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  • c3pb/heizung
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nix-shell -p rustup pkg-config
cargo install probe-rs-cli
cargo install probe-rs-cli # renamed to probe-rs-tools, it seems
cargo install probe-rs-debugger
......@@ -18,3 +18,5 @@ python
~/.cargo/bin/probe-rs-cli gdb --chip rp2040
gdb ./target/thumbv6m-none-eabi/debug/heizung
target remote localhost:1337
cargo-flash --release --chip RP2040
......@@ -15,14 +15,16 @@ use embassy_sync::blocking_mutex::raw::CriticalSectionRawMutex;
use embassy_sync::mutex::Mutex;
use embassy_time::{Duration, Timer, Instant};
use embassy_rp::gpio::{Input, Level, Output, Pull};
use embassy_rp::i2c;
use embassy_rp::{i2c, Peripheral};
use embassy_rp::interrupt;
//use embedded_hal_async::i2c::I2c;
use embassy_embedded_hal::SetConfig;
use embassy_rp::uart::{self, Parity};
use embassy_rp::pio::Pio;
use embassy_rp::pwm::{self, Pwm};
use {defmt_rtt as _, panic_probe as _};
use heapless::String;
use smart_leds::RGB8;
use heizung::i2c_scan::{self, ScanResultForBus};
use heizung::modbus_server::{ModbusServer, ModbusRegisters, ModbusErrorCode, ModbusAdressMatch, U16Pusher};
......@@ -30,6 +32,7 @@ use heizung::program_info::{ProgramInfoBuilder, PinFunction, ConstString};
use heizung::rs485::RS485;
use heizung::uf2updater::UF2UpdateHandler;
use heizung::watchdog::WatchdogFixed;
use heizung::ws2812::Ws2812;
macro_rules! singleton {
($val:expr) => {{
......@@ -66,7 +69,7 @@ async fn i2c_task(mut i2c_peri: embassy_rp::peripherals::I2C0,
async fn beeper_task(pwm_channel: embassy_rp::peripherals::PWM_CH3, beeper_pin: embassy_rp::peripherals::PIN_6) {
async fn beeper_task(pwm_channel: embassy_rp::peripherals::PWM_CH3, beeper_pin: embassy_rp::peripherals::PIN_6, short: bool) {
let mut c: pwm::Config = Default::default(); = 0x8000;
c.compare_a = 8;
......@@ -84,6 +87,9 @@ async fn beeper_task(pwm_channel: embassy_rp::peripherals::PWM_CH3, beeper_pin:
if c.divider < 1 {
c.divider = fixed::FixedU16::from_num(20);
if short && c.divider < 17 {
toggle = true;
......@@ -323,6 +329,55 @@ async fn reset_soon(delay: Duration) {
/// Input a value 0 to 255 to get a color value
/// The colours are a transition r - g - b - back to r.
fn wheel(mut wheel_pos: u8) -> RGB8 {
//return (0, 255, 0).into();
wheel_pos = 255 - wheel_pos;
if wheel_pos < 85 {
return (255 - wheel_pos * 3, 0, wheel_pos * 3).into();
if wheel_pos < 170 {
wheel_pos -= 85;
return (0, wheel_pos * 3, 255 - wheel_pos * 3).into();
wheel_pos -= 170;
(wheel_pos * 3, 255 - wheel_pos * 3, 0).into()
async fn ws2812_task(pio: PIO1, pin: PIN_2, dma: DMA_CH3) {
if false {
let mut ws2812_display = Output::new(unsafe { pin.clone_unchecked() }, Level::Low);
for _ in 1..10 {
let Pio { common, sm0, .. } = Pio::new(pio);
const NUM_LEDS: usize = 60;
let mut data = [RGB8::default(); NUM_LEDS];
let mut ws2812: Ws2812<'_, _, _, 0, NUM_LEDS> = Ws2812::new(common, sm0, pin, dma);
// Loop forever making RGB values and pushing them out to the WS2812.
