@@ -25,3 +25,29 @@ The SSD1306Demo is a very comprehensive example demonstrating the most important
@@ -25,3 +25,29 @@ The SSD1306Demo is a very comprehensive example demonstrating the most important
## Fonts
## Fonts
Fonts are defined in a proprietary but open format. I wrote a program that converts any TrueType font into this format. Once the code is useful enough I will publish it or make it available as Webapplication (SaaS), where you can make any font you like available to the library.
Fonts are defined in a proprietary but open format. I wrote a program that converts any TrueType font into this format. Once the code is useful enough I will publish it or make it available as Webapplication (SaaS), where you can make any font you like available to the library.
Currently there are one fontface with three sizes included in the library: Arial 10, 16 and 24. Once the converter is published you will be able to convert any ttf font into the used format.
This shows how to use define a maximum width after which the driver automatically wraps a word to the next line. This comes in very handy if you have longer texts to display.