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  • jens/quasar-wayland
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......@@ -6,10 +6,12 @@ import Quasar
import Quasar.Prelude
import Quasar.Timer
import Quasar.Wayland.Client
import Quasar.Wayland.Client.Buffer
import Quasar.Wayland.Client.JuicyPixels
import Quasar.Wayland.Client.Surface
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol.Generated
import Quasar.Wayland.Shm
import Quasar.Wayland.Surface
import Codec.Picture
......@@ -39,8 +41,8 @@ mkDimensions width height = Dimensions { width, height, aspect }
mkPosition :: Dimensions -> Int -> Int -> Position
mkPosition dimensions pixelX pixelY = Position { dimensions, pixelX, pixelY, u, v, x, y }
width' = width dimensions
height' = height dimensions
width' = dimensions.width
height' = dimensions.height
u :: Double
u = (fromIntegral pixelX) / (fromIntegral width')
v :: Double
......@@ -52,9 +54,10 @@ mkPosition dimensions pixelX pixelY = Position { dimensions, pixelX, pixelY, u,
y :: Double
y = (fromIntegral $ pixelY - (div height' 2)) / (fromIntegral innerRadius)
color :: RealFrac a => a -> a -> a -> PixelRGBA8
color :: forall a. RealFrac a => a -> a -> a -> PixelRGBA8
color r g b = PixelRGBA8 (toWord r) (toWord g) (toWord b) 255
toWord :: a -> Word8
toWord = truncate . (* 255) . (max 0) . (min 1)
gradient :: Position -> PixelRGBA8
......@@ -78,22 +81,24 @@ mkImage fn = generateImage pixel width height
main :: IO ()
main = do
runQuasarAndExit (stderrLogger LogLevelWarning) do
_ <- runQuasarAndExit (stderrLogger LogLevelWarning) do
traceIO "Connecting"
client <- connectWaylandClient
traceIO "Connected"
join $ liftIO $ atomically do
wlCompositor <- bindSingleton @Interface_wl_compositor client.registry
-- wlSurface <- wlCompositor.create_surface
-- setMessageHandler wlSurface EventHandler_wl_surface {
-- enter = \_ -> pure (),
-- leave = \_ -> pure ()
-- }
shm <- newShmBufferManager client
wlSurface <- wlCompositor.create_surface
setMessageHandler wlSurface EventHandler_wl_surface {
enter = \_ -> pure (),
leave = \_ -> pure ()
-- wlSurface2 <- wlCompositor.create_surface
-- setMessageHandler wlSurface2 EventHandler_wl_surface {
-- enter = \_ -> pure (),
-- leave = \_ -> pure ()
-- }
--xdgWmBase <- bindSingleton @Interface_xdg_wm_base client.registry
--setMessageHandler xdgWmBase EventHandler_xdg_wm_base {
......@@ -113,52 +118,80 @@ main = do
--xdgToplevel.set_title "foobar"
(surface, wlSurface) <- newClientSurface @ShmBufferBackend client
(surface2, wlSurface2) <- newClientSurface @ShmBufferBackend client
wlrLayerShell <- bindSingleton @Interface_zwlr_layer_shell_v1 client.registry
configuredVar <- newTVar False
configuredVar2 <- newTVar False
wlrLayerSurface <- wlrLayerShell.get_layer_surface wlSurface Nothing 2 "demo"
setMessageHandler wlrLayerSurface EventHandler_zwlr_layer_surface_v1 {
configure = \serial width height -> do
configure = \serial _width _height -> do
wlrLayerSurface.ack_configure serial
writeTVar configuredVar True,
closed = pure ()
wlrLayerSurface.set_size 512 512
wlrLayerSurface.set_anchor 1
wlrLayerSurface2 <- wlrLayerShell.get_layer_surface wlSurface2 Nothing 2 "demo"
setMessageHandler wlrLayerSurface2 EventHandler_zwlr_layer_surface_v1 {
configure = \serial _width _height -> do
wlrLayerSurface2.ack_configure serial
writeTVar configuredVar2 True,
closed = pure ()
wlrLayerSurface2.set_size 512 512
wlrLayerSurface2.set_anchor 2
-- Commit role
-- Should await first `configure` event
pure do
buffer <- liftIO $ toImageBuffer shm (mkImage gradient)
buffer <- liftIO $ toImageBuffer (mkImage gradient)
buffer2 <- liftIO $ toImageBuffer (mkImage solidColor)
liftIO $ atomically do
check =<< readTVar configuredVar
wlSurface.attach (Just buffer) 0 0
await =<< newDelay 1000000
buffer2 <- liftIO $ toImageBuffer shm (mkImage solidColor)
liftIO $ atomically do
wlSurface.attach (Just buffer2) 0 0
wlSurface.damage 0 0 42 42
await =<< newDelay 1000000
check =<< readTVar configuredVar2
commitSurface surface SurfaceCommit {
buffer = Just buffer,
offset = (0, 0),
bufferDamage = DamageAll
commitSurface surface2 SurfaceCommit {
buffer = Just buffer2,
offset = (0, 0),
bufferDamage = DamageList [Rectangle 0 0 42 42]
--destroyBuffer buffer
