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Commit ee61f057 authored by Jens Nolte's avatar Jens Nolte
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Multiplexer: Implement channel management

parent a785a802
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......@@ -94,5 +94,6 @@ test-suite qrpc-test
main-is: Spec.hs
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module Network.Rpc where
import Control.Concurrent (forkFinally)
import Control.Concurrent.Async (Async, async, link, withAsync)
import Control.Exception (SomeException, bracket, bracketOnError, bracketOnError)
import Control.Exception (SomeException, bracket, bracketOnError, bracketOnError, interruptible)
import Control.Monad ((>=>), when, forever)
import Control.Monad.State (State, execState)
import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
......@@ -12,14 +12,13 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH hiding (interruptible)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Network.Rpc.Multiplexer
import Network.Rpc.Connection
import qualified Network.Socket as Socket
import Prelude
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.IO (unsafeUnmask)
import System.Posix.Files (getFileStatus, isSocket)
......@@ -261,11 +260,11 @@ emptyClientState = ClientState {
clientSend :: RpcProtocol p => Client p -> ProtocolRequest p -> IO ()
clientSend client req = channelSend_ (encode req) []
clientSend client req = channelSend_ [] (encode req)
clientRequestBlocking :: forall p. RpcProtocol p => Client p -> ProtocolRequest p -> IO (ProtocolResponse p)
clientRequestBlocking client req = do
resultMVar <- newEmptyMVar
channelSend (encode req) [] $ \msgId ->
channelSend [] (encode req) $ \msgId ->
modifyMVar_ client.stateMVar $
\state -> pure state{callbacks = HM.insert msgId (requestCompletedCallback resultMVar msgId) state.callbacks}
-- Block on resultMVar until the request completes
......@@ -305,7 +304,7 @@ serverHandleChannelMessage protocolImpl channel msgId headers msg = case decodeO
serverHandleChannelRequest :: ProtocolRequest p -> IO ()
serverHandleChannelRequest req = handleMessage @p protocolImpl req >>= maybe (pure ()) serverSendResponse
serverSendResponse :: ProtocolResponse p -> IO ()
serverSendResponse response = channelSend_ channel (encode wrappedResponse) []
serverSendResponse response = channelSend_ channel [] (encode wrappedResponse)
wrappedResponse :: ProtocolResponseWrapper p
wrappedResponse = (msgId, response)
......@@ -337,11 +336,7 @@ withClient :: forall p a b. (IsConnection a, RpcProtocol p) => a -> (Client p ->
withClient x = bracket (newClient x) clientClose
newClient :: forall p a. (IsConnection a, RpcProtocol p) => a -> IO (Client p)
newClient x = do
clientMVar <- newEmptyMVar
-- 'runMultiplexerProtcol' needs to be interruptible (so it can terminate when it is closed), so 'unsafeUnmask' is used to ensure that this function also works when used in 'bracket'
link =<< async (unsafeUnmask (runMultiplexerProtocol (newChannelClient >=> putMVar clientMVar) (toSocketConnection x)))
takeMVar clientMVar
newClient x = newChannelClient =<< newMultiplexer (toSocketConnection x)
newChannelClient :: RpcProtocol p => Channel -> IO (Client p)
......@@ -400,7 +395,7 @@ listenOnBoundSocket protocolImpl sock = do
Socket.gracefulClose conn 2000
runServerHandler :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p, IsConnection a) => ProtocolImpl p -> a -> IO ()
runServerHandler protocolImpl = runMultiplexerProtocol (registerChannelServerHandler @p protocolImpl) . toSocketConnection
runServerHandler protocolImpl = runMultiplexer (registerChannelServerHandler @p protocolImpl) . toSocketConnection
-- ** Test implementation
......@@ -483,10 +478,10 @@ buildTupleType fields = buildTupleType' =<< fields
go t (f:fs) = go (AppT t f) fs
buildFunctionType :: Q [Type] -> Q Type -> Q Type
buildFunctionType argTypes pureType = go =<< argTypes
buildFunctionType argTypes returnType = go =<< argTypes
go :: [Type] -> Q Type
go [] = pureType
go [] = returnType
go (t:ts) = pure t `funT` go ts
defaultBangType :: Q Type -> Q BangType
......@@ -3,12 +3,11 @@ module Network.Rpc.Connection where
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.Async (Async, async, cancel, link, waitCatch, withAsync)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Exception (Exception(..), SomeException, bracketOnError, finally, throwIO, bracketOnError, onException)
import Control.Exception (Exception(..), SomeException, bracketOnError, interruptible, finally, throwIO, bracketOnError, onException)
import Control.Monad ((>=>), unless, forM_)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.List (intercalate)
import GHC.IO (unsafeUnmask)
import qualified Network.Socket as Socket
import qualified Network.Socket.ByteString as Socket
import qualified Network.Socket.ByteString.Lazy as SocketL
......@@ -37,6 +36,8 @@ newtype ConnectionFailed = ConnectionFailed [(Socket.AddrInfo, SomeException)]
instance Exception ConnectionFailed where
displayException (ConnectionFailed attemts) = "Connection attempts failed:\n" <> intercalate "\n" (map (\(addr, err) -> show (Socket.addrAddress addr) <> ": " <> displayException err) attemts)
-- | Open a TCP connection to target host and port. Will start multiple connection attempts (i.e. retry quickly and then try other addresses) but only return the first successful connection.
