diff --git a/quasar.cabal b/quasar.cabal
index ddd224566a0ab1b3f24b1c0ac654a2d155952d55..e0c9da8fda0f6cfea2faa5c847b6f5c98fea961d 100644
--- a/quasar.cabal
+++ b/quasar.cabal
@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ test-suite quasar-test
+    Quasar.ResourceManagerSpec
diff --git a/src/Quasar/Disposable.hs b/src/Quasar/Disposable.hs
index 8a6e3d42d4aa4921aba4d8658266c948a446edbf..3e0329e2bd3a2397fe629daa186db7b6f3336fa4 100644
--- a/src/Quasar/Disposable.hs
+++ b/src/Quasar/Disposable.hs
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ class IsDisposable a where
   {-# MINIMAL toDisposable | (dispose, isDisposed) #-}
+-- TODO remove
 disposeAndAwait :: (MonadAwait m, MonadIO m) => IsDisposable a => a -> m ()
 disposeAndAwait disposable = await =<< liftIO (dispose disposable)
diff --git a/src/Quasar/Observable.hs b/src/Quasar/Observable.hs
index 16a44afd267203dd49cecec736e1aadf7e91e9be..cac15b30db5dcf1f9d94969832e3d17cbbf904d7 100644
--- a/src/Quasar/Observable.hs
+++ b/src/Quasar/Observable.hs
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ toObservableUpdate (ObservableNotAvailable ex) = throwM ex
 class IsRetrievable v a | a -> v where
   retrieve :: MonadResourceManager m => a -> m (Awaitable v)
+-- TODO remove
 retrieveIO :: IsRetrievable v a => a -> IO v
 retrieveIO x = withResourceManagerM $ await =<< retrieve x
diff --git a/src/Quasar/ResourceManager.hs b/src/Quasar/ResourceManager.hs
index 554219fb5d7833dc723d41d7a7ba2b4ae9b4fc06..7ba907b3e5b314e2773da73d8fa1fb3ebe57bfae 100644
--- a/src/Quasar/ResourceManager.hs
+++ b/src/Quasar/ResourceManager.hs
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Quasar.ResourceManager (
+  registerSimpleDisposeAction,
@@ -21,6 +22,9 @@ module Quasar.ResourceManager (
+  CancelLinkedThread(..),
+  LinkedThreadDisposed(..),
   -- ** Resource manager implementations
@@ -122,10 +126,11 @@ registerDisposable disposable = do
 registerDisposeAction :: MonadResourceManager m => IO (Awaitable ()) -> m ()
 registerDisposeAction disposeAction = mask_ $ registerDisposable =<< newDisposable disposeAction
-registerDisposeAction' :: MonadResourceManager m => IO () -> m ()
-registerDisposeAction' disposeAction = registerDisposeAction (pure () <$ disposeAction)
+registerSimpleDisposeAction :: MonadResourceManager m => IO () -> m ()
+registerSimpleDisposeAction disposeAction = registerDisposeAction (pure () <$ disposeAction)
+-- TODO rename to withResourceScope?
