diff --git a/quasar/src/Quasar/Exceptions.hs b/quasar/src/Quasar/Exceptions.hs
index 3594df21fbc971f986a59a53184702c30876f2b2..b238b994c2a79d16f1f806f5bf6a3a28013b226e 100644
--- a/quasar/src/Quasar/Exceptions.hs
+++ b/quasar/src/Quasar/Exceptions.hs
@@ -24,26 +24,26 @@ import Control.Monad.Catch
 import Quasar.Prelude
-newtype ExceptionSink = ExceptionSink (SomeException -> STM ())
+newtype ExceptionSink = ExceptionSink (SomeException -> STM' NoRetry NoThrow ())
-throwToExceptionSink :: (Exception e, MonadSTM m) => ExceptionSink -> e -> m ()
-throwToExceptionSink (ExceptionSink channelFn) ex = liftSTM $ channelFn (toException ex)
+throwToExceptionSink :: (Exception e, MonadSTM' r t m) => ExceptionSink -> e -> m ()
+throwToExceptionSink (ExceptionSink channelFn) ex = noRetry $ noThrow $ channelFn (toException ex)
 throwToExceptionSinkIO :: (Exception e, MonadIO m) => ExceptionSink -> e -> m ()
 throwToExceptionSinkIO sink ex = atomically $ throwToExceptionSink sink ex
-catchSink :: forall e. Exception e => (e -> STM ()) -> ExceptionSink -> ExceptionSink
+catchSink :: forall e. Exception e => (e -> STM' NoRetry CanThrow ()) -> ExceptionSink -> ExceptionSink
 catchSink handler parentSink = ExceptionSink \ex ->
   case fromException ex of
     Just matchedException -> wrappedHandler matchedException
     Nothing -> throwToExceptionSink parentSink ex
-    wrappedHandler :: e -> STM ()
-    wrappedHandler ex = catchAll (handler ex) (throwToExceptionSink parentSink)
+    wrappedHandler :: e -> STM' NoRetry NoThrow ()
+    wrappedHandler ex = catchAllSTM' (handler ex) (throwToExceptionSink parentSink)
-catchAllSink :: (SomeException -> STM ()) -> ExceptionSink -> ExceptionSink
+catchAllSink :: (SomeException -> STM' NoRetry CanThrow ()) -> ExceptionSink -> ExceptionSink
 catchAllSink = catchSink
diff --git a/quasar/src/Quasar/Exceptions/ExceptionSink.hs b/quasar/src/Quasar/Exceptions/ExceptionSink.hs
index 826ac0fd33959f9d6adcc856a8ed6009133e387d..398620b2d6ff4a60a3579024ebce54666da12001 100644
--- a/quasar/src/Quasar/Exceptions/ExceptionSink.hs
+++ b/quasar/src/Quasar/Exceptions/ExceptionSink.hs
@@ -39,21 +39,21 @@ loggingExceptionSink worker =
     logFn :: SomeException -> ShortIO ()
     logFn ex = unsafeShortIO $ Trace.traceIO $ displayException ex
-newExceptionWitnessSink :: ExceptionSink -> STM (ExceptionSink, STM Bool)
-newExceptionWitnessSink exChan = do
+newExceptionWitnessSink :: MonadSTM' r t m => ExceptionSink -> m (ExceptionSink, STM' r2 t2 Bool)
+newExceptionWitnessSink exChan = liftSTM' do
   var <- newTVar False
   let chan = ExceptionSink \ex -> lock var >> throwToExceptionSink exChan ex
   pure (chan, readTVar var)
-    lock :: TVar Bool -> STM ()
+    lock :: TVar Bool -> STM' r t ()
     lock var = unlessM (readTVar var) (writeTVar var True)
-newExceptionRedirector :: ExceptionSink -> STM (ExceptionSink, ExceptionSink -> STM ())
+newExceptionRedirector :: MonadSTM' r t m => ExceptionSink -> m (ExceptionSink, ExceptionSink -> STM' r2 t2 ())
 newExceptionRedirector initialExceptionSink = do
   channelVar <- newTVar initialExceptionSink
   pure (ExceptionSink (channelFn channelVar), writeTVar channelVar)
-    channelFn :: TVar ExceptionSink -> SomeException -> STM ()
+    channelFn :: TVar ExceptionSink -> SomeException -> STM' r t ()
     channelFn channelVar ex = do
       channel <- readTVar channelVar
       throwToExceptionSink channel ex
@@ -61,17 +61,17 @@ newExceptionRedirector initialExceptionSink = do
 -- | Collects exceptions. After they have been collected (by using the resulting
 -- transaction), further exceptions are forwarded to the backup exception sink.
