From d280268076acfedde70ab0ffe878bf14d71af186 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jens Nolte <>
Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2022 01:21:12 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Disable test suite for old async module

 test/Quasar/AsyncSpec.hs | 53 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/Quasar/AsyncSpec.hs b/test/Quasar/AsyncSpec.hs
index fd5a614..625e2c4 100644
--- a/test/Quasar/AsyncSpec.hs
+++ b/test/Quasar/AsyncSpec.hs
@@ -5,34 +5,35 @@ import Control.Monad (void)
 import Control.Monad.IO.Class
 import Prelude
 import Test.Hspec
-import Quasar.Async
+--import Quasar.Async
 import Quasar.Awaitable
 import Quasar.ResourceManager
 import System.Timeout
 spec :: Spec
-spec = parallel $ do
-  describe "async" $ do
-    it "can pass a value through async and await" $ do
-      withRootResourceManager (await =<< async (pure 42)) `shouldReturn` (42 :: Int)
-    it "can pass a value through async and await" $ do
-      withRootResourceManager (await =<< async (liftIO (threadDelay 100000) >> pure 42)) `shouldReturn` (42 :: Int)
-  describe "await" $ do
-    it "can await the result of an async that is completed later" $ do
-      avar <- newAsyncVar :: IO (AsyncVar ())
-      void $ forkIO $ do
-        threadDelay 100000
-        putAsyncVar_ avar ()
-      await avar
-    it "can fmap the result of an already finished async" $ do
-      await (pure () :: Awaitable ()) :: IO ()
-    it "can terminate when encountering an asynchronous exception" $ do
-      never <- newAsyncVar :: IO (AsyncVar ())
-      result <- timeout 100000 $ withRootResourceManager $
-        await never
-      result `shouldBe` Nothing
+spec = describe "async" $ it "async" $ pendingWith "moving to new implementation..."
+--spec = parallel $ do
+--  describe "async" $ do
+--    it "can pass a value through async and await" $ do
+--      withRootResourceManager (await =<< async (pure 42)) `shouldReturn` (42 :: Int)
+--    it "can pass a value through async and await" $ do
+--      withRootResourceManager (await =<< async (liftIO (threadDelay 100000) >> pure 42)) `shouldReturn` (42 :: Int)
+--  describe "await" $ do
+--    it "can await the result of an async that is completed later" $ do
+--      avar <- newAsyncVar :: IO (AsyncVar ())
+--      void $ forkIO $ do
+--        threadDelay 100000
+--        putAsyncVar_ avar ()
+--      await avar
+--    it "can fmap the result of an already finished async" $ do
+--      await (pure () :: Awaitable ()) :: IO ()
+--    it "can terminate when encountering an asynchronous exception" $ do
+--      never <- newAsyncVar :: IO (AsyncVar ())
+--      result <- timeout 100000 $ withRootResourceManager $
+--        await never
+--      result `shouldBe` Nothing