From f414b5532d0f3c1afa814bdf2bea200b1eaf952d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jens Nolte <>
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2022 18:55:13 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Remove old resource manager and async modules

 quasar.cabal                                  |   7 +-
 src/Quasar/Disposable.hs                      | 272 --------
 src/Quasar/Old/Async.hs                       |  95 ---
 src/Quasar/Old/UnmanagedAsync.hs              | 133 ----
 src/Quasar/ResourceManager.hs                 | 628 ------------------
 test/Quasar/AsyncSpec.hs                      |  12 +-
 test/Quasar/DisposableSpec.hs                 |  36 -
 .../Observable/ObservableHashMapSpec.hs       |  18 +-
 test/Quasar/ObservableSpec.hs                 |   8 +-
 test/Quasar/ResourceManagerSpec.hs            | 147 ----
 test/Quasar/ResourcesSpec.hs                  | 178 +++++
 11 files changed, 198 insertions(+), 1336 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/Quasar/Disposable.hs
 delete mode 100644 src/Quasar/Old/Async.hs
 delete mode 100644 src/Quasar/Old/UnmanagedAsync.hs
 delete mode 100644 src/Quasar/ResourceManager.hs
 delete mode 100644 test/Quasar/DisposableSpec.hs
 delete mode 100644 test/Quasar/ResourceManagerSpec.hs
 create mode 100644 test/Quasar/ResourcesSpec.hs

diff --git a/quasar.cabal b/quasar.cabal
index 589d624..5ee209b 100644
--- a/quasar.cabal
+++ b/quasar.cabal
@@ -90,7 +90,6 @@ library
-    Quasar.Disposable
@@ -98,11 +97,8 @@ library
-    Quasar.Old.Async
-    Quasar.Old.UnmanagedAsync
-    Quasar.ResourceManager
@@ -130,10 +126,9 @@ test-suite quasar-test
-    Quasar.DisposableSpec
-    Quasar.ResourceManagerSpec
+    Quasar.ResourcesSpec
diff --git a/src/Quasar/Disposable.hs b/src/Quasar/Disposable.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index d232f2d..0000000
--- a/src/Quasar/Disposable.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-module Quasar.Disposable (
-  -- * Disposable
-  IsDisposable(..),
-  Disposable,
-  dispose,
-  disposeEventually,
-  disposeEventually_,
-  newDisposable,
-  noDisposable,
-  -- ** Async Disposable
-  newAsyncDisposable,
-  -- ** STM disposable
-  STMDisposable,
-  newSTMDisposable,
-  newSTMDisposable',
-  disposeSTMDisposable,
-  -- * Implementation internals
-  DisposeResult(..),
-  ResourceManagerResult(..),
-  DisposableFinalizers,
-  newDisposableFinalizers,
-  newDisposableFinalizersSTM,
-  defaultRegisterFinalizer,
-  defaultRunFinalizers,
-  awaitResourceManagerResult,
-) where
-import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
-import Control.Concurrent.STM
-import Control.Monad.Catch
-import Control.Monad.Reader
-import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
-import Data.HashSet qualified as HashSet
-import GHC.Conc (unsafeIOToSTM)
-import Quasar.Awaitable
-import Quasar.Prelude
--- * Disposable
-class IsDisposable a where
-  -- | Convert an `IsDisposable`-Object to a `Disposable`.
-  --
-  -- When implementing the `IsDisposable`-class this can be used to defer the dispose behavior to a disposable created
-  -- by e.g. `newDisposable`.
-  toDisposable :: a -> Disposable
-  toDisposable = Disposable
-  -- | Begin to dispose (/release) resource(s).
-  --
-  -- The implementation has to be idempotent, i.e. calling `beginDispose` once or multiple times should have the same
-  -- effect.
-  --
-  -- `beginDispose` must be called in masked state.
-  --
-  -- `beginDispose` must not block for an unbounded time.
-  --
-  -- TODO document finalizers (finalizers also have to run when an exception is thrown)
-  beginDispose :: a -> IO DisposeResult
-  beginDispose = beginDispose . toDisposable
-  isDisposed :: a -> Awaitable ()
-  isDisposed = isDisposed . toDisposable
-  -- | Finalizers MUST NOT throw exceptions.
-  --
-  -- The boolean returned by register finalizer indicates if the operation was successful.
-  registerFinalizer :: a -> STM () -> STM Bool
-  registerFinalizer = registerFinalizer . toDisposable
-  {-# MINIMAL toDisposable | (beginDispose, isDisposed, registerFinalizer) #-}
-dispose :: MonadIO m => IsDisposable a => a -> m ()
-dispose disposable = liftIO do
-  uninterruptibleMask_ (beginDispose disposable) >>= \case
-    DisposeResultDisposed -> pure ()
-    (DisposeResultAwait awaitable) -> await awaitable
-    (DisposeResultResourceManager result) -> awaitResourceManagerResult result
--- | Begin to dispose a resource.
-disposeEventually :: (IsDisposable a, MonadIO m) => a -> m (Awaitable ())
-disposeEventually disposable = do
-  disposeEventually_ disposable
-  pure $ isDisposed disposable
--- | Begin to dispose a resource.
-disposeEventually_ :: (IsDisposable a, MonadIO m) => a -> m ()
-disposeEventually_ disposable = liftIO do
-  uninterruptibleMask_ $ void $ beginDispose disposable
-awaitResourceManagerResult :: forall m. MonadAwait m => ResourceManagerResult -> m ()
-awaitResourceManagerResult = void . go mempty
-  where
-    go :: HashSet Unique -> ResourceManagerResult -> m (HashSet Unique)
-    go keys (ResourceManagerResult key awaitable)
-      | HashSet.member key keys = pure keys -- resource manager was encountered before
-      | otherwise = do
-        dependencies <- await awaitable
-        foldM go (HashSet.insert key keys) dependencies
-data DisposeResult
-  = DisposeResultDisposed
-  | DisposeResultAwait (Awaitable ())
-  | DisposeResultResourceManager ResourceManagerResult
-data ResourceManagerResult = ResourceManagerResult Unique (Awaitable [ResourceManagerResult])
-instance IsDisposable a => IsDisposable (Maybe a) where
-  toDisposable = maybe noDisposable toDisposable
-data Disposable = forall a. IsDisposable a => Disposable a
-instance IsDisposable Disposable where
-  beginDispose (Disposable x) = beginDispose x
-  isDisposed (Disposable x) = isDisposed x
-  registerFinalizer (Disposable x) = registerFinalizer x
-  toDisposable = id
-instance IsAwaitable () Disposable where
-  toAwaitable = isDisposed
-data IODisposable = IODisposable Unique (TMVar (IO ())) DisposableFinalizers (AsyncVar ())
-instance IsDisposable IODisposable where
-  beginDispose (IODisposable key actionVar finalizers resultVar) = do
-    -- This is only safe when run in masked state
-    atomically (tryTakeTMVar actionVar) >>= mapM_ \action -> do
-      result <- try action
-      atomically do
-        putAsyncVarEitherSTM_ resultVar result
-        defaultRunFinalizers finalizers
-    -- Await so concurrent `beginDispose` calls don't exit too early
-    await resultVar
-    pure DisposeResultDisposed
-  isDisposed (IODisposable _ _ _ resultVar) = toAwaitable resultVar `catchAll` \_ -> pure ()
-  registerFinalizer (IODisposable _ _ finalizers _) = defaultRegisterFinalizer finalizers
--- | Create a new disposable from an IO action. Is is guaranteed, that the IO action will only be called once (even when
--- `dispose` is called multiple times).
--- The action must not block for an unbound time.
