From f4bbea7a36ae826790f3aa0a886b6dc85ece851d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jens Nolte <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 23:45:27 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Refactor event handlers so BlockOutput can be serialized

 src/QBar/BlockText.hs      |  5 ++
 src/QBar/Blocks/Battery.hs | 16 +++----
 src/QBar/Blocks/Date.hs    |  2 +-
 src/QBar/ControlSocket.hs  |  2 +-
 src/QBar/Core.hs           | 94 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 src/QBar/Server.hs         | 91 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 6 files changed, 118 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/QBar/BlockText.hs b/src/QBar/BlockText.hs
index 2a58914..0a380b0 100644
--- a/src/QBar/BlockText.hs
+++ b/src/QBar/BlockText.hs
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
 module QBar.BlockText where
+import Data.Aeson.TH
 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
 import Data.Int (Int64)
 import QBar.Pango
@@ -28,6 +30,9 @@ data BlockTextSegment = BlockTextSegment {
 type Importance = Float
+$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''BlockTextSegment)
+$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''BlockText)
 normalImportant :: Importance
 normalImportant = 1
diff --git a/src/QBar/Blocks/Battery.hs b/src/QBar/Blocks/Battery.hs
index 720bd34..7dcd5ec 100644
--- a/src/QBar/Blocks/Battery.hs
+++ b/src/QBar/Blocks/Battery.hs
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ batteryBlock = do
   batteryPaths <- liftIO $ map ((apiPath <> "/") <>) . filter (T.isPrefixOf "BAT" . T.pack) <$> getDirectoryContents apiPath
   batteryStates <- liftIO $ mapM getBatteryState batteryPaths
   isPlugged <- liftIO getPluggedState
-  yield $ batteryBlockOutput isPlugged $ catMaybes batteryStates
+  updateBatteryBlock isPlugged $ catMaybes batteryStates
     apiPath :: FilePath
@@ -84,17 +84,15 @@ batteryBlock = do
             _ -> return . return $ False
-batteryBlockOutput :: Bool -> [BatteryState] -> Maybe BlockOutput
-batteryBlockOutput isPlugged bs = (shortText.~shortText') . createBlock <$> fullText'
+updateBatteryBlock :: Bool -> [BatteryState] -> Block ()
+updateBatteryBlock _ [] = yield Nothing
+updateBatteryBlock isPlugged bs = updateBlock $ (shortText.~shortText') $ createBlock fullText'
-    fullText' :: Maybe BlockText
-    fullText'
-      | null bs = Nothing
-      | otherwise = Just $ normalText (batteryIcon <> " ") <> overallPercentage <> optionalEachBattery <> optionalOverallEstimate
+    fullText' :: BlockText
+    fullText' = normalText (batteryIcon <> " ") <> overallPercentage <> optionalEachBattery <> optionalOverallEstimate
     shortText' :: Maybe BlockText
-      | null bs = Nothing
-      | otherwise = Just $ normalText (batteryIcon <> " ") <> overallPercentage
+    shortText' = Just $ normalText (batteryIcon <> " ") <> overallPercentage
     batteryIcon :: T.Text
diff --git a/src/QBar/Blocks/Date.hs b/src/QBar/Blocks/Date.hs
index e157602..d47cd72 100644
--- a/src/QBar/Blocks/Date.hs
+++ b/src/QBar/Blocks/Date.hs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import Control.Lens
 dateBlock :: PushBlock
 dateBlock = do
-  yield . Just =<< liftIO dateBlockOutput
+  updateBlock =<< liftIO dateBlockOutput
   liftIO $ sleepUntil =<< nextMinute
diff --git a/src/QBar/ControlSocket.hs b/src/QBar/ControlSocket.hs
index 500b9dd..e64fc63 100644
--- a/src/QBar/ControlSocket.hs
+++ b/src/QBar/ControlSocket.hs
@@ -128,5 +128,5 @@ handleBlockStream producer = do
     handleParsedBlock :: Producer ByteString IO () -> String -> PushBlock
     handleParsedBlock leftovers update = do
-      yield $ Just . createBlock . normalText $ TL.pack update
+      updateBlock $ createBlock . normalText $ TL.pack update
       handleBlockStream leftovers
diff --git a/src/QBar/Core.hs b/src/QBar/Core.hs
index e855d89..359daf0 100644
--- a/src/QBar/Core.hs
+++ b/src/QBar/Core.hs
