From 461d4de5336d466d007d305f05631ba85e1cb892 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jens Nolte <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2021 23:28:13 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Simplify AsyncIO by using the GHC green thread runtime

 src/Quasar/Awaitable.hs |   4 +
 src/Quasar/Core.hs      | 215 +++++++---------------------------------
 2 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 178 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Quasar/Awaitable.hs b/src/Quasar/Awaitable.hs
index 0f8d311..de4a5ab 100644
--- a/src/Quasar/Awaitable.hs
+++ b/src/Quasar/Awaitable.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 module Quasar.Awaitable (
   -- * Awaitable
+  awaitIO,
@@ -42,6 +43,9 @@ class IsAwaitable r a | a -> r where
 awaitSTM :: IsAwaitable r a => a -> STM (Either SomeException r)
 awaitSTM = peekSTM >=> maybe retry pure
+awaitIO :: (IsAwaitable r a, MonadIO m) => a -> m r
+awaitIO action = liftIO $ either throwIO pure =<< atomically (awaitSTM action)
 newtype Awaitable r = Awaitable (STM (Maybe (Either SomeException r)))
diff --git a/src/Quasar/Core.hs b/src/Quasar/Core.hs
index 8bea63f..0fd5b3a 100644
--- a/src/Quasar/Core.hs
+++ b/src/Quasar/Core.hs
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Quasar.Core (
+  askPool,
 ) where
@@ -11,6 +12,7 @@ import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId, forkIO, forkIOWithUnmask, myThreadId)
 import Control.Concurrent.STM
 import Control.Exception (MaskingState(..), getMaskingState)
 import Control.Monad.Catch
+import Control.Monad.Reader
 import Data.HashSet
 import Data.Sequence
 import Quasar.Awaitable
@@ -19,118 +21,46 @@ import Quasar.Prelude
 -- * AsyncIO
-data AsyncIO r
-  = AsyncIOCompleted (Either SomeException r)
-  | AsyncIOIO (IO r)
-  | AsyncIOAwait (Awaitable r)
-  | forall a. AsyncIOBind (AsyncIO a) (a -> AsyncIO r)
-  | forall e. Exception e => AsyncIOCatch (AsyncIO r) (e -> AsyncIO r)
-  | r ~ Pool => AsyncIOAskPool
-instance Functor AsyncIO where
-  fmap fn (AsyncIOCompleted x) = AsyncIOCompleted (fn <$> x)
-  fmap fn (AsyncIOIO x) = AsyncIOIO (fn <$> x)
-  fmap fn (AsyncIOAwait x) = AsyncIOAwait (fn <$> x)
-  fmap fn (AsyncIOBind x y) = AsyncIOBind x (fn <<$>> y)
-  fmap fn (AsyncIOCatch x y) = AsyncIOCatch (fn <$> x) (fn <<$>> y)
-  fmap fn AsyncIOAskPool = AsyncIOBind AsyncIOAskPool (pure . fn)
+newtype AsyncT m a = AsyncT (ReaderT Pool m a)
+  deriving newtype (MonadTrans, Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadThrow, MonadCatch, MonadMask)
-instance Applicative AsyncIO where
-  pure = AsyncIOCompleted . Right
-  (<*>) pf px = pf >>= \f -> f <$> px
-  liftA2 f px py = px >>= \x -> f x <$> py
-instance Monad AsyncIO where
-  (>>=) :: forall a b. AsyncIO a -> (a -> AsyncIO b) -> AsyncIO b
-  x >>= fn = AsyncIOBind x fn
-instance MonadIO AsyncIO where
-  liftIO = AsyncIOIO
-instance MonadThrow AsyncIO where
-  throwM = AsyncIOCompleted . Left . toException
-instance MonadCatch AsyncIO where
-  catch :: Exception e => AsyncIO a -> (e -> AsyncIO a) -> AsyncIO a
-  catch = AsyncIOCatch
+type AsyncIO = AsyncT IO
 -- | Run the synchronous part of an `AsyncIO` and then return an `Awaitable` that can be used to wait for completion of the synchronous part.
 async :: AsyncIO r -> AsyncIO (Awaitable r)
-async (AsyncIOCompleted x) = pure $ completedAwaitable x
-async (AsyncIOAwait x) = pure x
-async x = do
+async action = asyncWithUnmask (\unmask -> unmask action)
+-- | Run the synchronous part of an `AsyncIO` and then return an `Awaitable` that can be used to wait for completion of the synchronous part.
