From f35c557d1fb5d3d15077563e8897364f009de13c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jan Beinke <>
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 13:03:22 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Improve the Importance type to have its own constructors for
 different levels

 src/QBar/BlockOutput.hs     | 109 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 src/QBar/Blocks/Battery.hs  |   2 +-
 src/QBar/Blocks/CpuUsage.hs |   2 +-
 src/QBar/Theme.hs           |  17 +++---
 4 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/QBar/BlockOutput.hs b/src/QBar/BlockOutput.hs
index 1604fe7..84a1fc6 100644
--- a/src/QBar/BlockOutput.hs
+++ b/src/QBar/BlockOutput.hs
@@ -40,11 +40,13 @@ data BlockTextSegment = BlockTextSegment {
   deriving (Eq, Show)
-type Importance = Float
+data Importance = NormalImportant Float | WarnImportant Float | ErrorImportant Float | CriticalImportant Float
+  deriving (Eq, Show)
 $(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''BlockOutput)
 makeLenses ''BlockOutput
+$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Importance)
 $(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''BlockTextSegment)
 $(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''BlockText)
@@ -76,67 +78,68 @@ addIcon icon = over fullText $ (<>) . normalText $ icon <> " "
 normalImportant :: Importance
-normalImportant = 1
+normalImportant = NormalImportant 0.5
+normalImportant' :: Float -> Importance
+normalImportant' = NormalImportant . min 1 . max 0
 warnImportant :: Importance
-warnImportant = 2
+warnImportant = WarnImportant 0.5
+warnImportant' :: Float -> Importance
+warnImportant' = WarnImportant . min 1 . max 0
 errorImportant :: Importance
-errorImportant = 3
+errorImportant = ErrorImportant 0.5
+errorImportant' :: Float -> Importance
+errorImportant' = ErrorImportant . min 1 . max 0
 criticalImportant :: Importance
-criticalImportant = 4
+criticalImportant = CriticalImportant 0.5
+criticalImportant' :: Float -> Importance
+criticalImportant' = CriticalImportant . min 1 . max 0
 isCritical :: Importance -> Bool
-isCritical i
-  | i >= criticalImportant = True
-  | otherwise = False
+isCritical (CriticalImportant _) = True
+isCritical _ = False
 isError :: Importance -> Bool
-isError i
-  | isCritical i = False
-  | i >= errorImportant = True
-  | otherwise = False
+isError (ErrorImportant _) = True
+isError _ = False
 isWarning :: Importance -> Bool
-isWarning i
-  | isCritical i = False
-  | isError i = False
-  | i >= warnImportant = True
-  | otherwise = False
+isWarning (WarnImportant _) = True
+isWarning _ = False
 isNormal :: Importance -> Bool
-isNormal i
-  | isCritical i = False
-  | isError i = False
-  | isWarning i = False
-  | otherwise = True
-toImportance :: Real a => (a, a, a, a, a, a) -> a -> Importance
-toImportance (tMax, tCritical, tError, tWarning, tNormal, tMinimal) =
-  toImportance' (Just tMax, tCritical, tError, tWarning, tNormal, Just tMinimal)
-toImportance' :: forall a. Real a => (Maybe a, a, a, a, a, Maybe a) -> a -> Importance
-toImportance' (tMax, tCritical, tError, tWarning, tNormal, tMinimal) val
-  | tCritical <= val = 4 + valueCritical tMax  tCritical val
-  | tError  <= val = 3 + linearMatch tCritical tError  val
-  | tWarning <= val = 2 + linearMatch tError  tWarning val
-  | tNormal <= val = 1 + linearMatch tWarning tNormal val
-  | otherwise = 0 + valueOtherwise tNormal tMinimal  val
+isNormal (NormalImportant _) = True
+isNormal _ = False
+toImportance :: Real a => (a, a, a, a, a) -> a -> Importance
+toImportance (tMin, tWarning, tError, tCritical, tMax) =
+  toImportance' (Just tMin, tWarning, tError, tCritical, Just tMax)
+toImportance' :: Real a => (Maybe a, a, a, a, Maybe a) -> a -> Importance
+toImportance' (tMin, tWarning, tError, tCritical, tMax) val
+  | tCritical <= val = criticalImportant' valueCritical
+  | tError <= val = errorImportant' $ linearMatch tCritical tError val
+  | tWarning <= val = warnImportant' $ linearMatch tError tWarning val
+  | otherwise = normalImportant' valueNormal
-    e :: Importance
-    e = exp 1
-    linearMatch :: a -> a -> a -> Importance
-    linearMatch u l v = frac (v - l) (u - l)
-    logarithmicMatch :: a -> a -> Importance