@@ -31,26 +31,31 @@ import System.Process.Typed (Process, shell, setStdin, setStdout,
 import Control.Lens
-data Click = Click {
+data BlockEvent = Click {
   name :: T.Text,
   button :: Int
 } deriving Show
-$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Click)
+$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''BlockEvent)
 data BlockOutput = BlockOutput
   { _fullText :: BlockText
   , _shortText :: Maybe BlockText
   , _blockName :: Maybe T.Text
-  , _clickAction :: Maybe (Click -> BarIO ())
   , _invalid :: Bool
+$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''BlockOutput)
 data PushMode = PushMode
 data PullMode = PullMode
 data CachedMode = CachedMode
-type Block a = Producer (Maybe BlockOutput) BarIO a
+type BlockEventHandler = BlockEvent -> BarIO ()
+type BlockState = Maybe (BlockOutput, Maybe BlockEventHandler)
+type Block a = Producer BlockState BarIO a
 -- |Block that 'yield's an update whenever the block should be changed
@@ -89,6 +94,19 @@ instance IsBlock CachedBlock where
 data BarUpdateChannel = BarUpdateChannel (IO ())
 type BarUpdateEvent = Event.Event
+mkBlockState :: BlockOutput -> BlockState
+mkBlockState blockOutput = Just (blockOutput, Nothing)
+updateBlock :: BlockOutput -> Block ()
+updateBlock blockOutput = yield $ Just (blockOutput, Nothing)
+updateBlock' :: BlockEventHandler -> BlockOutput -> Block ()
+updateBlock' blockEventHandler blockOutput = yield $ Just (blockOutput, Just blockEventHandler)
+updateEventHandler :: BlockEventHandler -> BlockState -> BlockState
+updateEventHandler _ Nothing = Nothing
+updateEventHandler eventHandler (Just (blockOutput, _)) = Just (blockOutput, Just eventHandler)
 runBarIO :: Bar -> BarIO r -> IO r
 runBarIO bar action = runReaderT (runSafeT action) bar
@@ -101,7 +119,6 @@ createBlock text = BlockOutput
   { _fullText = text
   , _shortText = Nothing
   , _blockName = Nothing
-  , _clickAction = Nothing
   , _invalid = False
@@ -115,20 +132,20 @@ addIcon :: T.Text -> BlockOutput -> BlockOutput
 addIcon icon = over fullText $ (<>) . normalText $ icon <> " "
 modify :: (BlockOutput -> BlockOutput)
-       -> Pipe (Maybe BlockOutput) (Maybe BlockOutput) BarIO r
-modify x = (x <$>)
+       -> Pipe BlockState BlockState BarIO r
+modify x = (over (_Just . _1) x)
-autoPadding :: Pipe (Maybe BlockOutput) (Maybe BlockOutput) BarIO r
+autoPadding :: Pipe BlockState BlockState BarIO r
 autoPadding = autoPadding' 0 0
-    autoPadding' :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Pipe (Maybe BlockOutput) (Maybe BlockOutput) BarIO r
+    autoPadding' :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Pipe BlockState BlockState BarIO r
     autoPadding' fullLength shortLength = do
       maybeBlock <- await
       case maybeBlock of
-        Just block -> do
+        Just (block, eventHandler) -> do
           let fullLength' = max fullLength . printedLength $ block^.fullText
-          let shortLength' = max shortLength . printedLength $ block^.shortText._Just -- TODO: ???
-          yield $ Just $ padFullText fullLength' . padShortText shortLength' $ block
+          let shortLength' = max shortLength . printedLength $ block^.shortText._Just
+          yield $ Just (padFullText fullLength' . padShortText shortLength' $ block, eventHandler)
           autoPadding' fullLength' shortLength'
         Nothing -> do
           yield Nothing
@@ -140,14 +157,14 @@ autoPadding = autoPadding' 0 0
     padShortText :: Int64 -> BlockOutput -> BlockOutput
     padShortText len = over (shortText._Just) $ \s -> padString (len - printedLength s) <> s
-cacheFromInput :: Input (Maybe BlockOutput) -> CachedBlock
+cacheFromInput :: Input BlockState -> CachedBlock
 cacheFromInput input = CachedMode <$ fromInput input
 -- | Create a shared interval. Takes a BarUpdateChannel to signal bar updates and an interval (in seconds).Data.Maybe
 -- Returns an IO action that can be used to attach blocks to the shared interval and an async that contains a reference to the scheduler thread.