+asyncWithUnmask :: ((forall a. AsyncIO a -> AsyncIO a) -> AsyncIO r) -> AsyncIO (Awaitable r)
+-- TODO resource limits
+asyncWithUnmask action = mask_ $ do
+  pool <- askPool
+  resultVar <- newAsyncVar
+  liftIO $ forkIOWithUnmask $ \unmask -> do
+    result <- try $ runOnPool pool (action (liftUnmask unmask))
+    putAsyncVarEither_ resultVar result
+  pure $ toAwaitable resultVar
+liftUnmask :: (IO a -> IO a) -> AsyncIO a -> AsyncIO a
+liftUnmask unmask action = do
   pool <- askPool
-  liftIO . atomically $ queueWork pool x
+  liftIO $ unmask $ runOnPool pool action
 askPool :: AsyncIO Pool
-askPool = AsyncIOAskPool
+askPool = AsyncT ask
 await :: IsAwaitable r a => a -> AsyncIO r
-await = AsyncIOAwait . toAwaitable
+-- TODO resource limits
+await = liftIO . awaitIO
 -- | Run an `AsyncIO` to completion and return the result.
 runAsyncIO :: AsyncIO r -> IO r
 runAsyncIO = withDefaultPool
-runOnPool :: Pool -> AsyncIO r -> AsyncIO r
-runOnPool pool work = await =<< (liftIO . atomically $ queueWork pool work)
--- | An AsyncIO operation that can be continued after an Awaitable is completed
-data BlockedAsyncIO r = forall a. BlockedAsyncIO (Awaitable a) (Either SomeException a -> AsyncIO r)
-blockedAsyncIO :: Awaitable a -> (a -> AsyncIO r) -> BlockedAsyncIO r
-blockedAsyncIO input fn = BlockedAsyncIO input (either throwM fn)
-blockedAsyncIOCatch :: forall e a r. Exception e => Awaitable r -> (e -> AsyncIO r) -> BlockedAsyncIO r
-blockedAsyncIOCatch input handler = BlockedAsyncIO input (applyCatch handler)
-  where
-    applyCatch :: (MonadThrow m) => (e -> m r) -> Either SomeException r -> m r
-    applyCatch _ (Right x) = pure x
-    applyCatch handler (Left ex) = maybe (throwM ex) handler (fromException ex)
-bindBlockedAsyncIO :: BlockedAsyncIO a -> (a -> AsyncIO r) -> BlockedAsyncIO r
-bindBlockedAsyncIO (BlockedAsyncIO input fx) fy = BlockedAsyncIO input (fx >=> fy)
-catchBlockedAsyncIO :: Exception e => BlockedAsyncIO r -> (e -> AsyncIO r) -> BlockedAsyncIO r
-catchBlockedAsyncIO (BlockedAsyncIO input fx) handler = BlockedAsyncIO input (\x -> fx x `catch` handler)
-peekBlockedAsyncIO :: BlockedAsyncIO r -> STM (Maybe (AsyncIO r))
-peekBlockedAsyncIO (BlockedAsyncIO input fn) = fn <<$>> peekSTM input
--- The result of an AsyncIO operation that is executed until an incomplete Awaitable is encountered
-data StepResult r
-  = StepResultCompleted r
-  | StepResultAwaitable (Awaitable r)
-  | StepResultBlocked (BlockedAsyncIO r)
--- Run an AsyncIO operation until an incomplete Awaitable is encountered
-stepAsyncIO :: Pool -> AsyncIO r -> IO (StepResult r)
-stepAsyncIO pool = go
-  where
-    go :: AsyncIO r -> IO (StepResult r)
-    go (AsyncIOCompleted x) = StepResultCompleted <$> either throwIO pure x
-    go (AsyncIOIO x) = StepResultCompleted <$> x
-    go (AsyncIOAwait x) =
-      atomically (peekSTM x) >>= \case
-        Nothing -> pure $ StepResultAwaitable x
-        Just (Left ex) -> throwIO ex
-        Just (Right r) -> pure $ StepResultCompleted r
-    go (AsyncIOBind x fn) = do
-      go x >>= \case
-        StepResultCompleted r -> go (fn r)
-        StepResultAwaitable awaitable -> pure $ StepResultBlocked (blockedAsyncIO awaitable fn)
-        StepResultBlocked call -> pure $ StepResultBlocked (bindBlockedAsyncIO call fn)
-    go (AsyncIOCatch x handler) = do
-      try (go x) >>= \case
-        Left ex -> go (handler ex)
-        Right (StepResultCompleted r) -> pure $ StepResultCompleted r
-        Right (StepResultAwaitable awaitable) -> pure $ StepResultBlocked (blockedAsyncIOCatch awaitable handler)
-        Right (StepResultBlocked call) -> pure $ StepResultBlocked (catchBlockedAsyncIO call handler)
-    go AsyncIOAskPool = pure $ StepResultCompleted pool
 awaitResult :: AsyncIO (Awaitable r) -> AsyncIO r
 awaitResult = (await =<<)
@@ -143,7 +73,6 @@ awaitResult = (await =<<)
 -- AsyncIOContext
 data Pool = Pool {
   configuration :: PoolConfiguraiton,
-  queue :: TVar (Seq AsyncWorkItem),
   threads :: TVar (HashSet ThreadId)
@@ -151,15 +80,8 @@ newtype AsyncTask r = AsyncTask (Awaitable r)
 instance IsAwaitable r (AsyncTask r) where
