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  • jens/quasar-wayland
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Commits on Source (5)
......@@ -115,13 +115,18 @@ main = do
wlrLayerShell <- bindSingleton @Interface_zwlr_layer_shell_v1 client.registry
configuredVar <- newTVar False
wlrLayerSurface <- wlrLayerShell.get_layer_surface wlSurface Nothing 2 "demo"
setMessageHandler wlrLayerSurface EventHandler_zwlr_layer_surface_v1 {
configure = \serial width height -> wlrLayerSurface.ack_configure serial,
configure = \serial width height -> do
wlrLayerSurface.ack_configure serial
writeTVar configuredVar True,
closed = pure ()
wlrLayerSurface.set_size 512 512
-- Commit role
-- Should await first `configure` event
......@@ -129,15 +134,21 @@ main = do
buffer <- liftIO $ toImageBuffer shm (mkImage gradient)
liftIO $ atomically do
check =<< readTVar configuredVar
wlSurface.attach (Just buffer) 0 0
-- buffer2 <- liftIO $ toImageBuffer shm (wallpaperImage wallpaper)
buffer2 <- liftIO $ toImageBuffer shm (mkImage solidColor)
liftIO $ atomically do
wlSurface.attach (Just buffer2) 0 0
wlSurface.damage 0 0 42 42
--liftIO $ atomically do
-- wlSurface.attach (Nothing) 0 0
-- --wlSurface.damage 0 0 100 100
-- wlSurface.commit
liftIO $ atomically do
wlSurface.attach (Nothing) 0 0
wlSurface.damage 100 100 42 42
traceIO . ("shm buffer formats: " <>) . mconcat . intersperse ", " . fmap show . toList =<< await shm.formats
......@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@ module Main (main) where
import Quasar
import Quasar.Prelude
import Quasar.Wayland.Surface
import Quasar.Wayland.Server
import Quasar.Wayland.Server.Registry
import Quasar.Wayland.Server.Shm
import Quasar.Wayland.Shm
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol.Generated
main :: IO ()
main = runQuasarAndExit (stderrLogger LogLevelWarning) do
shmGlobal = createGlobal @Interface_wl_shm maxVersion (\_ -> traceM "wl_shm not implemented")
layerShellGlobal = createGlobal @Interface_zwlr_layer_shell_v1 maxVersion (\x -> setRequestHandler x layerShellHandler)
registry <- newRegistry [compositorGlobal @ShmBufferBackend, shmGlobal, layerShellGlobal]
server <- newWaylandServer registry
......@@ -21,7 +21,10 @@ main = runQuasarAndExit (stderrLogger LogLevelWarning) do
layerShellHandler :: RequestHandler_zwlr_layer_shell_v1
layerShellHandler =
RequestHandler_zwlr_layer_shell_v1 {
get_layer_surface = \wlLayerSurface _ _ _ _ -> setRequestHandler wlLayerSurface layerSurfaceHandler,
get_layer_surface = \wlLayerSurface _ _ _ _ -> do
setRequestHandler wlLayerSurface layerSurfaceHandler
-- Just send a "correct" configure event for the demo client to get things rolling
wlLayerSurface.configure 0 512 512,
destroy = pure ()
......@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
"locked": {
"host": "",
"lastModified": 1659338987,
"narHash": "sha256-ysZhQq4A3bkXm3euWVvBlkuVtVv6srSmWN1U50rAhgE=",
"lastModified": 1660518832,
"narHash": "sha256-nH+6BCO9VnKJz3gmqXjGkzsCNr+J4NrUQEIY90HhwS0=",
"owner": "jens",
"repo": "quasar",
"rev": "f80139a337b62d2e61e18b78530928b20da2dafc",
"rev": "7038f65573387fc86f4c856fa5b34a8e03f134c3",
"type": "gitlab"
"original": {
......@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ common shared-properties
......@@ -86,7 +87,10 @@ library
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ newShmBuffer shm width height = do
wlBuffer <- wlShmPool.create_buffer offset width height stride pixelFormat
setEventHandler wlBuffer EventHandler_wl_buffer {
release = pure ()
release = wlBuffer.destroy
pure wlBuffer
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ module Quasar.Wayland.Protocol (
-- ** Wayland types
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ module Quasar.Wayland.Protocol.Core (
......@@ -325,7 +326,6 @@ data Object s i = IsInterfaceSide s i => Object {
destroyed :: TVar Bool
getMessageHandler :: IsInterfaceSide s i => Object s i -> STM (MessageHandler s i)
getMessageHandler object = maybe (throwM (InternalError ("No message handler attached to " <> showObject object))) pure =<< readTVar object.messageHandler
......@@ -346,6 +346,9 @@ setInterfaceData object value = writeTVar object.interfaceData (toDyn value)
getInterfaceData :: Typeable a => Object s i -> STM (Maybe a)
getInterfaceData object = fromDynamic <$> readTVar object.interfaceData
isDestroyed :: Object s i -> STM Bool
isDestroyed object = readTVar object.destroyed
-- | Type alias to indicate an object is created with a message.
