diff --git a/quasar.cabal b/quasar.cabal
index bbcd9f455a532345a508f8d5cae4e62d37024e49..6a2e1cae11730e74bc6d28e09e21fd1cef1a5076 100644
--- a/quasar.cabal
+++ b/quasar.cabal
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ library
     base >=4.7 && <5,
+    containers,
diff --git a/src/Quasar/Core.hs b/src/Quasar/Core.hs
index 82d68a1ae3368f3e290d0e76eb5ccae72a7cb555..15e35547bfd245597102d438dc5898c96d3e99b0 100644
--- a/src/Quasar/Core.hs
+++ b/src/Quasar/Core.hs
@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ module Quasar.Core (
 ) where
-import Control.Concurrent (forkIOWithUnmask)
+import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId, forkIO, forkIOWithUnmask, myThreadId)
 import Control.Concurrent.STM
 import Control.Exception (MaskingState(..), getMaskingState)
 import Control.Monad.Catch
-import Data.Maybe (isJust)
-import Data.Void (absurd)
+import Data.HashSet
+import Data.Sequence
 import Quasar.Awaitable
 import Quasar.Prelude
@@ -71,39 +71,62 @@ await = AsyncIOAwait . toAwaitable
 -- | Run an `AsyncIO` to completion and return the result.
 runAsyncIO :: AsyncIO r -> IO r
-runAsyncIO x = withDefaultPool $ \pool -> runAsyncIOWithPool pool x
+runAsyncIO = withDefaultPool
-runAsyncIOWithPool :: Pool -> AsyncIO r -> IO r
-runAsyncIOWithPool pool x = do
-  stepResult <- stepAsyncIO pool x
-  case stepResult of
-    Left awaitable -> either throwIO pure =<< atomically (awaitSTM awaitable)
-    Right result -> pure result
+runOnPool :: Pool -> AsyncIO r -> AsyncIO r
+runOnPool pool work = await =<< (liftIO . atomically $ queueWork pool work)
+data AsyncCall r = forall a. AsyncCall (Awaitable a) (Either SomeException a -> AsyncIO r)
+asyncCall :: Awaitable a -> (Either SomeException a -> AsyncIO r) -> AsyncCall r
+asyncCall = AsyncCall
-stepAsyncIO :: Pool -> AsyncIO r -> IO (Either (Awaitable r) r)
+data StepResult r
+  = StepResultCompleted r
+  | StepResultAwaitable (Awaitable r)
+  | StepResultAsyncCall (AsyncCall r)
+stepAsyncIO :: Pool -> AsyncIO r -> IO (StepResult r)
 stepAsyncIO pool = go
-    go :: AsyncIO r -> IO (Either (Awaitable r) r)
-    go (AsyncIOCompleted x) = Right <$> either throwIO pure x
-    go (AsyncIOIO x) = Right <$> x
-    go (AsyncIOAwait x) = pure $ Left x
+    --packResult :: Either SomeException (StepResult r) -> Either (AsyncCall r) (Awaitable r)
+    --packResult (Left ex) = Right (failedAwaitable ex)
+    --packResult (Right (StepResultCompleted x)) = Right (successfulAwaitable x)
+    --packResult (Right (StepResultAwaitable x)) = Right x
+    --packResult (Right (StepResultAsyncCall x)) = Left x
+    go :: AsyncIO r -> IO (StepResult r)
+    go (AsyncIOCompleted x) = StepResultCompleted <$> either throwIO pure x
+    go (AsyncIOIO x) = StepResultCompleted <$> x
+    go (AsyncIOAwait x) =
+      atomically (peekSTM x) >>= \case
+        Nothing -> pure $ StepResultAwaitable x
+        Just (Left ex) -> throwIO ex
+        Just (Right r) -> pure $ StepResultCompleted r
     go (AsyncIOBind x fn) = do
       go x >>= \case
-        Left awaitable -> bindAwaitable awaitable (either throwM fn)
-        Right r -> go (fn r)
+        StepResultCompleted r -> go (fn r)
+        StepResultAwaitable awaitable -> pure $ StepResultAsyncCall (asyncCall awaitable foobar)
+        (StepResultAsyncCall call) -> continueAfterCall call foobar
+      where
+        foobar = either throwM fn
     go (AsyncIOCatch x handler) = do
       try (go x) >>= \case
         Left ex -> go (handler ex)
-        Right (Left awaitable) -> bindAwaitable awaitable (either (handleSomeException handler) pure)
-        Right (Right r) -> pure $ Right r
-    go AsyncIOAskPool = pure $ Right pool
-    bindAwaitable :: Awaitable a -> (Either SomeException a -> AsyncIO r) -> IO (Either (Awaitable r) r)
-    bindAwaitable input work = fmap Left . atomically $ queueBlockedWork pool input work
-handleSomeException :: (Exception e, MonadThrow m) => (e -> m a) -> SomeException -> m a
-handleSomeException handler ex = maybe (throwM ex) handler (fromException ex)
+        Right (StepResultCompleted r) -> pure $ StepResultCompleted r
+        Right (StepResultAwaitable awaitable) -> pure $ StepResultAsyncCall (asyncCall awaitable foobar)
+        Right (StepResultAsyncCall c) -> continueAfterCall c foobar
+      where
+        foobar = either (handleSomeException handler) pure
+    go AsyncIOAskPool = pure $ StepResultCompleted pool
+    continueAfterCall :: AsyncCall a -> (Either SomeException a -> AsyncIO r) -> IO (StepResult r)
+    continueAfterCall call fn = do
+      -- Tail call optimization is not possible when having to wait for the result of a call, so the call is queued as a new work item.