--destroyBuffer buffer2
await =<< newDelay 100000
traceIO "Waiting 2s"
await =<< newDelay 2000000
liftIO $ atomically do
wlSurface.attach (Nothing) 0 0
wlSurface.damage 100 100 42 42
traceIO . ("shm buffer formats: " <>) . mconcat . intersperse ", " . fmap show . toList =<< await shm.formats
commitSurface surface SurfaceCommit {
buffer = Nothing,
offset = (0, 0),
bufferDamage = DamageList []
commitSurface surface2 SurfaceCommit {
buffer = Nothing,
offset = (0, 0),
bufferDamage = DamageList []
-- traceIO . ("shm buffer formats: " <>) . mconcat . intersperse ", " . fmap show . toList =<< await shm.formats
pure ()
traceIO "Waiting 2s"
await =<< newDelay 2000000
await =<< newDelay 1000000
traceIO "Closing"
traceIO "Closed"
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ library
import: shared-properties
......@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ library
......@@ -7,10 +7,15 @@ module Quasar.Wayland.Client (
) where
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.Proxy
import GHC.Records
import Network.Socket (Socket)
import Quasar
......@@ -21,12 +26,14 @@ import Quasar.Wayland.Client.Socket
import Quasar.Wayland.Connection
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol.Generated
import Type.Reflection (SomeTypeRep, someTypeRep)
data WaylandClient = WaylandClient {
connection :: WaylandConnection 'Client,
wlDisplay :: Object 'Client Interface_wl_display,
registry :: Registry
registry :: Registry,
globals :: TVar (Map SomeTypeRep Dynamic)
instance Resource WaylandClient where
......@@ -41,10 +48,13 @@ newWaylandClient :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuasar m) => Socket -> m WaylandClient
newWaylandClient socket = do
((wlDisplay, registry), connection) <- newWaylandConnection newClientDisplay socket
globals <- newTVarIO mempty
pure WaylandClient {
newClientDisplay :: STM ((Object 'Client Interface_wl_display, Registry), ProtocolHandle 'Client)
......@@ -65,3 +75,20 @@ newWaylandClient socket = do
instance HasField "sync" WaylandClient (STM (Future ())) where
getField client = lowLevelSyncFuture client.wlDisplay
-- | Get or create a client component; only one component of the same type will be created.
getClientComponent :: forall a. Typeable a => STM a -> WaylandClient -> STM a
getClientComponent initFn client = do
globals <- readTVar client.globals
case Map.lookup key globals of
Just dyn ->
case (fromDynamic @a dyn) of
Just global -> pure global
Nothing -> unreachableCodePathM
Nothing -> do
global <- initFn
writeTVar client.globals (Map.insert key (toDyn global) globals)
pure global
key = someTypeRep (Proxy @a)
module Quasar.Wayland.Client.Buffer (
-- * wl_shm
) where
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Foreign
import Quasar
import Quasar.Prelude
import Quasar.Wayland.Client
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol.Generated
import Quasar.Wayland.Utils.SharedMemory
import System.Posix.IO (closeFd)
import System.Posix.Types (Fd)
data ShmBufferManager = ShmBufferManager {
wlShm :: Object 'Client Interface_wl_shm,
formats :: Future (Set.Set Word32)
newShmBufferManager :: WaylandClient -> STM ShmBufferManager
newShmBufferManager client = do
formatsVar <- newTVar mempty
wlShm <- bindSingleton @Interface_wl_shm client.registry
setEventHandler wlShm $ EventHandler_wl_shm {
format = modifyTVar formatsVar . Set.insert
-- Formats are emittet all at once; sync ensures the list is complete
formatListComplete <- client.sync
let formats = formatListComplete >> unsafeAwaitSTM (readTVar formatsVar)
pure ShmBufferManager {
data ShmPool = ShmPool {
wlShmPool :: Object 'Client Interface_wl_shm_pool,
shmPtr :: TVar (Maybe (ForeignPtr Word8))
newShmPool :: ShmBufferManager -> Int32 -> IO ShmPool
newShmPool shm size = do
(wlShmPool, ptr) <- trySendShm size (\fd -> shm.wlShm.create_pool fd size)
shmPtr <- newTVarIO (Just ptr)
pure ShmPool {
:: ShmBufferManager
-> Int32
-> Int32
-> IO (Object 'Client Interface_wl_buffer, ForeignPtr Word32)
newShmBuffer shm width height = do
(wlShmPool, ptr) <- trySendShm size (\fd -> shm.wlShm.create_pool fd size)
wlBuffer <- liftIO $ atomically do
wlBuffer <- wlShmPool.create_buffer offset width height stride pixelFormat
setEventHandler wlBuffer EventHandler_wl_buffer {
