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Commit f5aafcaf authored by Jens Nolte's avatar Jens Nolte
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Add types for bidirectional connection

parent b7df69ef
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module Quasar.Wayland.Core (
) where
import Control.Monad.State (State)
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.State (StateT, runStateT, state, modify)
import Control.Monad.State qualified as State
import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Binary.Put
import Data.Bits ((.&.), (.|.), shiftL, shiftR)
......@@ -23,17 +33,62 @@ import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BSL
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Void (absurd)
import Quasar.Prelude
type ObjectId = Word32
type ObjectType = String
type Opcode = Word16
data Object = Object {
objectId :: ObjectId,
objectType :: ObjectType
-- | A wayland interface
class (Binary (TRequest a), Binary (TEvent a)) => IsInterface a where
type TRequest a
type TEvent a
interfaceName :: String
class IsInterface a => IsObject (s :: Side) a where
type Up s a
type Down s a
data Side = Client | Server
data Object s m a = IsInterface a => Object ObjectId (Callback s m a)
instance IsInterface a => IsObject 'Client a where
type Up 'Client a = TRequest a
type Down 'Client a = TEvent a
instance IsInterface a => IsObject 'Server a where
type Up 'Server a = TEvent a
type Down 'Server a = TRequest a
instance forall s m a. IsInterface a => IsSomeObject (Object s m a) where
objectId (Object oId _) = oId
objectInterfaceName _ = interfaceName @a
mkObject :: forall s m a. IsInterface a => ObjectId -> Callback s m a -> Object s m a
mkObject oId callback = Object @s @m @a oId callback
class IsSomeObject a where
objectId :: a -> ObjectId
objectInterfaceName :: a -> String
-- | Wayland object quantification wrapper
data SomeObject = forall a. IsSomeObject a => SomeObject a
instance IsSomeObject SomeObject where
objectId (SomeObject object) = objectId object
objectInterfaceName (SomeObject object) = objectInterfaceName object
class IsMessage a where
messageName :: a -> String
instance IsMessage Void where
messageName = absurd
data Argument
......@@ -61,16 +116,16 @@ putArgument (NewIdArgument x) = putWord32host x
putArgument _ = undefined
type ClientProtocolState = ProtocolState Request Event
type ServerProtocolState = ProtocolState Event Request
type ClientProtocolState m = ProtocolState 'Client m
type ServerProtocolState m = ProtocolState 'Server m
data ProtocolState up down = ProtocolState {
data ProtocolState (s :: Side) m = ProtocolState {
protocolException :: Maybe SomeException,
bytesReceived :: Word64,
bytesSent :: Word64,
parser :: Decoder down,
inboxDecoder :: Decoder down,
inboxDecoder :: Decoder (ObjectId, Opcode, BSL.ByteString),
outbox :: Maybe Put,
objects :: HashMap ObjectId Object
objects :: HashMap ObjectId SomeObject
data Request = Request ObjectId Opcode BSL.ByteString
......@@ -78,71 +133,148 @@ data Request = Request ObjectId Opcode BSL.ByteString
data Event = Event ObjectId Opcode (Either BSL.ByteString (Word32, BSL.ByteString, Word32))
deriving stock Show
initialClientProtocolState :: ClientProtocolState
initialClientProtocolState = initialProtocolState decodeEvent
initialProtocolState :: Get down -> ProtocolState up down
initialProtocolState downGet = sendInitialMessage ProtocolState {
bytesReceived = 0,
bytesSent = 0,
parser = runGetIncremental downGet,
inboxDecoder = runGetIncremental downGet,
outbox = Nothing,
