diff --git a/quasar.cabal b/quasar.cabal
index d3964b7a5f93055222c25064f6420dbd37ec891d..ed7c7dff82745534cfb432d526f8ac996daf3931 100644
--- a/quasar.cabal
+++ b/quasar.cabal
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ common shared-properties
+    NumericUnderscores
diff --git a/src/Quasar/Async.hs b/src/Quasar/Async.hs
index ed1745b2e438d8d5aa2f49500a4775fcef96ef66..1827ee0cb805e6967a4019b2185c8a8681a8eb67 100644
--- a/src/Quasar/Async.hs
+++ b/src/Quasar/Async.hs
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ asyncWithUnmask
   -> m (Async r)
 asyncWithUnmask action = do
   resourceManager <- askResourceManager
-  asyncWithHandlerAndUnmask (throwToResourceManager resourceManager . AsyncException) action
+  asyncWithHandlerAndUnmask (onResourceManager resourceManager . throwToResourceManager . AsyncException) action
 async_ :: (MonadResourceManager m, MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => ResourceManagerIO () -> m ()
 async_ action = void $ async action
diff --git a/src/Quasar/ResourceManager.hs b/src/Quasar/ResourceManager.hs
index 63c643ddb182aff5a1b22edae444cfc935e95278..0a1bef62f24eb7f023101cea5e7146963d46b73e 100644
--- a/src/Quasar/ResourceManager.hs
+++ b/src/Quasar/ResourceManager.hs
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module Quasar.ResourceManager (
+  throwToResourceManager,
@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ module Quasar.ResourceManager (
 ) where
-import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId, forkIO, myThreadId, throwTo)
+import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId, forkIO, myThreadId, throwTo, threadDelay)
 import Control.Concurrent.STM
 import Control.Monad.Catch
 import Control.Monad.Reader
@@ -97,10 +98,11 @@ class IsDisposable a => IsResourceManager a where
   lockResourceManagerImpl self = lockResourceManagerImpl (toResourceManager self)
   -- | Forward an exception that happened asynchronously.
-  throwToResourceManager :: Exception e => a -> e -> IO ()
-  throwToResourceManager = throwToResourceManager . toResourceManager
+  throwToResourceManagerImpl :: Exception e => a -> e -> STM ()
+  throwToResourceManagerImpl = throwToResourceManagerImpl . toResourceManager
+  {-# MINIMAL toResourceManager | (attachDisposable, lockResourceManagerImpl, throwToResourceManagerImpl) #-}
-  {-# MINIMAL toResourceManager | (attachDisposable, lockResourceManagerImpl, throwToResourceManager) #-}
 data ResourceManager = forall a. IsResourceManager a => ResourceManager a
@@ -108,7 +110,7 @@ instance IsResourceManager ResourceManager where
   toResourceManager = id
   attachDisposable (ResourceManager x) = attachDisposable x
   lockResourceManagerImpl (ResourceManager x) = lockResourceManagerImpl x
-  throwToResourceManager (ResourceManager x) = throwToResourceManager x
+  throwToResourceManagerImpl (ResourceManager x) = throwToResourceManagerImpl x
 instance IsDisposable ResourceManager where
   toDisposable (ResourceManager x) = toDisposable x
@@ -130,6 +132,13 @@ class MonadFix m => MonadResourceManager m where
   -- embedded in a larger transaction.
   runInSTM :: MonadResourceManager m => STM a -> m a
+throwToResourceManager :: (Exception e, MonadResourceManager m) => e -> m ()
+throwToResourceManager exception = do
+  resourceManager <- askResourceManager
+  runInSTM $ throwToResourceManagerImpl resourceManager exception
 runInResourceManagerSTM :: MonadResourceManager m => ResourceManagerSTM a -> m a
 runInResourceManagerSTM action = do
   resourceManager <- askResourceManager
@@ -257,7 +266,7 @@ disposeOnError action = do
 enterResourceManager :: MonadIO m => ResourceManager -> ResourceManagerIO () -> m ()
 enterResourceManager resourceManager action = liftIO do
   onResourceManager resourceManager $ lockResourceManager do
-    action `catchAll` \ex -> liftIO $ throwToResourceManager resourceManager ex
+    action `catchAll` \ex -> throwToResourceManager ex
 -- | Run a computation on a resource manager and throw any exception that occurs to the resource manager.