-newDisposable :: IO () -> STM Disposable
-newDisposable disposeAction = do
-  key <- newUniqueSTM
-  fmap toDisposable $ IODisposable key <$> newTMVar disposeAction <*> newDisposableFinalizersSTM <*> newAsyncVarSTM
-data AsyncDisposable = AsyncDisposable Unique (TMVar (IO ())) DisposableFinalizers (AsyncVar ())
-instance IsDisposable AsyncDisposable where
-  beginDispose (AsyncDisposable key actionVar finalizers resultVar) = do
-    -- This is only safe when run in masked state
-    atomically (tryTakeTMVar actionVar) >>= mapM_ \action -> do
-      void $ forkIO do
-        result <- try action
-        atomically do
-          putAsyncVarEitherSTM_ resultVar result
-          defaultRunFinalizers finalizers
-    pure $ DisposeResultAwait $ await resultVar
-  isDisposed (AsyncDisposable _ _ _ resultVar) = toAwaitable resultVar `catchAll` \_ -> pure ()
-  registerFinalizer (AsyncDisposable _ _ finalizers _) = defaultRegisterFinalizer finalizers
--- | Create a new disposable from an IO action. The action will be run asynchrously. Is is guaranteed, that the IO
--- action will only be called once (even when `dispose` is called multiple times).
--- The action must not block for an unbound time.
-newAsyncDisposable :: IO () -> STM Disposable
-newAsyncDisposable disposeAction = do
-  key <- newUniqueSTM
-  fmap toDisposable $ AsyncDisposable key <$> newTMVar disposeAction <*> newDisposableFinalizersSTM <*> newAsyncVarSTM
-data STMDisposable = STMDisposable Unique (TMVar (STM ())) DisposableFinalizers (AsyncVar ())
-instance IsDisposable STMDisposable where
-  beginDispose (STMDisposable key actionVar finalizers resultVar) = do
-    -- This is only safe when run in masked state
-    atomically (tryTakeTMVar actionVar) >>= mapM_ \action -> do
-      atomically do
-        result <- try action
-        putAsyncVarEitherSTM_ resultVar result
-        defaultRunFinalizers finalizers
-    -- Await so concurrent `beginDispose` calls don't exit too early
-    await resultVar
-    pure DisposeResultDisposed
-  isDisposed (STMDisposable _ _ _ resultVar) = toAwaitable resultVar `catchAll` \_ -> pure ()
-  registerFinalizer (STMDisposable _ _ finalizers _) = defaultRegisterFinalizer finalizers
--- | Create a new disposable from an STM action. Is is guaranteed, that the STM action will only be called once (even
--- when `dispose` is called multiple times).
--- The action must not block (retry) for an unbound time.
-newSTMDisposable :: STM () -> STM Disposable
-newSTMDisposable disposeAction = toDisposable <$> newSTMDisposable' disposeAction
--- | Create a new disposable from an STM action. Is is guaranteed, that the STM action will only be called once (even
--- when `dispose` is called multiple times).
--- The action must not block (retry) for an unbound time.
--- This variant of `newSTMDisposable` returns an unboxed `STMDisposable` which can be disposed from `STM` by using
--- `disposeSTMDisposable`.
-newSTMDisposable' :: STM () -> STM STMDisposable
-newSTMDisposable' disposeAction = do
-  key <- unsafeIOToSTM newUnique
-  STMDisposable key <$> newTMVar disposeAction <*> newDisposableFinalizersSTM <*> newAsyncVarSTM
-disposeSTMDisposable :: STMDisposable -> STM ()
-disposeSTMDisposable (STMDisposable key actionVar finalizers resultVar) = do
-  tryTakeTMVar actionVar >>= \case
-    Just action -> do
-      result <- try action
-      putAsyncVarEitherSTM_ resultVar result
-      defaultRunFinalizers finalizers
-    Nothing -> readAsyncVarSTM resultVar
-data EmptyDisposable = EmptyDisposable
-instance IsDisposable EmptyDisposable where
-  beginDispose EmptyDisposable = pure DisposeResultDisposed
-  isDisposed _ = pure ()
-  registerFinalizer _ _ = pure False
--- | A `Disposable` for which `dispose` is a no-op and which reports as already disposed.
-noDisposable :: Disposable
-noDisposable = toDisposable EmptyDisposable
--- * Implementation internals
-newtype DisposableFinalizers = DisposableFinalizers (TMVar [STM ()])
-newDisposableFinalizers :: IO DisposableFinalizers
-newDisposableFinalizers = DisposableFinalizers <$> newTMVarIO []
-newDisposableFinalizersSTM :: STM DisposableFinalizers
-newDisposableFinalizersSTM = DisposableFinalizers <$> newTMVar []
-defaultRegisterFinalizer :: DisposableFinalizers -> STM () -> STM Bool
-defaultRegisterFinalizer (DisposableFinalizers finalizerVar) finalizer =
-  tryTakeTMVar finalizerVar >>= \case
-    Just finalizers -> do
-      putTMVar finalizerVar (finalizer : finalizers)
-      pure True
-    Nothing -> pure False
-defaultRunFinalizers :: DisposableFinalizers -> STM ()
-defaultRunFinalizers (DisposableFinalizers finalizerVar) = do
-  tryTakeTMVar finalizerVar >>= \case
-    Just finalizers -> sequence_ finalizers
-    Nothing -> throwM $ userError "defaultRunFinalizers was called multiple times (it must only be run once)"
diff --git a/src/Quasar/Old/Async.hs b/src/Quasar/Old/Async.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index e93e95f..0000000
--- a/src/Quasar/Old/Async.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-module Quasar.Old.Async (
-  -- * Async
-  Async,
-  async,
-  async_,
-  asyncWithUnmask,
-  asyncWithUnmask_,
-  withAsync,
-  -- ** Async with explicit error handling
-  asyncWithHandler,
-  asyncWithHandler_,
-  asyncWithHandlerAndUnmask,
-  asyncWithHandlerAndUnmask_,
-  -- ** Async exceptions
-  CancelAsync(..),
-  AsyncDisposed(..),
-  AsyncException(..),
-  isCancelAsync,
-  isAsyncDisposed,
-) where
-import Control.Monad.Catch
-import Control.Monad.Reader
-import Quasar.Disposable
-import Quasar.Old.UnmanagedAsync
-import Quasar.Prelude
-import Quasar.ResourceManager
--- | TODO: Documentation
--- The action will be run with asynchronous exceptions unmasked.
-async :: (MonadResourceManager m, MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => ResourceManagerIO a -> m (Async a)
-async action = asyncWithUnmask \unmask -> unmask action
--- | TODO: Documentation
--- The action will be run with asynchronous exceptions masked and will be passed an action that can be used to unmask.
-  :: (MonadResourceManager m, MonadIO m, MonadMask m)
-  => ((ResourceManagerIO a -> ResourceManagerIO a)
-  -> ResourceManagerIO r)
-  -> m (Async r)
-asyncWithUnmask action = do
-  resourceManager <- askResourceManager
-  asyncWithHandlerAndUnmask (onResourceManager resourceManager . throwToResourceManager . AsyncException) action
-async_ :: (MonadResourceManager m, MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => ResourceManagerIO () -> m ()
-async_ action = void $ async action
-asyncWithUnmask_ :: (MonadResourceManager m, MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => ((ResourceManagerIO a -> ResourceManagerIO a) -> ResourceManagerIO ()) -> m ()
-asyncWithUnmask_ action = void $ asyncWithUnmask action
--- | TODO: Documentation
--- The action will be run with asynchronous exceptions unmasked. When an exception is thrown that is not caused from
--- the disposable instance (i.e. the task being canceled), the handler is called with that exception.