 sharedInterval :: Int -> BarIO (PullBlock -> CachedBlock)
 sharedInterval seconds = do
-  clientsMVar <- liftIO $ newMVar ([] :: [(MVar PullBlock, Output (Maybe BlockOutput))])
+  clientsMVar <- liftIO $ newMVar ([] :: [(MVar PullBlock, Output BlockState)])
   startEvent <- liftIO
@@ -167,49 +184,50 @@ sharedInterval seconds = do
   return (addClient startEvent clientsMVar)
-    runAndFilterClient :: (MVar PullBlock, Output (Maybe BlockOutput)) -> BarIO (Maybe (MVar PullBlock, Output (Maybe BlockOutput)))
+    runAndFilterClient :: (MVar PullBlock, Output BlockState) -> BarIO (Maybe (MVar PullBlock, Output BlockState))
     runAndFilterClient client = do
       result <- runClient client
       return $ if result then Just client else Nothing
-    runClient :: (MVar PullBlock, Output (Maybe BlockOutput)) -> BarIO Bool
-    runClient (blockProducerMVar, output) = do
+    runClient :: (MVar PullBlock, Output BlockState) -> BarIO Bool
+    runClient (blockMVar, output) = do
       bar <- askBar
-      liftIO $ modifyMVar blockProducerMVar $ \blockProducer -> do
+      liftIO $ modifyMVar blockMVar $ \blockProducer -> do
         result <- runReaderT (runSafeT $ next blockProducer) bar
         case result of
           Left _ -> return (exitBlock, False)
-          Right (blockOutput, blockProducer') -> do
-            success <- atomically $ send output $ (clickAction ?~ updateClickHandler blockOutput) <$> blockOutput
+          Right (blockState, blockProducer') -> do
+            success <- atomically $ send output $ updateEventHandler (updateClickHandler blockState) blockState
             if success
               -- Store new BlockProducer back into MVar
               then return (blockProducer', True)
               -- Mailbox is sealed, stop running producer
               else return (exitBlock, False)
-        updateClickHandler :: Maybe BlockOutput -> Click -> BarIO ()
+        updateClickHandler :: BlockState -> BlockEvent -> BarIO ()
         updateClickHandler Nothing _ = return ()
-        updateClickHandler (Just block) _ = do
+        updateClickHandler (Just (block, _)) _ = do
           -- Give user feedback that the block is updating
           let outdatedBlock = block & invalid.~True
-          liftIO $ void $ atomically $ send output . Just $ outdatedBlock
+          -- The invalidated block output has no event handler
+          liftIO $ void $ atomically $ send output . Just $ (outdatedBlock, Nothing)
           -- Notify bar about changed block state to display the feedback
           -- Run a normal block update to update the block to the new value
-          void $ runClient (blockProducerMVar, output)
+          void $ runClient (blockMVar, output)
           -- Notify bar about changed block state, this is usually done by the shared interval handler
-    addClient :: Event.Event -> MVar [(MVar PullBlock, Output (Maybe BlockOutput))] -> PullBlock -> CachedBlock
+    addClient :: Event.Event -> MVar [(MVar PullBlock, Output BlockState)] -> PullBlock -> CachedBlock
     addClient startEvent clientsMVar blockProducer = do
       -- Spawn the mailbox that preserves the latest block
-      (output, input) <- liftIO $ spawn $ latest $ Just emptyBlock
+      (output, input) <- liftIO $ spawn $ latest Nothing
-      blockProducerMVar <- liftIO $ newMVar blockProducer
+      blockMVar <- liftIO $ newMVar blockProducer
       -- Generate initial block and send it to the mailbox
-      lift $ void $ runClient (blockProducerMVar, output)
+      lift $ void $ runClient (blockMVar, output)
       -- Register the client for regular updates
-      liftIO $ modifyMVar_ clientsMVar $ \ clients -> return ((blockProducerMVar, output):clients)
+      liftIO $ modifyMVar_ clientsMVar $ \ clients -> return ((blockMVar, output):clients)
       -- Start update thread (if not already started)