-- Throws a 'ConnectionFailed' on failure, which contains the exceptions from all failed connection attempts.
connectTCP :: Socket.HostName -> Socket.ServiceName -> IO Socket.Socket
connectTCP host port = do
-- 'getAddrInfo' either pures a non-empty list or throws an exception
......@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ connectTCP host port = do
-- The 'raceConnections'-async is 'link'ed to this thread, so 'readMVar' is interrupted when all connection attempts fail
sock <-
(withAsync (unsafeUnmask raceConnections) (link >=> const (readMVar sockMVar))
(withAsync (interruptible raceConnections) (link >=> const (readMVar sockMVar))
`finally` (mapM_ (cancel . snd) =<< readMVar connectTasksMVar))
`onException` (mapM_ Socket.close =<< tryTakeMVar sockMVar)
-- As soon as we have an open connection, stop spawning more connections
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ module Network.Rpc.Multiplexer (
-- TODO rename (this class only exists for unified error reporting and connection termination)
-- TODO rename (this class only exists for `reportProtocolError` and `reportLocalError`)
......@@ -16,14 +16,17 @@ module Network.Rpc.Multiplexer (
) where
import Control.Concurrent.Async (async, link)
import Control.Concurrent (myThreadId, throwTo)
import Control.Exception (Exception(..), MaskingState(Unmasked), catch, finally, throwIO, getMaskingState)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Exception (Exception(..), MaskingState(Unmasked), catch, finally, interruptible, throwIO, getMaskingState, mask_)
import Control.Monad (when, unless, void)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.State (StateT, execStateT, get, put)
import Control.Monad.State (StateT, execStateT, runStateT)
import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Data.Binary (Binary, encode)
import qualified Data.Binary as Binary
......@@ -31,6 +34,7 @@ import Data.Binary.Get (Decoder(..), runGetIncremental, pushChunk, pushEndOfInpu
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import Data.Word
import Network.Rpc.Connection
import Prelude
......@@ -52,7 +56,9 @@ data MultiplexerProtocolMessage
data MultiplexerProtocolMessageHeader = CreateChannel
deriving (Binary, Generic, Show)
newtype MessageHeader = CreateChannelHeader (ChannelId -> IO ())
newtype MessageHeader =
-- | The callback is running in a masked state and is blocking all network traffic. The callback should only be used to register a callback on the channel and to store it; then it should return immediately.
