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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift #-}

module Quasar.Wayland.Protocol.Core (

  -- * Protocol IO

  -- * Low-level protocol interaction

  -- ** WireCallbacks

  -- * Protocol exceptions

  -- * Message decoder operations
) where

import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad (replicateM_)
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.Fix (mfix)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, runReaderT, ask, lift)
import Data.Bifunctor qualified as Bifunctor
import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Binary.Put
import Data.Bits ((.&.), (.|.), shiftL, shiftR)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BSL
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 qualified as BSUTF8
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM
import Data.Proxy
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Void (absurd)
import GHC.Conc (unsafeIOToSTM)
import GHC.TypeLits
import Quasar.Prelude

newtype ObjectId (j :: Symbol) = ObjectId Word32
  deriving newtype (Eq, Show, Hashable)

newtype GenericObjectId = GenericObjectId Word32
  deriving newtype (Eq, Show, Hashable)

toGenericObjectId :: ObjectId j -> GenericObjectId
toGenericObjectId (ObjectId oId) = GenericObjectId oId

type Opcode = Word16

newtype NewId (j :: Symbol) = NewId (ObjectId j)
  deriving newtype (Eq, Show)

newtype GenericNewId = GenericNewId GenericObjectId
  deriving newtype (Eq, Show)

-- | Signed 24.8 decimal numbers.
newtype Fixed = Fixed Word32
  deriving newtype Eq

instance Show Fixed where
  show x = "[fixed " <> show x <> "]"

-- | A string. The encoding is not officially specified, but in practice UTF-8 is used.
-- Instances and functions in this library assume UTF-8, but the original data is also available by deconstructing.
newtype WlString = WlString BS.ByteString
  deriving newtype (Eq, Hashable)

instance Show WlString where
  show = show . toString

instance IsString WlString where
  fromString = WlString . BSUTF8.fromString

toString :: WlString -> String
toString (WlString bs) = BSUTF8.toString bs

dropRemaining :: Get ()
dropRemaining = void getRemainingLazyByteString

class (Eq a, Show a) => WireFormat a where
  putArgument :: a -> ProtocolM s (Put, Int)
  getArgument :: Get (ProtocolM s a)
  showArgument :: a -> String

instance WireFormat Int32 where
  putArgument x = pure (putInt32host x, 4)
  getArgument = pure <$> getInt32host
  showArgument = show

instance WireFormat Word32 where
  putArgument x = pure (putWord32host x, 4)
  getArgument = pure <$> getWord32host
  showArgument = show

instance WireFormat Fixed where
  putArgument (Fixed repr) = pure (putWord32host repr, 4)
  getArgument = pure . Fixed <$> getWord32host
  showArgument = show

instance WireFormat WlString where
  putArgument (WlString x) = putWaylandBlob x
  getArgument = pure . WlString <$> getWaylandBlob
  showArgument = show

instance WireFormat BS.ByteString where
  putArgument x = putWaylandBlob x
  getArgument = pure <$> getWaylandBlob
  showArgument array = "[array " <> show (BS.length array) <> "B]"

instance KnownSymbol j => WireFormat (ObjectId (j :: Symbol)) where
  putArgument (ObjectId oId) = pure (putWord32host oId, 4)
  getArgument = pure . ObjectId <$> getWord32host
  showArgument (ObjectId oId) = symbolVal @j Proxy <> "@" <> show oId

instance WireFormat GenericObjectId where
  putArgument (GenericObjectId oId) = pure (putWord32host oId, 4)
  getArgument = pure . GenericObjectId <$> getWord32host
  showArgument oId = "[unknown]@" <> show oId

instance KnownSymbol j => WireFormat (NewId (j :: Symbol)) where
  putArgument (NewId newId) = putArgument newId
  getArgument = NewId <<$>> getArgument
  showArgument (NewId newId) = "new " <> symbolVal @j Proxy <> "@" <> show newId

instance WireFormat GenericNewId where
  putArgument (GenericNewId newId) = putArgument newId
  getArgument = GenericNewId <<$>> getArgument
  showArgument newId = "new [unknown]@" <> show newId

instance WireFormat Void where
  putArgument = absurd
  getArgument = pure <$> get
  showArgument = absurd

