diff --git a/quasar.cabal b/quasar.cabal
index dc5df0ca35b06ad5041bdfe70df2faac1221f492..8e62dac7fbafdb385a4183d403bd958ca10b4155 100644
--- a/quasar.cabal
+++ b/quasar.cabal
@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ library
+    Quasar.Utils.ShortIO
diff --git a/src/Quasar/Async/STMHelper.hs b/src/Quasar/Async/STMHelper.hs
index 623379ef07bb8bd785aa8df5ea38aa70a15ba275..6e38644998e4e952771685aa116ef437a923a521 100644
--- a/src/Quasar/Async/STMHelper.hs
+++ b/src/Quasar/Async/STMHelper.hs
@@ -9,19 +9,20 @@ module Quasar.Async.STMHelper (
 ) where
-import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId, forkIO, forkIOWithUnmask)
+import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId, forkIO)
 import Control.Concurrent.STM
 import Control.Exception (BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM)
 import Control.Monad.Catch
 import Quasar.Awaitable
 import Quasar.Exceptions
 import Quasar.Prelude
+import Quasar.Utils.ShortIO
 newtype TIOWorker = TIOWorker (TQueue (IO ()))
-startShortIO :: forall a. IO a -> TIOWorker -> ExceptionChannel -> STM (Awaitable a)
+startShortIO :: forall a. ShortIO a -> TIOWorker -> ExceptionChannel -> STM (Awaitable a)
 startShortIO fn (TIOWorker jobQueue) exChan = do
   resultVar <- newAsyncVarSTM
   writeTQueue jobQueue $ job resultVar
@@ -29,13 +30,13 @@ startShortIO fn (TIOWorker jobQueue) exChan = do
     job :: AsyncVar a -> IO ()
     job resultVar = do
-      try fn >>= \case
+      try (runShortIO fn) >>= \case
         Left ex -> do
           atomically $ throwToExceptionChannel exChan ex
           failAsyncVar_ resultVar $ toException $ AsyncException ex
         Right result -> putAsyncVar_ resultVar result
-startShortIO_ :: forall a. IO a -> TIOWorker -> ExceptionChannel -> STM ()
+startShortIO_ :: forall a. ShortIO a -> TIOWorker -> ExceptionChannel -> STM ()
 startShortIO_ x y z = void $ startShortIO x y z
@@ -61,8 +62,8 @@ fork_ fn worker exChan = void $ fork fn worker exChan
 forkWithUnmask :: ((forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> IO ()) -> TIOWorker -> ExceptionChannel -> STM (Awaitable ThreadId)
 forkWithUnmask fn worker exChan = startShortIO forkFn worker exChan
-    forkFn :: IO ThreadId
-    forkFn = mask_ $ forkIOWithUnmask wrappedFn
+    forkFn :: ShortIO ThreadId
+    forkFn = mask_ $ forkIOWithUnmaskShortIO wrappedFn
     wrappedFn :: (forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> IO ()
     wrappedFn unmask = fn unmask `catchAll` \ex -> atomically (throwToExceptionChannel exChan ex)
diff --git a/src/Quasar/Async/V2.hs b/src/Quasar/Async/V2.hs
index 1f8a90600d943ee517092745a0f0a7ad385590b1..f1ba3d86f2cd0cc1fc7d600d364d34d83fb7704d 100644
--- a/src/Quasar/Async/V2.hs
+++ b/src/Quasar/Async/V2.hs
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ module Quasar.Async.V2 (
 import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId)
 import Control.Concurrent.STM
-import Control.Exception (throwTo)
 import Control.Monad.Catch
 import Quasar.Async.STMHelper
 import Quasar.Awaitable
@@ -25,6 +24,7 @@ import Quasar.Exceptions
 import Quasar.Monad
 import Quasar.Prelude
 import Quasar.Resources.Disposer
+import Quasar.Utils.ShortIO
 import Control.Monad.Reader
@@ -64,12 +64,12 @@ unmanagedAsyncWithUnmask fn worker exChan = do