release = pure () -- wlBuffer.destroy
pure wlBuffer
atomically wlShmPool.destroy
pure (wlBuffer, castForeignPtr ptr)
bytePerPixel = 4
offset = 0
stride = width * bytePerPixel
size = width * height * bytePerPixel
pixelFormat = 0 -- argb8888
trySendShm :: Int32 -> (Fd -> STM a) -> IO (a, ForeignPtr Word8)
trySendShm size sendAction = do
fd <- memfdCreate $ fromIntegral size
-- Has to be created before sending since the fd will be closed when sent
ptr <- mmap fd $ fromIntegral size
-- Fd ownership is transferred to the outbox (it will be closed after it has
-- been sent)
result <- atomically (sendAction fd)
(closeFd fd >> finalizeForeignPtr ptr)
pure (result, ptr)
......@@ -7,18 +7,18 @@ module Quasar.Wayland.Client.JuicyPixels (
import Codec.Picture
import Foreign
import Quasar.Prelude
import Quasar.Wayland.Client.Buffer
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol.Generated
import Quasar.Wayland.Client.ShmBuffer
import Quasar.Wayland.Shm
import Quasar.Wayland.Surface
loadImageBuffer :: ShmBufferManager -> FilePath -> IO (Object 'Client Interface_wl_buffer)
loadImageBuffer shm path = do
loadImageBuffer :: FilePath -> IO (Buffer ShmBufferBackend)
loadImageBuffer path = do
image <- either fail (pure . convertRGBA8) =<< readImage path
toImageBuffer shm image
toImageBuffer image
toImageBuffer :: ShmBufferManager -> Image PixelRGBA8 -> IO (Object 'Client Interface_wl_buffer)
toImageBuffer shm image = do
(buffer, ptr) <- newShmBuffer shm (fromIntegral (imageWidth image)) (fromIntegral (imageHeight image))
toImageBuffer :: Image PixelRGBA8 -> IO (Buffer ShmBufferBackend)
toImageBuffer image = do
(buffer, ptr) <- newLocalShmBuffer (fromIntegral (imageWidth image)) (fromIntegral (imageHeight image))
width = imageWidth image
height = imageHeight image
module Quasar.Wayland.Client.ShmBuffer (
-- * wl_shm
) where
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Foreign
import Quasar.Prelude
import Quasar.Wayland.Shm
import Quasar.Wayland.Surface
import Quasar.Wayland.Utils.SharedMemory
import System.Posix.IO (closeFd)
newLocalShmPool :: Int32 -> IO (ShmPool, ForeignPtr Word8)
newLocalShmPool size = do
fd <- memfdCreate $ fromIntegral size
ptr <- mmap fd $ fromIntegral size
-- Passes ownership of the fd to the pool
pool <- atomically (newShmPool fd size)
(closeFd fd >> finalizeForeignPtr ptr)
pure (pool, ptr)
:: Int32
-> Int32
-> IO (Buffer ShmBufferBackend, ForeignPtr Word32)
newLocalShmBuffer width height = do
(pool, ptr) <- newLocalShmPool size
atomically do
buffer <- newShmBuffer pool offset width height stride pixelFormat
-- Pool won't be reused
destroyShmPool pool
pure (buffer, castForeignPtr ptr)
bytePerPixel = 4
offset = 0
stride = width * bytePerPixel
size = width * height * bytePerPixel
pixelFormat = 0 -- argb8888
module Quasar.Wayland.Client.Surface (
-- * Buffer backend
-- * Surface
) where
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Quasar.Prelude
import Quasar.Wayland.Client
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol.Generated
import Quasar.Wayland.Surface
import Quasar.Wayland.Region (appRect)
import Quasar.Wayland.Surface
class BufferBackend b => ClientBufferBackend b where
class (BufferBackend b, Typeable (ClientBufferManager b)) => ClientBufferBackend b where
type ClientBufferManager b
exportWlBuffer :: ClientBufferManager b -> Buffer b -> STM (Object 'Client Interface_wl_buffer)
newClientBufferManager :: WaylandClient -> STM (ClientBufferManager b)
-- | Called by the `Surface`-implementation when a buffer should be created on a wayland client.
-- The caller takes ownership of the resulting wl_buffer and will attach the event handler.
exportWlBuffer :: ClientBufferManager b -> Buffer b -> STM (NewObject 'Client Interface_wl_buffer)
getClientBufferManager :: forall b. ClientBufferBackend b => WaylandClient -> STM (ClientBufferManager b)
getClientBufferManager client =
getClientComponent (newClientBufferManager @b client) client
getClientWlBuffer :: ClientBufferBackend b => ClientSurfaceManager b -> Buffer b -> STM (Object 'Client Interface_wl_buffer)
getClientWlBuffer surfaceManager buffer = do
buffers <- readTVar bufferMap
-- | Requests a wl_buffer for a `Buffer` and changes it's state to attached.