-- | Class for a proxy type (in the haskell sense) that describes a Wayland interface.
class (
    IsMessage (WireRequest i),
    IsMessage (WireEvent i),
    KnownSymbol (InterfaceName i)
  => IsInterface i where
  type Requests (s :: Side) i
  type Events (s :: Side) i
  type WireRequest i
  type WireEvent i
  type InterfaceName i :: Symbol

interfaceName :: forall i. IsInterface i => String
interfaceName = symbolVal @(InterfaceName i) Proxy

class IsSide (s :: Side) where
  type Up s i
  type Down s i
  type WireUp s i
  type WireDown s i
  initialId :: Word32
  maximumId :: Word32

instance IsSide 'Client where
  type Up 'Client i = Requests 'Client i
  type Down 'Client i = Events 'Client i
  type WireUp 'Client i = WireRequest i
  type WireDown 'Client i = WireEvent i
  -- Id #1 is reserved for wl_display
  initialId = 2
  maximumId = 0xfeffffff

instance IsSide 'Server where
  type Up 'Server i = Events 'Server i
  type Down 'Server i = Requests 'Server i
  type WireUp 'Server i = WireEvent i
  type WireDown 'Server i = WireRequest i
  initialId = 0xff000000
  maximumId = 0xffffffff

--- | Empty class, used to combine constraints
class (
    IsSide s,
    IsInterface i,
    IsMessage (WireUp s i),
    IsMessage (WireDown s i)
  => IsInterfaceSide (s :: Side) i where
  createProxy :: Object s i -> Up s i
  handleMessage :: Object s i -> WireDown s i -> STM ()

getWireDown :: forall s i. IsInterfaceSide s i => Object s i -> Opcode -> Get (ProtocolM s (WireDown s i))
getWireDown = getMessage @(WireDown s i)

putWireUp :: forall s i. IsInterfaceSide s i => Object s i -> WireUp s i -> ProtocolM s (Opcode, [(Put, Int)])
putWireUp _ = putMessage @(WireUp s i)

class IsInterfaceSide s i => IsInterfaceHandler s i a where
  handlerHandleMessage :: a -> Object s i -> WireDown s i -> ProtocolM s ()

-- | Data kind
data Side = Client | Server

data Object s i = IsInterfaceSide s i => Object {
  objectProtocol :: (ProtocolHandle s),
  objectObjectId :: GenericObjectId,
  objectUp :: (Up s i),
  objectDown :: (Down s i),
  objectWireCallback :: (WireCallback s i)

objectMessageHandler :: Object s i -> Down s i
objectMessageHandler = (.objectDown)

instance IsInterface i => Show (Object s i) where
  show = showObject

class IsObject a where
  objectId :: a -> GenericObjectId
  objectInterfaceName :: a -> String
  showObject :: a -> String
  showObject object = objectInterfaceName object <> "@" <> show (objectId object)

class IsObjectSide a where
  describeUpMessage :: a -> Opcode -> BSL.ByteString -> String
  describeDownMessage :: a -> Opcode -> BSL.ByteString -> String

instance forall s i. IsInterface i => IsObject (Object s i) where
  objectId = objectObjectId
  objectInterfaceName _ = interfaceName @i

instance forall s i. IsInterfaceSide s i => IsObjectSide (Object s i) where
  describeUpMessage object opcode body =
    objectInterfaceName object <> "@" <> show (objectId object) <>
    "." <> fromMaybe "[invalidOpcode]" (opcodeName @(WireUp s i) opcode) <>
    " (" <> show (BSL.length body) <> "B)"
  describeDownMessage object opcode body =
    objectInterfaceName object <> "@" <> show (objectId object) <>
    "." <> fromMaybe "[invalidOpcode]" (opcodeName @(WireDown s i) opcode) <>
    " (" <> show (BSL.length body) <> "B)"

