diff --git a/src/Quasar/Core.hs b/src/Quasar/Core.hs
index 4d44ba65e3be2a7632f3c1ed681c96b0fe42f5b9..82d68a1ae3368f3e290d0e76eb5ccae72a7cb555 100644
--- a/src/Quasar/Core.hs
+++ b/src/Quasar/Core.hs
@@ -5,9 +5,6 @@ module Quasar.Core (
-  -- * Cancellation
-  withCancellationToken,
 ) where
 import Control.Concurrent (forkIOWithUnmask)
@@ -165,45 +162,3 @@ peekEitherSTM x y =
       Just (Left ex) -> pure (Just (Left ex))
       Just (Right r) -> pure (Just (Right (Right r)))
       Nothing -> pure Nothing
--- * Cancellation
-newtype CancellationToken = CancellationToken (AsyncVar Void)
-instance IsAwaitable Void CancellationToken where
-  toAwaitable (CancellationToken var) = toAwaitable var
-newCancellationToken :: IO CancellationToken
-newCancellationToken = CancellationToken <$> newAsyncVar
-cancel :: Exception e => CancellationToken -> e -> IO ()
-cancel (CancellationToken var) = failAsyncVar_ var . toException
-isCancellationRequested :: CancellationToken -> IO Bool
-isCancellationRequested (CancellationToken var) = isJust <$> peekAwaitable var
-cancellationState :: CancellationToken -> IO (Maybe SomeException)
-cancellationState (CancellationToken var) = (either Just (const Nothing) =<<) <$> peekAwaitable var
-throwIfCancellationRequested :: CancellationToken -> IO ()
-throwIfCancellationRequested (CancellationToken var) =
-  peekAwaitable var >>= \case
-    Just (Left ex) -> throwIO ex
-    _ -> pure ()
-awaitUnlessCancellationRequested :: IsAwaitable a b => CancellationToken -> b -> AsyncIO a
-awaitUnlessCancellationRequested cancellationToken = fmap (either absurd id) . awaitEither cancellationToken . toAwaitable
-withCancellationToken :: (CancellationToken -> IO a) -> IO a
-withCancellationToken action = do
-  cancellationToken <- newCancellationToken
-  resultMVar :: MVar (Either SomeException a) <- newEmptyMVar
-  uninterruptibleMask $ \unmask -> do
-    void $ forkIOWithUnmask $ \threadUnmask -> do
-      putMVar resultMVar =<< try (threadUnmask (action cancellationToken))
-    -- TODO test if it is better to run readMVar recursively or to keep it uninterruptible
-    either throwIO pure =<< (unmask (readMVar resultMVar) `catchAll` (\ex -> cancel cancellationToken ex >> readMVar resultMVar))
diff --git a/test/Quasar/AsyncSpec.hs b/test/Quasar/AsyncSpec.hs
index c1a00ccb07f32504ec0cfe4c11ac9b3eb83d62b7..5feed6da850a03e7700c4ca2a3225ea9d7615ea1 100644
--- a/test/Quasar/AsyncSpec.hs
+++ b/test/Quasar/AsyncSpec.hs
@@ -69,12 +69,3 @@ spec = parallel $ do
         -- Use bind to create an AsyncIOPlumbing, which is the interesting case that uses `uninterruptibleMask` when run
         await never >>= pure
       result `shouldBe` Nothing
-  describe "CancellationToken" $ do
-    it "propagates outer exceptions to the cancellation token" $ do
-      result <- timeout 100000 $ withCancellationToken (runAsyncIO . await)
-      result `shouldBe` Nothing
-    it "can return a value after cancellation" $ do
-      result <- timeout 100000 $ withCancellationToken (fmap (either (const True) (const False)) . atomically . awaitSTM)
-      result `shouldBe` Just True