-  :: (MonadResourceManager m, MonadIO m, MonadMask m)
-  => (SomeException -> IO ())
-  -> ((ResourceManagerIO a -> ResourceManagerIO a)
-  -> ResourceManagerIO r)
-  -> m (Async r)
-asyncWithHandlerAndUnmask handler action = do
-  resourceManager <- askResourceManager
-  registerNewResource do
-    unmanagedAsyncWithHandlerAndUnmask wrappedHandler \unmask ->
-      onResourceManager resourceManager (action (liftUnmask unmask))
-  where
-    wrappedHandler :: SomeException -> IO ()
-    wrappedHandler (fromException -> Just AsyncDisposed) = pure ()
-    wrappedHandler ex = handler ex
-    liftUnmask :: (forall b. IO b -> IO b) -> ResourceManagerIO a -> ResourceManagerIO a
-    liftUnmask unmask innerAction = do
-      resourceManager <- askResourceManager
-      liftIO $ unmask $ onResourceManager resourceManager innerAction
-  :: (MonadResourceManager m, MonadIO m, MonadMask m)
-  => (SomeException -> IO ())
-  -> ((ResourceManagerIO a -> ResourceManagerIO a)
-  -> ResourceManagerIO r)
-  -> m ()
-asyncWithHandlerAndUnmask_ handler action = void $ asyncWithHandlerAndUnmask handler action
-asyncWithHandler :: (MonadResourceManager m, MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => (SomeException -> IO ()) -> ResourceManagerIO r -> m (Async r)
-asyncWithHandler handler action = asyncWithHandlerAndUnmask handler \unmask -> unmask action
-asyncWithHandler_ :: (MonadResourceManager m, MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => (SomeException -> IO ()) -> ResourceManagerIO r -> m ()
-asyncWithHandler_ handler action = void $ asyncWithHandler handler action
-withAsync :: (MonadResourceManager m, MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => ResourceManagerIO r -> (Async r -> m a) -> m a
-withAsync action = bracket (async action) dispose
diff --git a/src/Quasar/Old/UnmanagedAsync.hs b/src/Quasar/Old/UnmanagedAsync.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b1254c..0000000
--- a/src/Quasar/Old/UnmanagedAsync.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-module Quasar.Old.UnmanagedAsync (
-  -- ** Unmanaged variant
-  Async,
-  unmanagedAsync,
-  unmanagedAsyncWithHandler,
-  unmanagedAsyncWithUnmask,
-  unmanagedAsyncWithHandlerAndUnmask,
-  -- ** Async exceptions
-  CancelAsync(..),
-  AsyncDisposed(..),
-  AsyncException(..),
-  isCancelAsync,
-  isAsyncDisposed,
-) where
-import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId, forkIO, forkIOWithUnmask, throwTo)
-import Control.Concurrent.STM
-import Control.Monad.Catch
-import Quasar.Exceptions
-import Quasar.Awaitable
-import Quasar.Disposable
-import Quasar.Prelude
--- | A async is an asynchronously running computation that can be cancelled.
--- The result (or exception) can be aquired by using the `IsAwaitable` class (e.g. by calling `await` or `awaitIO`).
--- It is possible to cancel the async by using `dispose` if the operation has not been completed.
-data Async r = Async Unique (TVar AsyncState) DisposableFinalizers (Awaitable r)
-data AsyncState = AsyncStateInitializing | AsyncStateRunning ThreadId | AsyncStateThrowing | AsyncStateCompleted
-instance IsAwaitable r (Async r) where
-  toAwaitable (Async _ _ _ resultAwaitable) = resultAwaitable
-instance IsDisposable (Async r) where
-  beginDispose self@(Async key stateVar _ _) = uninterruptibleMask_ do
-    join $ atomically do
-      readTVar stateVar >>= \case
-        AsyncStateInitializing -> unreachableCodePathM
-        AsyncStateRunning threadId -> do
-          writeTVar stateVar AsyncStateThrowing
-          -- Fork to prevent synchronous exceptions when disposing this thread, and to prevent blocking when disposing
-          -- a thread that is running in uninterruptible masked state.
-          pure $ void $ forkIO do
-            throwTo threadId $ CancelAsync key
-            atomically $ writeTVar stateVar AsyncStateCompleted
-        AsyncStateThrowing -> pure $ pure @IO ()
-        AsyncStateCompleted -> pure $ pure @IO ()
-    -- Wait for async completion or failure. Asyncs must not ignore `CancelAsync` or this will hang.
-    pure $ DisposeResultAwait $ isDisposed self
-  isDisposed (Async _ _ _ resultAwaitable) = awaitSuccessOrFailure resultAwaitable
-  registerFinalizer (Async _ _ finalizers _) = defaultRegisterFinalizer finalizers
-instance Functor Async where
-  fmap fn (Async key actionVar finalizerVar resultAwaitable) = Async key actionVar finalizerVar (fn <$> resultAwaitable)
--- | Base implementation for the `unmanagedAsync`- and `Quasar.Async.async`-class of functions.
-unmanagedAsyncWithHandlerAndUnmask :: MonadIO m => (SomeException -> IO ()) -> ((forall b. IO b -> IO b) -> IO a) -> m (Async a)
-unmanagedAsyncWithHandlerAndUnmask handler action = do
-  liftIO $ mask_ do
-    key <- newUnique
-    resultVar <- newAsyncVar
-    stateVar <- newTVarIO AsyncStateInitializing
-    finalizers <- newDisposableFinalizers
-    threadId <- forkIOWithUnmask \unmask ->
-      handleAll
-        do \ex -> fail $ "coreAsyncImplementation thread failed: " <> displayException ex
-        do
-          result <- try $ catchAll
-            do action unmask
-            \ex -> do
-              -- Rewrite exception if its the cancel exception for this async
-              when (fromException ex == Just (CancelAsync key)) $ throwIO AsyncDisposed
-              throwIO $ AsyncException ex
-          -- The `action` has completed its work.
-          -- "disarm" dispose:
-          catchIf
-            do \(CancelAsync exKey) -> key == exKey
-            do
-              atomically $ readTVar stateVar >>= \case
-                AsyncStateInitializing -> retry
-                AsyncStateRunning _ -> writeTVar stateVar AsyncStateCompleted
-                AsyncStateThrowing -> retry -- Could not disarm so we have to wait for the exception to arrive
-                AsyncStateCompleted -> pure ()
-            do mempty -- ignore exception if it matches; this can only happen once (see AsyncStateThrowing above)
-          catchAll
-            case result of
-              Left (fromException -> Just AsyncDisposed) -> pure ()
-              Left (fromException -> Just (AsyncException ex)) -> handler ex
-              -- Impossible code path reached
-              Left ex -> traceIO $ "Error in unmanagedAsyncWithHandlerAndUnmask: " <> displayException ex
-              _ -> pure ()
-            \ex -> traceIO $ "An exception was thrown while handling an async exception: " <> displayException ex
-          atomically do
-            putAsyncVarEitherSTM_ resultVar result
-            defaultRunFinalizers finalizers
-    atomically $ writeTVar stateVar $ AsyncStateRunning threadId
-    pure $ Async key stateVar finalizers (toAwaitable resultVar)
-unmanagedAsync :: MonadIO m => IO a -> m (Async a)
-unmanagedAsync action = unmanagedAsyncWithUnmask \unmask -> unmask action
-unmanagedAsyncWithHandler :: MonadIO m => (SomeException -> IO ()) -> IO a -> m (Async a)
-unmanagedAsyncWithHandler handler action = unmanagedAsyncWithHandlerAndUnmask handler \unmask -> unmask action
-unmanagedAsyncWithUnmask :: MonadIO m => ((forall b. IO b -> IO b) -> IO a) -> m (Async a)
-unmanagedAsyncWithUnmask = unmanagedAsyncWithHandlerAndUnmask (traceIO . ("Unhandled exception in unmanaged async: " <>) . displayException)
--- | Run a computation concurrently to another computation. When the current thread leaves `withAsync`, the async
--- computation is cancelled.
--- While the async is disposed when `withUnmanagedAsync` exits, an exception would be ignored if the action fails. This
--- behavior is similar to the @withAsync@ function from the @async@ package.
--- For an exception-safe version, see `Quasar.Async.withAsync`.