-- | Wayland object quantification wrapper
data SomeObject s
  = forall i. IsInterfaceSide s i => SomeObject (Object s i)
  | UnknownObject String GenericObjectId

instance IsObject (SomeObject s) where
  objectId (SomeObject object) = objectId object
  objectId (UnknownObject _ oId) = oId
  objectInterfaceName (SomeObject object) = objectInterfaceName object
  objectInterfaceName (UnknownObject interface _) = interface

instance IsObjectSide (SomeObject s) where
  describeUpMessage (SomeObject object) = describeUpMessage object
  describeUpMessage (UnknownObject interface oId) =
    \opcode body -> interface <> "@" <> show oId <> ".#" <> show opcode <>
      " (" <> show (BSL.length body) <> "B, unknown)"
  describeDownMessage (SomeObject object) = describeDownMessage object
  describeDownMessage (UnknownObject interface oId) =
    \opcode body -> interface <> "@" <> show oId <> ".#" <> show opcode <>
      " (" <> show (BSL.length body) <> "B, unknown)"

class (Eq a, Show a) => IsMessage a where
  opcodeName :: Opcode -> Maybe String
  getMessage :: IsInterface i => Object s i -> Opcode -> Get (ProtocolM s a)
  putMessage :: a -> ProtocolM s (Opcode, [(Put, Int)])

instance IsMessage Void where
  opcodeName _ = Nothing
  getMessage = invalidOpcode
  putMessage = absurd

invalidOpcode :: IsInterface i => Object s i -> Opcode -> Get a
invalidOpcode object opcode =
  fail $ "Invalid opcode " <> show opcode <> " on " <> objectInterfaceName object <> "@" <> show (objectId object)

showObjectMessage :: (IsObject a, IsMessage b) => a -> b -> String
showObjectMessage object message =
  showObject object <> "." <> show message

data WireCallback s i = forall a. IsInterfaceHandler s i a => WireCallback a

instance IsInterfaceSide s i => IsInterfaceHandler s i (WireCallback s i) where
  handlerHandleMessage (WireCallback callback) = handlerHandleMessage callback

data LowLevelWireCallback s i = IsInterfaceSide s i => FnWireCallback (Object s i -> WireDown s i -> ProtocolM s ())

instance IsInterfaceSide s i => IsInterfaceHandler s i (LowLevelWireCallback s i) where
  handlerHandleMessage (FnWireCallback fn) object msg = fn object msg

internalFnWireCallback :: IsInterfaceSide s i => (Object s i -> WireDown s i -> ProtocolM s ()) -> WireCallback s i
internalFnWireCallback = WireCallback . FnWireCallback

-- | The 'traceWireCallback' callback outputs a trace for every received message, before passing the message to the callback
-- argument.
-- The 'trace' function should /only/ be used for debugging, or for monitoring execution. The function is not
-- referentially transparent: its type indicates that it is a pure function but it has the side effect of outputting the
-- trace message.
-- Uses `traceM` internally.
traceWireCallback :: IsInterfaceSide 'Client i => WireCallback 'Client i -> WireCallback 'Client i
traceWireCallback next = internalFnWireCallback \object message -> do
  traceM $ "<- " <> showObjectMessage object message
  handlerHandleMessage next object message

-- | A `WireCallback` that ignores all messages. Intended for development purposes, e.g. together with `traceWireCallback`.
ignoreMessage :: IsInterfaceSide 'Client i => WireCallback 'Client i
ignoreMessage = internalFnWireCallback \_ _ -> pure ()

-- * Exceptions

data WireCallbackFailed = WireCallbackFailed SomeException
  deriving stock Show
  deriving anyclass Exception

data ParserFailed = ParserFailed String String
  deriving stock Show
  deriving anyclass Exception

data ProtocolException = ProtocolException String
  deriving stock Show
  deriving anyclass Exception

data ProtocolUsageError = ProtocolUsageError String
  deriving stock Show
  deriving anyclass Exception

data MaximumIdReached = MaximumIdReached
  deriving stock Show
  deriving anyclass Exception

data ServerError = ServerError Word32 String
  deriving stock Show
  deriving anyclass Exception

-- * Protocol state and monad plumbing

-- | Top-level protocol handle (used e.g. to send/receive data)
newtype ProtocolHandle (s :: Side) = ProtocolHandle {
  stateVar :: TVar (Either SomeException (ProtocolState s))

