diff --git a/src/Quasar/Async.hs b/src/Quasar/Async.hs
index cb143e47e7c9f4011493e68a7de4743fd73837e4..fdfd3189e9fcdc074cea87e6c34df94c1bbf34b2 100644
--- a/src/Quasar/Async.hs
+++ b/src/Quasar/Async.hs
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ asyncWithUnmask action = do
         Just threadId -> throwTo threadId CancelTask
       -- Wait for task completion or failure. Tasks must not ignore `CancelTask` or this will hang.
-      pure $ mapAwaitable (const $ pure ()) resultVar
+      pure $ void (toAwaitable resultVar) `catchAll` const (pure ())
 liftUnmask :: (IO a -> IO a) -> AsyncIO a -> AsyncIO a
 liftUnmask unmask action = do
diff --git a/src/Quasar/Awaitable.hs b/src/Quasar/Awaitable.hs
index 34054f0eb44aa8156dd2c897bde3d9955bdd94af..dd98b0a57f6e037c36bbff3492122f345da967fb 100644
--- a/src/Quasar/Awaitable.hs
+++ b/src/Quasar/Awaitable.hs
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ module Quasar.Awaitable (
-  mapAwaitable,
   -- * Awaiting multiple awaitables
@@ -46,7 +45,7 @@ import Quasar.Prelude
 class IsAwaitable r a | a -> r where
-  runAwaitable :: (MonadQuerySTM m) => a -> m (Either SomeException r)
+  runAwaitable :: (MonadQuerySTM m) => a -> m r
   runAwaitable self = runAwaitable (toAwaitable self)
   cacheAwaitable :: MonadIO m => a -> m (Awaitable r)
@@ -59,15 +58,16 @@ class IsAwaitable r a | a -> r where
 awaitIO :: (IsAwaitable r a, MonadIO m) => a -> m r
-awaitIO awaitable = liftIO $ either throwIO pure =<<
-  runQueryT (atomically . (maybe retry pure =<<)) (runAwaitable awaitable)
+awaitIO awaitable = liftIO $ runQueryT atomically (runAwaitable awaitable)
 tryAwaitIO :: (IsAwaitable r a, MonadIO m) => a -> m (Either SomeException r)
-tryAwaitIO awaitable = liftIO $ fmap join $ try $
-  runQueryT (atomically . (maybe retry pure =<<)) (runAwaitable awaitable)
+tryAwaitIO awaitable = liftIO $ try $ awaitIO awaitable
 peekAwaitable :: (IsAwaitable r a, MonadIO m) => a -> m (Maybe (Either SomeException r))
-peekAwaitable awaitable = liftIO $ runMaybeT $ runQueryT (MaybeT . atomically) (runAwaitable awaitable)
+peekAwaitable awaitable = liftIO $ runMaybeT $ try $ runQueryT queryFn (runAwaitable awaitable)
+  where
+    queryFn :: STM a -> MaybeT IO a
+    queryFn transaction = MaybeT $ atomically $ (Just <$> transaction) `orElse` pure Nothing
 data Awaitable r = forall a. IsAwaitable r a => Awaitable a
@@ -78,17 +78,14 @@ instance IsAwaitable r (Awaitable r) where
   toAwaitable = id
 instance Functor Awaitable where
-  fmap fn (Awaitable x) = fnAwaitable $ fn <<$>> runAwaitable x
+  fmap fn (Awaitable x) = fnAwaitable $ fn <$> runAwaitable x
 instance Applicative Awaitable where
-  pure value = fnAwaitable $ pure (Right value)
-  liftA2 fn (Awaitable fx) (Awaitable fy) = fnAwaitable $ liftA2 (liftA2 fn) (runAwaitable fx) (runAwaitable fy)
+  pure value = fnAwaitable $ pure value
+  liftA2 fn (Awaitable fx) (Awaitable fy) = fnAwaitable $ liftA2 fn (runAwaitable fx) (runAwaitable fy)
 instance Monad Awaitable where
-  (Awaitable fx) >>= fn = fnAwaitable $ do