-withUnmanagedAsync :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => IO r -> (Async r -> m a) -> m a
-withUnmanagedAsync action = bracket (unmanagedAsync action) dispose
diff --git a/src/Quasar/ResourceManager.hs b/src/Quasar/ResourceManager.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bf218d..0000000
--- a/src/Quasar/ResourceManager.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,628 +0,0 @@
-module Quasar.ResourceManager (
-  -- * MonadResourceManager
-  MonadResourceManager(..),
-  ResourceManagerT,
-  ResourceManagerIO,
-  ResourceManagerSTM,
-  FailedToRegisterResource,
-  attachDisposable,
-  registerNewResource,
-  registerNewResource_,
-  registerDisposable,
-  registerDisposeAction,
-  registerAsyncDisposeAction,
-  throwToResourceManager,
-  withScopedResourceManager,
-  onResourceManager,
-  onResourceManagerSTM,
-  captureDisposable,
-  captureDisposable_,
-  disposeOnError,
-  liftResourceManagerIO,
-  runInResourceManagerSTM,
-  enterResourceManager,
-  enterResourceManagerSTM,
-  newUniqueRM,
-  -- ** Top level initialization
-  withRootResourceManager,
-  -- ** ResourceManager
-  IsResourceManager(..),
-  ResourceManager,
-  newResourceManager,
-  newResourceManagerSTM,
-  attachDisposeAction,
-  attachDisposeAction_,
-  -- ** Linking computations to a resource manager
-  linkExecution,
-  CancelLinkedExecution,
-  -- * Reexports
-  CombinedException,
-  combinedExceptions,
-) where
-import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId, forkIO, myThreadId, throwTo, threadDelay)
-import Control.Concurrent.STM
-import Control.Monad.Catch
-import Control.Monad.Reader
-import Data.Foldable (toList)
-import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
-import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM
-import Data.List.NonEmpty ((<|), nonEmpty)
-import Data.Sequence (Seq(..), (|>))
-import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq
-import Quasar.Awaitable
-import Quasar.Disposable
-import Quasar.Exceptions
-import Quasar.Old.UnmanagedAsync
-import Quasar.Prelude
-import Quasar.Utils.Exceptions
-data FailedToRegisterResource = FailedToRegisterResource
-  deriving stock (Eq, Show)
-instance Exception FailedToRegisterResource where
-  displayException FailedToRegisterResource =
-    "FailedToRegisterResource: Failed to register a resource to a resource manager. This might result in leaked resources if left unhandled."
-data FailedToLockResourceManager = FailedToLockResourceManager
-  deriving stock (Eq, Show)
-instance Exception FailedToLockResourceManager where
-  displayException FailedToLockResourceManager =
-    "FailedToLockResourceManager: Failed to lock a resource manager."
--- TODO HasResourceManager, getResourceManager
-class IsDisposable a => IsResourceManager a where
-  toResourceManager :: a -> ResourceManager
-class MonadFix m => MonadResourceManager m where
-  -- | Get the underlying resource manager.
-  askResourceManager :: m ResourceManager
-  -- | Replace the resource manager for a computation.
-  localResourceManager :: IsResourceManager a => a -> m r -> m r
-  -- | Locks the resource manager. As long as the resource manager is locked, it's possible to register new resources
-  -- on the resource manager.
-  --
-  -- This prevents the resource manager from disposing, so the computation must not block for an unbound amount of time.
-  lockResourceManager :: MonadResourceManager m => m a -> m a
-  -- | Run an `STM` computation. Depending on the monad this may be run in a dedicated STM transaction or may be
-  -- embedded in a larger transaction.
-  runInSTM :: MonadResourceManager m => STM a -> m a
-  maskIfRequired :: MonadResourceManager m => m a -> m a
--- | Forward an exception that happened asynchronously.
-throwToResourceManager :: (Exception e, MonadResourceManager m) => e -> m ()
-throwToResourceManager ex = do
-  resourceManager <- askResourceManager
-  runInSTM $ throwToResourceManagerImpl resourceManager (toException ex)
-runInResourceManagerSTM :: MonadResourceManager m => ResourceManagerSTM a -> m a
-runInResourceManagerSTM action = do
-  resourceManager <- askResourceManager
-  runInSTM $ runReaderT action resourceManager
--- | Register a `Disposable` to the resource manager.
--- May throw an `FailedToRegisterResource` if the resource manager is disposing/disposed.
-registerDisposable :: (IsDisposable a, MonadResourceManager m) => a -> m ()
-registerDisposable disposable = do
-  resourceManager <- askResourceManager
-  runInSTM $ attachDisposable resourceManager disposable
-registerDisposeAction :: MonadResourceManager m => IO () -> m ()
-registerDisposeAction disposeAction = runInResourceManagerSTM do
-  disposable <- lift (newDisposable disposeAction)
-  registerDisposable disposable
-registerAsyncDisposeAction :: MonadResourceManager m => IO () -> m ()
-registerAsyncDisposeAction disposeAction = runInResourceManagerSTM do
-  disposable <- lift (newAsyncDisposable disposeAction)
-  registerDisposable disposable
--- | Locks the resource manager (which may fail), runs the computation and registeres the resulting disposable.
--- The computation will be run in masked state (if not running atomically in `STM`).
--- The computation must not block for an unbound amount of time.
-registerNewResource :: (IsDisposable a, MonadResourceManager m) => m a -> m a
-registerNewResource action = maskIfRequired $ lockResourceManager do
-    resource <- action
-    registerDisposable resource
-    pure resource
-registerNewResource_ :: (IsDisposable a, MonadResourceManager m) => m a -> m ()
-registerNewResource_ action = void $ registerNewResource action
-withScopedResourceManager :: (MonadResourceManager m, MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => m a -> m a
-withScopedResourceManager action =
-  bracket newResourceManager dispose \scope -> localResourceManager scope action
-type ResourceManagerT = ReaderT ResourceManager
-type ResourceManagerIO = ResourceManagerT IO
-type ResourceManagerSTM = ResourceManagerT STM
-instance (MonadAwait m, MonadMask m, MonadIO m, MonadFix m) => MonadResourceManager (ResourceManagerT m) where
-  localResourceManager resourceManager = local (const (toResourceManager resourceManager))
-  askResourceManager = ask
-  lockResourceManager action = do
-    resourceManager <- askResourceManager
-    lockResourceManagerImpl resourceManager action
-  runInSTM action = liftIO $ atomically action
-  maskIfRequired = mask_
--- Overlaps the ResourceManagerT/MonadIO-instance, because `MonadIO` _could_ be specified for `STM` (but that would be
--- _very_ incorrect, so this is safe).
-instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} MonadResourceManager (ResourceManagerT STM) where
-  localResourceManager resourceManager = local (const (toResourceManager resourceManager))
-  askResourceManager = ask
-  -- | No-op, since STM is always executed atomically.
-  lockResourceManager = id
-  runInSTM action = lift action
-  maskIfRequired = id
-instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} MonadResourceManager m => MonadResourceManager (ReaderT r m) where
-  askResourceManager = lift askResourceManager
-  localResourceManager resourceManager action = do
-    x <- ask
-    lift $ localResourceManager resourceManager $ runReaderT action x
-  lockResourceManager action = do
-    x <- ask
-    lift $ lockResourceManager $ runReaderT action x
-  runInSTM action = lift $ runInSTM action
-  maskIfRequired action = do
-    x <- ask
-    lift $ maskIfRequired $ runReaderT action x
--- TODO MonadResourceManager instances for StateT, WriterT, RWST, MaybeT, ...
-onResourceManager :: (IsResourceManager a, MonadIO m) => a -> ResourceManagerIO r -> m r
-onResourceManager target action = liftIO $ runReaderT action (toResourceManager target)
-onResourceManagerSTM :: (IsResourceManager a) => a -> ResourceManagerSTM r -> STM r
-onResourceManagerSTM target action = runReaderT action (toResourceManager target)
-liftResourceManagerIO :: (MonadResourceManager m, MonadIO m) => ResourceManagerIO r -> m r
-liftResourceManagerIO action = do
-  resourceManager <- askResourceManager
-  onResourceManager resourceManager action
-captureDisposable :: MonadResourceManager m => m a -> m (a, Disposable)
-captureDisposable action = do
-  resourceManager <- newResourceManager
-  result <- localResourceManager resourceManager action
-  pure (result, toDisposable resourceManager)
-captureDisposable_ :: MonadResourceManager m => m () -> m Disposable
-captureDisposable_ = snd <<$>> captureDisposable
--- | Disposes all resources created by the computation if the computation throws an exception.
-disposeOnError :: (MonadResourceManager m, MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => m a -> m a
-disposeOnError action = do
-  bracketOnError
-    newResourceManager
-    dispose
-    \resourceManager -> localResourceManager resourceManager action
--- | Run a computation on a resource manager and throw any exception that occurs to the resource manager.
--- This can be used to run e.g. callbacks that belong to a different resource context.
--- Locks the resource manager, so the computation must not block for an unbounded time.
--- May throw an exception when the resource manager is disposing.
