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Fabrice Weinberg authored


This is a driver for the SSD1306 based 128x64 pixel OLED display running on the Arduino/ESP8266 platform.

You can either download this library as a zip file and unpack it to your Arduino/libraries folder or (once it has been added) choose it from the Arduino library manager.


Many thanks go to Fabrice Weinberg (@FWeinb) for optimizing and refactoring the UI library. The init sequence for the SSD1306 was inspired by Adafruits library for the same display.


The SSD1306Demo is a very comprehensive example demonstrating the most important features of the library.


  • Draw pixels at given coordinates
  • Draw or fill a rectangle with given dimensions
  • Draw Text at given coordinates:
  • Define Alignment: Left, Right and Center
  • Set the Fontface you want to use (see section Fonts below)
  • Limit the width of the text by an amount of pixels. Before this widths will be reached, the renderer will wrap the text to a new line if possible
  • Display content in automatically side scrolling carousel
  • Define transition cycles
  • Define how long one frame will be displayed
  • Draw the different frames in callback methods
  • One indicator per frame will be automatically displayed. The active frame will be displayed from inactive once


Fonts are defined in a proprietary but open format. You can create new font files by choosing from a given list of open sourced Fonts from this web app: Choose the font family, style and size, check the preview image and if you like what you see click the "Create" button. This will create the font array in a text area form where you can copy and paste it into a new or existing header file.



Display Control

// Create the display object connected to pin sda and sdc
SSD1306(int i2cAddress, int sda, int sdc);

// Initialize the display
void init();

// Free the memory used by the display
void end();

// Cycle through the initialization
void resetDisplay(void);

// Connect again to the display through I2C
void reconnect(void);

// Turn the display on
void displayOn(void);

// Turn the display offs
void displayOff(void);

// Clear the local pixel buffer
void clear(void);

// Write the buffer to the display memory
void display(void);

// Inverted display mode
void invertDisplay(void);

// Normal display mode
void normalDisplay(void);

// Set display contrast
void setContrast(char contrast);

// Turn the display upside down
void flipScreenVertically();

Pixel drawing

void setColor(SSD1306_COLOR color);

// Draw a pixel at given position
void setPixel(int16_t x, int16_t y);

// Draw the border of a rectangle at the given location
void drawRect(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t width, int16_t height);

// Fill the rectangle
void fillRect(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t width, int16_t height);

// Draw a line horizontally
void drawHorizontalLine(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t length);

// Draw a line vertically
void drawVerticalLine(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t length);

// Draw a bitmap in the internal image format
void drawFastImage(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t width, int16_t height, const char* image);

// Draw a XBM
void drawXbm(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t width, int16_t height, const char* xbm);

Text operations

void drawString(int16_t x, int16_t y, String text);

// Draws a String with a maximum width at the given location.
// If the given String is wider than the specified width
// The text will be wrapped to the next line at a space or dash
void drawStringMaxWidth(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t maxLineWidth, String text);

// Returns the width of the const char* with the current
// font settings
uint16_t getStringWidth(const char* text, uint16_t length);

// Specifies relative to which anchor point
// the text is rendered. Available constants:
void setTextAlignment(SSD1306_TEXT_ALIGNMENT textAlignment);

// Sets the current font. Available default fonts
// ArialMT_Plain_10, ArialMT_Plain_16, ArialMT_Plain_24
// Or create one with the font tool at
void setFont(const char* fontData);

Ui Library (SSD1306Ui)

The Ui Library is used to provide a basic set of Ui elements called, Frames and Overlays. A Frame is used to provide information the default behaviour is to display a Frame for a defined time and than move to the next. The library also provides an Indicator that will be updated accordingly. An Overlay on the other hand is a pieces of information (e.g. a clock) that is displayed always at the same position.

 * Initialise the display
void init();

 * Configure the internal used target FPS
void setTargetFPS(uint8_t fps);

 * Enable automatic transition to next frame after the some time can be configured with
 * `setTimePerFrame` and `setTimePerTransition`.
void enableAutoTransition();

 * Disable automatic transition to next frame.
void disableAutoTransition();

 * Set the direction if the automatic transitioning
void setAutoTransitionForwards();
void setAutoTransitionBackwards();

 *  Set the approx. time a frame is displayed
void setTimePerFrame(uint16_t time);

 * Set the approx. time a transition will take
void setTimePerTransition(uint16_t time);

 * Draw the indicator.
 * This is the default state for all frames if
 * the indicator was hidden on the previous frame
 * it will be slided in.
void enableIndicator();

 * Don't draw the indicator.
 * This will slide out the indicator
 * when transitioning to the next frame.
void disableIndicator();

 * Set the position of the indicator bar.
void setIndicatorPosition(IndicatorPosition pos);

 * Set the direction of the indicator bar. Defining the order of frames ASCENDING / DESCENDING
void setIndicatorDirection(IndicatorDirection dir);

 * Set the symbol to indicate an active frame in the indicator bar.
void setActiveSymbol(const char* symbol);

 * Set the symbol to indicate an inactive frame in the indicator bar.
void setInactiveSymbol(const char* symbol);

 * Configure what animation is used to transition from one frame to another
void setFrameAnimation(AnimationDirection dir);

 * Add frame drawing functions
void setFrames(FrameCallback* frameFunctions, uint8_t frameCount);

 * Add overlays drawing functions that are draw independent of the Frames
void setOverlays(OverlayCallback* overlayFunctions, uint8_t overlayCount);

 * Set the function that will draw each step
 * in the loading animation
void setLoadingDrawFunction(LoadingDrawFunction stage);

 * Run the loading process
void runLoadingProcess(LoadingStage* stages, uint8_t stagesCount);

// Manuell Controll
void nextFrame();
void previousFrame();

// State Info
SSD1306UiState* getUiState();

// This needs to be called in the main loop
// the returned value it the remaining time (in ms)
// you have to draw after drawing to keep the frame budget.
int8_t update();

Example: SSD1306Demo

Frame 1


This frame shows three things:

  • How to draw an xbm image
  • How to draw a static text which is not moved by the frame transition
  • The active/inactive frame indicators

Frame 2


Currently there are one fontface with three sizes included in the library: Arial 10, 16 and 24. Once the converter is published you will be able to convert any ttf font into the used format.

Frame 3


This frame demonstrates the text alignment. The coordinates in the frame show relative to which position the texts have been rendered.

Frame 4


This shows how to use define a maximum width after which the driver automatically wraps a word to the next line. This comes in very handy if you have longer texts to display.