         Right retVal -> do
           putAsyncVar_ resultVar retVal
           atomically $ disposeEventuallySTM_ disposer
-    disposeFn :: Unique -> AsyncVar a -> Awaitable ThreadId -> IO (Awaitable ())
+    disposeFn :: Unique -> AsyncVar a -> Awaitable ThreadId -> ShortIO (Awaitable ())
     disposeFn key resultVar tidAwaitable = do
       -- Awaits forking of the thread, which should happen immediately (as long as the TIOWorker-invariant isn't broken elsewhere)
-      tid <- await tidAwaitable
+      tid <- unsafeShortIO $ await tidAwaitable
       -- `throwTo` should also happen immediately, as long as `uninterruptibleMask` isn't abused elsewhere
-      throwTo tid (CancelAsync key)
+      throwToShortIO tid (CancelAsync key)
       -- Considered complete once a result (i.e. success or failure) has been stored
       pure (() <$ toAwaitable resultVar)
diff --git a/src/Quasar/Resources/Disposer.hs b/src/Quasar/Resources/Disposer.hs
index dee1b4aaa308716a3affd9b517a9c1da905e4882..5817d1eccb06b35063b74b181d2fb580f00df3c8 100644
--- a/src/Quasar/Resources/Disposer.hs
+++ b/src/Quasar/Resources/Disposer.hs
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ module Quasar.Resources.Disposer (
 ) where
-import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
 import Control.Concurrent.STM
 import Control.Monad (foldM)
 import Control.Monad.Catch
@@ -30,6 +29,7 @@ import Quasar.Async.STMHelper
 import Quasar.Awaitable
 import Quasar.Exceptions
 import Quasar.Prelude
+import Quasar.Utils.ShortIO
 import Quasar.Utils.TOnce
@@ -46,11 +46,10 @@ data Disposer
 instance Resource Disposer where
   getDisposer = id
-type DisposeFn = IO (Awaitable ())
+type DisposeFn = ShortIO (Awaitable ())
--- TODO document: IO has to be "short"
-newPrimitiveDisposer :: IO (Awaitable ()) -> TIOWorker -> ExceptionChannel -> STM Disposer
+newPrimitiveDisposer :: ShortIO (Awaitable ()) -> TIOWorker -> ExceptionChannel -> STM Disposer
 newPrimitiveDisposer fn worker exChan = do
   key <- newUniqueSTM
   FnDisposer key worker exChan <$> newTOnce fn <*> newFinalizers
@@ -95,18 +94,18 @@ beginDisposeFnDisposer worker exChan disposeState finalizers =
       startShortIO_ (runDisposeFn awaitableVar disposeFn) worker exChan
       pure $ join (toAwaitable awaitableVar)
-    runDisposeFn :: AsyncVar (Awaitable ()) -> DisposeFn -> IO ()
+    runDisposeFn :: AsyncVar (Awaitable ()) -> DisposeFn -> ShortIO ()
     runDisposeFn awaitableVar disposeFn = mask_ $ handleAll exceptionHandler do
       awaitable <- disposeFn
-      putAsyncVar_ awaitableVar awaitable
+      putAsyncVarShortIO_ awaitableVar awaitable
       runFinalizersAfter finalizers awaitable
-        exceptionHandler :: SomeException -> IO ()
+        -- In case of an exception mark disposable as completed to prevent resource managers from being stuck indefinitely
+        exceptionHandler :: SomeException -> ShortIO ()
         exceptionHandler ex = do
-          -- In case of an exception mark disposable as completed to prevent resource managers from being stuck indefinitely
-          putAsyncVar_ awaitableVar (pure ())
-          atomically $ runFinalizers finalizers
-          throwIO $ DisposeException ex
+          putAsyncVarShortIO_ awaitableVar (pure ())
+          runFinalizersShortIO finalizers