-- | Protocol state handle, containing state for a non-failed protocol (should be kept in a 'ProtocolStateVar')
data ProtocolState (s :: Side) = ProtocolState {
  protocolKey :: Unique,
  protocolHandle :: ProtocolHandle s,
  bytesReceivedVar :: TVar Int64,
  bytesSentVar :: TVar Int64,
  inboxDecoderVar :: TVar (Decoder RawMessage),
  outboxVar :: TVar (Maybe Put),
  objectsVar :: TVar (HashMap GenericObjectId (SomeObject s)),
  nextIdVar :: TVar Word32

type ProtocolM s a = ReaderT (ProtocolState s) STM a

askProtocol :: ProtocolM s (ProtocolHandle s)
askProtocol = (.protocolHandle) <$> ask

readProtocolVar :: (ProtocolState s -> TVar a) -> ProtocolM s a
readProtocolVar fn = do
  state <- ask
  lift $ readTVar (fn state)

writeProtocolVar :: (ProtocolState s -> TVar a) -> a -> ProtocolM s ()
writeProtocolVar fn x = do
  state <- ask
  lift $ writeTVar (fn state) x

modifyProtocolVar :: (ProtocolState s -> TVar a) -> (a -> a) -> ProtocolM s ()
modifyProtocolVar fn x = do
  state <- ask
  lift $ modifyTVar (fn state) x

modifyProtocolVar' :: (ProtocolState s -> TVar a) -> (a -> a) -> ProtocolM s ()
modifyProtocolVar' fn x = do
  state <- ask
  lift $ modifyTVar' (fn state) x

stateProtocolVar :: (ProtocolState s -> TVar a) -> (a -> (r, a)) -> ProtocolM s r
stateProtocolVar fn x = do
  state <- ask
  lift $ stateTVar (fn state) x

  :: forall s wl_display a. (IsInterfaceSide s wl_display)
  => WireCallback s wl_display
  -> (Object s wl_display -> ProtocolM s a)
  -> STM (a, ProtocolHandle s)
initializeProtocol wlDisplayWireCallback initializationAction = do
  bytesReceivedVar <- newTVar 0
  bytesSentVar <- newTVar 0
  inboxDecoderVar <- newTVar $ runGetIncremental getRawMessage
  outboxVar <- newTVar Nothing
  protocolKey <- unsafeIOToSTM newUnique
  objectsVar <- newTVar $ HM.empty
  nextIdVar <- newTVar (initialId @s)

  -- Create uninitialized to avoid use of a diverging 'mfix'
  stateVar <- newTVar (Left impossibleCodePath)

  let protocol = ProtocolHandle {

  let state = ProtocolState {
    protocolHandle = protocol,
  writeTVar stateVar (Right state)

  let wlDisplay = Object protocol wlDisplayId (createProxy wlDisplay) undefined wlDisplayWireCallback
  modifyTVar' objectsVar (HM.insert wlDisplayId (SomeObject wlDisplay))

  result <- runReaderT (initializationAction wlDisplay) state
  pure (result, protocol)
    wlDisplayId :: GenericObjectId
    wlDisplayId = GenericObjectId 1

-- | Run a protocol action in 'IO'. If an exception occurs, it is stored as a protocol failure and is then
-- re-thrown.
-- Throws an exception, if the protocol is already in a failed state.
runProtocolTransaction :: MonadIO m => ProtocolHandle s -> ProtocolM s a -> m a
runProtocolTransaction (protocol@ProtocolHandle{stateVar}) action = do
  result <- liftIO $ atomically do
    readTVar stateVar >>= \case
      -- Protocol is already in a failed state
      Left ex -> throwM ex
      Right state -> do
        -- Run action, catch exceptions
        runReaderT (try action) state >>= \case
          Left ex -> do
            -- Action failed, change protocol state to failed
            writeTVar stateVar (Left ex)
            pure (Left ex)
          Right result -> do
            pure (Right result)
  -- Transaction is committed, rethrow exception if the action failed
  either (liftIO . throwM) pure result