objects = HM.singleton 1 (Object 1 "wl_display")
type ClientCallback m a = Callback 'Client m a
type ServerCallback m a = Callback 'Server m a
data Callback s m a = Callback {
messageCallback :: Object s m a -> Down s a -> StateT (ProtocolState s m) m ()
sendInitialMessage :: ProtocolState up down -> ProtocolState up down
sendInitialMessage = sendMessage 1 1 [NewIdArgument 2]
-- * Exceptions
data CallbackFailed = CallbackFailed SomeException
deriving stock Show
deriving anyclass Exception
data ParserFailed = ParserFailed String
deriving stock Show
deriving anyclass Exception
-- * Monad plumbing
feedInput :: forall up down. ByteString -> ProtocolState up down -> ([down], ProtocolState up down)
feedInput bytes = State.runState do
State.modify (receive bytes)
type ProtocolStep s m a = ProtocolState s m -> m (Either SomeException a, Maybe BSL.ByteString, ProtocolState s m)
protocolStep :: forall s m a. MonadCatch m => StateT (ProtocolState s m) m a -> ProtocolStep s m a
protocolStep action inState = do
mapM_ throwM inState.protocolException
(result, (outbox, outState)) <- fmap takeOutbox . storeExceptionIfFailed <$> runStateT (try action) inState
pure (result, outbox, outState)
go :: State (ProtocolState up down) [down]
go = State.state takeDownMsg >>= \case
Nothing -> pure []
Just msg -> (msg :) <$> go
storeExceptionIfFailed :: (Either SomeException a, ProtocolState s m) -> (Either SomeException a, ProtocolState s m)
storeExceptionIfFailed (Left ex, st) = (Left ex, setException ex st)
storeExceptionIfFailed x = x
setException :: (MonadCatch m, Exception e) => e -> (ProtocolState s m) -> (ProtocolState s m)
setException ex st =
if isJust st.protocolException
then st
else st{protocolException = Just (toException ex)}
-- * Exported functions
receive :: forall up down. ByteString -> ProtocolState up down -> ProtocolState up down
receive bytes state = state {
bytesReceived = state.bytesReceived + fromIntegral (BS.length bytes),
inboxDecoder = pushChunk state.inboxDecoder bytes
:: forall wl_display s m. IsInterface wl_display
=> Callback s m wl_display
-> ProtocolState s m
initialProtocolState wlDisplayCallback = sendInitialMessage initialState
wlDisplay :: Object s m wl_display
wlDisplay = mkObject 1 wlDisplayCallback
initialState :: ProtocolState s m
initialState = ProtocolState {
protocolException = Nothing,
bytesReceived = 0,
bytesSent = 0,
inboxDecoder = runGetIncremental getRawMessage,
outbox = Nothing,
objects = HM.singleton 1 (SomeObject wlDisplay)
-- | Feed the protocol newly received data
feedInput :: MonadCatch m => ByteString -> ProtocolStep s m ()
feedInput bytes = protocolStep do
feed = modify \st -> st {
bytesReceived = st.bytesReceived + fromIntegral (BS.length bytes),
inboxDecoder = pushChunk st.inboxDecoder bytes
sendMessage :: MonadCatch m => Object s m a -> Up s a -> ProtocolStep s m ()
sendMessage object message = protocolStep do
undefined message
setException :: (MonadCatch m, Exception e) => e -> ProtocolStep s m ()
setException ex = protocolStep do
modify \st -> st{protocolException = Just (toException ex)}
-- * Internals
-- | Take data that has to be sent (if available)
takeOutbox :: MonadCatch m => ProtocolState s m -> (Maybe BSL.ByteString, ProtocolState s m)
takeOutbox st = (runPut <$> st.outbox, st{outbox = Nothing})
sendInitialMessage :: ProtocolState s m -> ProtocolState s m
sendInitialMessage = sendMessageInternal 1 1 [NewIdArgument 2]
takeDownMsg :: forall up down. ProtocolState up down -> (Maybe down, ProtocolState up down)
takeDownMsg state = (result, state{inboxDecoder = newDecoder})
