diff --git a/src/Quasar/Observable.hs b/src/Quasar/Observable.hs
index 9081e03c92074f2a8c048a33c8bb1194bd1b1a7b..2ca45e6d5d2f1d331599344aa5c463fe46b967f4 100644
--- a/src/Quasar/Observable.hs
+++ b/src/Quasar/Observable.hs
@@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ class IsRetrievable v o => IsObservable v o | o -> v where
 -- after it completes; when the value changes multiple times it will only be executed once (with the latest value).
 observeBlocking :: (IsObservable v o, MonadResourceManager m) => o -> (ObservableMessage v -> m ()) -> m a
 observeBlocking observable handler = do
-  -- `withSubResourceManagerM` removes the `observe` callback when the `handler` fails.
-  withSubResourceManagerM do
+  -- `withScopedResourceManager` removes the `observe` callback when the `handler` fails.
+  genericWithScopedResourceManager do
     var <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
     observe observable \msg -> liftIO $ atomically do
       void $ tryTakeTMVar var
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ instance IsObservable v (ObservableVar v) where
     key <- liftIO newUnique
     registerNewResource_ do
-      let wrappedCallback = handleByResourceManager resourceManager . callback
+      let wrappedCallback = enterResourceManager resourceManager . callback
       liftIO $ modifyMVar_ mvar $ \(state, subscribers) -> do
         -- Call listener with initial value
diff --git a/src/Quasar/ResourceManager.hs b/src/Quasar/ResourceManager.hs
index 2a101f2d1da65526a351215f1a6b0a572e49fe7f..1a9a1eadfa9602afed0578e5405e437bf82e4d1a 100644
--- a/src/Quasar/ResourceManager.hs
+++ b/src/Quasar/ResourceManager.hs
@@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ module Quasar.ResourceManager (
-  withScopedResourceManagerIO,
-  withSubResourceManagerM,
+  genericWithScopedResourceManager,
-  handleByResourceManager,
+  enterResourceManager,
+  lockResourceManager,
   -- ** Top level initialization
@@ -93,21 +93,21 @@ class IsDisposable a => IsResourceManager a where
   attachDisposable :: (IsDisposable b, MonadIO m) => a -> b -> m ()
   attachDisposable self = attachDisposable (toResourceManager self)
-  lockResourceManager :: (IsDisposable b, MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => a -> m b -> m b
-  lockResourceManager self = lockResourceManager (toResourceManager self)
+  lockResourceManagerImpl :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => a -> m b -> m b
+  lockResourceManagerImpl self = lockResourceManagerImpl (toResourceManager self)
   -- | Forward an exception that happened asynchronously.
   throwToResourceManager :: Exception e => a -> e -> IO ()
   throwToResourceManager = throwToResourceManager . toResourceManager
-  {-# MINIMAL toResourceManager | (attachDisposable, lockResourceManager, throwToResourceManager) #-}
+  {-# MINIMAL toResourceManager | (attachDisposable, lockResourceManagerImpl, throwToResourceManager) #-}
 data ResourceManager = forall a. IsResourceManager a => ResourceManager a
 instance IsResourceManager ResourceManager where
   toResourceManager = id
   attachDisposable (ResourceManager x) = attachDisposable x
-  lockResourceManager (ResourceManager x) = lockResourceManager x
+  lockResourceManagerImpl (ResourceManager x) = lockResourceManagerImpl x
   throwToResourceManager (ResourceManager x) = throwToResourceManager x
 instance IsDisposable ResourceManager where
   toDisposable (ResourceManager x) = toDisposable x
@@ -120,6 +120,16 @@ class (MonadAwait m, MonadMask m, MonadIO m, MonadFix m) => MonadResourceManager
   localResourceManager :: IsResourceManager a => a -> m r -> m r
+-- | Locks the resource manager. As long as the resource manager is locked, it's possible to register new resources
+-- on the resource manager.
+-- This prevents the resource manager from disposing, so the computation must not block for an unbound amount of time.
+lockResourceManager :: MonadResourceManager m => m a -> m a
+lockResourceManager action = do
+  resourceManager <- askResourceManager
+  lockResourceManagerImpl resourceManager action
 -- | Register a `Disposable` to the resource manager.
 -- May throw an `FailedToRegisterResource` if the resource manager is disposing/disposed.
@@ -132,28 +142,27 @@ registerDisposable disposable = do
 registerDisposeAction :: MonadResourceManager m => IO () -> m ()
 registerDisposeAction disposeAction = mask_ $ registerDisposable =<< newDisposable disposeAction
+-- | Locks the resource manager (which may fail), runs the computation and registeres the resulting disposable.
+-- The computation will be run in masked state.