+      awaitable <- atomically $ queueBlockedWork pool call
+      pure $ StepResultAsyncCall $ asyncCall awaitable fn
+    handleSomeException :: forall e a m. (Exception e, MonadThrow m) => (e -> m a) -> SomeException -> m a
+    handleSomeException handler ex = maybe (throwM ex) handler (fromException ex)
 awaitResult :: AsyncIO (Awaitable r) -> AsyncIO r
 awaitResult = (await =<<)
@@ -115,35 +138,119 @@ awaitResult = (await =<<)
 -- AsyncIORuntime
 -- AsyncIOContext
 data Pool = Pool {
-  queue :: TVar [AsyncQueueItem]
+  configuration :: PoolConfiguraiton,
+  queue :: TVar (Seq AsyncWorkItem),
+  threads :: TVar (HashSet ThreadId)
-data AsyncQueueItem = forall a. AsyncQueueItem (Awaitable a) (Either SomeException a -> AsyncIO ())
+newtype AsyncTask r = AsyncTask (Awaitable r)
+instance IsAwaitable r (AsyncTask r) where
+  toAwaitable (AsyncTask awaitable) = awaitable
+data AsyncWorkItem = forall r. AsyncWorkItem (AsyncCall r) (Awaitable r -> IO ())
+newtype AsyncWorkResult r = AsyncWorkResult (TMVar (Awaitable r))
+instance IsAwaitable r (AsyncWorkResult r) where
+  peekSTM (AsyncWorkResult var) = peekSTM =<< readTMVar var
+completeWork :: AsyncWorkResult r -> Awaitable r -> IO ()
+completeWork (AsyncWorkResult var) = atomically . putTMVar var
-withPool :: (Pool -> IO a) -> IO a
-withPool = undefined
+data PoolConfiguraiton = PoolConfiguraiton
-withDefaultPool :: (Pool -> IO a) -> IO a
-withDefaultPool = (=<< atomically defaultPool)
+defaultPoolConfiguration :: PoolConfiguraiton
+defaultPoolConfiguration = PoolConfiguraiton
-defaultPool :: STM Pool
-defaultPool = do
-  queue <- newTVar []
-  pure Pool {
-    queue
+withPool :: PoolConfiguraiton -> AsyncIO r -> IO r
+withPool configuration work = mask $ \unmask -> do
+  pool <- newPool configuration
+  task <- atomically $ newTask pool work
+  result <- awaitAndThrowTo task unmask `finally` pure () -- TODO dispose pool
+  either throwIO pure result
+  where
+    awaitAndThrowTo :: AsyncTask r -> (forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> IO (Either SomeException r)
+    -- TODO handle asynchronous exceptions (stop pool)
+    awaitAndThrowTo task unmask = unmask (atomically (awaitSTM task)) `catchAll` (\ex -> undefined >> awaitAndThrowTo task unmask)
+withDefaultPool :: AsyncIO a -> IO a
+withDefaultPool = withPool defaultPoolConfiguration
+newPool :: PoolConfiguraiton -> IO Pool
+newPool configuration = do
+  queue <- newTVarIO mempty
+  threads <- newTVarIO mempty
+  let pool = Pool {
+    configuration,
+    queue,
+    threads
+  void $ forkIO (managePool pool)
+  pure pool
+  where
+    managePool :: Pool -> IO ()
+    managePool pool = forever $ do
+      worker <- atomically $ takeWorkItem (toWorker pool) pool
+      void $ forkIO worker
+    workerSetup :: Pool -> IO () -> (forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> IO ()
+    workerSetup pool worker unmask = do
+      unmask worker
+newTask :: Pool -> AsyncIO r -> STM (AsyncTask r)
+newTask pool work = do
+  awaitable <- queueWork pool work
+  pure $ AsyncTask awaitable
+queueWorkItem :: Pool -> AsyncWorkItem -> STM ()
+queueWorkItem pool item = do
+  modifyTVar' (queue pool) (|> item)