-enterResourceManager :: MonadIO m => ResourceManager -> ResourceManagerIO () -> m ()
-enterResourceManager resourceManager action = liftIO do
-  onResourceManager resourceManager $ lockResourceManager do
-    action `catchAll` \ex -> throwToResourceManager ex
--- | Run a computation on a resource manager and throw any exception that occurs to the resource manager.
--- This can be used to run e.g. callbacks that belong to a different resource context.
-enterResourceManagerSTM :: ResourceManager -> ResourceManagerSTM () -> STM ()
-enterResourceManagerSTM resourceManager action = do
-  onResourceManagerSTM resourceManager do
-    action `catchAll` \ex -> throwToResourceManager ex
--- | Create a new `Unique` in a `MonadResourceManager` monad.
-newUniqueRM :: MonadResourceManager m => m Unique
-newUniqueRM = runInSTM newUniqueSTM
--- * Resource manager implementations
--- ** Root resource manager
-data ResourceManager
-  = NormalResourceManager ResourceManagerCore ResourceManager
-  | RootResourceManager ResourceManagerCore (TVar Bool) (TMVar (Seq SomeException)) (AsyncVar [SomeException])
-instance IsResourceManager ResourceManager where
-  toResourceManager = id
-resourceManagerCore :: ResourceManager -> ResourceManagerCore
-resourceManagerCore (RootResourceManager core _ _ _) = core
-resourceManagerCore (NormalResourceManager core _) = core
-throwToResourceManagerImpl :: ResourceManager -> SomeException -> STM ()
-throwToResourceManagerImpl (NormalResourceManager _ exceptionManager) ex = throwToResourceManagerImpl exceptionManager ex
-throwToResourceManagerImpl (RootResourceManager _ _ exceptionsVar _) ex = do
-  tryTakeTMVar exceptionsVar >>= \case
-    Just exceptions -> do
-      putTMVar exceptionsVar (exceptions |> toException ex)
-    Nothing -> do
-      throwM $ userError "Could not throw to resource manager: RootResourceManager is already disposed"
-instance IsDisposable ResourceManager where
-  beginDispose (NormalResourceManager core _) = beginDispose core
-  beginDispose (RootResourceManager internal disposingVar _ _) = do
-    defaultResourceManagerDisposeResult internal <$ atomically do
-      disposing <- readTVar disposingVar
-      unless disposing $ writeTVar disposingVar True
-  isDisposed (resourceManagerCore -> core) = isDisposed core
-  registerFinalizer (resourceManagerCore -> core) = registerFinalizer core
-newUnmanagedRootResourceManagerInternal :: MonadIO m => m ResourceManager
-newUnmanagedRootResourceManagerInternal = liftIO do
-  disposingVar <- newTVarIO False
-  exceptionsVar <- newTMVarIO Empty
-  finalExceptionsVar <- newAsyncVar
-  mfix \root -> do
-    void $ forkIO (disposeWorker root)
-    internal <- atomically $ newUnmanagedDefaultResourceManagerInternal (throwToResourceManagerImpl root)
-    pure $ RootResourceManager internal disposingVar exceptionsVar finalExceptionsVar
-  where
-    disposeWorker :: ResourceManager -> IO ()
-    disposeWorker (NormalResourceManager _ _) = unreachableCodePathM
-    disposeWorker (RootResourceManager internal disposingVar exceptionsVar finalExceptionsVar) =
-      handleAll
-        do \ex -> fail $ "RootResourceManager thread failed unexpectedly: " <> displayException ex
-        do
-          -- Wait until disposing
-          atomically do
-            disposing <- readTVar disposingVar
-            hasExceptions <- not . Seq.null <$> readTMVar exceptionsVar
-            check $ disposing || hasExceptions
-          -- Start a thread to report exceptions (or a potential hang) after a timeout
-          reportThread <- unmanagedAsync reportTimeout
-          -- Dispose resources
-          dispose internal
-          atomically do
-            -- The var is set to `Nothing` to signal that no more exceptions can be received
-            exceptions <- takeTMVar exceptionsVar
-            putAsyncVarSTM_ finalExceptionsVar $ toList exceptions
-          -- Clean up timeout/report thread
-          dispose reportThread
-      where
-        timeoutSeconds :: Int
-        timeoutSeconds = 5
-        timeoutMicroseconds :: Int
-        timeoutMicroseconds = timeoutSeconds * 1_000_000
-        reportTimeout :: IO ()
-        reportTimeout = do
-          threadDelay timeoutMicroseconds
-          atomically (tryReadTMVar exceptionsVar) >>= \case
-            Nothing -> pure () -- Terminate
-            Just Empty -> do
-              traceIO $ mconcat ["Root resource manager did not dispose within ", show timeoutSeconds, " seconds"]
-              reportExceptions 0 Empty
-            Just exs -> do
-              traceIO $ mconcat [ "Root resource manager did not dispose within ",
-                show timeoutSeconds, " seconds (", show (length exs), " exception(s) queued)" ]
-              reportExceptions 0 exs
-        reportExceptions :: Int -> Seq SomeException -> IO ()
-        reportExceptions alreadyReported Empty = join $ atomically do
-          Seq.drop alreadyReported <<$>> tryReadTMVar exceptionsVar >>= \case
-            Nothing -> pure $ pure () -- Terminate
-            Just Empty -> retry
-            Just exs -> pure $ reportExceptions alreadyReported exs
-        reportExceptions alreadyReported (ex :<| exs) = do
-          traceIO $ "Exception thrown to blocked root resource manager: " <> displayException ex
-          reportExceptions (alreadyReported + 1) exs
-withRootResourceManager :: MonadIO m => ResourceManagerIO a -> m a
-withRootResourceManager action = liftIO $ uninterruptibleMask \unmask -> do
-  resourceManager@(RootResourceManager _ _ _ finalExceptionsVar) <- newUnmanagedRootResourceManagerInternal
-  result <- try $ unmask $ onResourceManager resourceManager action
-  disposeEventually_ resourceManager
-  exceptions <- await finalExceptionsVar
-  case result of
-    Left (ex :: SomeException) -> maybe (throwM ex) (throwM . CombinedException . (ex <|)) (nonEmpty exceptions)
-    Right result' -> maybe (pure result') (throwM . CombinedException) $ nonEmpty exceptions
--- ** Default resource manager
-data ResourceManagerCore = ResourceManagerCore {
-  resourceManagerKey :: Unique,
-  throwToHandler :: SomeException -> STM (),
-  stateVar :: TVar ResourceManagerState,
-  disposablesVar :: TMVar (HashMap Unique Disposable),
-  lockVar :: TVar Word64,
-  resultVar :: AsyncVar (Awaitable [ResourceManagerResult]),
-  finalizers :: DisposableFinalizers
-data ResourceManagerState
-  = ResourceManagerNormal
-  | ResourceManagerDisposing
-  | ResourceManagerDisposed
--- | Attaches an `Disposable` to a ResourceManager. It will automatically be disposed when the resource manager is disposed.
--- May throw an `FailedToRegisterResource` if the resource manager is disposing/disposed.
