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Commit 119075c2 authored by Jens Nolte's avatar Jens Nolte
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Fix installation script

parent fed3243b
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#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
#!nix-shell -i zsh -p zsh -p nix
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
set -e
set -u
......@@ -32,22 +31,20 @@ via_host="$1"
# This script cannot run without the nixos configuration entry point
if [[ ! -f "$nixos_system_file" ]]
print -P "%B%F{red}Error: %F{orange}nixos.nix%F{red} not found%b%f" >&2
exit 2
# Update nar-hash of dotfiles repository
nix flake lock --update-input dotfiles "path:$MACHINES_PATH"
readonly nix=(nix --log-format bar-with-logs)
local_temp_dir=$(mktemp --tmpdir --directory install-via.XXXXXXXXXX)
readonly system_installable="path:$MACHINES_PATH#nixosConfigurations.$"
readonly installer="path:$MACHINES_PATH#machine-manager.installers.$hostname"
local_temp_dir=$(mktemp --tmpdir --directory install-$hostname.XXXXXXXXXX)
trap "rm -rf $local_temp_dir" EXIT INT HUP TERM
# Pre-build installation helper
nix build --file $installation_tools format --argstr hostname "$hostname" --arg template "(import $MACHINES_PATH).machineTemplates.$hostname" --out-link "$local_temp_dir/format_$hostname"
if ! ssh -o VisualHostKey=yes root@$via_host true
......@@ -55,7 +52,7 @@ then
exit 1
if ! nix ping-store --store ssh://root@$via_host
if ! nix store ping --store ssh://root@$via_host
print "Cannot connect to nix store on '$via_host'" >&2
exit 1
......@@ -63,12 +60,13 @@ fi
# Generate config file
nix run --file $installation_tools configure --argstr hostname "$hostname" --arg template "(import $MACHINES_PATH).machineTemplates.$hostname" --command "configure_$hostname" > $local_config_file
$nix run $installer.configure > $local_config_file
# Copy 'format' binary to target host
nix copy --file $installation_tools format --argstr hostname "$hostname" --arg template "(import $MACHINES_PATH).machineTemplates.$hostname" --to ssh://root@$via_host
$nix copy --to ssh://root@$via_host $installer.format
readonly format_helper=$($nix path-info $installer.format)
remote_temp_dir=$(ssh root@$via_host mktemp --tmpdir --directory install-via.XXXXXXXXXX)
remote_temp_dir=$(ssh root@$via_host mktemp --tmpdir --directory install-$hostname.XXXXXXXXXX)
# Copy install-helper and config
scp -r $local_temp_dir/* root@$via_host:$remote_temp_dir/
scp $DOTFILES_PATH/bin/message root@$via_host:$remote_temp_dir/
......@@ -76,26 +74,39 @@ scp $DOTFILES_PATH/bin/message root@$via_host:$remote_temp_dir/
ssh root@$via_host "$remote_temp_dir/message" &
# -t: Force pseudo-terminal allocation
ssh -t root@$via_host "$remote_temp_dir/format_$hostname/bin/format_$hostname" "$remote_temp_dir/config" "$remote_temp_dir/output.json"
ssh -t root@$via_host "$format_helper/bin/format" "$remote_temp_dir/config" "$remote_temp_dir/output.json"
scp "root@$via_host:$remote_temp_dir/output.json" "$MACHINES_PATH/machines/$hostname/install-result.json"
print_info "Gathering hardware information..."
scp root@$via_host:/mnt/etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix "$MACHINES_PATH/machines/$hostname/"
print_info "Building target system configuration..."
nix build --file "$nixos_system_file" --argstr hostname "$hostname" --out-link "$local_temp_dir/nixos-config-$hostname"
print_info "Evaluating target system configuration..."