requestClientBuffer :: ClientBufferBackend b => ClientSurfaceManager b -> Buffer b -> STM (Object 'Client Interface_wl_buffer)
requestClientBuffer client buffer = do
buffers <- readTVar client.bufferMap
case HM.lookup buffer buffers of
Just wlBuffer -> pure wlBuffer
Just clientBuffer -> do
readTVar clientBuffer.state >>= \case
Released -> useClientBuffer clientBuffer
-- TODO using (z)wp_linux_buffer_release a buffer could be attached to multiple surfaces
Attached _ -> newSingleUseClientBuffer client buffer
Nothing -> do
wlBuffer <- exportWlBuffer surfaceManager.bufferManager buffer
-- TODO register finalizer (on `buffer` and `wlBuffer`) to remove from map
writeTVar bufferMap (HM.insert buffer wlBuffer buffers)
pure wlBuffer
clientBuffer <- newClientBuffer client buffer
writeTVar client.bufferMap (HM.insert buffer clientBuffer buffers)
useClientBuffer clientBuffer
bufferMap = surfaceManager.bufferMap
useClientBuffer :: ClientBuffer b -> STM (Object 'Client Interface_wl_buffer)
useClientBuffer clientBuffer = do
unlockFn <- lockBuffer buffer
writeTVar clientBuffer.state (Attached unlockFn)
pure clientBuffer.wlBuffer
-- | Create a reusable client buffer.
newClientBuffer :: ClientBufferBackend b => ClientSurfaceManager b -> Buffer b -> STM (ClientBuffer b)
newClientBuffer client buffer = do
whenM (isBufferDestroyed buffer) $ throwM (userError "newClientBuffer was called with a destroyed buffer")
state <- newTVar Released
wlBuffer <- exportWlBuffer client.bufferManager buffer
-- TODO register finalizer on wl_buffer to unlock `Buffer` if the client is disconnected before release
-- TODO in both cases, the `ClientBuffer` should be removed from the `bufferMap`
destroyed <- newTVar False
let clientBuffer = ClientBuffer {
setEventHandler wlBuffer EventHandler_wl_buffer {
release = releaseClientBuffer clientBuffer
addBufferDestroyedCallback buffer (destroyClientBuffer clientBuffer)
pure clientBuffer
releaseClientBuffer :: ClientBuffer b -> STM ()
releaseClientBuffer clientBuffer = do
swapTVar clientBuffer.state Released >>= \case
Attached releaseFn -> releaseFn
Released -> traceM "ClientBuffer: Duplicate release"
destroyClientBuffer :: ClientBuffer b -> STM ()
destroyClientBuffer clientBuffer = do
writeTVar clientBuffer.destroyed True
state <- readTVar clientBuffer.state
case state of
Attached _ -> traceM "ClientBuffer: Destroyed while attached (this is a bug somewhere in the buffer locking logic)"
Released -> clientBuffer.wlBuffer.destroy
-- | Since `release` is undefined when a buffer is attached to multiple surfaces,
-- using multiple wl_buffer objects for the same `Buffer` might be required.
-- This function creates single-use buffers, that is, buffers that are destroyed
-- as soon as they receive a `release`-event.
newSingleUseClientBuffer :: ClientBufferBackend b => ClientSurfaceManager b -> Buffer b -> STM (Object 'Client Interface_wl_buffer)
newSingleUseClientBuffer surfaceManager buffer = do
unlockFn <- lockBuffer buffer
wlBuffer <- exportWlBuffer surfaceManager.bufferManager buffer
setEventHandler wlBuffer EventHandler_wl_buffer {
release = wlBuffer.destroy >> unlockFn
-- TODO register finalizer to release lock when client is disconnected
pure wlBuffer
data ClientSurfaceManager b = ClientSurfaceManager {
bufferManager :: ClientBufferManager b,
wlCompositor :: Object 'Client Interface_wl_compositor,
bufferMap :: TVar (HashMap (Buffer b) (Object 'Client Interface_wl_buffer))
bufferMap :: TVar (HashMap (Buffer b) (ClientBuffer b))
data ClientSurface b = ClientSurface {
......@@ -48,39 +122,78 @@ data ClientSurface b = ClientSurface {
wlSurface :: Object 'Client Interface_wl_surface
newClientSurfaceManager :: ClientBufferManager b -> Object 'Client Interface_wl_compositor -> STM (ClientSurfaceManager b)
newClientSurfaceManager bufferManager wlCompositor = do
data ClientBufferState = Attached (STM ()) | Released
data ClientBuffer b = ClientBuffer {
wlBuffer :: Object 'Client Interface_wl_buffer,
state :: TVar ClientBufferState,
destroyed :: TVar Bool
getClientSurfaceManager :: ClientBufferBackend b => WaylandClient -> STM (ClientSurfaceManager b)
getClientSurfaceManager client =
getClientComponent (newClientSurfaceManager client) client
newClientSurfaceManager :: forall b. ClientBufferBackend b => WaylandClient -> STM (ClientSurfaceManager b)
newClientSurfaceManager client = do
bufferManager <- getClientBufferManager @b client
wlCompositor <- getClientComponent @(Object 'Client Interface_wl_compositor) (newWlCompositor client) client
bufferMap <- newTVar mempty
pure ClientSurfaceManager { bufferManager, wlCompositor, bufferMap }
pure ClientSurfaceManager {
newWlCompositor :: WaylandClient -> STM (Object 'Client Interface_wl_compositor)
newWlCompositor client = do
wlCompositor <- bindSingleton client.registry
-- wl_compositor does not have any events. Setting `()` as the event handler will produce a type error if that changes in the future.