CreateChannelHeader (Channel -> IO ())
newtype MessageHeaderResult = CreateChannelHeaderResult Channel
data MultiplexerProtocolWorker = MultiplexerProtocolWorker {
......@@ -63,7 +69,9 @@ data MultiplexerProtocolWorkerState = MultiplexerProtocolWorkerState {
socketConnection :: Maybe Connection,
channels :: HM.HashMap ChannelId Channel,
sendChannel :: ChannelId,
receiveChannel :: ChannelId
receiveChannel :: ChannelId,
receiveNextChannelId :: ChannelId,
sendNextChannelId :: ChannelId
class HasMultiplexerProtocolWorker a where
......@@ -75,8 +83,50 @@ data NotConnected = NotConnected
deriving Show
instance Exception NotConnected
runMultiplexerProtocol :: (Channel -> IO ()) -> Connection -> IO ()
runMultiplexerProtocol channelSetupHook connection = do
data Channel = Channel {
channelId :: ChannelId,
worker :: MultiplexerProtocolWorker,
stateMVar :: MVar ChannelState,
sendStateMVar :: MVar ChannelSendState,
receiveStateMVar :: MVar ChannelReceiveState
instance HasMultiplexerProtocolWorker Channel where
getMultiplexerProtocolWorker = (.worker)
data ChannelState = ChannelState {
connectionState :: ChannelConnectivity,
children :: [Channel]
newtype ChannelSendState = ChannelSendState {
nextMessageId :: MessageId
data ChannelReceiveState = ChannelReceiveState {
nextMessageId :: MessageId,
handler :: ChannelMessageHandler
data ChannelConnectivity = Connected | Closed | CloseConfirmed
deriving (Eq, Show)
data ChannelNotConnected = ChannelNotConnected
deriving Show
instance Exception ChannelNotConnected
type ChannelMessageHandler = MessageId -> [MessageHeaderResult] -> Decoder (IO ())
type SimpleChannelMessageHandler = MessageId -> [MessageHeaderResult] -> BSL.ByteString -> IO ()
-- | Starts a new multiplexer on an existing connection.
-- This starts a thread which runs until 'channelClose' is called on the resulting 'Channel' (use e.g. 'bracket' to ensure the channel is closed).
newMultiplexer :: forall a. (IsConnection a) => a -> IO Channel
newMultiplexer x = do
channelMVar <- newEmptyMVar
-- 'runMultiplexerProtcol' needs to be interruptible (so it can terminate when it is closed), so 'interruptible' is used to ensure that this function also works when used in 'bracket'
mask_ $ link =<< async (interruptible (runMultiplexer (putMVar channelMVar) (toSocketConnection x)))
takeMVar channelMVar
runMultiplexer :: (Channel -> IO ()) -> Connection -> IO ()
runMultiplexer channelSetupHook connection = do
-- Running in masked state, this thread (running the receive-function) cannot be interrupted when closing the connection
maskingState <- getMaskingState
when (maskingState /= Unmasked) (fail "'runMultiplexerProtocol' cannot run in masked thread state.")
......@@ -89,13 +139,15 @@ runMultiplexerProtocol channelSetupHook connection = do
socketConnection = Just connection,
channels = HM.empty,
sendChannel = 0,
receiveChannel = 0
receiveChannel = 0,
receiveNextChannelId = undefined,
sendNextChannelId = undefined
let worker = MultiplexerProtocolWorker {
(((channelSetupHook =<< newChannel worker 0) >> multiplexerProtocolReceive worker)
(((channelSetupHook =<< newChannel worker 0 Connected) >> multiplexerProtocolReceive worker)
`finally` (disarmKillReciver >> multiplexerConnectionClose worker))
`catch` (\(_ex :: NotConnected) -> pure ())
......@@ -117,14 +169,29 @@ multiplexerProtocolReceive worker = receiveThreadLoop multiplexerDecoder
Just channel -> handleChannelMessage channel headers len
Nothing -> liftIO $ reportProtocolError worker ("Received message on invalid channel: " <> show workerState.receiveChannel)
handleMultiplexerMessage (SwitchChannel channelId) = liftIO $ modifyMVar_ worker.stateMVar $ \state -> pure state{receiveChannel=channelId}
handleMultiplexerMessage CloseChannel = liftIO $ do
workerState <- readMVar worker.stateMVar
case HM.lookup workerState.receiveChannel workerState.channels of
Just channel -> channelConfirmClose channel
Nothing -> reportProtocolError worker ("Received CloseChannel on invalid channel: " <> show workerState.receiveChannel)
handleMultiplexerMessage x = liftIO $ print x >> undefined -- Unhandled multiplexer message
handleChannelMessage :: Channel -> [MultiplexerProtocolMessageHeader] -> MessageLength -> StateT BS.ByteString IO ()
handleChannelMessage channel headers len = do
headerResults <- liftIO $ sequence (processHeader <$> headers)
decoder <- liftIO $ channelStartHandleMessage channel headerResults
decoder <- liftIO $ do
-- Don't receive messages on closed channels
channelState <- readMVar channel.stateMVar
case channelState.connectionState of
Connected -> do
headerResults <- sequence (processHeader <$> headers)
channelStartHandleMessage channel headerResults
-- The channel is closed but the remote might not know that yet, so the message is silently ignored
Closed -> closedChannelMessageHandler <$> sequence (processHeader <$> headers)
-- This might only be reached in some edge cases, as a closed channel will be removed from the channel map after the close is confirmed.
