diff --git a/src/Quasar/Disposable.hs b/src/Quasar/Disposable.hs
index aa2c6c877aec781b04001eeb5e0e502e562b3111..8a4b1a2b32c1fd8616bf955dc641d1714e51abbd 100644
--- a/src/Quasar/Disposable.hs
+++ b/src/Quasar/Disposable.hs
@@ -406,15 +406,17 @@ attachDisposeAction resourceManager action = liftIO $ mask_ $ do
 attachDisposeAction_ :: MonadIO m => ResourceManager -> IO (Awaitable ()) -> m ()
 attachDisposeAction_ resourceManager action = void $ attachDisposeAction resourceManager action
--- | Start disposing a resource but instead of waiting for the operation to complete, pass the responsibility to a `ResourceManager`.
+-- | Start disposing a resource but instead of waiting for the operation to complete, pass the responsibility to a
+-- `MonadResourceManager`.
--- The synchronous part of the `dispose`-Function will be run immediately but the resulting `Awaitable` will be passed to the resource manager.
-disposeEventually :: (IsDisposable a, MonadIO m) => ResourceManager -> a -> m ()
-disposeEventually resourceManager disposable = liftIO $ do
+-- The synchronous part of the `dispose`-Function will be run immediately but the resulting `Awaitable` will be passed
+-- to the resource manager.
+disposeEventually :: (IsDisposable a, MonadResourceManager m) => a -> m ()
+disposeEventually disposable = do
   disposeCompleted <- dispose disposable
   peekAwaitable disposeCompleted >>= \case
     Just () -> pure ()
-    Nothing -> attachDisposable resourceManager disposable
+    Nothing -> registerDisposable disposable
diff --git a/src/Quasar/Observable.hs b/src/Quasar/Observable.hs
index ea1d06d63b4aeded94cfe942bb2f1b167ffd7eca..a002d51cf680d36856723923f50f53fe646312c6 100644
--- a/src/Quasar/Observable.hs
+++ b/src/Quasar/Observable.hs
@@ -249,8 +249,9 @@ instance IsObservable r (BindObservable r) where
               oldDisposable <- takeTMVar disposableVar
               -- IO action that will run after the STM transaction
-              pure $ do
-                disposeEventually resourceManager oldDisposable
+              pure do
+                onResourceManager resourceManager do
+                  disposeEventually oldDisposable
                 disposable <-
                   unmask (outerMessageHandler key observableMessage)
@@ -316,8 +317,9 @@ instance IsObservable r (CatchObservable e r) where
               oldDisposable <- takeTMVar disposableVar
               -- IO action that will run after the STM transaction
-              pure $ do
-                disposeEventually resourceManager oldDisposable
+              pure do
+                onResourceManager resourceManager do
+                  disposeEventually oldDisposable
                 disposable <-
                   unmask (outerMessageHandler key observableMessage)