-attachDisposable :: (IsResourceManager a, IsDisposable b) => a -> b -> STM ()
-attachDisposable rm disposable = attachDisposableImpl (resourceManagerCore (toResourceManager rm)) (toDisposable disposable)
-attachDisposableImpl :: ResourceManagerCore -> Disposable -> STM ()
-attachDisposableImpl ResourceManagerCore{stateVar, disposablesVar} disposable = do
-  key <- newUniqueSTM
-  state <- readTVar stateVar
-  case state of
-    ResourceManagerNormal -> do
-      disposables <- takeTMVar disposablesVar
-      putTMVar disposablesVar (HM.insert key disposable disposables)
-      void $ registerFinalizer disposable (finalizer key)
-    _ -> throwM FailedToRegisterResource
-  where
-    finalizer :: Unique -> STM ()
-    finalizer key =
-      tryTakeTMVar disposablesVar >>= \case
-        Just disposables ->
-          putTMVar disposablesVar $ HM.delete key disposables
-        Nothing -> pure ()
-lockResourceManagerImpl :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => ResourceManager -> m b -> m b
-lockResourceManagerImpl (resourceManagerCore -> ResourceManagerCore{stateVar, lockVar}) =
-  bracket_ (liftIO aquire) (liftIO release)
-  where
-    aquire :: IO ()
-    aquire = atomically do
-      readTVar stateVar >>= \case
-        ResourceManagerNormal -> pure ()
-        _ -> throwM FailedToLockResourceManager
-      modifyTVar lockVar (+ 1)
-    release :: IO ()
-    release = atomically (modifyTVar lockVar (\x -> x - 1))
-instance IsDisposable ResourceManagerCore where
-  beginDispose self@ResourceManagerCore{resourceManagerKey, throwToHandler, stateVar, disposablesVar, lockVar, resultVar, finalizers} = liftIO do
-    uninterruptibleMask_ do
-      join $ atomically do
-        state <- readTVar stateVar
-        case state of
-          ResourceManagerNormal -> do
-            writeTVar stateVar ResourceManagerDisposing
-            readTVar lockVar >>= \case
-              0 -> do
-                disposables <- takeDisposables
-                pure (primaryBeginDispose disposables)
-              _ -> pure primaryForkDisposeThread
-          ResourceManagerDisposing -> pure $ pure $ defaultResourceManagerDisposeResult self
-          ResourceManagerDisposed -> pure $ pure DisposeResultDisposed
-    where
-      primaryForkDisposeThread :: IO DisposeResult
-      primaryForkDisposeThread = forkDisposeThread do
-        disposables <- atomically do
-          check =<< (== 0) <$> readTVar lockVar
-          takeDisposables
-        void $ primaryBeginDispose disposables
-      -- Only one thread enters this function (in uninterruptible masked state)
-      primaryBeginDispose :: [Disposable] -> IO DisposeResult
-      primaryBeginDispose disposables = do
-        (reportExceptionActions, resultAwaitables) <- unzip <$> mapM beginDisposeEntry disposables
-        -- TODO cache was removed, has to be re-optimized later
-        let cachedResultAwaitable = mconcat resultAwaitables
-        putAsyncVar_ resultVar cachedResultAwaitable
-        let
-          isCompletedAwaitable :: Awaitable ()
-          isCompletedAwaitable = awaitResourceManagerResult $ ResourceManagerResult resourceManagerKey cachedResultAwaitable
-        alreadyCompleted <- isJust <$> peekAwaitable isCompletedAwaitable
-        if alreadyCompleted
-          then do
-            completeDisposing
-            pure DisposeResultDisposed
-          else do
-            -- Start thread to collect exceptions, await completion and run finalizers
-            forkDisposeThread do
-              -- Collect exceptions from directly attached disposables
-              sequence_ reportExceptionActions
-              -- Await completion attached resource managers
-              await isCompletedAwaitable
-              completeDisposing
-      forkDisposeThread :: IO () -> IO DisposeResult
-      forkDisposeThread action = do
-        defaultResourceManagerDisposeResult self <$ forkIO do
-          catchAll
-            action
-            \ex ->
-              atomically $ throwToHandler $ toException $
-                userError ("Dispose thread failed for ResourceManager: " <> displayException ex)
-      takeDisposables :: STM [Disposable]
-      takeDisposables = toList <$> takeTMVar disposablesVar
-      beginDisposeEntry :: Disposable -> IO (IO (), (Awaitable [ResourceManagerResult]))
-      beginDisposeEntry disposable =
-        catchAll
-          do
-            result <- beginDispose disposable
-            pure case result of
-              DisposeResultDisposed -> (pure (), pure [])
-              -- Moves error reporting from the awaitable to the finalizer thread
-              DisposeResultAwait awaitable -> (processDisposeException awaitable, [] <$ awaitSuccessOrFailure awaitable)
-              DisposeResultResourceManager resourceManagerResult -> (pure (), pure [resourceManagerResult])
-          \ex -> do
-            atomically $ throwToHandler $ toException $ DisposeException ex
-            pure (pure (), pure [])
-      processDisposeException :: Awaitable () -> IO ()
-      processDisposeException awaitable =
-        await awaitable
-          `catchAll`
-            \ex -> atomically $ throwToHandler $ toException $ DisposeException ex
-      completeDisposing :: IO ()
-      completeDisposing =
-        atomically do
-          writeTVar stateVar $ ResourceManagerDisposed
-          defaultRunFinalizers finalizers
-  isDisposed ResourceManagerCore{stateVar} =
-    unsafeAwaitSTM do
-      disposed <- stateIsDisposed <$> readTVar stateVar
-      check disposed
-    where
-      stateIsDisposed :: ResourceManagerState -> Bool
-      stateIsDisposed ResourceManagerDisposed = True
-      stateIsDisposed _ = False
-  registerFinalizer ResourceManagerCore{finalizers} = defaultRegisterFinalizer finalizers
-defaultResourceManagerDisposeResult :: ResourceManagerCore -> DisposeResult
-defaultResourceManagerDisposeResult ResourceManagerCore{resourceManagerKey, resultVar} =
-  DisposeResultResourceManager $ ResourceManagerResult resourceManagerKey $ join $ toAwaitable resultVar
--- | Internal constructor. The resulting resource manager core is indirectly attached to it's parent by it's exception
--- handler.
-newUnmanagedDefaultResourceManagerInternal :: (SomeException -> STM ()) -> STM ResourceManagerCore
-newUnmanagedDefaultResourceManagerInternal throwToHandler = do
-  resourceManagerKey <- newUniqueSTM
-  stateVar <- newTVar ResourceManagerNormal
-  disposablesVar <- newTMVar HM.empty
-  lockVar <- newTVar 0
-  finalizers <- newDisposableFinalizersSTM
-  resultVar <- newAsyncVarSTM
-  pure ResourceManagerCore {
-    resourceManagerKey,
-    throwToHandler,
-    stateVar,
-    disposablesVar,
-    lockVar,
-    finalizers,
-    resultVar
-  }
-newResourceManager :: MonadResourceManager m => m ResourceManager
-newResourceManager = do
-  parent <- askResourceManager
-  runInSTM $ newResourceManagerSTM parent
-newResourceManagerSTM :: ResourceManager -> STM ResourceManager
-newResourceManagerSTM parent = do
-  -- Bind core exception handler to parent to tie exception handling to the parent
-  resourceManager <- newUnmanagedDefaultResourceManagerInternal (throwToResourceManagerImpl parent)
-  -- Attach disposable to parent to tie resource management to the parent
-  attachDisposable parent resourceManager
-  pure $ NormalResourceManager resourceManager parent
--- * Utilities
--- | Creates an `Disposable` that is bound to a ResourceManager. It will automatically be disposed when the resource manager is disposed.
-attachDisposeAction :: ResourceManager -> IO () -> STM Disposable
-attachDisposeAction resourceManager action = do
-  disposable <- newDisposable action
-  attachDisposable resourceManager disposable
-  pure disposable
--- | Attaches a dispose action to a ResourceManager. It will automatically be run when the resource manager is disposed.
-attachDisposeAction_ :: ResourceManager -> IO () -> STM ()
-attachDisposeAction_ resourceManager action = void $ attachDisposeAction resourceManager action
--- ** Link execution to resource manager
--- | A computation bound to a resource manager with 'linkThread' should be canceled.
-data CancelLinkedExecution = CancelLinkedExecution Unique
-  deriving anyclass Exception
-instance Show CancelLinkedExecution where
-  show _ = "CancelLinkedExecution"
-data LinkState = LinkStateLinked ThreadId | LinkStateThrowing | LinkStateCompleted
-  deriving stock Eq
--- | Links the execution of a computation to a resource manager.
--- The computation is executed on the current thread. When the resource manager is disposed before the computation
--- is completed, a `CancelLinkedExecution`-exception is thrown to the current thread.
