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Reichelt part numbers for SeeedStudios's Open Parts Library, see http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/Open_parts_library
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Bitte beachten: Diese Repositories werden nicht mehr gepflegt, stattdessen bitte https://git.ffho.net/ oder https://github.com/FreifunkHochstift nutzen.
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multitouch-multiplexer combines the data from several Arduinos and makes it available on the network. More than one client can connect at the same time.
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Minimalistic VM manager for a whitelist of VM names, supporting only start/stop/kill per VM and a (filtered) status command
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Der IRC-Bot von Freifunk Paderborn - er lebt in #ffpb auf hackint.
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Bitte beachten: Diese Repositories werden nicht mehr gepflegt, stattdessen bitte https://git.ffho.net/ oder https://github.com/FreifunkHochstift nutzen.
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Cura post processing plugin script for CTC
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PCB design for a LED strip with 60 LEDs per meter and 12bit color depth using TLC5947.
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Small script to retrieve data and screenshots from Owon Osciloscopes like SDS7102v via ethernet.
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