type NewObject s i = Object s i
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol.Generated
import Quasar.Wayland.Region
import Quasar.Wayland.Server.Registry
import Quasar.Wayland.Server.Socket
import Quasar.Wayland.Server.Surface
import Quasar.Wayland.Surface
module Quasar.Wayland.Server.Shm (
) where
import Quasar.Prelude
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol.Generated
import Quasar.Wayland.Server.Registry
import Quasar.Wayland.Shm
import Quasar.Wayland.Server.Surface
import System.Posix (Fd)
shmGlobal :: Global
shmGlobal = createGlobal @Interface_wl_shm maxVersion initializeWlShm
shmRequestHandler :: RequestHandler_wl_shm
shmRequestHandler = RequestHandler_wl_shm {
create_pool = initializeWlShmPool
initializeWlShm :: NewObject 'Server Interface_wl_shm -> STM ()
initializeWlShm wlShm = do
setRequestHandler wlShm shmRequestHandler
-- argb8888 (0) and xrgb8888 (1) are required by the spec
-- TODO add more formats later (i.e. 10bit formats are missing right now)
wlShm.format 0
wlShm.format 1
initializeWlShmPool :: NewObject 'Server Interface_wl_shm_pool -> Fd -> Int32 -> STM ()
initializeWlShmPool wlShmPool fd size = do
pool <- newShmPool fd size
setRequestHandler wlShmPool RequestHandler_wl_shm_pool {
create_buffer = initializeWlShmBuffer pool,
destroy = destroyShmPool pool,
resize = resizeShmPool pool
initializeWlShmBuffer :: ShmPool -> NewObject 'Server Interface_wl_buffer -> Int32 -> Int32 -> Int32 -> Int32 -> Word32 -> STM ()
initializeWlShmBuffer pool wlBuffer offset width height stride format = do
shmBuffer <- newShmBuffer pool offset width height stride format releaseFn
initializeWlBuffer @ShmBufferBackend wlBuffer shmBuffer
releaseFn :: STM ()
-- TODO handle other exceptions (e.g. disconnected)
releaseFn = unlessM (isDestroyed wlBuffer) wlBuffer.release
module Quasar.Wayland.Server.Surface (
) where
import Quasar.Prelude
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol.Generated
import Quasar.Wayland.Region (Rectangle(..), appAsRect)
import Quasar.Wayland.Surface
data ServerSurface b = ServerSurface {
surface :: Surface b,
pendingSurfaceCommit :: TVar (SurfaceCommit b),
-- Damage specified in surface coordinates (i.e. produced by wl_surface.damage instead of wl_surface.damage_buffer).