       liftIO $ Event.set startEvent
@@ -218,7 +236,7 @@ sharedInterval seconds = do
       cacheFromInput input
 blockScript :: FilePath -> PullBlock
-blockScript path = forever $ yield . Just =<< (lift blockScriptAction)
+blockScript path = forever $ updateBlock =<< (lift blockScriptAction)
     blockScriptAction :: BarIO BlockOutput
     blockScriptAction = do
@@ -244,8 +262,8 @@ startPersistentBlockScript path = catchP startScriptProcess handleError
     handleError :: IOException -> PushBlock
     handleError e = do
-      yield . Just . createErrorBlock $ "[" <> T.pack (show e) <> "]"
-      return PushMode
+      updateBlock . createErrorBlock $ "[" <> T.pack (show e) <> "]"
+      exitBlock
     handleErrorWithProcess :: (Process i o e) -> IOException -> PushBlock
     handleErrorWithProcess process e = do
       stopProcess process
@@ -260,7 +278,7 @@ startPersistentBlockScript path = catchP startScriptProcess handleError
     blockFromHandle :: Handle -> PushBlock
     blockFromHandle handle = forever $ do
       line <- liftIO $ TIO.hGetLine handle
-      yield $ Just . createBlock . pangoText $ line
+      updateBlock $ createBlock . pangoText $ line
       lift updateBar
 addBlock :: IsBlock a => a -> BarIO ()
@@ -282,26 +300,28 @@ barAsync action = do
 cachePushBlock :: PushBlock -> CachedBlock
 cachePushBlock pushBlock = lift (next pushBlock) >>= either (const exitBlock) withInitialBlock
-    withInitialBlock :: (Maybe BlockOutput, PushBlock) -> CachedBlock
+    withInitialBlock :: (BlockState, PushBlock) -> CachedBlock
     withInitialBlock (initialBlockOutput, pushBlock') = do
       (output, input, seal) <- liftIO $ spawn' $ latest $ initialBlockOutput
       -- The async could be used to stop the block later, but for now we are just linking it to catch exceptions
       task <- lift $ barAsync (sendProducerToMailbox output seal pushBlock')
       liftIO $ link task
       terminateOnMaybe $ fromInput input
-    sendProducerToMailbox :: Output (Maybe BlockOutput) -> STM () -> PushBlock -> BarIO ()
+    sendProducerToMailbox :: Output BlockState -> STM () -> PushBlock -> BarIO ()
     sendProducerToMailbox output seal pushBlock' = do
+      -- Send push block output to mailbox until it terminates
       void $ runEffect $ for pushBlock' (sendOutputToMailbox output)
+      -- Then clear the block and seal the mailbox
       liftIO $ atomically $ void $ send output Nothing
       liftIO $ atomically seal
-    sendOutputToMailbox :: Output (Maybe BlockOutput) -> Maybe BlockOutput -> Effect BarIO ()
+    sendOutputToMailbox :: Output BlockState -> BlockState -> Effect BarIO ()
     sendOutputToMailbox output blockOutput = do
       -- The void is discarding the boolean result that indicates if the mailbox is sealed
       -- This is ok because a cached block is never sealed from the receiving side
       liftIO $ atomically $ void $ send output $ blockOutput
       lift updateBar
-    terminateOnMaybe :: Producer (Maybe BlockOutput) BarIO () -> Producer (Maybe BlockOutput) BarIO CachedMode
+    terminateOnMaybe :: Producer BlockState BarIO () -> Producer BlockState BarIO CachedMode
     terminateOnMaybe p = do
       eitherMaybeValue <- lift $ next p
       case eitherMaybeValue of
diff --git a/src/QBar/Server.hs b/src/QBar/Server.hs
index 452b45a..c105ce2 100644
--- a/src/QBar/Server.hs
+++ b/src/QBar/Server.hs
@@ -29,23 +29,23 @@ import System.Posix.Signals
 import Control.Lens hiding (each, (.=))
 data Handle = Handle {
-  handleActionList :: IORef [(T.Text, Click -> BarIO ())],
+  handleActionList :: IORef [(T.Text, BlockEventHandler)],
   handleActiveFilter :: IORef Filter
 renderIndicator :: CachedBlock
 -- Using 'cachedBlock' is a hack to actually get the block to update on every bar update (by doing this it will not get a cache later in the pipeline).