loop {
for j in 0..(256 * 5) {
//debug!("New Colors:");
for i in 0..NUM_LEDS {
data[i] = wheel((((i * 256) as u16 / NUM_LEDS as u16 + j as u16) & 255) as u8);
//debug!("R: {} G: {} B: {}", data[i].r, data[i].g, data[i].b);
const FLASH_SIZE: usize = 2 * 1024 * 1024;
......@@ -617,7 +672,7 @@ async fn main2(spawner: Spawner) {
let mut _drive2 = Output::new(p.PIN_0, Level::Low);
let mut _drive1 = Output::new(p.PIN_1, Level::Low);
//let LED_W = p.PIN_2;
let _ws2812_display = p.PIN_2;
let ws2812_display = p.PIN_2;
//let LED_Y = p.PIN_3;
let en_measure_current = Output::new(p.PIN_3, Level::Low);
let mut led_b = Output::new(p.PIN_4, Level::Low);
......@@ -679,12 +734,14 @@ async fn main2(spawner: Spawner) {
if false {
unwrap!(spawner.spawn(beeper_task(p.PWM_CH3, led_r)));
if true {
unwrap!(spawner.spawn(beeper_task(p.PWM_CH3, led_r, true)));
unwrap!(spawner.spawn(ws2812_task(p.PIO1, ws2812_display, p.DMA_CH3)));
loop {
......@@ -11,6 +11,10 @@ use embassy_time::{Duration, Timer};
use fixed_macro::fixed;
use smart_leds::RGB8;
use {defmt_rtt as _, panic_probe as _};
use embassy_rp::peripherals;
use heizung::watchdog::WatchdogFixed;
pub struct Ws2812<'d, P: Instance, const S: usize> {
sm: StateMachine<'d, P, S>,
......@@ -69,6 +73,7 @@ impl<'d, P: Instance, const S: usize> Ws2812<'d, P, S> {
sm.set_pin_dirs(embassy_rp::pio::Direction::Out, &[&out_pin]);
Self { sm }
......@@ -97,21 +102,28 @@ fn wheel(mut wheel_pos: u8) -> RGB8 {
(wheel_pos * 3, 255 - wheel_pos * 3, 0).into()
async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) {
async fn dogfeeder(watchdog: peripherals::WATCHDOG) {
async fn main2(spawner: Spawner) {
let p = embassy_rp::init(Default::default());
let Pio { common, sm0, .. } = Pio::new(p.PIO0);
// This is the number of leds in the string. Helpfully, the sparkfun thing plus and adafruit
// feather boards for the 2040 both have one built in.
const NUM_LEDS: usize = 1;
const NUM_LEDS: usize = 60;
let mut data = [RGB8::default(); NUM_LEDS];
// For the thing plus, use pin 8
// For the feather, use pin 16
let mut ws2812 = Ws2812::new(common, sm0, p.PIN_8);
let mut ws2812 = Ws2812::new(common, sm0, p.PIN_2);
// Loop forever making RGB values and pushing them out to the WS2812.