-- Damage can be converted to buffer coordinates on commit (NOTE: conversion requires wl_surface version 4)
pendingSurfaceDamage :: TVar [Rectangle]
newServerSurface :: forall b. STM (ServerSurface b)
newServerSurface = do
surface <- newSurface @b
pendingSurfaceCommit <- newTVar (defaultSurfaceCommit (DamageList []))
pendingSurfaceDamage <- newTVar []
pure ServerSurface {
modifyPending :: forall b. ServerSurface b -> (SurfaceCommit b -> SurfaceCommit b) -> STM ()
modifyPending surface fn = modifyTVar surface.pendingSurfaceCommit fn
commitServerSurface :: forall b. BufferBackend b => ServerSurface b -> STM ()
commitServerSurface surface = do
pendingCommit <- readTVar surface.pendingSurfaceCommit
surfaceDamage <- swapTVar surface.pendingSurfaceDamage mempty
let convertedSurfaceDamage =
case surfaceDamage of
[] -> DamageList []
-- TODO should do a coordinate conversion
_ -> DamageAll
let commit =
pendingCommit {
bufferDamage = pendingCommit.bufferDamage <> convertedSurfaceDamage
writeTVar surface.pendingSurfaceCommit $
commit {
buffer = Nothing,
offset = (0, 0),
bufferDamage = DamageList []
commitSurface surface.surface commit
attachToSurface :: forall b. BufferBackend b => ServerSurface b -> Maybe (Object 'Server Interface_wl_buffer) -> Int32 -> Int32 -> STM ()
attachToSurface surface wlBuffer x y = do
buffer <- mapM (getBuffer @b) wlBuffer
modifyPending surface \s ->
s {
offset = (x, y)
damageSurface :: forall b. ServerSurface b -> Rectangle -> STM ()
damageSurface surface rect =
modifyTVar surface.pendingSurfaceDamage (rect:)
damageBuffer :: forall b. ServerSurface b -> Rectangle -> STM ()
damageBuffer surface rect =
modifyPending surface \case
commit@SurfaceCommit{bufferDamage = DamageAll} -> commit
commit@SurfaceCommit{bufferDamage = DamageList xs} -> commit { bufferDamage = DamageList (rect : xs) }
initializeServerSurface :: forall b. BufferBackend b => Object 'Server Interface_wl_surface -> STM ()
initializeServerSurface wlSurface = do
surface <- newServerSurface @b
-- TODO missing requests
setMessageHandler wlSurface RequestHandler_wl_surface {
-- TODO ensure role is destroyed before surface
destroy = pure (),
attach = attachToSurface surface,
damage = appAsRect (damageSurface surface),
frame = \callback -> pure (),
set_opaque_region = \region -> pure (),
set_input_region = \region -> pure (),
commit = commitServerSurface surface,
set_buffer_transform = \transform -> pure (),
set_buffer_scale = \scale -> pure (),
damage_buffer = appAsRect (damageBuffer surface)
setInterfaceData wlSurface surface
traceM "wl_surface not implemented"
initializeWlBuffer :: forall b. BufferBackend b => NewObject 'Server Interface_wl_buffer -> Buffer b -> STM ()
initializeWlBuffer wlBuffer buffer = do
setInterfaceData wlBuffer buffer
setRequestHandler wlBuffer RequestHandler_wl_buffer {
-- TODO propagate buffer destruction
destroy = destroyBuffer buffer
module Quasar.Wayland.Shm (
) where
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Quasar.Prelude
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol
import Quasar.Wayland.Surface
import System.Posix (Fd)
data ShmBufferBackend
instance BufferBackend ShmBufferBackend where
type BufferContent ShmBufferBackend = ShmBuffer
releaseBuffer buffer = buffer.releaseFn
releaseBufferStorage buffer = do
modifyTVar buffer.pool.bufferCount pred
traceM "Finalized ShmBuffer"
tryFinalizeShmPool buffer.pool
-- | Wrapper for an externally managed shm pool
data ShmPool = ShmPool {
fd :: TVar (Maybe Fd),
size :: TVar Int32,
bufferCount :: TVar Word32,
destroyed :: TVar Bool,
downstreams :: TVar [DownstreamShmPool]
data ShmBuffer = ShmBuffer {
pool :: ShmPool,
offset :: Int32,
width :: Int32,
height :: Int32,
stride :: Int32,
format :: Word32,
releaseFn :: STM ()
-- | Create an `ShmPool` for externally managed memory. Takes ownership of the passed file descriptor.
newShmPool :: Fd -> Int32 -> STM ShmPool
newShmPool fd size = do
fdVar <- newTVar (Just fd)
sizeVar <- newTVar size
bufferCount <- newTVar 0
destroyed <- newTVar False
downstreams <- newTVar mempty
pure ShmPool {
fd = fdVar,
size = sizeVar,
-- | Resize an externally managed shm pool.
resizeShmPool :: ShmPool -> Int32 -> STM ()
resizeShmPool pool size = do
oldSize <- readTVar pool.size
when (oldSize > size) $ throwM $ ProtocolUsageError (mconcat ["wl_shm: Invalid resize from ", show oldSize, " to ", show size])
writeTVar pool.size size
-- | Destroy an externally managed shm pool. Memory shared to this pool will be deallocated after the last buffer is released.