-linkExecution :: (MonadResourceManager m, MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => m a -> m (Maybe a)
-linkExecution action = do
-  key <- liftIO $ newUnique
-  var <- liftIO $ newTVarIO =<< LinkStateLinked <$> myThreadId
-  registerDisposeAction $ do
-    atomically (swapTVar var LinkStateThrowing) >>= \case
-      LinkStateLinked threadId -> throwTo threadId $ CancelLinkedExecution key
-      LinkStateThrowing -> pure () -- Dispose called twice
-      LinkStateCompleted -> pure () -- Thread has already left link
-  catch
-    do
-      result <- action
-      state <- liftIO $ atomically $ swapTVar var LinkStateCompleted
-      when (state == LinkStateThrowing) $ sleepForever -- Wait for exception to arrive
-      pure $ Just result
-    \ex@(CancelLinkedExecution exceptionKey) ->
-      if key == exceptionKey
-        then return Nothing
-        else throwM ex
diff --git a/test/Quasar/AsyncSpec.hs b/test/Quasar/AsyncSpec.hs
index 625e2c4..eb4374c 100644
--- a/test/Quasar/AsyncSpec.hs
+++ b/test/Quasar/AsyncSpec.hs
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 module Quasar.AsyncSpec (spec) where
-import Control.Concurrent
-import Control.Monad (void)
-import Control.Monad.IO.Class
+--import Control.Concurrent
+--import Control.Monad (void)
+--import Control.Monad.IO.Class
 import Prelude
 import Test.Hspec
 --import Quasar.Async
-import Quasar.Awaitable
-import Quasar.ResourceManager
-import System.Timeout
+--import Quasar.Awaitable
+--import Quasar.ResourceManager
+--import System.Timeout
 spec :: Spec
 spec = describe "async" $ it "async" $ pendingWith "moving to new implementation..."
diff --git a/test/Quasar/DisposableSpec.hs b/test/Quasar/DisposableSpec.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 087e61e..0000000
--- a/test/Quasar/DisposableSpec.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-module Quasar.DisposableSpec (spec) where
-import Control.Concurrent
-import Control.Concurrent.STM
-import Quasar.Prelude
-import Test.Hspec
-import Quasar.Awaitable
-import Quasar.Disposable
-spec :: Spec
-spec = parallel $ do
-  describe "Disposable" $ do
-    describe "noDisposable" $ do
-      it "can be disposed" $ io do
-        dispose noDisposable
-      it "can be awaited" $ io do
-        await (isDisposed noDisposable)
-    describe "newDisposable" $ do
-      it "signals it's disposed state" $ io do
-        disposable <- atomically $ newDisposable $ pure ()
-        void $ forkIO $ threadDelay 100000 >> dispose disposable
-        await (isDisposed disposable)
-      it "can be disposed multiple times" $ io do
-        disposable <- atomically $ newDisposable $ pure ()
-        dispose disposable
-        dispose disposable
-        await (isDisposed disposable)
-      it "can be disposed in parallel" $ do
-        disposable <- atomically $ newDisposable $ threadDelay 100000
-        void $ forkIO $ dispose disposable
-        dispose disposable
-        await (isDisposed disposable)
diff --git a/test/Quasar/Observable/ObservableHashMapSpec.hs b/test/Quasar/Observable/ObservableHashMapSpec.hs
index f3a5f35..041ac64 100644
--- a/test/Quasar/Observable/ObservableHashMapSpec.hs
+++ b/test/Quasar/Observable/ObservableHashMapSpec.hs
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
 module Quasar.Observable.ObservableHashMapSpec (spec) where
-import Control.Monad (void)
-import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM
-import Data.IORef
-import Quasar.Awaitable
-import Quasar.Disposable
-import Quasar.Observable
-import Quasar.Observable.Delta
-import Quasar.Observable.ObservableHashMap qualified as OM
+--import Control.Monad (void)
+--import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM
+--import Data.IORef
+--import Quasar.Awaitable
+--import Quasar.Disposable
+--import Quasar.Observable
+--import Quasar.Observable.Delta
+--import Quasar.Observable.ObservableHashMap qualified as OM
 import Quasar.Prelude
-import Quasar.ResourceManager
+--import Quasar.ResourceManager
 import Test.Hspec
 shouldReturnM :: (Eq a, Show a, MonadIO m) => m a -> a -> m ()
diff --git a/test/Quasar/ObservableSpec.hs b/test/Quasar/ObservableSpec.hs
index 97c0a95..38d2a61 100644
--- a/test/Quasar/ObservableSpec.hs
+++ b/test/Quasar/ObservableSpec.hs
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 module Quasar.ObservableSpec (spec) where
-import Data.IORef
+--import Data.IORef
 import Quasar.Prelude
-import Quasar.Awaitable
-import Quasar.Observable
-import Quasar.ResourceManager
+--import Quasar.Awaitable
+--import Quasar.Observable
+--import Quasar.ResourceManager
 import Test.Hspec
diff --git a/test/Quasar/ResourceManagerSpec.hs b/test/Quasar/ResourceManagerSpec.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fe2530..0000000
--- a/test/Quasar/ResourceManagerSpec.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-module Quasar.ResourceManagerSpec (spec) where
-import Control.Concurrent
-import Control.Concurrent.STM
-import Control.Exception
-import Control.Monad.Catch
-import Quasar.Prelude
-import Test.Hspec
-import Quasar.Awaitable
-import Quasar.Disposable
-import Quasar.ResourceManager
-data TestException = TestException
-  deriving stock (Eq, Show)
-instance Exception TestException
-spec :: Spec
-spec = parallel $ do
-  describe "ResourceManager" $ do
-    it "can be created" $ io do
-      withRootResourceManager $ pure ()
-    it "can be created and disposed" $ io do
-      withRootResourceManager do
-        resourceManager <- askResourceManager
-        disposeEventually_ resourceManager
-    it "is disposed when exiting withRootResourceManager" $ io do
-      resourceManager <- withRootResourceManager askResourceManager
-      peekAwaitable (isDisposed resourceManager) `shouldReturn` Just ()
-    it "can be created and disposed with a delay" $ io do
-      withRootResourceManager $ liftIO $ threadDelay 100000
-    it "can \"dispose\" a noDisposable" $ io do
-      withRootResourceManager do
-        registerDisposable noDisposable
-    it "can attach a dispose action" $ io do
-      var <- newTVarIO False
-      withRootResourceManager do
-        registerDisposeAction $ atomically $ writeTVar var True
-      atomically (readTVar var) `shouldReturn` True
-    it "can attach a slow dispose action" $ io do
-      withRootResourceManager do
-        registerDisposeAction $ threadDelay 100000
-    it "re-throws an exception" $ do
-      shouldThrow
-        do
-          withRootResourceManager do
-            liftIO $ throwIO TestException
-        \TestException -> True
-    it "handles an exception while disposing" $ io do
-      (`shouldThrow` \(_ :: CombinedException) -> True) do
-        withRootResourceManager do
-          registerDisposeAction $ throwIO TestException
-          liftIO $ threadDelay 100000
-    it "passes an exception to the root resource manager" $ io do
-      (`shouldThrow` \(_ :: CombinedException) -> True) do
-        withRootResourceManager do
-          withScopedResourceManager do
-            registerDisposeAction $ throwIO TestException
-            liftIO $ threadDelay 100000
-    it "passes an exception to the root resource manager when closing the inner resource manager first" $ io do
-      (`shouldThrow` \(_ :: CombinedException) -> True) do
-        withRootResourceManager do
-          withScopedResourceManager do
-            registerDisposeAction $ throwIO TestException
-          liftIO $ threadDelay 100000
-    it "can attach an disposable that is disposed asynchronously" $ io do
-      withRootResourceManager do
-        disposable <- captureDisposable_ $ registerDisposeAction $ threadDelay 100000
-        liftIO $ void $ forkIO $ dispose disposable
-    it "does not abort disposing when encountering an exception" $ do
-      var1 <- newTVarIO False
-      var2 <- newTVarIO False
-      (`shouldThrow` \(_ :: CombinedException) -> True) do
-        withRootResourceManager do
-          registerDisposeAction $ atomically (writeTVar var1 True)
-          registerDisposeAction $ throwIO TestException
-          registerDisposeAction $ atomically (writeTVar var2 True)
-      atomically (readTVar var1) `shouldReturn` True
-      atomically (readTVar var2) `shouldReturn` True
-    it "withRootResourceManager will start disposing when receiving an exception" $ io do
-      (`shouldThrow` \(_ :: CombinedException) -> True) do
-        withRootResourceManager do
-          linkExecution do
-            throwToResourceManager TestException
-            sleepForever
