diff --git a/src/Quasar/Observable.hs b/src/Quasar/Observable.hs
index cac15b30db5dcf1f9d94969832e3d17cbbf904d7..c53b6222157ee9bf9fe683ee58ee4f964cf75226 100644
--- a/src/Quasar/Observable.hs
+++ b/src/Quasar/Observable.hs
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class IsRetrievable v a | a -> v where
 -- TODO remove
 retrieveIO :: IsRetrievable v a => a -> IO v
-retrieveIO x = withResourceManagerM $ await =<< retrieve x
+retrieveIO x = withRootResourceManager $ await =<< retrieve x
 class IsRetrievable v o => IsObservable v o | o -> v where
   -- | Register a callback to observe changes. The callback is called when the value changes, but depending on the
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ class IsRetrievable v o => IsObservable v o | o -> v where
   -- | Old signature of `observe`, will be removed from the class once it's no longer used for implementations.
   oldObserve :: o -> (ObservableMessage v -> IO ()) -> IO Disposable
   oldObserve observable callback = do
-    resourceManager <- newUnmanagedResourceManager
+    resourceManager <- newUnmanagedRootResourceManager
     onResourceManager resourceManager do
       observe observable $ \msg -> liftIO (callback msg)
     pure $ toDisposable resourceManager
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ instance IsObservable r (BindObservable r) where
   oldObserve :: BindObservable r -> (ObservableMessage r -> IO ()) -> IO Disposable
   oldObserve (BindObservable fx fn) callback = do
     -- Create a resource manager to ensure all subscriptions are cleaned up when disposing.
-    resourceManager <- newUnmanagedResourceManager
+    resourceManager <- newUnmanagedRootResourceManager
     isDisposingVar <- newTVarIO False
     disposableVar <- newTMVarIO noDisposable
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ instance IsObservable r (CatchObservable e r) where
   oldObserve :: CatchObservable e r -> (ObservableMessage r -> IO ()) -> IO Disposable
   oldObserve (CatchObservable fx fn) callback = do
     -- Create a resource manager to ensure all subscriptions are cleaned up when disposing.
-    resourceManager <- newUnmanagedResourceManager
+    resourceManager <- newUnmanagedRootResourceManager
     isDisposingVar <- newTVarIO False
     disposableVar <- newTMVarIO noDisposable
diff --git a/src/Quasar/ResourceManager.hs b/src/Quasar/ResourceManager.hs
index 38f4858eb2efb8ab04a5a786b999a26444ed57cd..8717737a59635bcba9a9a22dae35651476f5fe98 100644
--- a/src/Quasar/ResourceManager.hs
+++ b/src/Quasar/ResourceManager.hs
@@ -22,19 +22,12 @@ module Quasar.ResourceManager (
   -- ** Initialization
-  withRootResourceManagerM,
-  CancelLinkedThread(..),
-  LinkedThreadDisposed(..),
+  CancelLinkedThread,
   -- ** Resource manager implementations
-  -- ** Deprecated
-  withResourceManager,
-  withResourceManagerM,
-  newUnmanagedResourceManager,
 ) where
@@ -58,7 +51,7 @@ data FailedToRegisterResource = FailedToRegisterResource
 instance Exception FailedToRegisterResource where
   displayException FailedToRegisterResource =
-    "Failed to register a resource to a resource manager. This might result in leaked resources if left unhandled."
+    "FailedToRegisterResource: Failed to register a resource to a resource manager. This might result in leaked resources if left unhandled."
 -- | Internal entry of `ResourceManager`. The `TMVar` will be set to `Nothing` when the disposable has completed disposing.
 newtype ResourceManagerEntry = ResourceManagerEntry (TMVar (Awaitable (), Disposable))
@@ -195,56 +188,23 @@ loggingExceptionHandler :: ExceptionHandler
 loggingExceptionHandler ex = traceIO $ displayException ex
-data CancelLinkedThread = CancelLinkedThread
-  deriving stock Show
-  deriving anyclass Exception
-data LinkedThreadDisposed = LinkedThreadDisposed
-  deriving stock Show
+-- | A computation bound to a resource manager with 'linkThread' should be canceled.