+          throwM $ DisposeException ex
 disposerKey :: Disposer -> Unique
 disposerKey (FnDisposer key _ _ _ _) = key
@@ -193,7 +192,7 @@ beginDisposeResourceManagerInternal rm = do
       dependenciesVar <- newAsyncVarSTM
       writeTVar (resourceManagerState rm) (ResourceManagerDisposing (toAwaitable dependenciesVar))
       attachedDisposers <- HM.elems <$> readTVar attachedResources
-      startShortIO_ (void $ forkIO (disposeThread dependenciesVar attachedDisposers)) worker exChan
+      startShortIO_ (void $ forkIOShortIO (disposeThread dependenciesVar attachedDisposers)) worker exChan
       pure $ DisposeDependencies rmKey (toAwaitable dependenciesVar)
     ResourceManagerDisposing deps -> pure $ DisposeDependencies rmKey deps
     ResourceManagerDisposed -> pure $ DisposeDependencies rmKey mempty
@@ -274,14 +273,17 @@ runFinalizers (Finalizers finalizerVar) = do
     Just finalizers -> sequence_ finalizers
     Nothing -> throwM $ userError "runFinalizers was called multiple times (it must only be run once)"
-runFinalizersAfter :: Finalizers -> Awaitable () -> IO ()
+runFinalizersShortIO :: Finalizers -> ShortIO ()
+runFinalizersShortIO finalizers = unsafeShortIO $ atomically $ runFinalizers finalizers
+runFinalizersAfter :: Finalizers -> Awaitable () -> ShortIO ()
 runFinalizersAfter finalizers awaitable = do
   -- Peek awaitable to ensure trivial disposables always run without forking
-  isCompleted <- isJust <$> peekAwaitable awaitable
+  isCompleted <- isJust <$> peekAwaitableShortIO awaitable
   if isCompleted
-      atomically $ runFinalizers finalizers
+      runFinalizersShortIO finalizers
-      void $ forkIO do
+      void $ forkIOShortIO do
         await awaitable
         atomically $ runFinalizers finalizers
diff --git a/src/Quasar/Utils/ShortIO.hs b/src/Quasar/Utils/ShortIO.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c8837e9a927a1338941739d4fa2e6ea5aab2745b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Quasar/Utils/ShortIO.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+module Quasar.Utils.ShortIO (
+  ShortIO,
+  runShortIO,
+  unsafeShortIO,
+  forkIOShortIO,
+  forkIOWithUnmaskShortIO,
+  throwToShortIO,
+  -- ** Some specific functions required internally
+  peekAwaitableShortIO,
+  putAsyncVarShortIO_,
+) where
+import Control.Monad.Catch
+import Quasar.Awaitable
+import Quasar.Prelude
+import Control.Concurrent
+newtype ShortIO a = ShortIO (IO a)
+  deriving newtype (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadThrow, MonadCatch, MonadMask)
+runShortIO :: ShortIO a -> IO a
+runShortIO (ShortIO fn) = fn
+unsafeShortIO :: IO a -> ShortIO a
+unsafeShortIO = ShortIO
+forkIOShortIO :: IO () -> ShortIO ThreadId
+forkIOShortIO fn = ShortIO $ forkIO fn
+forkIOWithUnmaskShortIO :: ((forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> IO ()) -> ShortIO ThreadId
+forkIOWithUnmaskShortIO fn = ShortIO $ forkIOWithUnmask fn
+throwToShortIO :: Exception e => ThreadId -> e -> ShortIO ()
+throwToShortIO tid ex = ShortIO $ throwTo tid ex
+peekAwaitableShortIO :: Awaitable r -> ShortIO (Maybe r)
+peekAwaitableShortIO awaitable = ShortIO $ peekAwaitable awaitable
+putAsyncVarShortIO_ :: AsyncVar a -> a -> ShortIO ()
+putAsyncVarShortIO_ var value = ShortIO $ putAsyncVar_ var value