-renderIndicator = forever $ each $ map (Just . createBlock . normalText) ["/", "-", "\\", "|"]
+renderIndicator = forever $ each $ map (mkBlockState . createBlock . normalText) ["/", "-", "\\", "|"]
-runBlock :: CachedBlock -> BarIO (Maybe (Maybe BlockOutput, CachedBlock))
+runBlock :: CachedBlock -> BarIO (Maybe (BlockState, CachedBlock))
 runBlock producer = do
   next' <- next producer
   return $ case next' of
     Left _ -> Nothing
-    Right (block, newProducer) -> Just (block, newProducer)
+    Right (blockState, newProducer) -> Just (blockState, newProducer)
-runBlocks :: [CachedBlock] -> BarIO ([Maybe BlockOutput], [CachedBlock])
-runBlocks block = unzip . catMaybes <$> mapM runBlock block
+runBlocks :: [CachedBlock] -> BarIO ([BlockState], [CachedBlock])
+runBlocks blocks = unzip . catMaybes <$> mapM runBlock blocks
 data RenderBlock = RenderBlock T.Text (Maybe T.Text) (Maybe T.Text)
@@ -82,20 +82,20 @@ renderLoop options handle@Handle{handleActiveFilter} barUpdateEvent previousBarO
       blocks' <- addNewBlocks blocks
-      (blockOutputs, blocks'') <- runBlocks blocks'
+      (blockStates, blocks'') <- runBlocks blocks'
-      currentBarOutput <- liftIO $ renderLine options handle blockFilter blockOutputs previousBarOutput'
+      currentBarOutput <- liftIO $ renderLine options handle blockFilter blockStates previousBarOutput'
       -- Wait for 100ms after rendering a line to limit cpu load of rapid events
       liftIO $ threadDelay 100000
       renderLoop' currentBarOutput blocks''
-renderLine :: MainOptions -> Handle -> Filter -> [Maybe BlockOutput] -> BS.ByteString -> IO BS.ByteString
-renderLine MainOptions{verbose} Handle{handleActionList} blockFilter blocks' previousEncodedOutput = do
+renderLine :: MainOptions -> Handle -> Filter -> [BlockState] -> BS.ByteString -> IO BS.ByteString
+renderLine MainOptions{verbose} Handle{handleActionList} blockFilter blockStates previousEncodedOutput = do
   time <- fromRational . toRational <$> getPOSIXTime
-  let blocks = catMaybes blocks'
-  let filteredBlocks = applyFilter blockFilter time blocks
+  let blockOutputs = map fst $ catMaybes blockStates
+  let filteredBlocks = applyFilter blockFilter time blockOutputs
   -- let encodedOutput = encode $ map values filteredBlocks
   let encodedOutput = encodeOutput filteredBlocks
   let changed = previousEncodedOutput /= encodedOutput
@@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ renderLine MainOptions{verbose} Handle{handleActionList} blockFilter blocks' pre
   when verbose $ unless changed $ hPutStrLn stderr "Output unchanged"
-  -- Register click handlers regardless of bar changes, because we cannot easily check if any handler has changed
-  writeIORef handleActionList clickActionList
+  -- Register all event handlers regardless of bar changes, because we cannot easily check if any handler has changed
+  writeIORef handleActionList eventHandlerList
   return encodedOutput
@@ -122,21 +122,22 @@ renderLine MainOptions{verbose} Handle{handleActionList} blockFilter blocks' pre
     encodeOutput bs = encode $ zipWith encodeBlock bs $ theme bs
     encodeBlock :: BlockOutput -> (T.Text, Maybe T.Text) -> RenderBlock
     encodeBlock b (fullText', shortText') = RenderBlock fullText' shortText' (b^.blockName)
-    clickActionList :: [(T.Text, Click -> BarIO ())]
-    clickActionList = mapMaybe getClickAction . catMaybes $ blocks'
-    getClickAction :: BlockOutput -> Maybe (T.Text, Click -> BarIO ())
-    getClickAction block = do
-      blockName' <- block^.blockName
-      clickAction' <- block^.clickAction
-      return (blockName', clickAction')
+    eventHandlerList :: [(T.Text, BlockEventHandler)]
+    eventHandlerList = mapMaybe getEventHandler $ blockStates
+    getEventHandler :: BlockState -> Maybe (T.Text, BlockEventHandler)
+    getEventHandler Nothing = Nothing
+    getEventHandler (Just (_, Nothing)) = Nothing
+    getEventHandler (Just (blockOutput, Just eventHandler)) = do
+      blockName' <- blockOutput^.blockName
+      return (blockName', eventHandler)
 createBarUpdateChannel :: IO (IO (), BarUpdateEvent)
 createBarUpdateChannel = do
   event <- Event.newSet
   return (Event.set event, event)
-handleStdin :: MainOptions -> IORef [(T.Text, Click -> BarIO ())] -> BarIO ()