 withSubResourceManagerM :: MonadResourceManager m => m a -> m a
 withSubResourceManagerM action =
   bracket newResourceManager (await <=< dispose) \scope -> localResourceManager scope action
@@ -173,7 +178,16 @@ captureTask action = do
 type ExceptionHandler = SomeException -> IO ()
 loggingExceptionHandler :: ExceptionHandler
-loggingExceptionHandler ex = hPutStrLn stderr $ displayException ex
+loggingExceptionHandler ex = traceIO $ displayException ex
+data CancelLinkedThread = CancelLinkedThread
+  deriving stock Show
+  deriving anyclass Exception
+data LinkedThreadDisposed = LinkedThreadDisposed
+  deriving stock Show
+  deriving anyclass Exception
 data CancelHelper = CancelHelper
@@ -194,7 +208,7 @@ withLinkedExceptionHandler parentExceptionHandler action = do
         unmask do
           atomically $ check =<< readTVar shouldCancelVar
-          throwTo mainThreadId CancelTask
+          throwTo mainThreadId CancelLinkedThread
       \CancelHelper -> pure ()
@@ -206,7 +220,7 @@ withLinkedExceptionHandler parentExceptionHandler action = do
         do \cancelThreadId -> liftIO $ throwTo cancelThreadId CancelHelper
         do \_ -> unmask $ action exceptionHandler
-    \CancelTask -> throwM TaskDisposed
+    \CancelLinkedThread -> throwM LinkedThreadDisposed
diff --git a/test/Quasar/DisposableSpec.hs b/test/Quasar/DisposableSpec.hs
index 9651659c5668ff32f45f1bcf0687c2f2c5f2d606..7ccd88545f206d2fce525cdd50304cd41f0d62b1 100644
--- a/test/Quasar/DisposableSpec.hs
+++ b/test/Quasar/DisposableSpec.hs
@@ -8,11 +8,6 @@ import Quasar.Awaitable
 import Quasar.Disposable
 import Quasar.ResourceManager
-data TestException = TestException
-  deriving stock (Eq, Show)
-instance Exception TestException
 spec :: Spec
 spec = parallel $ do
   describe "Disposable" $ do
@@ -40,71 +35,3 @@ spec = parallel $ do
         void $ forkIO $ disposeAndAwait disposable
         disposeAndAwait disposable
         await (isDisposed disposable)
-  describe "ResourceManager" $ do
-    it "can be created" $ io do
-      void newUnmanagedResourceManager
-    it "can be created and disposed" $ io do
-      resourceManager <- newUnmanagedResourceManager
-      await =<< dispose resourceManager
-    it "can be created and disposed" $ io do
-      withResourceManager \_ -> pure ()
-    it "can be created and disposed with a delay" $ do
-      withResourceManager \_ -> threadDelay 100000
-    it "can \"dispose\" a noDisposable" $ io do
-      withResourceManager \resourceManager -> do
-        attachDisposable resourceManager noDisposable
-    it "can attach an disposable" $ do
-      withResourceManager \resourceManager -> do
-        avar <- newAsyncVar :: IO (AsyncVar ())
-        attachDisposable resourceManager $ alreadyDisposing avar
-        putAsyncVar_ avar ()
-      pure () :: IO ()
-    it "can dispose an awaitable that is completed asynchronously" $ do
-      avar <- newAsyncVar :: IO (AsyncVar ())
-      void $ forkIO $ do
-        threadDelay 100000
-        putAsyncVar_ avar ()
-      withResourceManager \resourceManager -> do
-        attachDisposable resourceManager (alreadyDisposing avar)
-    it "can call a trivial dispose action" $ do
-      withResourceManager \resourceManager ->
-        attachDisposeAction_ resourceManager $ pure $ pure ()
-      pure () :: IO ()
-    it "can call a dispose action" $ do
-      withResourceManager \resourceManager -> do
-        avar <- newAsyncVar :: IO (AsyncVar ())
-        attachDisposeAction_ resourceManager $ toAwaitable avar <$ putAsyncVar_ avar ()
-      pure () :: IO ()
-    it "re-throws an exception" $ do
-      shouldThrow
-        do
-          withResourceManager \_ ->
-            throwIO TestException
-        \TestException -> True
-    it "cancels the main thread when a dispose action fails" $ do
-      shouldThrow
-        do
-          withRootResourceManagerM do
-            withSubResourceManagerM do
-              registerDisposeAction $ throwIO TestException
-            liftIO $ threadDelay 100000
-            fail "Did not stop main thread on failing dispose action"