destroyShmPool :: ShmPool -> STM ()
destroyShmPool pool = do
alreadyDestroyed <- swapTVar pool.destroyed True
unless alreadyDestroyed do
tryFinalizeShmPool pool
tryFinalizeShmPool :: ShmPool -> STM ()
tryFinalizeShmPool pool = do
destroyed <- readTVar pool.destroyed
bufferCount <- readTVar pool.bufferCount
when (destroyed && bufferCount == 0) do
fd <- swapTVar pool.fd Nothing
traceM "Finalized ShmPool"
-- TODO close fd
traceM $ "leaking fd " <> show fd <> " (closing fd is not implemented yet)"
-- | Create a new buffer for an externally managed pool
newShmBuffer :: ShmPool -> Int32 -> Int32 -> Int32 -> Int32 -> Word32 -> STM () -> STM (Buffer ShmBufferBackend)
newShmBuffer pool offset width height stride format releaseFn = do
-- TODO check arguments
modifyTVar pool.bufferCount succ
let shmBuffer = ShmBuffer pool offset width height stride format releaseFn
newBuffer @ShmBufferBackend shmBuffer
data DownstreamShmPool = DownstreamShmPool
connectDownstreamShmPool :: ShmPool -> DownstreamShmPool -> STM ()
connectDownstreamShmPool pool downstream = undefined
module Quasar.Wayland.Surface (
-- * Buffer backend
-- * Surface
) where
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Data.Typeable
import GHC.Records
import Quasar.Prelude
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol.Generated
import Quasar.Wayland.Region (Rectangle(..), appAsRect)
import Quasar.Wayland.Region (Rectangle(..))
type BufferBackend :: Type -> Constraint
class Typeable b => BufferBackend b where
type BufferContent b
-- | Buffer has been released and can be reused by the owner.
releaseBuffer :: BufferContent b -> STM ()
-- | A destroyed buffer has been released, so the buffer storage can be freed by the owner.
releaseBufferStorage :: BufferContent b -> STM ()
data Buffer b = Buffer {
content :: BufferContent b,
lockCount :: TVar Word32,
destroyed :: TVar Bool
newBuffer :: forall b. BufferContent b -> STM (Buffer b)
newBuffer content = do
lockCount <- newTVar 0
destroyed <- newTVar False
pure Buffer {
-- | Prevents the buffer from being released. Returns an unlock action.
lockBuffer :: forall b. BufferBackend b => Buffer b -> STM (STM ())
lockBuffer buffer = do
modifyTVar buffer.lockCount succ
pure unlockBuffer
unlockBuffer :: STM ()
unlockBuffer = do
lockCount <- stateTVar buffer.lockCount (dup . pred)
when (lockCount == 0) do
releaseBuffer @b buffer.content
tryFinalizeBuffer @b buffer
destroyBuffer :: forall b. BufferBackend b => Buffer b -> STM ()
destroyBuffer buffer = do
alreadyDestroyed <- readTVar buffer.destroyed
unless alreadyDestroyed do
writeTVar buffer.destroyed True
tryFinalizeBuffer buffer
tryFinalizeBuffer :: forall b. BufferBackend b => Buffer b -> STM ()
tryFinalizeBuffer buffer = do
destroyed <- readTVar buffer.destroyed
lockCount <- readTVar buffer.lockCount
when (destroyed && lockCount == 0) do
releaseBufferStorage @b buffer.content
class (Typeable b, Typeable (Buffer b)) => BufferBackend (b :: Type) where
type Buffer b
getBuffer :: forall b. BufferBackend b => Object 'Server Interface_wl_buffer -> STM (Buffer b)
getBuffer wlBuffer = do
......@@ -26,13 +84,6 @@ getBuffer wlBuffer = do
Nothing -> throwM $ InternalError ("Missing interface data on " <> show wlBuffer)
data ShmBufferBackend = ShmBufferBackend
data ShmBuffer = ShmBuffer
instance BufferBackend ShmBufferBackend where
type Buffer ShmBufferBackend = ShmBuffer
class SurfaceRole a where
surfaceRoleName :: a -> String
......@@ -42,45 +93,49 @@ instance SurfaceRole SomeSurfaceRole where
surfaceRoleName (SomeSurfaceRole role) = surfaceRoleName role
data Damage = DamageAll | DamageList [Rectangle]
instance Semigroup Damage where
DamageAll <> _ = DamageAll
_ <> DamageAll = DamageAll
DamageList xs <> DamageList ys = DamageList (xs <> ys)
data Surface b = Surface {
surfaceRole :: TVar (Maybe SomeSurfaceRole),
surfaceState :: TVar (SurfaceState b),