+data CancelLinkedThread = CancelLinkedThread Unique
   deriving anyclass Exception
+instance Show CancelLinkedThread where
+  show _ = "CancelLinkedThread"
-data CancelHelper = CancelHelper
-  deriving stock Show
-  deriving anyclass Exception
-withLinkedExceptionHandler :: (MonadAwait m, MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => ExceptionHandler -> (ExceptionHandler -> m a) -> m a
-withLinkedExceptionHandler parentExceptionHandler action = do
-  shouldCancelVar <- liftIO $ newTVarIO False
-  let
-    exceptionHandler :: ExceptionHandler
-    exceptionHandler ex = do
-      parentExceptionHandler ex
-      atomically $ writeTVar shouldCancelVar True
-    cancelThread :: ThreadId -> (IO () -> IO ()) -> IO ()
-    cancelThread mainThreadId unmask =
-      do
-        unmask do
-          atomically $ check =<< readTVar shouldCancelVar
-          throwTo mainThreadId CancelLinkedThread
-      `catch`
-      \CancelHelper -> pure ()
-  mainThreadId <- liftIO myThreadId
-  mask \unmask ->
-    do
-      bracket
-        do liftIO $ forkIOWithUnmask \unmask -> cancelThread mainThreadId unmask
-        do \cancelThreadId -> liftIO $ throwTo cancelThreadId CancelHelper
-        do \_ -> unmask $ action exceptionHandler
-    `catch`
-    \CancelLinkedThread -> throwM LinkedThreadDisposed
-withRootExceptionHandler :: (MonadAwait m, MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => (ExceptionHandler -> m a) -> m a
-withRootExceptionHandler = withLinkedExceptionHandler loggingExceptionHandler
+data LinkState = LinkStateLinked ThreadId | LinkStateThrowing | LinkStateCompleted
+  deriving Eq
 -- * Resource manager implementations
+newtype CombinedException = CombinedException [SomeException]
 data RootResourceManager = RootResourceManager ResourceManager ExceptionHandler
 instance IsResourceManager RootResourceManager where
@@ -257,18 +217,19 @@ instance IsDisposable RootResourceManager where
   dispose (RootResourceManager child _) = dispose child
   isDisposed (RootResourceManager child _) = isDisposed child
-withRootResourceManager :: (MonadAwait m, MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => (ResourceManager -> m a) -> m a
-withRootResourceManager action = withRootExceptionHandler \exceptionHandler ->
-  bracket (newUnmanagedRootResourceManager exceptionHandler) (await <=< liftIO . dispose) action
+withRootResourceManager :: (MonadAwait m, MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => ReaderT ResourceManager IO a -> m a
+withRootResourceManager action =
+  bracket
+    newUnmanagedRootResourceManager
+    (await <=< liftIO . dispose)
+    (`onResourceManager` action)
-withRootResourceManagerM :: (MonadAwait m, MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => ReaderT ResourceManager IO a -> m a
-withRootResourceManagerM action = withRootResourceManager (`onResourceManager` action)
-newUnmanagedRootResourceManager :: MonadIO m => ExceptionHandler -> m ResourceManager
-newUnmanagedRootResourceManager exceptionHandler = liftIO $ fixIO \self -> do
+newUnmanagedRootResourceManager :: MonadIO m => m ResourceManager
+newUnmanagedRootResourceManager = liftIO $ fixIO \self -> do
   var <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
   childResourceManager <- newUnmanagedDefaultResourceManager self
-  pure $ toResourceManager (RootResourceManager childResourceManager exceptionHandler)
+  pure $ toResourceManager (RootResourceManager childResourceManager loggingExceptionHandler)
 data DefaultResourceManager = DefaultResourceManager {
@@ -325,18 +286,6 @@ instance IsDisposable DefaultResourceManager where
       disposed <- readTVar (disposedVar resourceManager)
       unless disposed retry
-{-# DEPRECATED withResourceManager "Use withRootResourceManager insted" #-}
-withResourceManager :: (MonadAwait m, MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => (ResourceManager -> m a) -> m a
-withResourceManager = withRootResourceManager
-{-# DEPRECATED withResourceManagerM "Use withRootResourceManagerM insted" #-}
-withResourceManagerM :: (MonadAwait m, MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => ReaderT ResourceManager IO a -> m a
-withResourceManagerM = withRootResourceManagerM
-{-# DEPRECATED newUnmanagedResourceManager "Use newUnmanagedRootResourceManager insted" #-}
-newUnmanagedResourceManager :: MonadIO m => m ResourceManager
-newUnmanagedResourceManager = newUnmanagedRootResourceManager loggingExceptionHandler
 newResourceManager :: MonadResourceManager m => m ResourceManager
 newResourceManager = mask_ do
   parent <- askResourceManager