-    logarithmicMatch l u = 1 - 1 / log (e + realToFrac (u - l))
-    frac :: a -> a -> Importance
-    frac a b = realToFrac a / realToFrac b
-    valueCritical :: Maybe a -> a -> a -> Importance
-    valueCritical (Just tMax') tCritical' v
-      | tMax' > v = linearMatch tMax' tCritical' v
-      | otherwise = 1
-    valueCritical Nothing tCritical' v = logarithmicMatch tCritical' v
-    valueOtherwise :: a -> Maybe a -> a -> Importance
-    valueOtherwise tNormal' (Just tMinimal') v
-      | tMinimal' < v = linearMatch tNormal' tMinimal' v
-      | otherwise = 0
-    valueOtherwise tNormal' Nothing v = 1 - logarithmicMatch v tNormal'
+    linearMatch :: Real a => a -> a -> a -> Float
+    linearMatch u l v = realToFrac (v - l) / realToFrac (u - l)
+    logarithmicMatch :: Real a => a -> a -> Float
+    logarithmicMatch l u = (\x -> 1 - 1 / (1 + x)) . log . realToFrac $ u - l
+    valueCritical :: Float
+    valueCritical = case tMax of
+      Just tMax' -> if tMax' > val then linearMatch tMax' tCritical val else 1
+      Nothing -> logarithmicMatch tCritical val
+    valueNormal :: Float
+    valueNormal = case tMin of
+      Just tMin' -> if tMin' < val then linearMatch tWarning tMin' val else 0
+      Nothing -> 1 - logarithmicMatch val tWarning
 invalidateBlock :: BlockOutput -> BlockOutput
 invalidateBlock block@BlockOutput{ _fullText, _shortText } = block {
diff --git a/src/QBar/Blocks/Battery.hs b/src/QBar/Blocks/Battery.hs
index 6358558..5d33ecb 100644
--- a/src/QBar/Blocks/Battery.hs
+++ b/src/QBar/Blocks/Battery.hs
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ updateBatteryBlock isPlugged bs = sendBlockUpdate $ (shortText.~shortText') $ mk
 batteryImportance :: [BatteryState] -> Importance
-batteryImportance = toImportance (100, 90, 80, 60, 50, 0) . (100-) . batteryPercentage
+batteryImportance = toImportance (0, 60, 80, 90, 100) . (100 -) . batteryPercentage
 batteryPercentage :: [BatteryState] -> Float
diff --git a/src/QBar/Blocks/CpuUsage.hs b/src/QBar/Blocks/CpuUsage.hs
index 6364380..66505ad 100644
--- a/src/QBar/Blocks/CpuUsage.hs
+++ b/src/QBar/Blocks/CpuUsage.hs
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ cpuUsageBlock decimalPlaces = pullBlock $ evalStateT cpuUsageBlock' createState
           _lastCpuUsage = 0
     cpuUsageImportance :: Monad m => StateT CpuBlockState m Importance
-    cpuUsageImportance = toImportance (100, 90, 80, 60, 50, 0) <$> use lastCpuUsage
+    cpuUsageImportance = toImportance (0, 60, 80, 90 ,100) <$> use lastCpuUsage
     cpuUsageTextWidth :: Num a => a
       | decimalPlaces == 0 = 3
diff --git a/src/QBar/Theme.hs b/src/QBar/Theme.hs
index 2e48356..ba9dbc2 100644
--- a/src/QBar/Theme.hs
+++ b/src/QBar/Theme.hs
@@ -122,15 +122,14 @@ defaultTheme :: Theme
 defaultTheme = mkTheme defaultTheme'
     defaultTheme' :: SimplifiedTheme
-    defaultTheme' active importance
-      | isCritical importance, active = (ColorRGB (RGB 0 0 0), Just $ ColorRGB (RGB 1 0 0))
-      | isCritical importance         = (ColorRGB (RGB 0.8 0.15 0.15), Nothing)
-      | isError importance, active    = (ColorRGB (RGB 1 0.3 0), Nothing)
-      | isError importance            = (ColorRGB (RGB 0.7 0.35 0.2), Nothing)
-      | isWarning importance,active   = (ColorRGB (RGB 1 0.9 0), Nothing)
-      | isWarning importance          = (ColorRGB (RGB 0.6 0.6 0), Nothing)
-      | otherwise, active             = (ColorRGB (RGB 1 1 1), Nothing)
-      | otherwise                     = (ColorRGB (RGB (0x96 / 255) (0x98 / 255) (0x96 / 255)), Nothing)
+    defaultTheme' True (CriticalImportant _) = (ColorRGB (RGB 0 0 0), Just $ ColorRGB (RGB 1 0 0))
+    defaultTheme' False (CriticalImportant _) = (ColorRGB (RGB 0.8 0.15 0.15), Nothing)
+    defaultTheme' True (ErrorImportant _) = (ColorRGB (RGB 1 0.3 0), Nothing)
+    defaultTheme' False (ErrorImportant _) = (ColorRGB (RGB 0.7 0.35 0.2), Nothing)
+    defaultTheme' True (WarnImportant _) = (ColorRGB (RGB 1 0.9 0), Nothing)
+    defaultTheme' False (WarnImportant _) = (ColorRGB (RGB 0.6 0.6 0), Nothing)
+    defaultTheme' True (NormalImportant _) = (ColorRGB (RGB 1 1 1), Nothing)
+    defaultTheme' False (NormalImportant _) = (ColorRGB (RGB (0x96 / 255) (0x98 / 255) (0x96 / 255)), Nothing)
 rainbowTheme :: Theme