-handleStdin options actionListIORef = do
+handleStdin :: MainOptions -> IORef [(T.Text, BlockEventHandler)] -> BarIO ()
+handleStdin options eventHandlerListIORef = do
   bar <- askBar
   liftIO $ forever $ do
     line <- BSSC8.hGetLine stdin
@@ -147,19 +148,19 @@ handleStdin options actionListIORef = do
         BSSC8.hPutStrLn stderr line
         hFlush stderr
-      let maybeClick = decode $ removeComma $ BS.fromStrict line
-      case maybeClick of
-        Just click -> do
-          clickActionList <- readIORef actionListIORef
-          let maybeClickAction = getClickAction clickActionList click
-          case maybeClickAction of
-            Just clickAction' -> async (runBarIO bar (clickAction' click)) >>= link
+      let maybeBlockEvent = decode $ removeComma $ BS.fromStrict line
+      case maybeBlockEvent of
+        Just blockEvent -> do
+          eventHandlerList <- readIORef eventHandlerListIORef
+          let maybeEventHandler = getEventHandler eventHandlerList blockEvent
+          case maybeEventHandler of
+            Just eventHandler -> async (runBarIO bar (eventHandler blockEvent)) >>= link
             Nothing -> return ()
         Nothing -> return ()
-    getClickAction :: [(T.Text, Click -> BarIO ())] -> Click -> Maybe (Click -> BarIO ())
-    getClickAction clickActionList click = lookup (name click) clickActionList
+    getEventHandler :: [(T.Text, BlockEventHandler)] -> BlockEvent -> Maybe BlockEventHandler
+    getEventHandler eventHandlerList blockEvent = lookup (name blockEvent) eventHandlerList
     removeComma :: C8.ByteString -> C8.ByteString
     removeComma line
       | C8.head line == ',' = C8.tail line
@@ -179,18 +180,15 @@ installSignalHandlers = do
 renderInitialBlocks :: MainOptions -> Handle -> Filter -> IO C8.ByteString
 renderInitialBlocks options handle blockFilter = do
   date <- dateBlockOutput
-  let initialBlocks = [Just date]
+  let initialBlocks = [mkBlockState date]
   -- Attach spinner indicator when verbose flag is set
-  let initialBlocks' = if indicator options then initialBlocks <> [Just . createBlock . normalText $ "*"] else initialBlocks
+  let initialBlocks' = if indicator options then initialBlocks <> [mkBlockState $ createBlock . normalText $ "*"] else initialBlocks
   -- Render initial time block so the bar is not empty after startup
   renderLine options handle blockFilter initialBlocks' ""
-runBarConfiguration :: BarIO () -> MainOptions -> IO ()
-runBarConfiguration defaultBarConfig options = do
-  -- Create IORef to contain the active filter
-  let initialBlockFilter = StaticFilter None
-  activeFilter <- newIORef initialBlockFilter
+runBarServer :: BarIO () -> MainOptions -> IO ()
+runBarServer defaultBarConfig options = do
   putStrLn "{\"version\":1,\"click_events\":true}"
   putStrLn "["
@@ -202,10 +200,15 @@ runBarConfiguration defaultBarConfig options = do
   let bar = Bar { requestBarUpdate, newBlockChan }
-  -- Create IORef for mouse click callbacks
-  actionList <- newIORef []
+  -- Create IORef to contain the active filter
+  let initialBlockFilter = StaticFilter None
+  activeFilter <- newIORef initialBlockFilter
+  -- Create IORef for event handlers
+  eventHandlerListIORef <- newIORef []
   let handle = Handle {
-    handleActionList = actionList,
+    handleActionList = eventHandlerListIORef,
     handleActiveFilter = activeFilter
@@ -213,7 +216,7 @@ runBarConfiguration defaultBarConfig options = do
   -- Fork stdin handler
-  void $ forkFinally (runBarIO bar (handleStdin options actionList)) (\result -> hPutStrLn stderr $ "handleStdin failed: " <> show result)
+  void $ forkFinally (runBarIO bar (handleStdin options eventHandlerListIORef)) (\result -> hPutStrLn stderr $ "handleStdin failed: " <> show result)
   runBarIO bar loadBlocks
@@ -251,6 +254,6 @@ createCommandChan = newTChanIO
 runQBar :: BarIO () -> MainOptions -> IO ()
 runQBar barConfiguration options@MainOptions{barCommand} = runCommand barCommand
-    runCommand BarServer = runBarConfiguration barConfiguration options
+    runCommand BarServer = runBarServer barConfiguration options
     runCommand NoFilter = sendIpc options $ SetFilter $ StaticFilter None
     runCommand RainbowFilter = sendIpc options $ SetFilter $ AnimatedFilter Rainbow