* An ESP32S2 Programmer, the [esp32s2-funprog](https://github.com/cnlohr/esp32s2-cookbook/tree/master/ch32v003programmer)
* The official WCH Link-E Programmer.
* Supports gdbserver-style-debugging for use with Visual Studio.
* Supports printf-over-single-wire. (At about 400kBaud)
3. An extra copy of libgcc so you can use unusual risc-v build chains, located in the `misc/libgcc.a`.
4. A folder named "ch32v003fun" containing a single self-contained source file and header file for compling apps for the ch32v003.
5. On some systems ability to "printf" back through
6. A demo bootloader.
In Progress:
1. Other programmer support (ESP32-S2 works, currently)
2. OpenOCD-compatible build for `minichlink`.
3. Full-chip-write for faster flash.
4. Support for `NHC-Link042`
5. Write more demos.
1. Write more demos.
## Features
## Features!
### A fast "printf" debug over the programming interface.
### A fast "printf" debug over the programming interface.
And by fast I mean very fast. Typically around 36kBytes/sec.
And by fast I mean very fast. Typically around 36kBytes/sec.
./minichlink -T | pv > /dev/null
Found ESP32S2 Programmer
536KiB 0:00:15 [36.7KiB/s] [ <=> ]
You can just try out the `debugprintf` project, or call `SetupDebugPrintf();` and `printf()` away.
### todo;;
You can just try out the debugprintf project, or call SetupDebugPrintf(); and printf() away.
### Debugging support!
## System Prep
On WSL or Debian based OSes `apt-get install build-essential libnewlib-dev gcc-riscv64-unknown-elf libusb-1.0-0-dev libudev-dev`
Via gdbserver built into minichlink! It works with `gdb-multiarch` as well as in Visual Studio Code
On Arch/Manjaro, `sudo pacman -S base-devel libusb`, then from AUR install `riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc, riscv64-unknown-elf-binutils, riscv64-unknown-elf-newlib` (will compile for a long time).
### TODO
On Windows, download and install (to system) this copy of GCC10. https://gnutoolchains.com/risc-v/
## System Prep
On macOS install the RISC-V toolchain with homebrew following the instructions at https://github.com/riscv-software-src/homebrew-riscv
For installation instructions, see the [https://github.com/cnlohr/ch32v003fun/wiki/Installation](wiki page here)
You can use the pre-compiled minichlink or go to minichlink dir and `make` it.