setEventHandler wlCompositor ()
pure wlCompositor
newClientSurface :: ClientBufferBackend b => ClientSurfaceManager b -> STM (Surface b)
newClientSurface surfaceManager = do
newClientSurface :: ClientBufferBackend b => WaylandClient -> STM (Surface b, Object 'Client Interface_wl_surface)
newClientSurface client = do
surfaceManager <- getClientSurfaceManager client
surface <- newSurface
-- TODO this is quite useless if the wl_surface is dropped, since it can'tbe
_ <- newMirroredClientSurface surfaceManager surface
pure surface
wlSurface <- exportWlSurface surfaceManager surface
pure (surface, wlSurface)
-- | Creates a wl_surface object that mirrors the content of a `Surface`.
newMirroredClientSurface :: ClientBufferBackend b => ClientSurfaceManager b -> Surface b -> STM (Object 'Client Interface_wl_surface)
newMirroredClientSurface surfaceManager surface = do
exportWlSurface :: ClientBufferBackend b => ClientSurfaceManager b -> Surface b -> STM (Object 'Client Interface_wl_surface)
exportWlSurface surfaceManager surface = do
wlSurface <- surfaceManager.wlCompositor.create_surface
let clientSurface = ClientSurface { surfaceManager, wlSurface }
connectSurfaceDownstream surface (surfaceDownstream clientSurface)
-- TODO: add finalizer, so that the surface is destroyed with the wlSurface
-- TODO event handling
setEventHandler wlSurface EventHandler_wl_surface {
enter = \_ -> pure (),
leave = \_ -> pure ()
pure wlSurface
surfaceDownstream :: ClientBufferBackend b => ClientSurface b -> SurfaceDownstream b
surfaceDownstream surface = onSurfaceCommit surface
onSurfaceCommit :: ClientBufferBackend b => ClientSurface b -> SurfaceCommit b -> STM ()
onSurfaceCommit surface commit = do
onSurfaceCommit surface (commit@SurfaceCommit{buffer = Nothing}) = do
-- TODO catch exceptions and redirect to client owner (so the shared surface can continue to work when one backend fails)
wlBuffer <- mapM (getClientWlBuffer surface.surfaceManager) commit.buffer
wlSurface.attach wlBuffer (fst commit.offset) (snd commit.offset)
surface.wlSurface.attach Nothing (fst commit.offset) (snd commit.offset)
-- TODO damage might not be required when removing a buffer?
addBufferDamage surface.wlSurface commit.bufferDamage
wlSurface = surface.wlSurface
onSurfaceCommit surface commit@SurfaceCommit{buffer = Just buffer} = do
-- TODO catch exceptions and redirect to client owner (so the shared surface can continue to work when one backend fails)
wlBuffer <- requestClientBuffer surface.surfaceManager buffer
-- NOTE Alternative which does not leak buffer objects (until TODOs are fixed) by never reusing buffers
--wlBuffer <- newSingleUseClientBuffer surface.surfaceManager buffer
surface.wlSurface.attach (Just wlBuffer) (fst commit.offset) (snd commit.offset)
addBufferDamage surface.wlSurface commit.bufferDamage
addBufferDamage :: Object 'Client Interface_wl_surface -> Damage -> STM ()
addBufferDamage wlSurface DamageAll = wlSurface.damage_buffer minBound minBound maxBound maxBound
......@@ -764,7 +764,9 @@ getNullableObject oId = Just <$> getObject oId
-- | Handle a wl_display.error message. Because this is part of the core protocol but generated from the xml it has to
-- be called from the client module.
handleWlDisplayError :: ProtocolHandle 'Client -> GenericObjectId -> Word32 -> WlString -> STM ()
handleWlDisplayError _protocol _oId code message = throwM $ ServerError code (toString message)
handleWlDisplayError _protocol _oId code message =
-- TODO lookup object id
throwM $ ServerError code (toString message)
-- | Handle a wl_display.delete_id message. Because this is part of the core protocol but generated from the xml it has
-- to be called from the client module.
