diff --git a/src/Quasar/Awaitable.hs b/src/Quasar/Awaitable.hs
index df22bf77b50c78d37770e6a2cba7b82a940013d4..5f76ebfb26cc1281979c2fe0f7443201985f6485 100644
--- a/src/Quasar/Awaitable.hs
+++ b/src/Quasar/Awaitable.hs
@@ -2,11 +2,14 @@ module Quasar.Awaitable (
   -- * Awaitable
+  peekAwaitable,
-  peekAwaitable,
+  -- * Awaiting multiple awaitables
+  cacheAwaitable,
   -- * AsyncVar
@@ -35,7 +38,7 @@ import Quasar.Prelude
 class IsAwaitable r a | a -> r where
-  runAwaitable :: (Monad m) => a -> (forall b. STM (Maybe b) -> m b) -> m (Either SomeException r)
+  runAwaitable :: (MonadQuerySTM m) => a -> m (Either SomeException r)
   runAwaitable self = runAwaitable (toAwaitable self)
   toAwaitable :: a -> Awaitable r
@@ -45,35 +48,35 @@ class IsAwaitable r a | a -> r where
 awaitIO :: (IsAwaitable r a, MonadIO m) => a -> m r
-awaitIO awaitable = liftIO $ either throwIO pure =<< runAwaitable awaitable (atomically . (maybe retry pure =<<))
+awaitIO awaitable = liftIO $ either throwIO pure =<< runQueryT (atomically . (maybe retry pure =<<)) (runAwaitable awaitable)
 peekAwaitable :: (IsAwaitable r a, MonadIO m) => a -> m (Maybe (Either SomeException r))
-peekAwaitable awaitable = liftIO . runMaybeT $ runAwaitable awaitable (MaybeT . atomically)
+peekAwaitable awaitable = liftIO $ runMaybeT $ runQueryT (MaybeT . atomically) (runAwaitable awaitable)
-newtype Awaitable r = Awaitable (forall m. (Monad m) => (forall b. STM (Maybe b) -> m b) -> m (Either SomeException r))
+newtype Awaitable r = Awaitable (forall m. (MonadQuerySTM m) => m (Either SomeException r))
 instance IsAwaitable r (Awaitable r) where
   runAwaitable (Awaitable x) = x
   toAwaitable = id
 instance Functor Awaitable where
-  fmap fn (Awaitable x) = Awaitable $ \querySTM -> fn <<$>> x querySTM
+  fmap fn (Awaitable x) = Awaitable $ fn <<$>> x
 instance Applicative Awaitable where
-  pure value = Awaitable $ \_ -> pure (Right value)
-  liftA2 fn (Awaitable fx) (Awaitable fy) = Awaitable $ \querySTM -> liftA2 (liftA2 fn) (fx querySTM) (fy querySTM)
+  pure value = Awaitable $ pure (Right value)
+  liftA2 fn (Awaitable fx) (Awaitable fy) = Awaitable $ liftA2 (liftA2 fn) fx fy
 instance Monad Awaitable where
-  (Awaitable fx) >>= fn = Awaitable $ \querySTM -> do
-    fx querySTM >>= \case
+  (Awaitable fx) >>= fn = Awaitable $ do
+    fx >>= \case
       Left ex -> pure $ Left ex
-      Right x -> runAwaitable (fn x) querySTM
+      Right x -> runAwaitable (fn x)
 completedAwaitable :: Either SomeException r -> Awaitable r
-completedAwaitable result = Awaitable $ \_ -> pure result
+completedAwaitable result = Awaitable $ pure result
 successfulAwaitable :: r -> Awaitable r
 successfulAwaitable = completedAwaitable . Right
@@ -82,25 +85,31 @@ failedAwaitable :: SomeException -> Awaitable r
 failedAwaitable = completedAwaitable . Left
 simpleAwaitable :: STM (Maybe (Either SomeException a)) -> Awaitable a
-simpleAwaitable peekTransaction = Awaitable ($ peekTransaction)
+simpleAwaitable query = Awaitable (querySTM query)
 class Monad m => MonadQuerySTM m where
   querySTM :: (forall a. STM (Maybe a) -> m a)
-instance Monad m => MonadQuerySTM (ReaderT (QuerySTMFunction m) m) where
+instance Monad m => MonadQuerySTM (ReaderT (QueryFn m) m) where
   querySTM query = do
-    QuerySTMFunction querySTMFn <- ask
+    QueryFn querySTMFn <- ask
     lift $ querySTMFn query
-data QuerySTMFunction m = QuerySTMFunction (forall b. STM (Maybe b) -> m b)
+data QueryFn m = QueryFn (forall a. STM (Maybe a) -> m a)
+runQueryT :: forall m a. Monad m => (forall b. STM (Maybe b) -> m b) -> ReaderT (QueryFn m) m a -> m a
+runQueryT queryFn action = runReaderT action (QueryFn queryFn)
 newtype CachedAwaitable r = CachedAwaitable (TVar (AwaitableStepM (Either SomeException r)))
+cacheAwaitable :: Awaitable a -> IO (CachedAwaitable a)
+cacheAwaitable awaitable = CachedAwaitable <$> newTVarIO (runAwaitable awaitable)
 instance IsAwaitable r (CachedAwaitable r) where
-  runAwaitable :: forall m. (Monad m) => CachedAwaitable r -> (forall b. STM (Maybe b) -> m b) -> m (Either SomeException r)
-  runAwaitable (CachedAwaitable tvar) querySTM = go
+  runAwaitable :: forall m. (MonadQuerySTM m) => CachedAwaitable r -> m (Either SomeException r)
+  runAwaitable (CachedAwaitable tvar) = go
       go :: m (Either SomeException r)