diff --git a/test/Quasar/AsyncSpec.hs b/test/Quasar/AsyncSpec.hs
index fe2c7f4f6a36fe2b0e404398cc36b12dbd694416..2a7bf76cb9a80b2ae879e40fbc39f4b915ecaaef 100644
--- a/test/Quasar/AsyncSpec.hs
+++ b/test/Quasar/AsyncSpec.hs
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ spec :: Spec
 spec = parallel $ do
   describe "async" $ do
     it "can pass a value through async and await" $ do
-      withResourceManagerM (runUnlimitedAsync (await =<< async (pure 42))) `shouldReturn` (42 :: Int)
+      withRootResourceManager (runUnlimitedAsync (await =<< async (pure 42))) `shouldReturn` (42 :: Int)
     it "can pass a value through async and await" $ do
-      withResourceManagerM (runUnlimitedAsync (await =<< async (liftIO (threadDelay 100000) >> pure 42))) `shouldReturn` (42 :: Int)
+      withRootResourceManager (runUnlimitedAsync (await =<< async (liftIO (threadDelay 100000) >> pure 42))) `shouldReturn` (42 :: Int)
   describe "await" $ do
     it "can await the result of an async that is completed later" $ do
@@ -34,6 +34,6 @@ spec = parallel $ do
     it "can terminate when encountering an asynchronous exception" $ do
       never <- newAsyncVar :: IO (AsyncVar ())
-      result <- timeout 100000 $ withResourceManagerM $
+      result <- timeout 100000 $ withRootResourceManager $
         await never
       result `shouldBe` Nothing
diff --git a/test/Quasar/ObservableSpec.hs b/test/Quasar/ObservableSpec.hs
index 53d9e07db4c10d2e2a69a01bb91ad50c6ec951a6..0532dba3369c262037376009a66939bd90bc8664 100644
--- a/test/Quasar/ObservableSpec.hs
+++ b/test/Quasar/ObservableSpec.hs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ observableSpec = parallel do
     it "works" $ io do
-          withResourceManagerM do
+          withRootResourceManager do
             observeWhile (pure () :: Observable ()) toObservableUpdate
diff --git a/test/Quasar/ResourceManagerSpec.hs b/test/Quasar/ResourceManagerSpec.hs
index 640fcee6ba09e5f72aa6fd4202d60206cf3eacb7..3d4f0847a964c8b603a4a463b2d7486784aee98b 100644
--- a/test/Quasar/ResourceManagerSpec.hs
+++ b/test/Quasar/ResourceManagerSpec.hs
@@ -18,80 +18,71 @@ spec :: Spec
 spec = parallel $ do
   describe "ResourceManager" $ do
     it "can be created" $ io do
-      void newUnmanagedResourceManager
+      void newUnmanagedRootResourceManager
     it "can be created and disposed" $ io do
-      resourceManager <- newUnmanagedResourceManager
+      resourceManager <- newUnmanagedRootResourceManager
       await =<< dispose resourceManager
     it "can be created and disposed" $ io do
-      withResourceManager \_ -> pure ()
+      withRootResourceManager $ pure ()
-    it "can be created and disposed with a delay" $ do
-      withResourceManager \_ -> threadDelay 100000
+    it "can be created and disposed with a delay" $ io do
+      withRootResourceManager $ liftIO $ threadDelay 100000
     it "can \"dispose\" a noDisposable" $ io do
-      withResourceManager \resourceManager -> do
-        attachDisposable resourceManager noDisposable
+      withRootResourceManager do
+        registerDisposable noDisposable
-    it "can attach an disposable" $ do
-      withResourceManager \resourceManager -> do
-        avar <- newAsyncVar :: IO (AsyncVar ())
-        attachDisposable resourceManager $ alreadyDisposing avar
+    it "can attach an disposable" $ io do
+      withRootResourceManager do
+        avar <- newAsyncVar
+        registerDisposable $ alreadyDisposing avar
         putAsyncVar_ avar ()
-      pure () :: IO ()
-    it "can dispose an awaitable that is completed asynchronously" $ do
-      avar <- newAsyncVar :: IO (AsyncVar ())
+    it "can dispose an awaitable that is completed asynchronously" $ io do
+      avar <- newAsyncVar
       void $ forkIO $ do
         threadDelay 100000
         putAsyncVar_ avar ()
-      withResourceManager \resourceManager -> do
-        attachDisposable resourceManager (alreadyDisposing avar)
+      withRootResourceManager do
+        registerDisposable (alreadyDisposing avar)
-    it "can call a trivial dispose action" $ do
-      withResourceManager \resourceManager ->
-        attachDisposeAction_ resourceManager $ pure $ pure ()
-      pure () :: IO ()
+    it "can call a trivial dispose action" $ io do
+      withRootResourceManager do
+        registerDisposeAction $ pure $ pure ()
-    it "can call a dispose action" $ do
-      withResourceManager \resourceManager -> do
-        avar <- newAsyncVar :: IO (AsyncVar ())
-        attachDisposeAction_ resourceManager $ toAwaitable avar <$ putAsyncVar_ avar ()