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ newServerSurface = do
commitServerSurface :: forall b. BufferBackend b => ServerSurface b -> STM ()
commitServerSurface :: ServerSurface b -> STM ()
commitServerSurface surface = do
serverBuffer <- swapTVar surface.pendingBuffer Nothing
offset <- swapTVar surface.pendingOffset (0, 0)
......@@ -8,8 +8,18 @@ module Quasar.Wayland.Shm (
) where
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM
import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import Data.HashSet qualified as HS
import Data.Hashable (Hashable(hash, hashWithSalt))
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Quasar.Future
import Quasar.Prelude
import Quasar.Wayland.Client
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol.Generated
import Quasar.Wayland.Surface
import Quasar.Wayland.Client.Surface
import System.Posix (Fd)
......@@ -17,31 +27,38 @@ import System.Posix (Fd)
data ShmBufferBackend
instance BufferBackend ShmBufferBackend where
type BufferContent ShmBufferBackend = ShmBuffer
releaseBufferStorage buffer = do
modifyTVar buffer.pool.bufferCount pred
traceM "Finalized ShmBuffer"
tryFinalizeShmPool buffer.pool
instance ClientBufferBackend ShmBufferBackend where
type ClientBufferManager ShmBufferBackend = ShmClient
exportWlBuffer = undefined
data ShmClient = ShmClient {
type BufferStorage ShmBufferBackend = ShmBuffer
releaseShmBuffer :: ShmBuffer -> STM ()
releaseShmBuffer buffer = do
modifyTVar buffer.pool.bufferCount pred
traceM "Finalized ShmBuffer"
tryFinalizeShmPool buffer.pool
-- | Wrapper for an externally managed shm pool
data ShmPool = ShmPool {
key :: Unique,
fd :: TVar (Maybe Fd),
size :: TVar Int32,
bufferCount :: TVar Word32,
destroyRequested :: TVar Bool,
destroyed :: TVar Bool,
downstreams :: TVar [DownstreamShmPool]
instance Eq ShmPool where
x == y = x.key == y.key
instance Hashable ShmPool where
hash pool = hash pool.key
hashWithSalt salt pool = hashWithSalt salt pool.key
data DownstreamShmPool = DownstreamShmPool {
destroy :: STM (),
resize :: Int32 -> STM ()
data ShmBuffer = ShmBuffer {
pool :: ShmPool,
offset :: Int32,
......@@ -54,15 +71,19 @@ data ShmBuffer = ShmBuffer {
-- | Create an `ShmPool` for externally managed memory. Takes ownership of the passed file descriptor.
newShmPool :: Fd -> Int32 -> STM ShmPool
newShmPool fd size = do
key <- newUniqueSTM
fdVar <- newTVar (Just fd)
sizeVar <- newTVar size
bufferCount <- newTVar 0
destroyRequested <- newTVar False
destroyed <- newTVar False
downstreams <- newTVar mempty
pure ShmPool {
fd = fdVar,
size = sizeVar,
......@@ -73,24 +94,33 @@ resizeShmPool pool size = do
oldSize <- readTVar pool.size
when (oldSize > size) $ throwM $ ProtocolUsageError (mconcat ["wl_shm: Invalid resize from ", show oldSize, " to ", show size])
writeTVar pool.size size
downstreams <- readTVar pool.downstreams
mapM_ (\downstream -> downstream.resize size) downstreams
-- | Destroy an externally managed shm pool. Memory shared to this pool will be deallocated after the last buffer is released.
-- | Request destruction of an an externally managed shm pool. Memory shared with this pool will be deallocated after the last buffer is released.
destroyShmPool :: ShmPool -> STM ()
destroyShmPool pool = do
alreadyDestroyed <- swapTVar pool.destroyed True
unless alreadyDestroyed do
tryFinalizeShmPool pool
writeTVar pool.destroyRequested True
tryFinalizeShmPool pool
tryFinalizeShmPool :: ShmPool -> STM ()
tryFinalizeShmPool pool = do
destroyed <- readTVar pool.destroyed
destroyRequested <- readTVar pool.destroyRequested
bufferCount <- readTVar pool.bufferCount
when (destroyed && bufferCount == 0) do
when (destroyRequested && bufferCount == 0) do
writeTVar pool.destroyed True
fd <- swapTVar pool.fd Nothing
downstreams <- swapTVar pool.downstreams mempty
mapM_ (.destroy) downstreams
traceM "Finalized ShmPool"
-- TODO close fd
traceM $ "leaking fd " <> show fd <> " (closing fd is not implemented yet)"
connectDownstreamShmPool :: ShmPool -> DownstreamShmPool -> STM ()
connectDownstreamShmPool pool downstream = do
whenM (readTVar pool.destroyed) $ throwM $ userError "ShmPool: Cannot attach downstream since the pool has been destroyed"
modifyTVar pool.downstreams (downstream:)
-- | Create a new buffer for an externally managed pool
newShmBuffer :: ShmPool -> Int32 -> Int32 -> Int32 -> Int32 -> Word32 -> STM (Buffer ShmBufferBackend)
......@@ -98,9 +128,80 @@ newShmBuffer pool offset width height stride format = do
-- TODO check arguments
modifyTVar pool.bufferCount succ
let shmBuffer = ShmBuffer pool offset width height stride format
newBuffer @ShmBufferBackend shmBuffer
newBuffer @ShmBufferBackend shmBuffer (releaseShmBuffer shmBuffer)
data DownstreamShmPool = DownstreamShmPool
connectDownstreamShmPool :: ShmPool -> DownstreamShmPool -> STM ()
connectDownstreamShmPool pool downstream = undefined
-- * Wayland client
instance ClientBufferBackend ShmBufferBackend where
type ClientBufferManager ShmBufferBackend = ClientShmManager
newClientBufferManager = newClientShmManager
exportWlBuffer :: ClientShmManager -> Buffer ShmBufferBackend -> STM (NewObject 'Client Interface_wl_buffer)
exportWlBuffer client buffer = do
let shmBuffer =
wlShmPool <- getClientShmPool client shmBuffer.pool
-- NOTE no event handlers are attached here, since the caller (usually `Quasar.Wayland.Surface`) has that responsibility.