       go = querySTM stepCacheTransaction >>= \case
@@ -113,26 +122,23 @@ instance IsAwaitable r (CachedAwaitable r) where
         readTVar tvar >>= \case
           -- Cache was already completed
           result@(AwaitableCompleted _) -> pure $ Just result
-          AwaitableStep transaction fn -> do
-            -- Run the next "querySTM" transaction requested by the cached operation
-            fn <<$>> transaction >>= \case
-              -- In case of an incomplete transaction the caller (/ the monad `m`) can decide what to do (e.g. retry for `awaitIO`, abort for `peekAwaitable`)
+          AwaitableStep query fn -> do
+            -- Run the next "querySTM" query requested by the cached operation
+            fn <<$>> query >>= \case
+              -- In case of an incomplete query the caller (/ the monad `m`) can decide what to do (e.g. retry for `awaitIO`, abort for `peekAwaitable`)
               Nothing -> pure Nothing
-              -- Query was successful. Update cache and exit transaction
+              -- Query was successful. Update cache and exit query
               Just nextStep -> do
                 writeTVar tvar nextStep
                 pure $ Just nextStep
-cacheAwaitable :: Awaitable a -> IO (CachedAwaitable a)
-cacheAwaitable awaitable = CachedAwaitable <$> newTVarIO (peekM awaitable peekStep)
 data AwaitableStepM a
   = AwaitableCompleted a
   | forall b. AwaitableStep (STM (Maybe b)) (b -> AwaitableStepM a)
 instance Functor AwaitableStepM where
   fmap fn (AwaitableCompleted x) = AwaitableCompleted (fn x)
-  fmap fn (AwaitableStep transaction next) = AwaitableStep transaction (fmap fn <$> next)
+  fmap fn (AwaitableStep query next) = AwaitableStep query (fmap fn <$> next)
 instance Applicative AwaitableStepM where
   pure = AwaitableCompleted
@@ -140,14 +146,10 @@ instance Applicative AwaitableStepM where
 instance Monad AwaitableStepM where
   (AwaitableCompleted x) >>= fn = fn x
-  (AwaitableStep transaction next) >>= fn = AwaitableStep transaction (next >=> fn)
+  (AwaitableStep query next) >>= fn = AwaitableStep query (next >=> fn)
 instance MonadQuerySTM AwaitableStepM where
-  querySTM transaction = AwaitableStep transaction AwaitableCompleted
-peekStep :: STM (Maybe a) -> AwaitableStepM a
-peekStep transaction = AwaitableStep transaction AwaitableCompleted
+  querySTM query = AwaitableStep query AwaitableCompleted
 -- ** AsyncVar
@@ -156,7 +158,7 @@ peekStep transaction = AwaitableStep transaction AwaitableCompleted
 newtype AsyncVar r = AsyncVar (TMVar (Either SomeException r))
 instance IsAwaitable r (AsyncVar r) where
-  runAwaitable (AsyncVar var) = ($ tryReadTMVar var)
+  runAwaitable (AsyncVar var) = querySTM $ tryReadTMVar var
 newAsyncVarSTM :: STM (AsyncVar r)
@@ -197,17 +199,17 @@ putAsyncVarEitherSTM_ var = void . putAsyncVarEitherSTM var
 awaitEither :: (IsAwaitable ra a , IsAwaitable rb b, MonadIO m) => a -> b -> m (Awaitable (Either ra rb))
 awaitEither x y = liftIO $ do
-  let startX = runAwaitable x peekStep
-  let startY = runAwaitable y peekStep
-  pure $ Awaitable $ \querySTM -> groupLefts <$> stepBoth startX startY querySTM
+  let startX = runAwaitable x
+  let startY = runAwaitable y
+  pure $ Awaitable $ groupLefts <$> stepBoth startX startY
-    stepBoth :: Monad m => AwaitableStepM ra -> AwaitableStepM rb -> (forall c. STM (Maybe c) -> m c) -> m (Either ra rb)
-    stepBoth (AwaitableCompleted resultX) _ _ = pure $ Left resultX
-    stepBoth _ (AwaitableCompleted resultY) _ = pure $ Right resultY
-    stepBoth stepX@(AwaitableStep transactionX nextX) stepY@(AwaitableStep transactionY nextY) querySTM = do
+    stepBoth :: MonadQuerySTM m => AwaitableStepM ra -> AwaitableStepM rb -> m (Either ra rb)
+    stepBoth (AwaitableCompleted resultX) _ = pure $ Left resultX
+    stepBoth _ (AwaitableCompleted resultY) = pure $ Right resultY
+    stepBoth stepX@(AwaitableStep transactionX nextX) stepY@(AwaitableStep transactionY nextY) = do
       querySTM (peekEitherSTM transactionX transactionY) >>= \case
-        Left resultX -> stepBoth (nextX resultX) stepY querySTM
-        Right resultY -> stepBoth stepX (nextY resultY) querySTM
+        Left resultX -> stepBoth (nextX resultX) stepY
+        Right resultY -> stepBoth stepX (nextY resultY)
 groupLefts :: Either (Either ex a) (Either ex b) -> Either ex (Either a b)