 queueWork :: Pool -> AsyncIO r -> STM (Awaitable r)
-queueWork pool work = queueBlockedWork pool (successfulAwaitable ()) (const work)
-queueBlockedWork :: Pool -> Awaitable a -> (Either SomeException a -> AsyncIO r) -> STM (Awaitable r)
-queueBlockedWork pool input work = do
-  resultVar <- newAsyncVarSTM
-  -- TODO masking state
-  let actualWork = try . work >=> putAsyncVarEither_ resultVar
-  undefined
+queueWork pool work = queueBlockedWork pool $ asyncCall (successfulAwaitable ()) (const work)
+queueBlockedWork :: Pool -> AsyncCall r -> STM (Awaitable r)
+queueBlockedWork pool call = do
+  resultVar <- AsyncWorkResult <$> newEmptyTMVar
+  queueWorkItem pool $ AsyncWorkItem call (completeWork resultVar)
   pure $ toAwaitable resultVar
+toWorker :: Pool -> AsyncWorkItem -> STM (Maybe (IO ()))
+toWorker pool (AsyncWorkItem (AsyncCall inputAwaitable work) putResult) = worker <<$>> peekSTM inputAwaitable
+  where
+    worker input = do
+      threadId <- myThreadId
+      atomically $ modifyTVar (threads pool) $ insert threadId
+      stepAsyncIO pool (work input) >>= \case
+        StepResultCompleted r -> putResult (successfulAwaitable r)
+        StepResultAwaitable x -> putResult x
+        -- This is an async tail call. Tail call optimization is performed by reusing `putResult`.
+        StepResultAsyncCall call -> atomically $ queueWorkItem pool (AsyncWorkItem call putResult)
+      atomically . modifyTVar (threads pool) . delete =<< myThreadId
+takeWorkItem :: forall a. (AsyncWorkItem -> STM (Maybe a)) -> Pool -> STM a
+takeWorkItem fn pool = do
+  items <- readTVar (queue pool)
+  (item, remaining) <- nextWorkItem Empty items
+  writeTVar (queue pool) remaining
+  pure item
+  where
+    nextWorkItem :: Seq AsyncWorkItem -> Seq AsyncWorkItem -> STM (a, Seq AsyncWorkItem)
+    nextWorkItem remaining (item :<| seq) = do
+      fn item >>= \case
+        Just work -> pure (work, remaining <> seq)
+        Nothing -> nextWorkItem (remaining |> item) seq
+    nextWorkItem _ _ = retry
 -- * Awaiting multiple asyncs
diff --git a/test/Quasar/Observable/ObservableHashMapSpec.hs b/test/Quasar/Observable/ObservableHashMapSpec.hs
index f3cc07ee9acc4c61da5577922fd84bef643b0415..ae526ef4dfeb815e0afc01a8165b91063c9eb1f3 100644
--- a/test/Quasar/Observable/ObservableHashMapSpec.hs
+++ b/test/Quasar/Observable/ObservableHashMapSpec.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 module Quasar.Observable.ObservableHashMapSpec (spec) where
-import Quasar.Core
 import Quasar.Disposable
 import Quasar.Observable
 import Quasar.Observable.Delta
diff --git a/test/Quasar/Observable/ObservablePrioritySpec.hs b/test/Quasar/Observable/ObservablePrioritySpec.hs
index a09b9e38f205349db1b0505bb32b94e59fa877b3..f05d11a30fd3fefa75c80bbc51cadf83344b8b65 100644
--- a/test/Quasar/Observable/ObservablePrioritySpec.hs
+++ b/test/Quasar/Observable/ObservablePrioritySpec.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 module Quasar.Observable.ObservablePrioritySpec (spec) where
-import Quasar.Core
 import Quasar.Disposable
 import Quasar.Observable
 import Quasar.Observable.ObservablePriority (ObservablePriority)