CloseConfirmed -> reportProtocolError worker ("Received message on channel " <> show channel.channelId <> " after receiving a close confirmation for that channel")
-- StateT currently contains leftovers
initialLeftovers <- get
initialLeftovers <- State.get
leftoversLength = fromIntegral $ BS.length initialLeftovers
remaining = len - leftoversLength
......@@ -132,7 +199,7 @@ multiplexerProtocolReceive worker = receiveThreadLoop multiplexerDecoder
(channelCallback, leftovers) <- liftIO $ runDecoder remaining (pushChunk decoder initialLeftovers)
-- Data is received in chunks but messages have a defined length, so leftovers are put back into StateT
put leftovers
State.put leftovers
-- Critical section: don't interrupt downstream callbacks
liftIO $ withMVar worker.killReceiverMVar $ const channelCallback
......@@ -161,44 +228,145 @@ multiplexerProtocolReceive worker = receiveThreadLoop multiplexerDecoder
failedToTerminate :: IO a
failedToTerminate = reportLocalError worker ("Decoder on channel " <> show channel.channelId <> " failed to terminate after end-of-input")
processHeader :: MultiplexerProtocolMessageHeader -> IO MessageHeaderResult
processHeader CreateChannel = undefined
processHeader CreateChannel = do
channelId <- modifyMVar worker.stateMVar $ \workerState -> do
receiveNextChannelId = workerState.receiveNextChannelId
newWorkerState = workerState{receiveNextChannelId = receiveNextChannelId + 2}
pure (newWorkerState, receiveNextChannelId)
modifyMVar channel.stateMVar $ \state -> do
createdChannel <- newSubChannel channel.worker channelId channel
let newState = state{
children = createdChannel : state.children
pure (newState, CreateChannelHeaderResult createdChannel)
receiveThrowing :: IO BS.ByteString
receiveThrowing = do
state <- readMVar worker.stateMVar
maybe (throwIO NotConnected) (.receive) state.socketConnection
closedChannelMessageHandler :: [MessageHeaderResult] -> Decoder (IO ())
closedChannelMessageHandler headers = discardMessageDecoder $ mapM_ handleHeader headers
handleHeader :: MessageHeaderResult -> IO ()
handleHeader (CreateChannelHeaderResult createdChannel) =
-- The channel that received the message is already closed, so newly created children are implicitly closed as well
modifyMVar_ createdChannel.stateMVar $ \state ->
pure state{connectionState = Closed}
discardMessageDecoder :: IO () -> Decoder (IO ())
discardMessageDecoder action = Partial (maybe done partial)
partial :: BS.ByteString -> Decoder (IO ())
partial = const (discardMessageDecoder action)
done :: Decoder (IO ())
done = Done "" 0 action
withMultiplexerState :: MultiplexerProtocolWorker -> StateT MultiplexerProtocolWorkerState IO a -> IO a
withMultiplexerState worker action = modifyMVar worker.stateMVar $ fmap swap . runStateT action
multiplexerSend :: MultiplexerProtocolWorker -> MultiplexerProtocolMessage -> IO ()
multiplexerSend worker msg = withMVar worker.stateMVar $ \state -> multiplexerStateSend state msg
multiplexerSend worker msg = withMultiplexerState worker (multiplexerStateSend msg)
multiplexerStateSend :: MultiplexerProtocolWorkerState -> MultiplexerProtocolMessage -> IO ()
multiplexerStateSend state = multiplexerStateSendRaw state . encode
multiplexerStateSend :: MultiplexerProtocolMessage -> StateT MultiplexerProtocolWorkerState IO ()
multiplexerStateSend = multiplexerStateSendRaw . encode
multiplexerStateSendRaw :: MultiplexerProtocolWorkerState -> BSL.ByteString -> IO ()
multiplexerStateSendRaw MultiplexerProtocolWorkerState{socketConnection=Just connection} rawMsg = connection.send rawMsg
multiplexerStateSendRaw MultiplexerProtocolWorkerState{socketConnection=Nothing} _ = throwIO NotConnected
multiplexerStateSendRaw :: BSL.ByteString -> StateT MultiplexerProtocolWorkerState IO ()
multiplexerStateSendRaw rawMsg = do
state <- State.get
case state.socketConnection of
Nothing -> liftIO $ throwIO NotConnected
Just connection -> liftIO $ connection.send rawMsg
multiplexerSendChannelMessage :: MultiplexerProtocolWorker -> ChannelId -> BSL.ByteString -> [MessageHeader] -> IO ()
multiplexerSendChannelMessage worker channelId msg headers = do
multiplexerSendChannelMessage :: Channel -> BSL.ByteString -> [MessageHeader] -> IO ()
multiplexerSendChannelMessage channel msg headers = do
-- Sending a channel message consists of multiple low-level send operations, so the MVar is held during the operation
modifyMVar_ worker.stateMVar $ \state -> do
-- Switch to the specified channel (if required)
when (state.sendChannel /= channelId) $ multiplexerSend worker (SwitchChannel channelId)
withMultiplexerState worker $ do