-- | Run a 'ProtocolM'-action inside 'STM'.
-- Exceptions are not handled and reset the transaction (as usual with STM).
-- Throws an exception, if the protocol is already in a failed state.
runProtocolM :: ProtocolHandle s -> ProtocolM s a -> STM a
runProtocolM protocol action = either throwM (runReaderT action) =<< readTVar protocol.stateVar

-- | Feed the protocol newly received data.
feedInput :: (IsSide s, MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => ProtocolHandle s -> ByteString -> m ()
feedInput protocol bytes = runProtocolTransaction protocol do
  -- Exposing MonadIO instead of STM to the outside and using `runProtocolTransaction` here enforces correct exception handling.
  modifyProtocolVar' (.bytesReceivedVar) (+ fromIntegral (BS.length bytes))
  modifyProtocolVar (.inboxDecoderVar) (`pushChunk` bytes)

-- | Set the protocol to a failed state, e.g. when the socket closed unexpectedly.
setException :: (Exception e, MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => ProtocolHandle s -> e -> m ()
setException protocol ex = runProtocolTransaction protocol $ throwM ex

-- | Take data that has to be sent. Blocks until data is available.
takeOutbox :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => ProtocolHandle s -> m (BSL.ByteString)
takeOutbox protocol = runProtocolTransaction protocol do
  mOutboxData <- stateProtocolVar (.outboxVar) (\mOutboxData -> (mOutboxData, Nothing))
  outboxData <- maybe (lift retry) pure mOutboxData
  let sendData = runPut outboxData
  modifyProtocolVar' (.bytesSentVar) (+ BSL.length sendData)
  pure sendData

-- | Create an object. The caller is responsible for sending the 'NewId' immediately (exactly once; in the same STM
-- transaction; before using the object).
  :: forall s i. IsInterfaceSide s i
  => WireCallback s i
  -> ProtocolM s (Object s i, NewId (InterfaceName i))
newObject callback = do
  oId <- allocateObjectId
  let newId = NewId @(InterfaceName i) oId
  object <- newObjectFromId newId callback
  pure (object, newId)
    allocateObjectId :: ProtocolM s (ObjectId (InterfaceName i))
    allocateObjectId = do
      id' <- readProtocolVar (.nextIdVar)

      let nextId' = id' + 1
      when (nextId' == maximumId @s) $ throwM MaximumIdReached

      writeProtocolVar (.nextIdVar) nextId'
      pure $ ObjectId id'

  :: forall s i. IsInterfaceSide s i
  => NewId (InterfaceName i)
  -> WireCallback s i
  -> ProtocolM s (Object s i)
newObjectFromId (NewId oId) callback = do
  protocol <- askProtocol
    genericObjectId = toGenericObjectId oId
    object = Object protocol genericObjectId (createProxy object) undefined callback
    someObject = SomeObject object
  modifyProtocolVar (.objectsVar) (HM.insert genericObjectId someObject)
  pure object

-- createObject :: Callback -> STM (Object, NewId)
-- registerObject :: NewId -> Callback -> STM (Object)

-- | Sends a message without checking any ids or creating proxy objects objects. (TODO)
sendMessage :: forall s i. IsInterfaceSide s i => Object s i -> WireUp s i -> ProtocolM s ()
sendMessage object message = do
  isActiveObject <- HM.member oId <$> readProtocolVar (.objectsVar)
  unless isActiveObject $ throwM $ ProtocolUsageError $ "Tried to send message on an invalid object: " <> show object

  (opcode, pairs) <- putWireUp object message
  let (putBodyParts, partLengths) = unzip pairs
  let putBody = mconcat putBodyParts

  let bodyLength = foldr (+) 8 partLengths
  when (bodyLength > fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word16)) $
    throwM $ ProtocolUsageError $ "Tried to send message larger than 2^16 bytes"

  traceM $ "-> " <> showObjectMessage object message
  sendRawMessage $ putHeader opcode bodyLength >> putBody
    oId = objectId object
    (GenericObjectId objectIdWord) = objectId object
    putHeader :: Opcode -> Int -> Put
    putHeader opcode msgSize = do
      putWord32host objectIdWord
      putWord32host $ (fromIntegral msgSize `shiftL` 16) .|. fromIntegral opcode