wlShmPool.create_buffer shmBuffer.offset shmBuffer.width shmBuffer.height shmBuffer.stride shmBuffer.format
data ClientShmManager = ClientShmManager {
key :: Unique,
wlShm :: Object 'Client Interface_wl_shm,
wlShmPools :: TVar (HashMap ShmPool (Object 'Client Interface_wl_shm_pool)),
formats :: Future (Set Word32)
instance Eq ClientShmManager where
x == y = x.key == y.key
instance Hashable ClientShmManager where
hash x = hash x.key
hashWithSalt salt x = hashWithSalt salt x.key
newClientShmManager :: WaylandClient -> STM ClientShmManager
newClientShmManager client = do
key <- newUniqueSTM
wlShm <- bindSingleton client.registry
wlShmPools <- newTVar mempty
formatsVar <- newTVar mempty
setEventHandler wlShm $ EventHandler_wl_shm {
format = \fmt -> modifyTVar formatsVar (Set.insert fmt)
-- Formats are emittet all at once; sync ensures the list is complete
formatListComplete <- client.sync
-- Create awaitable from formats
let formats = formatListComplete >> unsafeAwaitSTM (readTVar formatsVar)
pure ClientShmManager {
getClientShmPool :: ClientShmManager -> ShmPool -> STM (Object 'Client Interface_wl_shm_pool)
getClientShmPool client pool = do
HM.lookup pool <$> readTVar client.wlShmPools >>= \case
Just wlShmPool -> pure wlShmPool
Nothing -> do
wlShmPool <- exportClientShmPool client pool
modifyTVar client.wlShmPools (HM.insert pool wlShmPool)
pure wlShmPool
exportClientShmPool :: ClientShmManager -> ShmPool -> STM (Object 'Client Interface_wl_shm_pool)
exportClientShmPool client pool = do
readTVar pool.fd >>= \case
Nothing -> throwM $ userError "Cannot export finalized ShmPool"
Just fd -> do
size <- readTVar pool.size
-- TODO attach downstream to propagate size changes and pool destruction
-- TODO (then: remove downstream when client is closed)
wlShmPool <- client.wlShm.create_pool fd size
connectDownstreamShmPool pool DownstreamShmPool {
destroy = wlShmPool.destroy,
resize = wlShmPool.resize
pure wlShmPool
module Quasar.Wayland.Surface (
-- * Buffer backend
-- * Surface
......@@ -17,6 +19,9 @@ module Quasar.Wayland.Surface (
-- * Reexports
) where
import Control.Monad.Catch
......@@ -25,22 +30,23 @@ import Data.Typeable
import Quasar.Prelude
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol
import Quasar.Wayland.Region (Rectangle(..))
import Quasar.Wayland.Utils.Once (once)
type BufferBackend :: Type -> Constraint
class Typeable b => BufferBackend b where
type BufferContent b
-- | A destroyed buffer has been released, so the buffer storage can be freed by the owner.
releaseBufferStorage :: BufferContent b -> STM ()
type BufferStorage b
data Buffer b = Buffer {
key :: Unique,
content :: BufferContent b,
storage :: BufferStorage b,
-- | Buffer has been released by all current users and can be reused by the owner.
releaseBuffer :: TVar (STM ()),
releaseBufferCallback :: TVar (STM ()),
-- | Refcount that tracks how many times the buffer is locked by consumers.
lockCount :: TVar Int,
destroyed :: TVar Bool
destroyRequested :: TVar Bool,
destroyed :: TVar Bool,
destroyedCallback :: TVar (STM ())
instance Eq (Buffer b) where
......@@ -50,53 +56,64 @@ instance Hashable (Buffer b) where
hash x = hash x.key
hashWithSalt salt x = hashWithSalt salt x.key
newBuffer :: forall b. BufferContent b -> STM (Buffer b)
newBuffer content = do
newBuffer :: forall b. BufferStorage b -> STM () -> STM (Buffer b)
newBuffer storage bufferDestroyedFn = do
key <- newUniqueSTM
releaseBuffer <- newTVar (pure ())
releaseBufferCallback <- newTVar (pure ())
lockCount <- newTVar 0
destroyRequested <- newTVar False
destroyed <- newTVar False
destroyedCallback <- newTVar bufferDestroyedFn
pure Buffer {
addBufferReleaseCallback :: Buffer b -> STM () -> STM ()
addBufferReleaseCallback buffer releaseFn =
modifyTVar buffer.releaseBuffer (>> releaseFn)
modifyTVar buffer.releaseBufferCallback (>> releaseFn)
addBufferDestroyedCallback :: Buffer b -> STM () -> STM ()
addBufferDestroyedCallback buffer callback =
modifyTVar buffer.destroyedCallback (>> callback)
-- | Prevents the buffer from being released. Returns an unlock action.
