Jens Nolte authoredJens Nolte authored
configuration.nix 1.71 KiB
# This is the entry point for my NixOS configuration.
{ name, path, channel, isIso }:
{ lib, config, pkgs, ... }:
installResult = builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile (path + "/install-result.json"));
dotfilesConfig = import (path + "/dotfiles.nix");
layerPath = layerName: let
filePath = ./layers + "/${layerName}.nix";
dirPath = ./layers + "/${layerName}";
if builtins.pathExists filePath then filePath else dirPath;
layerImports = map layerPath dotfilesConfig.layers;
imports = [
(path + "/configuration.nix")
] ++ layerImports ++ (lib.lists.optional (!isIso) (path + "/hardware-configuration.nix"));
nixpkgs.config = {
packageOverrides = import ./pkgs;
# Pin channel in nix path
nix.nixPath = [ "nixpkgs=${channel}" ];
environment.shellAliases = {
# nixos-option won't run without a configuration. With an empty config it does not show configured values, but can at least be used to search options and show default values.
nixos-option = "nixos-option -I nixos-config=${pkgs.writeText "empty-configuration.nix" "{...}:{}"}";
# Default hostname ist machine directory name
networking.hostName = lib.mkDefault name;
} // (lib.attrsets.optionalAttrs (!isIso) {
# Bootloader
boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = (installResult.bootloader == "efi");
boot.loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables = (installResult.bootloader == "efi");
boot.loader.grub.enable = (installResult.bootloader == "bios");
boot.loader.grub.device = installResult.installedBlockDevice;
boot.initrd.luks.devices = if installResult.luks then {
cryptvol = {
device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/" + installResult.luksPartitionUuid;
allowDiscards = true;
} else {};