runCallbacks :: MonadCatch m => StateT (ProtocolState s m) m ()
runCallbacks = receiveRawMessage >>= \case
Nothing -> pure ()
Just message -> do
traceM $ show message
type RawMessage = (ObjectId, Opcode, BSL.ByteString)
getRawMessage :: Get RawMessage
getRawMessage = do
oId <- getWord32host
sizeAndOpcode <- getWord32host
size = fromIntegral (sizeAndOpcode `shiftR` 16) - 8
opcode = fromIntegral (sizeAndOpcode .&. 0xFFFF)
body <- getLazyByteString size
pure (oId, opcode, body)
receiveRawMessage :: MonadCatch m => StateT (ProtocolState s m) m (Maybe RawMessage)
receiveRawMessage = do
st <- State.get
(result, newDecoder) <- checkDecoder st.inboxDecoder
State.put st{inboxDecoder = newDecoder}
pure result
result :: Maybe down
newDecoder :: Decoder down
(result, newDecoder) = checkDecoder state.inboxDecoder
checkDecoder :: Decoder down -> (Maybe down, Decoder down)
checkDecoder (Fail _ _ _) = undefined
checkDecoder x@(Partial _) = (Nothing, x)
checkDecoder (Done leftovers _ result) = (Just result, pushChunk state.parser leftovers)
checkDecoder :: MonadCatch m => Decoder RawMessage -> StateT (ProtocolState s m) m (Maybe RawMessage, Decoder RawMessage)
checkDecoder d@(Fail _ _ message) = throwM (ParserFailed message)
checkDecoder x@(Partial _) = pure (Nothing, x)
checkDecoder (Done leftovers _ result) = pure (Just result, pushChunk (runGetIncremental getRawMessage) leftovers)
decodeEvent :: Get Event
decodeEvent = do
objectId <- getWord32host
oId <- getWord32host
sizeAndOpcode <- getWord32host
size = fromIntegral (sizeAndOpcode `shiftR` 16) - 8
opcode = fromIntegral (sizeAndOpcode .&. 0xFFFF)
body <- if (objectId == 2 && opcode == 0)
body <- if (oId == 2 && opcode == 0)
then Right <$> parseGlobal
else Left <$> getLazyByteString size <* skipPadding
pure $ Event objectId opcode body
pure $ Event oId opcode body
parseGlobal :: Get (Word32, BSL.ByteString, Word32)
parseGlobal = (,,) <$> getWord32host <*> getWaylandString <*> getWord32host
getWaylandString :: Get BSL.ByteString
getWaylandString = do
size <- getWord32host
Just (string, 0) <- BSL.unsnoc <$> getLazyByteString (fromIntegral size)
pure string
getWaylandString :: Get BSL.ByteString
getWaylandString = do
size <- getWord32host
Just (string, 0) <- BSL.unsnoc <$> getLazyByteString (fromIntegral size)
pure string
skipPadding :: Get ()
skipPadding = do
......@@ -150,9 +282,9 @@ skipPadding = do
skip $ fromIntegral ((4 - (bytes `mod` 4)) `mod` 4)
sendMessage :: ObjectId -> Opcode -> [Argument] -> ProtocolState up down -> ProtocolState up down
sendMessage objectId opcode args = sendRaw do
putWord32host objectId
sendMessageInternal :: ObjectId -> Opcode -> [Argument] -> ProtocolState s m -> ProtocolState s m
sendMessageInternal oId opcode args = sendRaw do
putWord32host oId
putWord32host $ (fromIntegral msgSize `shiftL` 16) .|. fromIntegral opcode
mapM_ putArgument args
-- TODO padding
......@@ -162,11 +294,7 @@ sendMessage objectId opcode args = sendRaw do
msgSizeInteger :: Integer
msgSizeInteger = foldr ((+) . (fromIntegral . argumentSize)) 8 args :: Integer
sendRaw :: Put -> ProtocolState up down -> ProtocolState up down
sendRaw :: Put -> ProtocolState s m -> ProtocolState s m
sendRaw put oldState = oldState {
outbox = Just (maybe put (<> put) oldState.outbox)
takeOutbox :: ProtocolState up down -> (Maybe BSL.ByteString, ProtocolState up down)
takeOutbox state = (runPut <$> state.outbox, state{outbox = Nothing})
akeOutbox state = (runPut <$> state.outbox, state{outbox = Nothing})
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