lockBuffer :: forall b. BufferBackend b => Buffer b -> STM (STM ())
lockBuffer :: Buffer b -> STM (STM ())
lockBuffer buffer = do
modifyTVar buffer.lockCount succ
pure unlockBuffer
once unlockBuffer
unlockBuffer :: STM ()
unlockBuffer = do
lockCount <- stateTVar buffer.lockCount (dup . pred)
when (lockCount == 0) do
join $ swapTVar buffer.releaseBuffer (pure ())
tryFinalizeBuffer @b buffer
join $ swapTVar buffer.releaseBufferCallback (pure ())
tryFinalizeBuffer buffer
-- | Request destruction of the buffer. Since the buffer might still be in use downstream, the backing storage must not be changed until all downstreams release the buffer (signalled by `releaseBufferStorage`).
destroyBuffer :: forall b. BufferBackend b => Buffer b -> STM ()
-- | Request destruction of the buffer. Since the buffer might still be in use downstream, the backing storage must not be changed until all downstreams release the buffer (signalled finalization, e.g. `addBufferDestroyedCallback`).
destroyBuffer :: Buffer b -> STM ()
destroyBuffer buffer = do
alreadyDestroyed <- readTVar buffer.destroyed
unless alreadyDestroyed do
writeTVar buffer.destroyed True
alreadyRequested <- readTVar buffer.destroyRequested
unless alreadyRequested do
writeTVar buffer.destroyRequested True
tryFinalizeBuffer buffer
tryFinalizeBuffer :: forall b. BufferBackend b => Buffer b -> STM ()
tryFinalizeBuffer :: Buffer b -> STM ()
tryFinalizeBuffer buffer = do
destroyed <- readTVar buffer.destroyed
destroyRequested <- readTVar buffer.destroyRequested
lockCount <- readTVar buffer.lockCount
when (destroyed && lockCount == 0) do
releaseBufferStorage @b buffer.content
when (destroyRequested && lockCount == 0) do
writeTVar buffer.destroyed True
-- Run callbacks
join $ swapTVar buffer.destroyedCallback (pure ())
isBufferDestroyed :: Buffer b -> STM Bool
isBufferDestroyed buffer = readTVar buffer.destroyed
class SurfaceRole a where
......@@ -132,6 +149,13 @@ data SurfaceCommit b = SurfaceCommit {
bufferDamage :: Damage
--instance Semigroup (SurfaceCommit b) where
-- old <> new = SurfaceCommit {
-- buffer = new.buffer,
-- offset = new.offset,
-- bufferDamage = old.bufferDamage <> new.bufferDamage
-- }
type SurfaceDownstream b = SurfaceCommit b -> STM ()
defaultSurfaceCommit :: Damage -> SurfaceCommit b
......@@ -156,7 +180,7 @@ newSurface = do
assignSurfaceRole :: SurfaceRole a => Surface b -> a -> STM ()
assignSurfaceRole surface role = do
readTVar surface.surfaceRole >>= \case
readTVar surface.surfaceRole >>= \x -> (flip ($)) x \case
Just currentRole ->
let msg = mconcat ["Cannot change wl_surface role. Current role is ", surfaceRoleName currentRole, "; new role is ", surfaceRoleName role]
in throwM (ProtocolUsageError msg)
......@@ -164,13 +188,13 @@ assignSurfaceRole surface role = do
writeTVar surface.surfaceRole (Just (SomeSurfaceRole role))
commitSurface :: forall b. BufferBackend b => Surface b -> SurfaceCommit b -> STM ()
commitSurface :: Surface b -> SurfaceCommit b -> STM ()
commitSurface surface commit = do
join $ readTVar surface.lastBufferUnlockFn
unlockFn <-
case commit.buffer of
Just buffer -> lockBuffer @b buffer
Just buffer -> lockBuffer buffer
Nothing -> pure (pure ())
writeTVar surface.lastBufferUnlockFn unlockFn
......@@ -181,5 +205,5 @@ commitSurface surface commit = do
connectSurfaceDownstream :: forall b. Surface b -> SurfaceDownstream b -> STM ()
connectSurfaceDownstream surface downstream = do
modifyTVar surface.downstreams $ (downstream:)
modifyTVar surface.downstreams (downstream:)
-- TODO commit downstream
module Quasar.Wayland.Utils.Once (once) where
import Quasar.Prelude
-- TODO use no-throw STM wrapper
once :: MonadSTM m => STM a -> m (STM a)
once fn = runOnce <$> newTVar (Left fn)
runOnce :: TVar (Either (STM a) a) -> STM a
runOnce var = do
readTVar var >>= \case
Left fn -> do
result <- fn
writeTVar var (Right result)
pure result
Right result -> pure result