multiplexerSwitchChannel channel.channelId
headerMessages <- sequence (prepareHeader <$> headers)
multiplexerStateSend state (ChannelMessage headerMessages (fromIntegral (BSL.length msg)))
multiplexerStateSendRaw state msg
pure state{sendChannel=channelId}
prepareHeader :: MessageHeader -> IO MultiplexerProtocolMessageHeader
prepareHeader (CreateChannelHeader _newChannelCallback) = undefined
multiplexerChannelClose :: MultiplexerProtocolWorker -> ChannelId -> IO ()
multiplexerChannelClose worker channelId =
if channelId == 0
then multiplexerClose worker
else undefined
multiplexerStateSend (ChannelMessage headerMessages (fromIntegral (BSL.length msg)))
multiplexerStateSendRaw msg
worker :: MultiplexerProtocolWorker
worker = channel.worker
prepareHeader :: MessageHeader -> StateT MultiplexerProtocolWorkerState IO MultiplexerProtocolMessageHeader
prepareHeader (CreateChannelHeader newChannelCallback) = do
nextChannelId <- State.state (\state -> (state.sendNextChannelId, state{sendNextChannelId = state.sendNextChannelId + 1}))
createdChannel <- liftIO $ newSubChannel worker nextChannelId channel
-- TODO we probably don't want to call the callback here, as the state is locked; we also don't want to call it later, because at that point messages could already arrive and the handler has to be set
-- TODO: also we are currently holding the MultiplexerProtocolWorkerState which means sending messages from the callback will result in a deadlock - calling code must not do that. That's also an indication for a bad design
-- TODO the current design requires the caller to use mvars/iorefs to get the created channel - also not optimal.
liftIO $ newChannelCallback createdChannel
pure CreateChannel
multiplexerSwitchChannel :: ChannelId -> StateT MultiplexerProtocolWorkerState IO ()
multiplexerSwitchChannel channelId = do
-- Check if channel switch is required and update current channel
shouldSwitchChannel <- State.state (\state -> (state.sendChannel /= channelId, state{sendChannel = channelId}))
when shouldSwitchChannel $ multiplexerStateSend (SwitchChannel channelId)
-- | Closes a channel and all it's children: After the function completes, the channel callback will no longer be called on received messages and sending messages on the channel will fail.
-- Calling close on a closed channel is a noop.
channelClose :: Channel -> IO ()
channelClose channel = do
-- Change channel state of all unclosed channels in the tree to closed
channelWasClosed <- channelClose' channel
when channelWasClosed $ do
-- Send close message
withMultiplexerState channel.worker $ do
multiplexerSwitchChannel channel.channelId
multiplexerStateSend CloseChannel
-- Terminate the worker when the root channel is closed
when (channel.channelId == 0) $ multiplexerClose channel.worker
channelClose' :: Channel -> IO Bool
channelClose' chan = modifyMVar chan.stateMVar $ \state ->
case state.connectionState of
Connected -> do
-- Close all children while blocking the state. This prevents children from receiving a messages after the parent channel has already rejected a message
liftIO (mapM_ (void . channelClose') state.children)
pure (state{connectionState = Closed}, True)
-- Channel was already closed and can be ignored
Closed -> pure (state, False)
CloseConfirmed -> pure (state, False)
-- Called on a channel when a ChannelClose message is received
channelConfirmClose :: Channel -> IO ()
channelConfirmClose channel = do
closeConfirmedIds <- channelClose' channel
-- List can only be empty when the channel was already confirmed as closed
unless (closeConfirmedIds == []) $ do
-- Remote channels from worker
withMultiplexerState channel.worker $ do
State.modify $ \state -> state{channels = foldr HM.delete state.channels closeConfirmedIds}
-- Terminate the worker when the root channel is closed
when (channel.channelId == 0) $ multiplexerClose channel.worker
channelClose' :: Channel -> IO [ChannelId]
channelClose' chan = modifyMVar chan.stateMVar $ \state ->
case state.connectionState of
Connected -> do
closedIdLists <- liftIO (mapM channelClose' state.children)
closedIds = chan.channelId : mconcat closedIdLists
newState = state{connectionState = CloseConfirmed}
pure (newState, closedIds)
Closed -> do
closedIdLists <- liftIO (mapM channelClose' state.children)
closedIds = chan.channelId : mconcat closedIdLists
newState = state{connectionState = CloseConfirmed}
pure (newState, closedIds)
-- Ignore already closed children
CloseConfirmed -> pure (state, [])
-- | Close a mulxiplexer worker by closing the connection it is based on and then stopping the worker thread.