pendingSurfaceState :: TVar (SurfaceState b),
pendingSurfaceDamage :: TVar [Rectangle],
pendingBufferDamage :: TVar [Rectangle]
surfaceState :: TVar (SurfaceCommit b),
lastBufferUnlockFn :: TVar (Maybe (STM ())),
downstreams :: TVar [SurfaceDownstream b]
data SurfaceState b = SurfaceState {
data SurfaceCommit b = SurfaceCommit {
buffer :: Maybe (Buffer b),
offset :: (Int32, Int32)
offset :: (Int32, Int32),
bufferDamage :: Damage
defaultSurfaceState :: SurfaceState b
defaultSurfaceState = SurfaceState {
type SurfaceDownstream b = SurfaceCommit b -> STM ()
defaultSurfaceCommit :: Damage -> SurfaceCommit b
defaultSurfaceCommit bufferDamage = SurfaceCommit {
buffer = Nothing,
offset = (0, 0)
offset = (0, 0),
newtype ServerSurface b = ServerSurface (Surface b)
newSurface :: forall b. STM (Surface b)
newSurface = do
surfaceRole <- newTVar Nothing
surfaceState <- newTVar (defaultSurfaceState @b)
pendingSurfaceState <- newTVar (defaultSurfaceState @b)
pendingSurfaceDamage <- newTVar mempty
pendingBufferDamage <- newTVar mempty
surfaceState <- newTVar (defaultSurfaceCommit DamageAll)
lastBufferUnlockFn <- newTVar Nothing
downstreams <- newTVar []
pure Surface {
modifyPending :: forall b. Surface b -> (SurfaceState b -> SurfaceState b) -> STM ()
modifyPending surface fn = modifyTVar surface.pendingSurfaceState fn
assignSurfaceRole :: SurfaceRole a => Surface b -> a -> STM ()
assignSurfaceRole surface role = do
readTVar surface.surfaceRole >>= \case
......@@ -91,62 +146,14 @@ assignSurfaceRole surface role = do
writeTVar surface.surfaceRole (Just (SomeSurfaceRole role))
commitSurface :: forall b. BufferBackend b => Surface b -> SurfaceCommit b -> STM ()
commitSurface surface commit = do
mapM_ id =<< readTVar surface.lastBufferUnlockFn
writeTVar surface.lastBufferUnlockFn =<< mapM (lockBuffer @b) commit.buffer
commitSurface :: forall b. Surface b -> STM ()
commitSurface surface = do
state <- readTVar surface.pendingSurfaceState
-- TODO propagate damage
_surfaceDamage <- swapTVar surface.pendingSurfaceDamage mempty
_bufferDamage <- swapTVar surface.pendingBufferDamage mempty
writeTVar surface.surfaceState state
writeTVar surface.pendingSurfaceState $
state {
buffer = Nothing
traceM "committed"
-- TODO effects
setSurfaceContent :: forall b. Surface b -> Maybe (Buffer b) -> Int32 -> Int32 -> STM ()
setSurfaceContent surface buffer x y =
modifyPending surface \s ->
s {
offset = (x, y)
damageSurface :: forall b. Surface b -> Rectangle -> STM ()
damageSurface surface rect =
modifyTVar surface.pendingSurfaceDamage (rect:)
damageBuffer :: forall b. Surface b -> Rectangle -> STM ()
damageBuffer surface rect =
modifyTVar surface.pendingBufferDamage (rect:)
initializeServerSurface :: forall b. BufferBackend b => Object 'Server Interface_wl_surface -> STM ()
initializeServerSurface wlSurface = do
surface <- newSurface @b
traceM "setting message handler"
setMessageHandler wlSurface RequestHandler_wl_surface {
-- TODO ensure role is destroyed before surface
destroy = pure (),
attach = attach surface,
damage = appAsRect (damageSurface surface),
frame = \callback -> pure (),
set_opaque_region = \region -> pure (),
set_input_region = \region -> pure (),
commit = commitSurface surface,
set_buffer_transform = \transform -> pure (),
set_buffer_scale = \scale -> pure (),
damage_buffer = appAsRect (damageBuffer surface)
setInterfaceData wlSurface (ServerSurface @b surface)
traceM "wl_surface not implemented"
attach :: Surface b -> Maybe (Object 'Server Interface_wl_buffer) -> Int32 -> Int32 -> STM ()
attach surface wlBuffer x y = do
buffer <- mapM (getBuffer @b) wlBuffer
setSurfaceContent surface buffer x y
downstreams <- readTVar surface.downstreams
-- TODO handle exceptions, remove failed downstreams
mapM_ ($ commit) downstreams
connectSurfaceDownstream :: forall b. Surface b -> SurfaceDownstream b -> STM ()
connectSurfaceDownstream = undefined