-        \TaskDisposed -> True
-    it "can attach an disposable that is disposed asynchronously" $ do
-      withResourceManager \resourceManager -> do
-        disposable <- attachDisposeAction resourceManager $ pure () <$ threadDelay 100000
-        void $ forkIO $ disposeAndAwait disposable
diff --git a/test/Quasar/ResourceManagerSpec.hs b/test/Quasar/ResourceManagerSpec.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..640fcee6ba09e5f72aa6fd4202d60206cf3eacb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Quasar/ResourceManagerSpec.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+module Quasar.ResourceManagerSpec (spec) where
+import Control.Concurrent
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import Control.Exception
+import Quasar.Prelude
+import Test.Hspec
+import Quasar.Awaitable
+import Quasar.Disposable
+import Quasar.ResourceManager
+data TestException = TestException
+  deriving stock (Eq, Show)
+instance Exception TestException
+spec :: Spec
+spec = parallel $ do
+  describe "ResourceManager" $ do
+    it "can be created" $ io do
+      void newUnmanagedResourceManager
+    it "can be created and disposed" $ io do
+      resourceManager <- newUnmanagedResourceManager
+      await =<< dispose resourceManager
+    it "can be created and disposed" $ io do
+      withResourceManager \_ -> pure ()
+    it "can be created and disposed with a delay" $ do
+      withResourceManager \_ -> threadDelay 100000
+    it "can \"dispose\" a noDisposable" $ io do
+      withResourceManager \resourceManager -> do
+        attachDisposable resourceManager noDisposable
+    it "can attach an disposable" $ do
+      withResourceManager \resourceManager -> do
+        avar <- newAsyncVar :: IO (AsyncVar ())
+        attachDisposable resourceManager $ alreadyDisposing avar
+        putAsyncVar_ avar ()
+      pure () :: IO ()
+    it "can dispose an awaitable that is completed asynchronously" $ do
+      avar <- newAsyncVar :: IO (AsyncVar ())
+      void $ forkIO $ do
+        threadDelay 100000
+        putAsyncVar_ avar ()
+      withResourceManager \resourceManager -> do
+        attachDisposable resourceManager (alreadyDisposing avar)
+    it "can call a trivial dispose action" $ do
+      withResourceManager \resourceManager ->
+        attachDisposeAction_ resourceManager $ pure $ pure ()
+      pure () :: IO ()
+    it "can call a dispose action" $ do
+      withResourceManager \resourceManager -> do
+        avar <- newAsyncVar :: IO (AsyncVar ())
+        attachDisposeAction_ resourceManager $ toAwaitable avar <$ putAsyncVar_ avar ()
+      pure () :: IO ()
+    it "re-throws an exception" $ do
+      shouldThrow
+        do
+          withResourceManager \_ ->
+            throwIO TestException
+        \TestException -> True
+    it "cancels the main thread when a dispose action fails" $ do
+      shouldThrow
+        do
+          withRootResourceManagerM do
+            withSubResourceManagerM do
+              registerDisposeAction $ throwIO TestException
+            liftIO $ threadDelay 100000
+            fail "Did not stop main thread on failing dispose action"
+        \LinkedThreadDisposed -> True
+    it "can attach an disposable that is disposed asynchronously" $ do
+      withResourceManager \resourceManager -> do
+        disposable <- attachDisposeAction resourceManager $ pure () <$ threadDelay 100000
+        void $ forkIO $ disposeAndAwait disposable
+    it "does not abort when encountering an exception" $ do
+      var1 <- newTVarIO False
+      var2 <- newTVarIO False
+      shouldThrow
+        do
+          withRootResourceManagerM do
+            registerDisposeAction $ pure () <$ (atomically (writeTVar var1 True))
+            registerDisposeAction $ pure () <$ throwIO TestException
+            registerDisposeAction $ pure () <$ (atomically (writeTVar var2 True))
+        \LinkedThreadDisposed -> True
+      atomically (readTVar var1) `shouldReturn` True
+      atomically (readTVar var2) `shouldReturn` True