-    it "combines exceptions from resources with exceptions on the thread" $ io do
-      (`shouldThrow` \(combinedExceptions -> exceptions) -> length exceptions == 2) do
-        withRootResourceManager do
-          throwToResourceManager TestException
-          throwM TestException
-    it "can dispose a resource manager loop" $ io do
-      withRootResourceManager do
-        rm1 <- newResourceManager
-        rm2 <- newResourceManager
-        liftIO $ atomically do
-          attachDisposable rm1 rm2
-          attachDisposable rm2 rm1
-    it "can dispose a resource manager loop" $ io do
-      withRootResourceManager do
-        rm1 <- newResourceManager
-        rm2 <- newResourceManager
-        liftIO $ atomically do
-          attachDisposable rm1 rm2
-          attachDisposable rm2 rm1
-        dispose rm1
-    it "can dispose a resource manager loop with a shared disposable" $ io do
-      var <- newTVarIO (0 :: Int)
-      d <- atomically $ newDisposable $ atomically $ modifyTVar var (+ 1)
-      withRootResourceManager do
-        rm1 <- newResourceManager
-        rm2 <- newResourceManager
-        liftIO $ atomically do
-          attachDisposable rm1 rm2
-          attachDisposable rm2 rm1
-          attachDisposable rm1 d
-          attachDisposable rm2 d
-      atomically (readTVar var) `shouldReturn` 1
-  describe "linkExecution" do
-    it "does not generate an exception after it is completed" $ io do
-      (`shouldThrow` \(_ :: CombinedException) -> True) do
-        withRootResourceManager do
-          linkExecution do
-            pure ()
-          throwToResourceManager TestException
-          liftIO $ threadDelay 100000
diff --git a/test/Quasar/ResourcesSpec.hs b/test/Quasar/ResourcesSpec.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e25884d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Quasar/ResourcesSpec.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+module Quasar.ResourcesSpec (spec) where
+import Control.Concurrent
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import Control.Exception
+import Control.Monad.Catch
+import Quasar.Prelude
+import Test.Hspec
+import Quasar.Awaitable
+import Quasar.Resources
+import Quasar.Monad
+data TestException = TestException
+  deriving stock (Eq, Show)
+instance Exception TestException
+spec :: Spec
+spec = pure ()
+--spec = parallel $ do
+--  describe "ResourceManager" $ do
+--    it "can be created" $ io do
+--      withRootResourceManager $ pure ()
+--    it "can be created and disposed" $ io do
+--      withRootResourceManager do
+--        resourceManager <- askResourceManager
+--        disposeEventually_ resourceManager
+--    it "is disposed when exiting withRootResourceManager" $ io do
+--      resourceManager <- withRootResourceManager askResourceManager
+--      peekAwaitable (isDisposed resourceManager) `shouldReturn` Just ()
+--    it "can be created and disposed with a delay" $ io do
+--      withRootResourceManager $ liftIO $ threadDelay 100000
+--    it "can \"dispose\" a noDisposable" $ io do
+--      withRootResourceManager do
+--        registerDisposable noDisposable
+--    it "can attach a dispose action" $ io do
+--      var <- newTVarIO False
+--      withRootResourceManager do
+--        registerDisposeAction $ atomically $ writeTVar var True
+--      atomically (readTVar var) `shouldReturn` True
+--    it "can attach a slow dispose action" $ io do
+--      withRootResourceManager do
+--        registerDisposeAction $ threadDelay 100000
+--    it "re-throws an exception" $ do
+--      shouldThrow
+--        do
+--          withRootResourceManager do
+--            liftIO $ throwIO TestException
+--        \TestException -> True
+--    it "handles an exception while disposing" $ io do
+--      (`shouldThrow` \(_ :: CombinedException) -> True) do
+--        withRootResourceManager do
+--          registerDisposeAction $ throwIO TestException
+--          liftIO $ threadDelay 100000
+--    it "passes an exception to the root resource manager" $ io do
+--      (`shouldThrow` \(_ :: CombinedException) -> True) do
+--        withRootResourceManager do
+--          withScopedResourceManager do
+--            registerDisposeAction $ throwIO TestException
+--            liftIO $ threadDelay 100000
+--    it "passes an exception to the root resource manager when closing the inner resource manager first" $ io do
+--      (`shouldThrow` \(_ :: CombinedException) -> True) do
+--        withRootResourceManager do
+--          withScopedResourceManager do
+--            registerDisposeAction $ throwIO TestException
+--          liftIO $ threadDelay 100000
+--    it "can attach an disposable that is disposed asynchronously" $ io do
+--      withRootResourceManager do
+--        disposable <- captureDisposable_ $ registerDisposeAction $ threadDelay 100000
+--        liftIO $ void $ forkIO $ dispose disposable
+--    it "does not abort disposing when encountering an exception" $ do
+--      var1 <- newTVarIO False
+--      var2 <- newTVarIO False
+--      (`shouldThrow` \(_ :: CombinedException) -> True) do
+--        withRootResourceManager do
+--          registerDisposeAction $ atomically (writeTVar var1 True)
+--          registerDisposeAction $ throwIO TestException
+--          registerDisposeAction $ atomically (writeTVar var2 True)
+--      atomically (readTVar var1) `shouldReturn` True
+--      atomically (readTVar var2) `shouldReturn` True
+--    it "withRootResourceManager will start disposing when receiving an exception" $ io do
+--      (`shouldThrow` \(_ :: CombinedException) -> True) do
+--        withRootResourceManager do
+--          linkExecution do
+--            throwToResourceManager TestException
+--            sleepForever
+--    it "combines exceptions from resources with exceptions on the thread" $ io do
+--      (`shouldThrow` \(combinedExceptions -> exceptions) -> length exceptions == 2) do
+--        withRootResourceManager do
+--          throwToResourceManager TestException
+--          throwM TestException
+--    it "can dispose a resource manager loop" $ io do
+--      withRootResourceManager do
+--        rm1 <- newResourceManager
+--        rm2 <- newResourceManager
+--        liftIO $ atomically do
+--          attachDisposable rm1 rm2
+--          attachDisposable rm2 rm1
+--    it "can dispose a resource manager loop" $ io do
+--      withRootResourceManager do
+--        rm1 <- newResourceManager
+--        rm2 <- newResourceManager
+--        liftIO $ atomically do
+--          attachDisposable rm1 rm2
+--          attachDisposable rm2 rm1
+--        dispose rm1
+--    it "can dispose a resource manager loop with a shared disposable" $ io do
+--      var <- newTVarIO (0 :: Int)
+--      d <- atomically $ newDisposable $ atomically $ modifyTVar var (+ 1)
+--      withRootResourceManager do
+--        rm1 <- newResourceManager
+--        rm2 <- newResourceManager
+--        liftIO $ atomically do
+--          attachDisposable rm1 rm2
+--          attachDisposable rm2 rm1
+--          attachDisposable rm1 d
+--          attachDisposable rm2 d
+--      atomically (readTVar var) `shouldReturn` 1
+--  describe "linkExecution" do
+--    it "does not generate an exception after it is completed" $ io do
+--      (`shouldThrow` \(_ :: CombinedException) -> True) do
+--        withRootResourceManager do
+--          linkExecution do
+--            pure ()
+--          throwToResourceManager TestException
+--          liftIO $ threadDelay 100000
+-- From DisposableSpec.hs:
+--spec :: Spec
+--spec = parallel $ do
+--  describe "Disposable" $ do
+--    describe "noDisposable" $ do
+--      it "can be disposed" $ io do
+--        dispose noDisposable
+--      it "can be awaited" $ io do
+--        await (isDisposed noDisposable)
+--    describe "newDisposable" $ do
+--      it "signals it's disposed state" $ io do
+--        disposable <- atomically $ newDisposable $ pure ()
+--        void $ forkIO $ threadDelay 100000 >> dispose disposable
+--        await (isDisposed disposable)
+--      it "can be disposed multiple times" $ io do
+--        disposable <- atomically $ newDisposable $ pure ()
+--        dispose disposable
+--        dispose disposable
+--        await (isDisposed disposable)
+--      it "can be disposed in parallel" $ do
+--        disposable <- atomically $ newDisposable $ threadDelay 100000
+--        void $ forkIO $ dispose disposable
+--        dispose disposable
+--        await (isDisposed disposable)