-    runAwaitable fx >>= \case
-      Left ex -> pure $ Left ex
-      Right x -> runAwaitable (fn x)
+  (Awaitable fx) >>= fn = fnAwaitable $ runAwaitable fx >>= runAwaitable . fn
 instance Semigroup r => Semigroup (Awaitable r) where
   x <> y = liftA2 (<>) x y
@@ -101,9 +98,7 @@ instance MonadThrow Awaitable where
 instance MonadCatch Awaitable where
   catch awaitable handler = fnAwaitable do
-    runAwaitable awaitable >>= \case
-      l@(Left ex) -> maybe (pure l) (runAwaitable . handler) $ fromException ex
-      Right value -> pure $ Right value
+    runAwaitable awaitable `catch` \ex -> runAwaitable (handler ex)
 instance MonadFail Awaitable where
   fail = throwM . userError
@@ -117,20 +112,20 @@ instance MonadPlus Awaitable
-newtype FnAwaitable r = FnAwaitable (forall m. (MonadQuerySTM m) => m (Either SomeException r))
+newtype FnAwaitable r = FnAwaitable (forall m. (MonadQuerySTM m) => m r)
 instance IsAwaitable r (FnAwaitable r) where
   runAwaitable (FnAwaitable x) = x
   cacheAwaitable = cacheAwaitableDefaultImplementation
-fnAwaitable :: (forall m. (MonadQuerySTM m) => m (Either SomeException r)) -> Awaitable r
+fnAwaitable :: (forall m. (MonadQuerySTM m) => m r) -> Awaitable r
 fnAwaitable fn = toAwaitable $ FnAwaitable fn
 newtype CompletedAwaitable r = CompletedAwaitable (Either SomeException r)
 instance IsAwaitable r (CompletedAwaitable r) where
-  runAwaitable (CompletedAwaitable x) = pure x
+  runAwaitable (CompletedAwaitable x) = either throwM pure x
   cacheAwaitable = pure . toAwaitable
@@ -143,81 +138,72 @@ successfulAwaitable = completedAwaitable . Right
 failedAwaitable :: SomeException -> Awaitable r
 failedAwaitable = completedAwaitable . Left
--- | Create an awaitable from an `STM` transaction.
+-- | Create an awaitable from an `STM` transaction. The STM transaction should not have visible side effects.
 -- Use `retry` to signal that the awaitable is not yet completed and `throwM`/`throwSTM` to set the awaitable to failed.
 simpleAwaitable :: STM a -> Awaitable a
-simpleAwaitable query = fnAwaitable $ querySTM do
-  (Right <$> query)
-    `catchAll`
-      \ex -> pure (Left ex)
-mapAwaitable :: IsAwaitable i a => (Either SomeException i -> Either SomeException r) -> a -> Awaitable r
-mapAwaitable fn awaitable = fnAwaitable $  fn <$> runAwaitable awaitable
+simpleAwaitable query = fnAwaitable $ querySTM query
-class MonadThrow m => MonadQuerySTM m where
-  -- | Run an `STM` transaction. `retry` can be used.
+class MonadCatch m => MonadQuerySTM m where
+  -- | Run an `STM` transaction. Use `retry` to signal that no value is available (yet).
   querySTM :: (forall a. STM a -> m a)
-  querySTM transaction = unsafeQuerySTM $ (Just <$> transaction) `orElse` pure Nothing
-  -- | Run an "STM` transaction. `retry` MUST NOT be used.
-  unsafeQuerySTM :: (forall a. STM (Maybe a) -> m a)
-  unsafeQuerySTM transaction = querySTM $ maybe retry pure =<< transaction
-  {-# MINIMAL querySTM | unsafeQuerySTM #-}
+-- | Run an `STM` transaction. Use `retry` to signal that no value is available (yet).