loop {
......@@ -127,3 +139,29 @@ async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) {
async fn __embassy_main(spawner: Spawner) {
unsafe fn __make_static<T>(t: &mut T) -> &'static mut T {
fn main() -> ! {
let mut executor = ::embassy_executor::Executor::new();
let executor = unsafe { __make_static(&mut executor) };|spawner| {
fn init_early() {
use embassy_rp::pac;
// release spinlock 31 because we sometimes block on this in the init code
unsafe { pac::SIO.spinlock(31).write_value(1); }
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -8,4 +8,5 @@ pub mod clear_bootloader_state;
pub mod uf2;
pub mod uf2updater;
pub mod watchdog;
pub mod ws2812;
pub mod program_info;
use core::cmp::min;
use embassy_hal_common::PeripheralRef;
use embassy_embedded_hal::SetConfig;
use embassy_rp::gpio::Level;
use embassy_rp::pio::{Common, Config, FifoJoin, Instance, PioPin, ShiftConfig, ShiftDirection, StateMachine};
use embassy_rp::dma::{Channel};
use embassy_rp::relocate::RelocatedProgram;
use fixed_macro::fixed;
use smart_leds::RGB8;
pub struct Ws2812<'d, P: Instance, D: Channel, const S: usize, const LEDS: usize> {
sm: StateMachine<'d, P, S>,
dma: PeripheralRef<'d, D>,
leds: [u32; LEDS],
impl<'d, P: Instance, D: Channel, const S: usize, const LEDS: usize> Ws2812<'d, P, D, S, LEDS> {
pub fn new(mut pio: Common<'d, P>, mut sm: StateMachine<'d, P, S>, pin: impl PioPin, dma: D) -> Self {
// Setup sm0
// prepare the PIO program
let side_set = pio::SideSet::new(false, 1, false);
let mut a: pio::Assembler<32> = pio::Assembler::new_with_side_set(side_set);
const T1: u8 = 2; // start bit
const T2: u8 = 5; // data bit
const T3: u8 = 3; // stop bit
const CYCLES_PER_BIT: u32 = (T1 + T2 + T3) as u32;
let mut wrap_target = a.label();
let mut wrap_source = a.label();
let mut do_zero = a.label();
a.set_with_side_set(pio::SetDestination::PINDIRS, 1, 0);
a.bind(&mut wrap_target);
// Do stop bit
a.out_with_delay_and_side_set(pio::OutDestination::X, 1, T3 - 1, 0);
// Do start bit
a.jmp_with_delay_and_side_set(pio::JmpCondition::XIsZero, &mut do_zero, T1 - 1, 1);
// Do data bit = 1
a.jmp_with_delay_and_side_set(pio::JmpCondition::Always, &mut wrap_target, T2 - 1, 1);
a.bind(&mut do_zero);
// Do data bit = 0
a.nop_with_delay_and_side_set(T2 - 1, 0);
a.bind(&mut wrap_source);
let prg = a.assemble_with_wrap(wrap_source, wrap_target);
let mut cfg = Config::default();
// Pin config
let out_pin = pio.make_pio_pin(pin);
let relocated = RelocatedProgram::new(&prg);
cfg.use_program(&pio.load_program(&relocated), &[&out_pin]);
// Clock config, measured in kHz to avoid overflows
// TODO CLOCK_FREQ should come from embassy_rp
let clock_freq = fixed!(125_000: U24F8);
let ws2812_freq = fixed!(800: U24F8);
let bit_freq = ws2812_freq * CYCLES_PER_BIT;
cfg.clock_divider = clock_freq / bit_freq;
// FIFO config
cfg.fifo_join = FifoJoin::TxOnly;
cfg.shift_out = ShiftConfig {
auto_fill: true,
threshold: 24,
direction: ShiftDirection::Left,
sm.set_pin_dirs(embassy_rp::pio::Direction::Out, &[&out_pin]);
sm.set_pins(Level::Low, &[&out_pin]);
let dma = dma.into_ref();
let leds = [0u32; LEDS];
Self { sm, dma, leds }
pub async fn write(&mut self, colors: &[RGB8]) {
if false {
for color in colors {
let word = (u32::from(color.g) << 24) | (u32::from(color.r) << 16) | (u32::from(color.b) << 8);;
} else {
for (i, color) in colors.iter().enumerate() {
if i < LEDS {
self.leds[i] = (u32::from(color.g) << 24) | (u32::from(color.r) << 16) | (u32::from(color.b) << 8);
&self.leds[0..min(LEDS, colors.len())]).await;
......@@ -18,3 +18,5 @@ lib_deps =
sparkfun/SparkFun TMP102 Breakout@^1.1.2
adafruit/Adafruit MPR121@^1.1.1
adafruit/Adafruit NeoPixel@^1.11.0
#upload_protocol = picoprobe
......@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@
rust = with flakePkgs; pkgs.mkShell rec {
passthru.packages = with pkgs; [
rustup pkg-config picotool
(pkgs.probe-rs-tools or pkgs.probe-rs)
passthru.pythonPackages = p: with p; [ pymodbus3 pyserial modbus-tk ];
passthru.python = python3.withPackages passthru.pythonPackages;