objectSendMessage :: forall s i. IsInterfaceSide s i => Object s i -> WireUp s i -> STM ()
objectSendMessage object message = runProtocolM (objectProtocol object) $ sendMessage object message

receiveMessages :: IsSide s => ProtocolM s ()
receiveMessages = receiveRawMessage >>= \case
  Nothing -> pure ()
  Just rawMessage -> do
    handleRawMessage rawMessage

handleRawMessage :: forall s. RawMessage -> ProtocolM s ()
handleRawMessage (oId, opcode, body) = do
  objects <- readProtocolVar (.objectsVar)
  case HM.lookup oId objects of
    Nothing -> throwM $ ProtocolException $ "Received message with invalid object id " <> show oId

    Just (SomeObject object) ->
      case runGetOrFail (getMessageAction object opcode) body of
        Left (_, _, message) ->
          throwM $ ParserFailed (describeDownMessage object opcode body) message
        Right ("", _, result) -> result
        Right (leftovers, _, _) ->
          throwM $ ParserFailed (describeDownMessage object opcode body) (show (BSL.length leftovers) <> "B not parsed")

    Just (UnknownObject interface _) -> do
      throwM $ ProtocolException $ "Received message for object without handler: " <> interface <> "@" <> show oId
  :: IsInterfaceSide s i
  => Object s i
  -> Opcode
  -> Get (ProtocolM s ())
getMessageAction object@(Object _ _ _ _ objectHandler) opcode = do
  verifyMessage <- getWireDown object opcode
  pure $ handlerHandleMessage objectHandler object =<< verifyMessage

type RawMessage = (GenericObjectId, Opcode, BSL.ByteString)

receiveRawMessage :: forall s. ProtocolM s (Maybe RawMessage)
receiveRawMessage = do
  (result, nextDecoder) <- checkDecoder =<< readProtocolVar (.inboxDecoderVar)
  writeProtocolVar (.inboxDecoderVar) nextDecoder
  pure result
      :: Decoder RawMessage
      -> ProtocolM s (Maybe RawMessage, Decoder RawMessage)
    checkDecoder (Fail _ _ message) = throwM (ParserFailed "RawMessage" message)
    checkDecoder x@(Partial _) = pure (Nothing, x)
    checkDecoder (Done leftovers _ result) = pure (Just result, pushChunk (runGetIncremental getRawMessage) leftovers)

getRawMessage :: Get RawMessage
getRawMessage = do
  oId <- GenericObjectId <$> getWord32host
  sizeAndOpcode <- getWord32host
    size = fromIntegral (sizeAndOpcode `shiftR` 16) - 8
    opcode = fromIntegral (sizeAndOpcode .&. 0xFFFF)
  body <- getLazyByteString size
  pure (oId, opcode, body)

getWaylandBlob :: Get BS.ByteString
getWaylandBlob = do
  size <- getWord32host
  Just (string, 0) <- BS.unsnoc <$> getByteString (fromIntegral size)
  pure string

putWaylandBlob :: BS.ByteString -> ProtocolM s (Put, Int)
putWaylandBlob blob = do
  when (len > fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word16)) $
    throwM $ ProtocolUsageError $ "Tried to send string or array larger than 2^16 bytes"

  pure (putBlob, 4 + len + pad)
    -- Total data length including null byte
    len = BS.length blob + 1
    -- Padding length
    pad = padding len
    putBlob = do
      putWord32host (fromIntegral (len + 1))
      putByteString blob
      putWord8 0
      replicateM_ pad (putWord8 0)

skipPadding :: Get ()
skipPadding = do
  bytes <- bytesRead
  skip $ fromIntegral (padding bytes)

paddedSize :: Integral a => a -> a
paddedSize size = size + padding size

padding :: Integral a => a -> a
padding size = ((4 - (size `mod` 4)) `mod` 4)

sendRawMessage :: Put -> ProtocolM s ()
sendRawMessage x = modifyProtocolVar (.outboxVar) (Just . maybe x (<> x))