+tryQuerySTM :: MonadQuerySTM m => STM a -> m (Either SomeException a)
+tryQuerySTM transaction = querySTM (try transaction)
-instance MonadThrow m => MonadQuerySTM (ReaderT (QueryFn m) m) where
-  unsafeQuerySTM query = do
+instance MonadCatch m => MonadQuerySTM (ReaderT (QueryFn m) m) where
+  querySTM query = do
     QueryFn querySTMFn <- ask
     lift $ querySTMFn query
-newtype QueryFn m = QueryFn (forall a. STM (Maybe a) -> m a)
+newtype QueryFn m = QueryFn (forall a. STM a -> m a)
-runQueryT :: forall m a. (forall b. STM (Maybe b) -> m b) -> ReaderT (QueryFn m) m a -> m a
+runQueryT :: forall m a. (forall b. STM b -> m b) -> ReaderT (QueryFn m) m a -> m a
 runQueryT queryFn action = runReaderT action (QueryFn queryFn)
-newtype CachedAwaitable r = CachedAwaitable (TVar (AwaitableStepM (Either SomeException r)))
+newtype CachedAwaitable r = CachedAwaitable (TVar (AwaitableStepM r))
 cacheAwaitableDefaultImplementation :: (IsAwaitable r a, MonadIO m) => a -> m (Awaitable r)
 cacheAwaitableDefaultImplementation awaitable = toAwaitable . CachedAwaitable <$> liftIO (newTVarIO (runAwaitable awaitable))
 instance IsAwaitable r (CachedAwaitable r) where
-  runAwaitable :: forall m. (MonadQuerySTM m) => CachedAwaitable r -> m (Either SomeException r)
+  runAwaitable :: forall m. (MonadQuerySTM m) => CachedAwaitable r -> m r
   runAwaitable (CachedAwaitable tvar) = go
-      go :: m (Either SomeException r)
-      go = unsafeQuerySTM stepCacheTransaction >>= \case
+      go :: m r
+      go = querySTM stepCacheTransaction >>= \case
         AwaitableCompleted result -> pure result
-        AwaitableFailed ex -> pure (Left ex)
+        AwaitableFailed ex -> throwM ex
         -- Cached operation is not yet completed
         _ -> go
-      stepCacheTransaction :: STM (Maybe (AwaitableStepM (Either SomeException r)))
+      stepCacheTransaction :: STM (AwaitableStepM r)
       stepCacheTransaction = do
         readTVar tvar >>= \case
-          -- Cache was already completed
-          result@(AwaitableCompleted _) -> pure $ Just result
-          result@(AwaitableFailed _) -> pure $ Just result
+          -- Cache needs to be stepped
           AwaitableStep query fn -> do
             -- Run the next "querySTM" query requested by the cached operation
-            queryResult <- (fn <<$>> query) `catchAll` (pure . Just . AwaitableFailed)
-            case queryResult of
-              -- In case of an incomplete query the caller (/ the monad `m`) can decide what to do (e.g. retry for
-              -- `awaitIO`, abort for `peekAwaitable`)
-              Nothing -> pure Nothing
-              -- Query was successful. Update cache and exit query
-              Just nextStep -> do
-                writeTVar tvar nextStep
-                pure $ Just nextStep
+            -- The query might `retry`, which is ok here
+            nextStep <- fn <$> try query
+            -- In case of an incomplete query the caller (/ the monad `m`) can decide what to do (e.g. retry for
+            -- `awaitIO`, abort for `peekAwaitable`)
+            -- Query was successful. Update cache and exit query
+            writeTVar tvar nextStep
+            pure nextStep
+          -- Cache was already completed
+          result -> pure result
   cacheAwaitable = pure . toAwaitable
 data AwaitableStepM a
   = AwaitableCompleted a
   | AwaitableFailed SomeException
-  | forall b. AwaitableStep (STM (Maybe b)) (b -> AwaitableStepM a)
+  | forall b. AwaitableStep (STM b) (Either SomeException b -> AwaitableStepM a)
 instance Functor AwaitableStepM where
   fmap fn (AwaitableCompleted x) = AwaitableCompleted (fn x)
@@ -234,11 +220,16 @@ instance Monad AwaitableStepM where
   (AwaitableStep query next) >>= fn = AwaitableStep query (next >=> fn)
 instance MonadQuerySTM AwaitableStepM where
-  unsafeQuerySTM query = AwaitableStep query AwaitableCompleted
