland.Server.XdgShell (
+  ServerWindowManager,
+  newServerWindowManager,
+  xdgShellGlobal,
+) where
+import Control.Monad.Catch
+import Quasar.Prelude
+import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol
+import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol.Generated
+import Quasar.Wayland.Server.Registry
+import Quasar.Wayland.Server.Surface
+import Quasar.Wayland.Surface
+data ServerWindowManager b = ServerWindowManager
+newServerWindowManager :: STM (ServerWindowManager b)
+newServerWindowManager = pure ServerWindowManager
+xdgShellGlobal :: forall b. BufferBackend b => ServerWindowManager b -> Global
+xdgShellGlobal wm =
+  createGlobal @Interface_xdg_wm_base maxVersion (initializeXdgWmBase wm)
+initializeXdgWmBase ::
+  forall b.
+  BufferBackend b =>
+  ServerWindowManager b -> Object 'Server Interface_xdg_wm_base -> STM ()
+initializeXdgWmBase wm wlXdgWm =
+  setRequestHandler wlXdgWm RequestHandler_xdg_wm_base {
+    -- TODO raise error if any surface derived from this xdg_wm_base is still
+    -- alive
+    destroy = pure (),
+    create_positioner = undefined,
+    get_xdg_surface = initializeXdgSurface wm,
+    pong = const (pure ())
+  }
+data XdgSurface b = XdgSurface {
+  wlXdgSurface :: Object 'Server Interface_xdg_surface,
+  serverSurface :: ServerSurface b,
+  surfaceRole :: TVar (Maybe Role)
+data Role = Toplevel | Popup
+initializeXdgSurface ::
+  forall b.
+  BufferBackend b =>
+  ServerWindowManager b ->
+  NewObject 'Server Interface_xdg_surface ->
+  Object 'Server Interface_wl_surface ->
+  STM ()
+initializeXdgSurface wm wlXdgSurface wlSurface = do
+  getServerSurface @b wlSurface >>= \case
+    Just serverSurface -> initializeXdgSurface' wm wlXdgSurface serverSurface
+    Nothing -> throwM (userError "Invalid server surface")
+initializeXdgSurface' ::
+  forall b.
+  ServerWindowManager b ->
+  NewObject 'Server Interface_xdg_surface ->
+  ServerSurface b ->
+  STM ()
+initializeXdgSurface' wm wlXdgSurface serverSurface = do
+  -- The spec says that "It is illegal to create an xdg_surface for a wl_surface
+  -- which already has an assigned role and this will result in a protocol
+  -- error."
+  --
+  -- In practice it's not as easy as just checking for an assigned role, since
+  -- this might also occur the other way round (an xdg_surface is created and
+  -- then the surface is assigned another role), or multiple xdg_surface objects
+  -- might be created for the same wl_surface.
+  --
+  -- Instead, since an xdg_surface has no effect in itself (in version 5 of
+  -- xdg_surface), this part of the spec is ignored in this implementation. A
+  -- role object is only set when creating a toplevel- or popup surface.
+  surfaceRole <- newTVar Nothing
+  let xdgSurface = XdgSurface { wlXdgSurface, serverSurface, surfaceRole }
+  setRequestHandler wlXdgSurface RequestHandler_xdg_surface {
+    destroy = destroyXdgSurface xdgSurface,
+    get_toplevel = initializeXdgToplevel xdgSurface,
+    get_popup = undefined,
+    set_window_geometry = undefined,
+    ack_configure = undefined
+  }
+destroyXdgSurface :: XdgSurface b -> STM ()
+destroyXdgSurface surface = do
+  readTVar surface.surfaceRole >>= \case
+    Just _ -> throwM (userError "Cannot destroy xdg_surface before its role object has been destroyed.")
+    Nothing -> pure ()
+data XdgToplevel b = XdgToplevel {
+  xdgSurface :: XdgSurface b
+initializeXdgToplevel :: XdgSurface b -> NewObject 'Server Interface_xdg_toplevel -> STM ()
+initializeXdgToplevel xdgSurface wlXdgToplevel = do
+  -- NOTE this throws if the surface role is changed
+  -- TODO change error type to a corret ServerError if that happens
+  assignSurfaceRole @Interface_xdg_toplevel xdgSurface.serverSurface
+  writeTVar xdgSurface.surfaceRole (Just Toplevel)
+  let xdgToplevel = XdgToplevel {
+    xdgSurface
+  }
+  setRequestHandler wlXdgToplevel RequestHandler_xdg_toplevel {
+    destroy = destroyXdgToplevel xdgToplevel,
+    set_parent = undefined,
+    set_title = \title -> pure (),
+    set_app_id = undefined,
+    show_window_menu = undefined,
+    move = undefined,
+    resize = undefined,
+    set_max_size = undefined,
+    set_min_size = undefined,
+    set_maximized = undefined,
+    unset_maximized = undefined,
+    set_fullscreen = undefined,
+    unset_fullscreen = undefined,
+    set_minimized = undefined
+  }
+destroyXdgToplevel :: XdgToplevel b -> STM ()
+destroyXdgToplevel xdgToplevel = do
+  removeSurfaceRole xdgToplevel.xdgSurface.serverSurface
+  writeTVar xdgToplevel.xdgSurface.surfaceRole Nothing
+  undefined