@@ -278,16 +287,12 @@ data RootResourceManager
 instance IsResourceManager RootResourceManager where
   attachDisposable (RootResourceManager internal _ _ _) = attachDisposable internal
   lockResourceManagerImpl (RootResourceManager internal _ _ _) = lockResourceManagerImpl internal
-  throwToResourceManager (RootResourceManager _ _ exceptionsVar _) ex = do
-    -- TODO only log exceptions after a timeout
-    traceIO $ "Exception thrown to root resource manager: " <> displayException ex
-    liftIO $ join $ atomically do
-      tryTakeTMVar exceptionsVar >>= \case
-        Just exceptions -> do
-          putTMVar exceptionsVar (exceptions |> toException ex)
-          pure $ pure @IO ()
-        Nothing -> do
-          pure $ fail @IO "Could not throw to resource manager: RootResourceManager is already disposed"
+  throwToResourceManagerImpl (RootResourceManager _ _ exceptionsVar _) ex = do
+    tryTakeTMVar exceptionsVar >>= \case
+      Just exceptions -> do
+        putTMVar exceptionsVar (exceptions |> toException ex)
+      Nothing -> do
+        throwM $ userError "Could not throw to resource manager: RootResourceManager is already disposed"
 instance IsDisposable RootResourceManager where
@@ -306,25 +311,26 @@ newUnmanagedRootResourceManagerInternal = liftIO do
   exceptionsVar <- newTMVarIO Empty
   finalExceptionsVar <- newAsyncVar
   mfix \root -> do
-    -- TODO reevaluate if using unmanagedAsync and voiding the result is correct
-    void $ unmanagedAsync (disposeThread root)
+    void $ forkIO (disposeWorker root)
     internal <- atomically $ newUnmanagedDefaultResourceManagerInternal (toResourceManager root)
     pure $ RootResourceManager internal disposingVar exceptionsVar finalExceptionsVar
-    disposeThread :: RootResourceManager -> IO ()
-    disposeThread (RootResourceManager internal disposingVar exceptionsVar finalExceptionsVar) =
+    disposeWorker :: RootResourceManager -> IO ()
+    disposeWorker (RootResourceManager internal disposingVar exceptionsVar finalExceptionsVar) =
         do \ex -> fail $ "RootResourceManager thread failed unexpectedly: " <> displayException ex
           -- Wait until disposing
           atomically do
             disposing <- readTVar disposingVar
-            hasExceptions <- (> 0) . Seq.length <$> readTMVar exceptionsVar
+            hasExceptions <- not . Seq.null <$> readTMVar exceptionsVar
             check $ disposing || hasExceptions
-          -- TODO start the thread that reports exceptions (or a potential hang) after a timeout
+          -- Start a thread to report exceptions (or a potential hang) after a timeout
+          reportThread <- unmanagedAsync reportTimeout
+          -- Dispose resources
           dispose internal
           atomically do
@@ -333,6 +339,38 @@ newUnmanagedRootResourceManagerInternal = liftIO do
             putAsyncVarSTM_ finalExceptionsVar $ toList exceptions
+          -- Clean up timeout/report thread
+          dispose reportThread
+      where
+        timeoutSeconds :: Int
+        timeoutSeconds = 5
+        timeoutMicroseconds :: Int
+        timeoutMicroseconds = timeoutSeconds * 1_000_000
+        reportTimeout :: IO ()
+        reportTimeout = do
+          threadDelay timeoutMicroseconds
+          atomically (tryReadTMVar exceptionsVar) >>= \case
+            Nothing -> pure () -- Terminate
+            Just Empty -> do
+              traceIO $ mconcat ["Root resource manager did not dispose within ", show timeoutSeconds, " seconds"]
+              reportExceptions 0 Empty
+            Just exs -> do
+              traceIO $ mconcat [ "Root resource manager did not dispose within ",
+                show timeoutSeconds, " seconds (", show (length exs), " exception(s) queued)" ]
+              reportExceptions 0 exs
+        reportExceptions :: Int -> Seq SomeException -> IO ()
+        reportExceptions alreadyReported Empty = join $ atomically do
+          Seq.drop alreadyReported <<$>> tryReadTMVar exceptionsVar >>= \case
+            Nothing -> pure $ pure () -- Terminate
+            Just Empty -> retry
+            Just exs -> pure $ reportExceptions alreadyReported exs