$nix path-info --json "$system_installable" | jq --raw-output ".[0].path" | read nixos_config_path
print_info "Deploying target system configuration..."
nix copy --file "$nixos_system_file" --argstr hostname "$hostname" --to ssh://root@$via_host
nixos_config_path=$(realpath "$local_temp_dir/nixos-config-$hostname")
$nix copy --substitute-on-destination --no-check-sigs --to "ssh://root@$via_host?remote-store=/mnt" $system_installable
print_info "Activating target system configuration..."
#ssh root@$via_host "nixos-install --system $nixos_config_path && sync"
ssh root@$via_host '
print "Setting system profile" >&2 &&
nix-env --store /mnt --profile /mnt/nix/var/nix/profiles/system --set '$nixos_config_path' &&
print "Creating /etc/NIXOS" >&2 &&
mkdir -m 0755 -p "/mnt/etc" &&
touch "/mnt/etc/NIXOS" &&
print "" >&2 &&
print "Linking mtab for grub" >&2 &&
ln -sfn /proc/mounts /mnt/etc/mtab &&
print "Installing bootloader" >&2 &&
nixos-enter --root /mnt -c "NIXOS_INSTALL_BOOTLOADER=1 '$nixos_config_path'/bin/switch-to-configuration boot" &&
ssh root@$via_host "nixos-install --system $nixos_config_path && sync"
ssh root@$via_host mkdir --mode u=rwx,g=,o= --parents /mnt/etc/secrets/passwords
# TODO: get host-specific password
#scp -r notThePassword root@$via_host:/mnt/etc/secrets/passwords/root
#scp -r notThePassword root@$via_host:/mnt/etc/secrets/passwords/jens
ssh root@$via_host sync
print_warning "Not deploying passwords"
print_info "Installation completed"
......@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ let
mount-bin = "${utillinux}/bin/mount";
umount-bin = "${utillinux}/bin/umount";
cryptsetup-bin = "${cryptsetup}/bin/cryptsetup";
pvcreate-bin = "${lvm2}/bin/pvcreate";
lvcreate-bin = "${lvm2}/bin/lvcreate";
vgcreate-bin = "${lvm2}/bin/vgcreate";
pvcreate-bin = "${lvm2.bin}/bin/pvcreate";
lvcreate-bin = "${lvm2.bin}/bin/lvcreate";
vgcreate-bin = "${lvm2.bin}/bin/vgcreate";
mkfs-fat-bin = "${dosfstools}/bin/mkfs.fat";
mkfs-ext4-bin = "${e2fsprogs}/bin/mkfs.ext4";
mkfs-btrfs-bin = "${btrfsProgs}/bin/mkfs.btrfs";
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ in
assert (typeOf luks) == "bool";
assert (typeOf swap) == "string";
configure = writeScriptBin "configure_${hostname}" ''
configure = writeScriptBin "configure" ''
set -e
set -u
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ assert (typeOf swap) == "string";
"blockDevice": null
${if luks then ''
,"luksKey": "$(pass hosts/$hostname/luks)"
,"luksKey": "foobar"
'' else ""}
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ assert (typeOf swap) == "string";
# Helper script that has to be run on the target machine to format it
format = writeScriptBin "format_${hostname}" ''
format = writeScriptBin "format" ''
set -e
set -u
......@@ -179,6 +179,9 @@ assert (typeOf swap) == "string";
'' else abort "Invalid bootloader configured in template: ${template.bootloader}" }
# Partitons take a while to settle, waiting makes sure the old partitions have disappeared and new partitions are available
sleep 1s
print_info "Creating partitions"
${mkfs-fat-bin} -F32 -n ESP "$esp_partition"
......@@ -112,5 +112,11 @@ in
nixosSystemDerivations = withMachines (x: (mkNixosSystemDerivations x).systemDerivation);
isos = withMachines (x: (mkNixosSystemDerivations x).iso);
sdImages = withMachines (x: (mkNixosSystemDerivations x).sdImage);
machineTemplates = withMachines ({name, path}: import (path + /template.nix));
installers = withMachines (
{name, path}: import ./bin/lib/installation.nix {
hostname = name;
template = import (path + /template.nix);
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