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Commit e6bb40ba authored by Mr. Snow Ball / projects's avatar Mr. Snow Ball / projects :arrows_counterclockwise:
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Refactor: Implement pipeBlockWithEvents with runSignalBlock

parent 934a0983
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......@@ -5,17 +5,13 @@ import QBar.BlockOutput
import QBar.Core
import QBar.Qubes.AdminAPI (qubesUsageOfDefaultPool, qubesMonitorProperty, qubesGetProperty, qubesEvents, QubesPropertyInfo (..), qubesListVMs, qubesListVMsP, QubesVMState (..), vmState)
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Monad.Reader (runReaderT)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding (decodeUtf8With)
import Data.Text.Encoding.Error (lenientDecode)
import Pipes as P
import Pipes.Concurrent as P
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
import qualified Pipes.Safe as P
import Pipes.Core as P
diskIcon :: T.Text
diskIcon = "💾\xFE0E"
......@@ -46,45 +42,27 @@ diskUsageQubesBlock = runPollBlock $ forever $ do
((unit, factor) : _) -> T.pack (show $ size `div` factor) <> unit
_ -> T.pack (show size) <> " bytes"
pipeBlockWithEvents :: forall a. Producer a BarIO ExitBlock -> (Either BlockEvent a -> BarIO (Maybe BlockOutput)) -> Block
pipeBlockWithEvents prod block = do
bar <- askBar
(output, input) <- liftIO $ spawn $ newest 1
exitValue <- forkBarEffect bar $ prod >-> Right >-> forever (toOutput output)
fromInput input >-> forever (update output)
liftIO $ wait exitValue
pipeBlockWithEvents :: forall a. Producer a BarIO () -> (Either BlockEvent a -> BarIO (Maybe BlockOutput)) -> Block
pipeBlockWithEvents prod block = runSignalBlock Nothing (Just produce) sblock
forkBarEffect :: MonadIO m => Bar -> Effect BarIO b -> m (Async b)
forkBarEffect bar = liftIO . async . flip runReaderT bar . P.runSafeT . runEffect
forkEffect :: MonadIO m => Effect IO () -> m ()
forkEffect = void . liftIO . forkIO . runEffect
update :: Output (Either (BlockOutput, BlockEvent) a) -> Pipe (Either (BlockOutput, BlockEvent) a) (BlockState, BlockUpdateReason) BarIO ()
update output = await >>= \case
Right prop -> update' $ Right prop
Left (blockOutput, event) -> do
let state = Just (blockOutput, Nothing)
yield (invalidateBlockState state, EventUpdate)
update' $ Left event
update' :: Either BlockEvent a -> P.Pipe b BlockUpdate BarIO ()
update' prop = do
Just blockOutput <- lift $ block prop
pushBlockUpdate' (handleClick blockOutput) blockOutput
handleClick blockOutput event = do
forkEffect $ yield (Left (blockOutput, event)) >-> toOutput output
produce :: (a -> IO ()) -> BarIO ()
produce yield' = runEffect $ prod >-> forever (await >>= liftIO . yield')
sblock :: Signal a -> P.Server (Signal a) (Maybe BlockOutput) BarIO ExitBlock
sblock = lift . sblock' >=> respond >=> sblock
sblock' :: Signal a -> BarIO (Maybe BlockOutput)
sblock' RegularSignal = return Nothing -- ignore timer
sblock' (UserSignal x) = block $ Right x
sblock' (EventSignal x) = block $ Left x
qubesMonitorPropertyBlock :: BL.ByteString -> Block
qubesMonitorPropertyBlock name = pipeBlockWithEvents (qubesMonitorProperty qubesEvents name >> exitBlock) handle
qubesMonitorPropertyBlock name = pipeBlockWithEvents (qubesMonitorProperty qubesEvents name) handle
handle = fmap handle' . either (const $ liftIO $ qubesGetProperty name) return
handle' QubesPropertyInfo {propValue, propIsDefault} = Just $ mkBlockOutput $ normalText $ decode propValue <> (if propIsDefault then " (D)" else "")
decode = decodeUtf8With lenientDecode
qubesVMCountBlock :: Block
qubesVMCountBlock = pipeBlockWithEvents (qubesListVMsP >> exitBlock) $ fmap countVMs . either (const $ liftIO $ qubesListVMs) return where
qubesVMCountBlock = pipeBlockWithEvents qubesListVMsP $ fmap countVMs . either (const $ liftIO $ qubesListVMs) return where
countVMs = Just . format . M.size . M.filterWithKey isRunningVM
isRunningVM name x = vmState x == VMRunning && name /= "dom0"
format n = mkBlockOutput $ normalText $ T.pack (show n) <> " Qube" <> (if n /= 1 then "s" else "")
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