+        reportExceptions alreadyReported (ex :<| exs) = do
+          traceIO $ "Exception thrown to blocked root resource manager: " <> displayException ex
+          reportExceptions (alreadyReported + 1) exs
 withRootResourceManager :: MonadIO m => ResourceManagerIO a -> m a
 withRootResourceManager action = liftIO $ uninterruptibleMask \unmask -> do
@@ -352,7 +390,7 @@ withRootResourceManager action = liftIO $ uninterruptibleMask \unmask -> do
 data DefaultResourceManager = DefaultResourceManager {
   resourceManagerKey :: Unique,
-  throwToHandler :: SomeException -> IO (),
+  throwToHandler :: SomeException -> STM (),
   stateVar :: TVar ResourceManagerState,
   disposablesVar :: TMVar (HashMap Unique Disposable),
   lockVar :: TVar Word64,
@@ -366,7 +404,7 @@ data ResourceManagerState
   | ResourceManagerDisposed
 instance IsResourceManager DefaultResourceManager where
-  throwToResourceManager DefaultResourceManager{throwToHandler} = throwToHandler . toException
+  throwToResourceManagerImpl DefaultResourceManager{throwToHandler} = throwToHandler . toException
   attachDisposable DefaultResourceManager{stateVar, disposablesVar} disposable = do
     key <- newUniqueSTM
@@ -452,7 +490,9 @@ instance IsDisposable DefaultResourceManager where
         defaultResourceManagerDisposeResult self <$ forkIO do
-            \ex -> throwToResourceManager self (userError ("Dispose thread failed for DefaultResourceManager: " <> displayException ex))
+            \ex ->
+              onResourceManager self $ throwToResourceManager $
+                userError ("Dispose thread failed for DefaultResourceManager: " <> displayException ex)
       takeDisposables :: STM [Disposable]
       takeDisposables = toList <$> takeTMVar disposablesVar
@@ -468,14 +508,14 @@ instance IsDisposable DefaultResourceManager where
               DisposeResultAwait awaitable -> (processDisposeException awaitable, [] <$ awaitSuccessOrFailure awaitable)
               DisposeResultResourceManager resourceManagerResult -> (pure (), pure [resourceManagerResult])
           \ex -> do
-            throwToResourceManager self $ DisposeException ex
+            onResourceManager self $ throwToResourceManager $ DisposeException ex
             pure (pure (), pure [])
       processDisposeException :: Awaitable () -> IO ()
       processDisposeException awaitable =
         await awaitable
-            \ex -> throwToResourceManager self $ DisposeException ex
+            \ex -> onResourceManager self $ throwToResourceManager $ DisposeException ex
       completeDisposing :: IO ()
       completeDisposing =
@@ -511,7 +551,7 @@ newUnmanagedDefaultResourceManagerInternal parentResourceManager = do
   pure DefaultResourceManager {
-    throwToHandler = throwToResourceManager parentResourceManager,
+    throwToHandler = throwToResourceManagerImpl parentResourceManager,
diff --git a/test/Quasar/ResourceManagerSpec.hs b/test/Quasar/ResourceManagerSpec.hs
index 6224d531a1e930c9aa2d8cb5778b34b45089c3ee..1fe25306a78dcb44321f86d942d1acf592f161cc 100644
--- a/test/Quasar/ResourceManagerSpec.hs
+++ b/test/Quasar/ResourceManagerSpec.hs
@@ -96,15 +96,13 @@ spec = parallel $ do
       (`shouldThrow` \(_ :: CombinedException) -> True) do
         withRootResourceManager do
           linkExecution do
-            rm <- askResourceManager
-            liftIO $ throwToResourceManager rm TestException
+            throwToResourceManager TestException
     it "combines exceptions from resources with exceptions on the thread" $ io do
       (`shouldThrow` \(combinedExceptions -> exceptions) -> length exceptions == 2) do
         withRootResourceManager do
-          rm <- askResourceManager
-          liftIO $ throwToResourceManager rm TestException
+          throwToResourceManager TestException
           throwM TestException
     it "can dispose a resource manager loop" $ io do
@@ -145,6 +143,5 @@ spec = parallel $ do
         withRootResourceManager do
           linkExecution do
             pure ()
-          rm <- askResourceManager
-          liftIO $ throwToResourceManager rm TestException
+          throwToResourceManager TestException
           liftIO $ threadDelay 100000