diff --git a/src/QBar/Core.hs b/src/QBar/Core.hs
index 15be309415b8049ea6b3bd8232afabddce0c7b58..4606b2b6477f7bb25aa5a228977cb5ea8c34792a 100644
--- a/src/QBar/Core.hs
+++ b/src/QBar/Core.hs
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ type PushBlock = Block PushMode
 type PullBlock = Block PullMode
 -- |Cache that holds multiple BlockStates. When iterated it always immediately 'yield's the latest update, so it should only be pulled when a bar update has been requested.
-type BlockCache = Producer BlockState BarIO CachedMode
+type BlockCache = Producer [BlockState] BarIO CachedMode
 class IsCachable a where
   toCachedBlock :: a -> BlockCache
@@ -163,7 +163,12 @@ autoPadding = autoPadding' 0 0
     padShortText len = over (shortText._Just) $ \s -> padString (len - printedLength s) <> s
 cacheFromInput :: Input BlockState -> BlockCache
-cacheFromInput input = CachedMode <$ fromInput input
+cacheFromInput input = do
+  result <- liftIO $ atomically $ recv input
+  case result of
+    Nothing -> exitCache
+    Just value -> yield [value] >> cacheFromInput input
 -- | Create a shared interval. Takes a BarUpdateChannel to signal bar updates and an interval (in seconds).Data.Maybe
 -- Returns an IO action that can be used to attach blocks to the shared interval and an async that contains a reference to the scheduler thread.
@@ -313,11 +318,11 @@ cachePushBlock pushBlock = lift (next pushBlock) >>= either (const exitCache) wi
     withInitialBlock :: (BlockState, PushBlock) -> BlockCache
     withInitialBlock (initialBlockOutput, pushBlock') = do
-      (output, input, seal) <- liftIO $ spawn' $ latest $ initialBlockOutput
+      (output, input, seal) <- liftIO $ spawn' $ latest initialBlockOutput
       -- The async could be used to stop the block later, but for now we are just linking it to catch exceptions
       task <- lift $ barAsync (sendProducerToMailbox output seal pushBlock')
       liftIO $ link task
-      terminateOnMaybe $ fromInput input
+      cacheFromInput input
     sendProducerToMailbox :: Output BlockState -> STM () -> PushBlock -> BarIO ()
     sendProducerToMailbox output seal pushBlock' = do
       -- Send push block output to mailbox until it terminates
@@ -330,11 +335,5 @@ cachePushBlock pushBlock = lift (next pushBlock) >>= either (const exitCache) wi
     sendOutputToMailbox output blockOutput = do
       -- The void is discarding the boolean result that indicates if the mailbox is sealed
       -- This is ok because a cached block is never sealed from the receiving side
-      liftIO $ atomically $ void $ send output $ blockOutput
+      liftIO $ atomically $ void $ send output blockOutput
       lift updateBar
-    terminateOnMaybe :: Producer BlockState BarIO () -> Producer BlockState BarIO CachedMode
-    terminateOnMaybe p = do
-      eitherMaybeValue <- lift $ next p
-      case eitherMaybeValue of
-        Right (Just value, newP) -> yield (Just value) >> terminateOnMaybe newP
-        _ -> exitCache
diff --git a/src/QBar/Host.hs b/src/QBar/Host.hs
index c4b210bd08582d7379407b1039b62a80970d6087..c465bf777fb0ed9c089ac54d52e5617ee426a100 100644
--- a/src/QBar/Host.hs
+++ b/src/QBar/Host.hs
@@ -87,14 +87,16 @@ runBlocks bar HostHandle{barUpdateEvent, newBlockChan, eventHandlerListIORef} =
         Just newBlock -> addNewBlocks (newBlock:blocks)
     getBlockStates :: [BlockCache] -> BarIO ([BlockState], [BlockCache])
-    getBlockStates blocks = unzip . catMaybes <$> mapM getBlockState blocks
-    getBlockState :: BlockCache -> BarIO (Maybe (BlockState, BlockCache))
-    getBlockState producer = do
-      next' <- next producer
-      return $ case next' of
-        Left _ -> Nothing
-        Right (blockState, newProducer) -> Just (blockState, newProducer)
+    getBlockStates caches = do
+      (blockStates, newCaches) <- unzip . catMaybes <$> mapM readCache caches
+      return (concat blockStates, newCaches)
+      where
+        readCache :: BlockCache -> BarIO (Maybe ([BlockState], BlockCache))
+        readCache producer = do
+          next' <- next producer
+          return $ case next' of
+            Left _ -> Nothing
+            Right (blockStates, newProducer) -> Just (blockStates, newProducer)
     updateEventHandlers :: [BlockState] -> IO ()
     updateEventHandlers blockStates =