-      pure () :: IO ()
+    it "can call a dispose action" $ io do
+      withRootResourceManager do
+        avar <- newAsyncVar
+        registerDisposeAction $ toAwaitable avar <$ putAsyncVar_ avar ()
     it "re-throws an exception" $ do
-          withResourceManager \_ ->
-            throwIO TestException
+          withRootResourceManager do
+            liftIO $ throwIO TestException
         \TestException -> True
-    it "cancels the main thread when a dispose action fails" $ do
-      shouldThrow
-        do
-          withRootResourceManagerM do
-            withSubResourceManagerM do
-              registerDisposeAction $ throwIO TestException
-            liftIO $ threadDelay 100000
-            fail "Did not stop main thread on failing dispose action"
-        \LinkedThreadDisposed -> True
-    it "can attach an disposable that is disposed asynchronously" $ do
-      withResourceManager \resourceManager -> do
-        disposable <- attachDisposeAction resourceManager $ pure () <$ threadDelay 100000
-        void $ forkIO $ disposeAndAwait disposable
+    it "cancels the main thread when a dispose action fails" $ io @() do
+      withRootResourceManager do
+        withSubResourceManagerM do
+          registerDisposeAction $ throwIO TestException
+        liftIO $ threadDelay 100000
+        fail "Did not stop main thread on failing dispose action"
+    it "can attach an disposable that is disposed asynchronously" $ io do
+      withRootResourceManager do
+        disposable <- captureDisposable_ $ registerDisposeAction $ pure () <$ threadDelay 100000
+        liftIO $ void $ forkIO $ await =<< dispose disposable
     it "does not abort when encountering an exception" $ do
       var1 <- newTVarIO False
       var2 <- newTVarIO False
-      shouldThrow
-        do
-          withRootResourceManagerM do
-            registerDisposeAction $ pure () <$ (atomically (writeTVar var1 True))
-            registerDisposeAction $ pure () <$ throwIO TestException
-            registerDisposeAction $ pure () <$ (atomically (writeTVar var2 True))
-        \LinkedThreadDisposed -> True
+      withRootResourceManager do
+        registerDisposeAction $ pure () <$ (atomically (writeTVar var1 True))
+        registerDisposeAction $ pure () <$ throwIO TestException
+        registerDisposeAction $ pure () <$ (atomically (writeTVar var2 True))
       atomically (readTVar var1) `shouldReturn` True
       atomically (readTVar var2) `shouldReturn` True
diff --git a/test/Quasar/SubscribableSpec.hs b/test/Quasar/SubscribableSpec.hs
index c9ca1bc8c1a4502f9f0e4ed5dd57c77513d3d2b6..ca15528df7bd5191d125a3cca76f860a7297da41 100644
--- a/test/Quasar/SubscribableSpec.hs
+++ b/test/Quasar/SubscribableSpec.hs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ spec :: Spec
 spec = do
   describe "SubscribableEvent" $ parallel do
-    it "can be subscribed" $ io $ withResourceManagerM do
+    it "can be subscribed" $ io $ withRootResourceManager do
       event <- newSubscribableEvent
       resultVar <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
       subscribe event $ liftIO . \case
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ spec = do
       raiseSubscribableEvent event (42 :: Int)
       liftIO $ atomically (tryTakeTMVar resultVar) `shouldReturn` Just 42
-    it "stops calling the callback after the subscription is disposed" $ io $ withResourceManagerM do
+    it "stops calling the callback after the subscription is disposed" $ io $ withRootResourceManager do
       event <- newSubscribableEvent
       resultVar <- liftIO $ newEmptyTMVarIO
       withSubResourceManagerM do
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ spec = do
       raiseSubscribableEvent event (21 :: Int)
       liftIO $ atomically (tryTakeTMVar resultVar) `shouldReturn` Nothing
-    it "can be fmap'ed" $ io $ withResourceManagerM do
+    it "can be fmap'ed" $ io $ withRootResourceManager do
       event <- newSubscribableEvent
       let subscribable = (* 2) <$> toSubscribable event
       resultVar <- liftIO $ newEmptyTMVarIO
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ spec = do
       raiseSubscribableEvent event (21 :: Int)
       liftIO $ atomically (tryTakeTMVar resultVar) `shouldReturn` Just 42
-    it "can be combined with other events" $ io $ withResourceManagerM do
+    it "can be combined with other events" $ io $ withRootResourceManager do
       event1 <- newSubscribableEvent
       event2 <- newSubscribableEvent
       let subscribable = toSubscribable event1 <> toSubscribable event2