+  querySTM query = AwaitableStep query (either AwaitableFailed AwaitableCompleted)
 instance MonadThrow AwaitableStepM where
   throwM = AwaitableFailed . toException
+instance MonadCatch AwaitableStepM where
+  catch result@(AwaitableCompleted _) _ = result
+  catch result@(AwaitableFailed ex) handler = maybe result handler $ fromException ex
+  catch (AwaitableStep query next) handler = AwaitableStep query (\x -> next x `catch` handler)
 -- ** AsyncVar
@@ -246,7 +237,8 @@ instance MonadThrow AwaitableStepM where
 newtype AsyncVar r = AsyncVar (TMVar (Either SomeException r))
 instance IsAwaitable r (AsyncVar r) where
-  runAwaitable (AsyncVar var) = unsafeQuerySTM $ tryReadTMVar var
+  runAwaitable (AsyncVar var) = querySTM $ either throwM pure =<< readTMVar var
+  -- An AsyncVar is a primitive awaitable, so caching is not necessary
   cacheAwaitable = pure . toAwaitable
@@ -287,7 +279,7 @@ putAsyncVarEitherSTM_ var = void . putAsyncVarEitherSTM var
 -- * Awaiting multiple asyncs
 awaitEither :: (IsAwaitable ra a, IsAwaitable rb b) => a -> b -> Awaitable (Either ra rb)
-awaitEither x y = fnAwaitable $ groupLefts <$> stepBoth (runAwaitable x) (runAwaitable y)
+awaitEither x y = fnAwaitable $ stepBoth (runAwaitable x) (runAwaitable y)
     stepBoth :: MonadQuerySTM m => AwaitableStepM ra -> AwaitableStepM rb -> m (Either ra rb)
     stepBoth (AwaitableCompleted resultX) _ = pure $ Left resultX
@@ -295,7 +287,7 @@ awaitEither x y = fnAwaitable $ groupLefts <$> stepBoth (runAwaitable x) (runAwa
     stepBoth _ (AwaitableCompleted resultY) = pure $ Right resultY
     stepBoth _ (AwaitableFailed ex) = throwM ex
     stepBoth stepX@(AwaitableStep transactionX nextX) stepY@(AwaitableStep transactionY nextY) = do
-      unsafeQuerySTM (peekEitherSTM transactionX transactionY) >>= \case
+      querySTM (eitherSTM (try transactionX) (try transactionY)) >>= \case
         Left resultX -> stepBoth (nextX resultX) stepY
         Right resultY -> stepBoth stepX (nextY resultY)
@@ -305,7 +297,7 @@ awaitAny xs = fnAwaitable $ stepAll Empty Empty $ runAwaitable <$> fromList (toL
       :: MonadQuerySTM m
-      => Seq (STM (Maybe (Seq (AwaitableStepM r))))
+      => Seq (STM (Seq (AwaitableStepM r)))
       -> Seq (AwaitableStepM r)
       -> Seq (AwaitableStepM r)
       -> m r
@@ -313,11 +305,11 @@ awaitAny xs = fnAwaitable $ stepAll Empty Empty $ runAwaitable <$> fromList (toL
     stepAll _ _ (AwaitableFailed ex :<| _) = throwM ex
     stepAll acc prevSteps (step@(AwaitableStep transaction next) :<| steps) =
-        do acc |> ((\result -> (prevSteps |> next result) <> steps) <<$>> transaction)
+        do acc |> ((\result -> (prevSteps |> next result) <> steps) <$> try transaction)
         do prevSteps |> step
     stepAll acc _ Empty = do
-      newAwaitableSteps <- unsafeQuerySTM $ maybe impossibleCodePathM peekAnySTM $ nonEmpty (toList acc)
+      newAwaitableSteps <- querySTM $ maybe impossibleCodePathM anySTM $ nonEmpty (toList acc)
       stepAll Empty Empty newAwaitableSteps
@@ -325,19 +317,8 @@ awaitAny2 :: IsAwaitable r a => a -> a -> Awaitable r
 awaitAny2 x y = awaitAny (x :| [y])
-groupLefts :: Either (Either ex a) (Either ex b) -> Either ex (Either a b)
-groupLefts (Left x) = Left <$> x
-groupLefts (Right y) = Right <$> y
-peekEitherSTM :: STM (Maybe a) -> STM (Maybe b) -> STM (Maybe (Either a b))
-peekEitherSTM x y =
-  x >>= \case
-    Just r -> pure (Just (Left r))
-    Nothing -> y >>= \case
-      Just r -> pure (Just (Right r))
-      Nothing -> pure Nothing
+eitherSTM :: STM a -> STM b -> STM (Either a b)
+eitherSTM x y = fmap Left x `orElse` fmap Right y
-peekAnySTM :: NonEmpty (STM (Maybe a)) -> STM (Maybe a)
-peekAnySTM (x :| xs) = x >>= \case
-  r@(Just _) -> pure r
-  Nothing -> maybe (pure Nothing) peekAnySTM (nonEmpty xs)
+anySTM :: NonEmpty (STM a) -> STM a
+anySTM (x :| xs) = x `orElse` maybe retry anySTM (nonEmpty xs)