multiplexerClose :: MultiplexerProtocolWorker -> IO ()
......@@ -206,6 +374,7 @@ multiplexerClose worker = do
multiplexerConnectionClose worker
modifyMVar_ worker.killReceiverMVar $ \killReceiver -> do
-- Replace 'killReceiver'-action with a no-op to ensure it runs only once
pure (pure ())
-- | Internal close operation: Closes the communication channel a multiplexer is operating on. The caller has the responsibility to ensure the receiver thread is closed.
......@@ -221,9 +390,7 @@ multiplexerConnectionClose worker = do
reportProtocolError :: HasMultiplexerProtocolWorker a => a -> String -> IO b
reportProtocolError hasWorker message = do
let worker = getMultiplexerProtocolWorker hasWorker
modifyMVar_ worker.stateMVar $ \state -> do
multiplexerStateSend state $ ProtocolError message
pure state
multiplexerSend worker $ ProtocolError message
-- TODO custom error type, close connection
......@@ -231,31 +398,10 @@ reportLocalError :: HasMultiplexerProtocolWorker a => a -> String -> IO b
reportLocalError hasWorker message = do
hPutStrLn stderr message
let worker = getMultiplexerProtocolWorker hasWorker
modifyMVar_ worker.stateMVar $ \state -> do
multiplexerStateSend state $ ProtocolError "Internal server error"
pure state
multiplexerSend worker $ ProtocolError "Internal server error"
-- TODO custom error type, close connection
data Channel = Channel {
channelId :: ChannelId,
worker :: MultiplexerProtocolWorker,
sendStateMVar :: MVar ChannelSendState,
receiveStateMVar :: MVar ChannelReceiveState
instance HasMultiplexerProtocolWorker Channel where
getMultiplexerProtocolWorker = (.worker)
newtype ChannelSendState = ChannelSendState {
nextMessageId :: MessageId
data ChannelReceiveState = ChannelReceiveState {
nextMessageId :: MessageId,
handler :: ChannelMessageHandler
type ChannelMessageHandler = MessageId -> [MessageHeaderResult] -> Decoder (IO ())
type SimpleChannelMessageHandler = MessageId -> [MessageHeaderResult] -> BSL.ByteString -> IO ()
simpleMessageHandler :: SimpleChannelMessageHandler -> ChannelMessageHandler
simpleMessageHandler handler msgId headers = decoder ""
......@@ -267,10 +413,23 @@ simpleMessageHandler handler msgId headers = decoder ""
done :: Decoder (IO ())
done = Done "" (BSL.length acc) (handler msgId headers acc)
-- Should not be exported
newChannel :: MultiplexerProtocolWorker -> ChannelId -> IO Channel
newChannel worker channelId = do
newSubChannel :: MultiplexerProtocolWorker -> ChannelId -> Channel -> IO Channel
newSubChannel worker channelId parent =
modifyMVar parent.stateMVar $ \parentChannelState -> do
-- Holding the parents channelState while initializing the channel will ensure the ChannelConnectivity is inherited atomically
createdChannel <- newChannel worker channelId parentChannelState.connectionState
let newParentState = parentChannelState{
children = createdChannel : parentChannelState.children
pure (newParentState, createdChannel)
newChannel :: MultiplexerProtocolWorker -> ChannelId -> ChannelConnectivity -> IO Channel
newChannel worker channelId connectionState = do
stateMVar <- newMVar ChannelState {
children = []
sendStateMVar <- newMVar ChannelSendState {
nextMessageId = 0
......@@ -282,25 +441,32 @@ newChannel worker channelId = do
let channel = Channel {
modifyMVar_ worker.stateMVar $ \state -> pure state{channels = HM.insert channelId channel state.channels}
pure channel
channelSend :: Channel -> BSL.ByteString -> [MessageHeader] -> (MessageId -> IO ()) -> IO ()