+-- The computation must not block for an unbound amount of time.
 registerNewResource :: (IsDisposable a, MonadResourceManager m) => m a -> m a
-registerNewResource action = mask_ do
-  resourceManager <- askResourceManager
-  lockResourceManager resourceManager do
+registerNewResource action = mask_ $ lockResourceManager do
     resource <- action
-    attachDisposable resourceManager resource
+    registerDisposable resource
     pure resource
 registerNewResource_ :: (IsDisposable a, MonadResourceManager m) => m a -> m ()
 registerNewResource_ action = void $ registerNewResource action
-withScopedResourceManager :: MonadResourceManager m => m a -> m a
+withScopedResourceManager :: MonadResourceManager m => ResourceManagerIO a -> m a
 withScopedResourceManager action =
-  bracket newResourceManager dispose \scope -> localResourceManager scope action
-withScopedResourceManagerIO :: MonadResourceManager m => ResourceManagerIO a -> m a
-withScopedResourceManagerIO action =
   bracket newResourceManager dispose \scope -> onResourceManager scope action
-withSubResourceManagerM :: MonadResourceManager m => m a -> m a
-withSubResourceManagerM = withScopedResourceManager
-{-# DEPRECATED withSubResourceManagerM "Use `withScopedResourceManager` instead." #-}
+genericWithScopedResourceManager :: MonadResourceManager m => m a -> m a
+genericWithScopedResourceManager action =
+  bracket newResourceManager dispose \scope -> localResourceManager scope action
 type ResourceManagerT = ReaderT ResourceManager
@@ -202,12 +211,16 @@ disposeOnError action = do
     \resourceManager -> localResourceManager resourceManager action
--- | Run a computation and throw any exception that occurs to the resource manager.
+-- | Run a computation on a resource manager and throw any exception that occurs to the resource manager.
 -- This can be used to run e.g. callbacks that belong to a different resource context.
-handleByResourceManager :: ResourceManager -> ResourceManagerIO () -> IO ()
-handleByResourceManager resourceManager action =
-  onResourceManager resourceManager do
+-- Locks the resource manager, so the computation must not block for an unbounded time.
+-- May throw an exception when the resource manager is disposing.
+enterResourceManager :: MonadIO m => ResourceManager -> ResourceManagerIO () -> m ()
+enterResourceManager resourceManager action = liftIO do
+  onResourceManager resourceManager $ lockResourceManager do
     action `catchAll` \ex -> liftIO $ throwToResourceManager resourceManager ex
@@ -220,7 +233,7 @@ data RootResourceManager
 instance IsResourceManager RootResourceManager where
   attachDisposable (RootResourceManager internal _ _ _) = attachDisposable internal
-  lockResourceManager (RootResourceManager internal _ _ _) = lockResourceManager internal
+  lockResourceManagerImpl (RootResourceManager internal _ _ _) = lockResourceManagerImpl internal
   throwToResourceManager (RootResourceManager _ _ exceptionsVar _) ex = do
     -- TODO only log exceptions after a timeout
     traceIO $ "Exception thrown to root resource manager: " <> displayException ex
@@ -329,7 +342,7 @@ instance IsResourceManager DefaultResourceManager where
             putTMVar disposablesVar $ HM.delete key disposables
           Nothing -> pure ()
-  lockResourceManager DefaultResourceManager{stateVar, lockVar} =
+  lockResourceManagerImpl DefaultResourceManager{stateVar, lockVar} =
     bracket_ (liftIO aquire) (liftIO release)
       aquire :: IO ()
diff --git a/test/Quasar/ResourceManagerSpec.hs b/test/Quasar/ResourceManagerSpec.hs
index 9c7464a1d749ee50bbf2da6e228ec473e3d52c95..0d31b58a28a2e86a72fd2f5b13e2b30a5f74e3cb 100644
--- a/test/Quasar/ResourceManagerSpec.hs
+++ b/test/Quasar/ResourceManagerSpec.hs
@@ -65,14 +65,14 @@ spec = parallel $ do
     it "passes an exception to the root resource manager" $ io do
       (`shouldThrow` \(_ :: CombinedException) -> True) do
         withRootResourceManager do
-          withSubResourceManagerM do
+          withScopedResourceManager do
             registerDisposeAction $ throwIO TestException
             liftIO $ threadDelay 100000
     it "passes an exception to the root resource manager when closing the inner resource manager first" $ io do
       (`shouldThrow` \(_ :: CombinedException) -> True) do
         withRootResourceManager do
-          withSubResourceManagerM do
+          withScopedResourceManager do
             registerDisposeAction $ throwIO TestException
           liftIO $ threadDelay 100000
diff --git a/test/Quasar/SubscribableSpec.hs b/test/Quasar/SubscribableSpec.hs
index ca15528df7bd5191d125a3cca76f860a7297da41..deefbd4796b594b5379cf9a9908ff60379a07a09 100644
--- a/test/Quasar/SubscribableSpec.hs
+++ b/test/Quasar/SubscribableSpec.hs
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ spec = do
     it "stops calling the callback after the subscription is disposed" $ io $ withRootResourceManager do
       event <- newSubscribableEvent
       resultVar <- liftIO $ newEmptyTMVarIO
-      withSubResourceManagerM do
+      withScopedResourceManager do
         subscribe event $ liftIO . \case
           SubscribableUpdate r -> atomically (putTMVar resultVar r) >> mempty
           SubscribableNotAvailable ex -> throwIO ex