# RGB Meteor Shower Strip
The rgb meteor shower strip module contains 25 `1010-WS2812B` LEDs with 1mmx1mm size and 2.5mm spacing between the LEDs. The optional `CH32V003J4M6` can be used to generate a signal for the LEDs. Otherwise the signal can be sourced from an external controller.

## Pinout
| Label | Function | Pin on ch32 |
| ----- | ----------------------------- | ----------- |
| `-` | GND | - |
| `I` | Input for WS2812 signal (PC2) | PC2 |
| `+` | VCC (+5V) | - |
| `P` | Programming pin (SWIO/PD4) | PD4 |
| `O` | Output of WS2812 signal | - |
| `S` | Sync pin (PC1) | PC1 |
## Schematics
## Additional Pads
On the backside are 7 additional pads to expose all pins of the ch32, some are duplicates, to facilitate easy use of I²C or UART.
| Label | Function | Pin on ch32 |
| ----- | -------- | ----------- |
| `D` | I²C SDA | PC1 |
| `C` | I²C SCL | PC2 |
| `-` | GND | - |
| `T` | TX | PD6 |
| `R` | RX | PC1 |
| `-` | GND | - |
| `A2` | custom | PA2 |