channelSend :: Channel -> [MessageHeader] -> BSL.ByteString -> (MessageId -> IO ()) -> IO ()
channelSend channel msg headers callback = do
modifyMVar_ channel.sendStateMVar $ \state -> do
-- Don't send on closed channels
channelState <- readMVar channel.stateMVar
unless (channelState.connectionState == Connected) $ throwIO ChannelNotConnected
callback state.nextMessageId
multiplexerSendChannelMessage channel.worker channel.channelId msg headers
multiplexerSendChannelMessage channel headers msg
pure state{nextMessageId = state.nextMessageId + 1}
channelSend_ :: Channel -> BSL.ByteString -> [MessageHeader] -> IO ()
channelSend_ channel msg headers = channelSend channel msg headers (const (pure ()))
channelClose :: Channel -> IO ()
channelClose channel = multiplexerChannelClose channel.worker channel.channelId
channelSend_ :: Channel -> [MessageHeader] -> BSL.ByteString -> IO ()
channelSend_ channel headers msg = channelSend channel headers msg (const (pure ()))
channelStartHandleMessage :: Channel -> [MessageHeaderResult] -> IO (Decoder (IO ()))
channelStartHandleMessage channel headers = do
(msgId, handler) <- modifyMVar channel.receiveStateMVar $ \state ->
pure (state{nextMessageId = state.nextMessageId + 1}, (state.nextMessageId, state.handler))
pure (handler msgId headers)
channelSetHandler :: Channel -> ChannelMessageHandler -> IO ()
channelSetHandler channel handler = modifyMVar_ channel.receiveStateMVar $ \state -> pure state{handler}
module Network.Rpc.MultiplexerSpec where
import Control.Concurrent.Async (concurrently_)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Exception (bracket, mask_)
import Prelude
import Network.Rpc.Multiplexer
import Network.Rpc.Connection
import Test.Hspec
spec :: Spec
spec = describe "runMultiplexerProtocol" $ parallel $ do
it "can be closed from the channelSetupHook" $ do
(x, _) <- newDummySocketPair
runMultiplexer channelClose x
it "fails when run in masked state" $ do
(x, _) <- newDummySocketPair
mask_ $ runMultiplexer channelClose x `shouldThrow` anyException
it "closes when the remote is closed" $ do
(x, y) <- newDummySocketPair
(runMultiplexer (const (pure ())) x)
(runMultiplexer channelClose y)
it "it can send and receive simple messages" $ do
withEchoServer $ \channel -> do
recvMVar <- newEmptyMVar
channelSetHandler channel $ simpleMessageHandler $ \_ _ -> putMVar recvMVar
channelSend_ channel [] "foobar"
takeMVar recvMVar `shouldReturn` "foobar"
channelSend_ channel [] "test"
takeMVar recvMVar `shouldReturn` "test"
withEchoServer :: (Channel -> IO a) -> IO a
withEchoServer fn = bracket setup close (\(channel, _) -> fn channel)
setup :: IO (Channel, Channel)
setup = do
(x, y) <- newDummySocketPair
echoChannel <- newMultiplexer y
configureEchoHandler echoChannel
mainChannel <- newMultiplexer x
pure (mainChannel, echoChannel)
close :: (Channel, Channel) -> IO ()
close (x, y) = channelClose x >> channelClose y
configureEchoHandler :: Channel -> IO ()
configureEchoHandler channel = channelSetHandler channel (echoHandler channel)
echoHandler :: Channel -> ChannelMessageHandler
echoHandler channel = simpleMessageHandler $ \_msgId headers msg -> do
mapM_ echoHeaderHandler headers
channelSend_ channel [] msg
echoHeaderHandler :: MessageHeaderResult -> IO ()
echoHeaderHandler (CreateChannelHeaderResult channel) = configureEchoHandler channel
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