   toAwaitable (AsyncTask awaitable) = awaitable
-data AsyncWorkItem = forall r. AsyncWorkItem (BlockedAsyncIO r) (Awaitable r -> IO ())
-newtype AsyncWorkResult r = AsyncWorkResult (TMVar (Awaitable r))
-instance IsAwaitable r (AsyncWorkResult r) where
-  peekSTM (AsyncWorkResult var) = peekSTM =<< readTMVar var
-completeWork :: AsyncWorkResult r -> Awaitable r -> IO ()
-completeWork (AsyncWorkResult var) = atomically . putTMVar var
+data CancelTask
+data CancelledTaskAwaited
 data PoolConfiguraiton = PoolConfiguraiton
@@ -167,91 +89,28 @@ defaultPoolConfiguration :: PoolConfiguraiton
 defaultPoolConfiguration = PoolConfiguraiton
 withPool :: PoolConfiguraiton -> AsyncIO r -> IO r
-withPool configuration work = mask $ \unmask -> do
-  pool <- newPool configuration
-  task <- atomically $ newTask pool work
+withPool configuration = bracket (newPool configuration) disposePool . flip runOnPool
-  result <- awaitAndThrowTo task unmask `finally` pure () -- TODO dispose pool
+runOnPool :: Pool -> AsyncIO r -> IO r
+runOnPool pool (AsyncT action) = runReaderT action pool
-  either throwIO pure result
-  where
-    awaitAndThrowTo :: AsyncTask r -> (forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> IO (Either SomeException r)
-    -- TODO handle asynchronous exceptions (stop pool)
-    awaitAndThrowTo task unmask = unmask (atomically (awaitSTM task)) `catchAll` (\ex -> undefined >> awaitAndThrowTo task unmask)
 withDefaultPool :: AsyncIO a -> IO a
 withDefaultPool = withPool defaultPoolConfiguration
 newPool :: PoolConfiguraiton -> IO Pool
 newPool configuration = do
-  queue <- newTVarIO mempty
   threads <- newTVarIO mempty
-  let pool = Pool {
+  pure Pool {
-    queue,
-  void $ forkIO (managePool pool)
-  pure pool
-  where
-    managePool :: Pool -> IO ()
-    managePool pool = forever $ do
-      worker <- atomically $ takeWorkItem (toWorker pool) pool
-      void $ forkIO worker
-    workerSetup :: Pool -> IO () -> (forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> IO ()
-    workerSetup pool worker unmask = do
-      unmask worker
-newTask :: Pool -> AsyncIO r -> STM (AsyncTask r)
-newTask pool work = do
-  awaitable <- queueWork pool work
-  pure $ AsyncTask awaitable
-queueWorkItem :: Pool -> AsyncWorkItem -> STM ()
-queueWorkItem pool item = do
-  modifyTVar' (queue pool) (|> item)
-queueWork :: Pool -> AsyncIO r -> STM (Awaitable r)
-queueWork pool work = queueBlockedWork pool $ blockedAsyncIO (successfulAwaitable ()) (const work)
-queueBlockedWork :: Pool -> BlockedAsyncIO r -> STM (Awaitable r)
-queueBlockedWork pool blocked = do
-  resultVar <- AsyncWorkResult <$> newEmptyTMVar
-  queueWorkItem pool $ AsyncWorkItem blocked (completeWork resultVar)
-  pure $ toAwaitable resultVar
-toWorker :: Pool -> AsyncWorkItem -> STM (Maybe (IO ()))
-toWorker pool (AsyncWorkItem blocked putResult) = worker <<$>> peekBlockedAsyncIO blocked
-  where
-    worker work = do
-      threadId <- myThreadId
-      atomically $ modifyTVar (threads pool) $ insert threadId
-      stepAsyncIO pool work >>= \case
-        StepResultCompleted r -> putResult (successfulAwaitable r)
-        StepResultAwaitable awaitable -> putResult awaitable
-        -- This is an async tail call. Tail call optimization is performed by reusing `putResult`.
-        StepResultBlocked blockedTail -> atomically $ queueWorkItem pool (AsyncWorkItem blockedTail putResult)
-      atomically . modifyTVar (threads pool) . delete =<< myThreadId
-takeWorkItem :: forall a. (AsyncWorkItem -> STM (Maybe a)) -> Pool -> STM a
-takeWorkItem fn pool = do
-  items <- readTVar (queue pool)
-  (item, remaining) <- nextWorkItem Empty items
-  writeTVar (queue pool) remaining
-  pure item
-  where
-    nextWorkItem :: Seq AsyncWorkItem -> Seq AsyncWorkItem -> STM (a, Seq AsyncWorkItem)
-    nextWorkItem remaining (item :<| seq) = do
-      fn item >>= \case
-        Just work -> pure (work, remaining <> seq)
-        Nothing -> nextWorkItem (remaining |> item) seq
-    nextWorkItem _ _ = retry
+disposePool :: Pool -> IO ()
+-- TODO resource management
+disposePool = const (pure ())