The Ui Library is used to provide a basic set of Ui elements called, `Frames` and `Overlays`. A `Frame` is used to provide
information the default behaviour is to display a `Frame` for a defined time and than move to the next. The library also provides an `Indicator` that will be updated accordingly. An `Overlay` on the other hand is a pieces of information (e.g. a clock) that is displayed always at the same position.
@@ -300,10 +299,10 @@ void nextFrame();
void previousFrame();
// State Info
SSD1306UiState* getUiState();
OLEDDisplayUiState* getUiState();
// This needs to be called in the main loop
// the returned value it the remaining time (in ms)
// the returned value is the remaining time (in ms)
// you have to draw after drawing to keep the frame budget.