diff --git a/src/Quasar/Core.hs b/src/Quasar/Core.hs
index a8375166ef2c4451bb33dea0a5593ff620e87161..17826fa4453562510bc39088e30d9c42ad4d434b 100644
--- a/src/Quasar/Core.hs
+++ b/src/Quasar/Core.hs
@@ -30,8 +30,11 @@ module Quasar.Core (
 ) where
+import Control.Concurrent (forkIOWithUnmask)
+import Control.Exception (MaskingState(..), getMaskingState)
 import Control.Monad.Catch
 import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM
+import Data.Maybe (isJust)
 import Quasar.Prelude
 -- * Async
@@ -111,16 +114,13 @@ data AsyncIO r
   | AsyncIOPlumbing (IO (AsyncIO r))
 instance Functor AsyncIO where
-  fmap fn (AsyncIOSuccess x) = AsyncIOSuccess (fn x)
-  fmap _ (AsyncIOFailure x) = AsyncIOFailure x
-  fmap fn (AsyncIOIO x) = AsyncIOIO (fn <$> x)
-  fmap fn (AsyncIOAsync x) = bindAsync x (pure . fn)
-  fmap fn (AsyncIOPlumbing x) = AsyncIOPlumbing (fn <<$>> x)
+  fmap fn = (>>= pure . fn)
 instance Applicative AsyncIO where
   pure = AsyncIOSuccess
   (<*>) pf px = pf >>= \f -> f <$> px
   liftA2 f px py = px >>= \x -> f x <$> py
 instance Monad AsyncIO where
   (>>=) :: forall a b. AsyncIO a -> (a -> AsyncIO b) -> AsyncIO b
   (>>=) (AsyncIOSuccess x) fn = fn x
@@ -141,14 +141,14 @@ instance MonadCatch AsyncIO where
   catch x@(AsyncIOFailure ex) handler = maybe x handler (fromException ex)
   catch (AsyncIOIO x) handler = AsyncIOIO (try x) >>= handleEither handler
   catch (AsyncIOAsync x) handler = bindAsyncCatch x (handleEither handler)
-  catch (AsyncIOPlumbing x) handler = AsyncIOPlumbing $ x >>= pure . (`catch` handler)
+  catch (AsyncIOPlumbing x) handler = AsyncIOPlumbing $ (`catch` handler) <$> x
 handleEither :: Exception e => (e -> AsyncIO a) -> Either SomeException a -> AsyncIO a
 handleEither handler (Left ex) = maybe (AsyncIOFailure ex) handler (fromException ex)
 handleEither _ (Right r) = pure r
 bindAsync :: forall a b. Async a -> (a -> AsyncIO b) -> AsyncIO b
-bindAsync x fn = bindAsyncCatch x (either (AsyncIOFailure) fn)
+bindAsync x fn = bindAsyncCatch x (either AsyncIOFailure fn)
 bindAsyncCatch :: forall a b. Async a -> (Either SomeException a -> AsyncIO b) -> AsyncIO b
 bindAsyncCatch x fn = AsyncIOPlumbing $ newAsyncVar >>= bindAsync'
@@ -184,7 +184,8 @@ runAsyncIO (AsyncIOSuccess x) = pure x
 runAsyncIO (AsyncIOFailure x) = throwIO x
 runAsyncIO (AsyncIOIO x) = x
 runAsyncIO (AsyncIOAsync x) = wait x
-runAsyncIO (AsyncIOPlumbing x) = x >>= runAsyncIO -- TODO error handling
+runAsyncIO (AsyncIOPlumbing x) = do
+  x >>= runAsyncIO
 awaitResult :: AsyncIO (Async r) -> AsyncIO r
 awaitResult = (await =<<)
@@ -209,7 +210,9 @@ mapAsync fn = async . fmap fn . await
 -- | The default implementation for a `Async` that can be fulfilled later.
 newtype AsyncVar r = AsyncVar (MVar (AsyncVarState r))
-data AsyncVarState r = AsyncVarCompleted (Either SomeException r) | AsyncVarOpen (HM.HashMap Unique (Either SomeException r -> IO (), SomeException -> IO ()))
+data AsyncVarState r
+  = AsyncVarCompleted (Either SomeException r)
+  | AsyncVarOpen (HM.HashMap Unique (Either SomeException r -> IO (), SomeException -> IO ()))
 instance IsAsync r (AsyncVar r) where
   peekAsync :: AsyncVar r -> IO (Maybe (Either SomeException r))
@@ -255,6 +258,40 @@ putAsyncVarEither (AsyncVar mvar) value = liftIO $ do
         putMVar mvar (AsyncVarCompleted value)
+-- * Cancellation
+newtype CancellationToken = CancellationToken (AsyncVar Void)
+newCancellationToken :: IO CancellationToken
+newCancellationToken = CancellationToken <$> newAsyncVar
+cancel :: Exception e => CancellationToken -> e -> IO ()
+cancel (CancellationToken var) = failAsyncVar var . toException
+isCancellationRequested :: CancellationToken -> IO Bool
+isCancellationRequested (CancellationToken var) = isJust <$> peekAsync var
+cancellationState :: CancellationToken -> IO (Maybe SomeException)
+cancellationState (CancellationToken var) = (either Just (const Nothing) =<<) <$> peekAsync var
+throwIfCancellationRequested :: CancellationToken -> IO ()
+throwIfCancellationRequested (CancellationToken var) =
+  peekAsync var >>= \case
+    Just (Left ex) -> throwIO ex
+    _ -> pure ()
+withCancellationToken :: (CancellationToken -> IO a) -> IO a
+withCancellationToken action = do
+  cancellationToken <- newCancellationToken
+  resultMVar :: MVar (Either SomeException a) <- newEmptyMVar
+  uninterruptibleMask $ \unmask -> do
+    void $ forkIOWithUnmask $ \threadUnmask -> do
+      putMVar resultMVar =<< try (threadUnmask (action cancellationToken))
+    either throwIO pure =<< (unmask (takeMVar resultMVar) `catchAll` (\ex -> cancel cancellationToken ex >> takeMVar resultMVar))
 -- * Disposable
 class IsDisposable a where
diff --git a/test/Quasar/AsyncSpec.hs b/test/Quasar/AsyncSpec.hs
index 15bad2b20fc5ffdc24826c6d8ca565e10b5693a2..ace2f4990d5160f04c87184c0e7dbe809615187b 100644
--- a/test/Quasar/AsyncSpec.hs
+++ b/test/Quasar/AsyncSpec.hs
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Data.Either (isRight)
 import Prelude
 import Test.Hspec
 import Quasar.Core
+import System.Timeout
 shouldSatisfyM :: (HasCallStack, Show a) => IO a -> (a -> Bool) -> Expectation
 shouldSatisfyM action expected = action >>= (`shouldSatisfy` expected)
@@ -71,3 +72,11 @@ spec = parallel $ do
         threadDelay 100000
         putAsyncVar avar ()
       runAsyncIO (await avar >>= pure)
+    it "can terminate when encountering an asynchronous exception" $ do
+      never <- newAsyncVar :: IO (AsyncVar ())
+      result <- timeout 100000 $ runAsyncIO $
+        -- Use bind to create an AsyncIOPlumbing, which is the interesting case that uses `uninterruptibleMask` when run
+        await never >>= pure
+      result `shouldBe` Nothing