 -- The collection transaction may only be used once.
-newExceptionCollector :: ExceptionSink -> STM (ExceptionSink, STM [SomeException])
+newExceptionCollector :: MonadSTM' r t m => ExceptionSink -> m (ExceptionSink, STM' r2 CanThrow [SomeException])
 newExceptionCollector backupExceptionSink = do
   exceptionsVar <- newTVar (Just [])
   pure (ExceptionSink (channelFn exceptionsVar), gatherResult exceptionsVar)
-    channelFn :: TVar (Maybe [SomeException]) -> SomeException -> STM ()
+    channelFn :: TVar (Maybe [SomeException]) -> SomeException -> STM' r t ()
     channelFn exceptionsVar ex = do
       readTVar exceptionsVar >>= \case
         Just exceptions -> writeTVar exceptionsVar (Just (ex : exceptions))
         Nothing -> throwToExceptionSink backupExceptionSink ex
-    gatherResult :: TVar (Maybe [SomeException]) -> STM [SomeException]
+    gatherResult :: TVar (Maybe [SomeException]) -> STM' r CanThrow [SomeException]
     gatherResult exceptionsVar =
       swapTVar exceptionsVar Nothing >>= \case
         Just exceptions -> pure exceptions
diff --git a/quasar/src/Quasar/MonadQuasar.hs b/quasar/src/Quasar/MonadQuasar.hs
index badcbe743a31989274facbeffe4b4339b1edbdf7..f2c706e35028fc559b182c16b697e4e72e226fd0 100644
--- a/quasar/src/Quasar/MonadQuasar.hs
+++ b/quasar/src/Quasar/MonadQuasar.hs
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ newQuasar :: Logger -> TIOWorker -> ExceptionSink -> ResourceManager -> Quasar
 newQuasar logger worker parentExceptionSink resourceManager = do
   Quasar logger worker (ExceptionSink (disposeOnException resourceManager)) resourceManager
-    disposeOnException :: ResourceManager -> SomeException -> STM ()
+    disposeOnException :: ResourceManager -> SomeException -> STM' r t ()
     disposeOnException rm ex = do
       disposeEventually_ rm
       throwToExceptionSink parentExceptionSink ex
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ redirectExceptionToSinkIO_ fn = void $ redirectExceptionToSinkIO fn
 {-# SPECIALIZE redirectExceptionToSinkIO_ :: QuasarIO a -> QuasarIO () #-}
-catchQuasar :: MonadQuasar m => forall e. Exception e => (e -> STM ()) -> m a -> m a
+catchQuasar :: MonadQuasar m => forall e. Exception e => (e -> STM' NoRetry CanThrow ()) -> m a -> m a
 catchQuasar handler fn = do
   exSink <- catchSink handler <$> askExceptionSink
   replaceExceptionSink exSink fn
diff --git a/quasar/src/Quasar/MonadQuasar/Misc.hs b/quasar/src/Quasar/MonadQuasar/Misc.hs
index 1cd618defef6b2e673593a31615d4052ce97d204..416976a22e945e7038d8a4b5f8783469639f0b0e 100644
--- a/quasar/src/Quasar/MonadQuasar/Misc.hs
+++ b/quasar/src/Quasar/MonadQuasar/Misc.hs
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ runQuasarAndExitWith exitCodeFn logger fn = mask \unmask -> do
   worker <- newTIOWorker
   (exChan, exceptionWitness) <- atomically $ newExceptionWitnessSink (loggingExceptionSink worker)
   mResult <- unmask $ withQuasar logger worker exChan (redirectExceptionToSinkIO fn)
-  failure <- atomically exceptionWitness
+  failure <- atomically' exceptionWitness
   exitState <- case (mResult, failure) of
     (Just result, False) -> pure $ QuasarExitSuccess result
     (Just result, True) -> pure $ QuasarExitAsyncException result
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ runQuasarCollectExceptions logger fn = do
   (exChan, collectExceptions) <- atomically $ newExceptionCollector panicSink
   worker <- newTIOWorker
   result <- try $ withQuasar logger worker exChan fn
-  exceptions <- atomically collectExceptions
+  exceptions <- atomically' collectExceptions
   pure (result, exceptions)
 runQuasarCombineExceptions :: Logger -> QuasarIO a -> IO a