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  • jens/quasar-wayland
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Commits on Source (8)
Copyright Jens Nolte (c) 2021
Copyright Jens Nolte (c) 2021-2022
All rights reserved.
......@@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ main = do
destroyBuffer buffer
destroyBuffer buffer2
await =<< newDelay 100000
threadDelay 100000
traceIO "Waiting 2s"
await =<< newDelay 2000000
threadDelay 2000000
atomically do
commitSurface surface SurfaceCommit {
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ main = do
bufferDamage = DamageList []
-- await =<< newDelay 100000
-- threadDelay 100000
atomically do
commitSurface surface2 SurfaceCommit {
buffer = Nothing,
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ main = do
bufferDamage = DamageList []
await =<< newDelay 1000000
threadDelay 1000000
traceIO "Closing"
traceIO "Closed"
......@@ -23,19 +23,17 @@
"locked": {
"host": "",
"lastModified": 1660518832,
"narHash": "sha256-nH+6BCO9VnKJz3gmqXjGkzsCNr+J4NrUQEIY90HhwS0=",
"owner": "jens",
"lastModified": 1665357154,
"narHash": "sha256-jxtz8Skk0X+3FhZMZFthvU7dwpewPiz1ZMQKUPPTrno=",
"owner": "queezle42",
"repo": "quasar",
"rev": "7038f65573387fc86f4c856fa5b34a8e03f134c3",
"type": "gitlab"
"rev": "079a43f42d3f601046d86d5a369f9f9a01365d40",
"type": "github"
"original": {
"host": "",
"owner": "jens",
"owner": "queezle42",
"repo": "quasar",
"type": "gitlab"
"type": "github"
"root": {
inputs = {
quasar = {
url = gitlab:jens/quasar?;
url = github:queezle42/quasar;
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
......@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
in {
packages = forAllSystems (system:
let pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; overlays = [
]; };
in rec {
default = quasar-wayland;
......@@ -25,15 +25,15 @@
overlay = final: prev: {
haskell = prev.haskell // {
packageOverrides = hfinal: hprev: prev.haskell.packageOverrides hfinal hprev // {
quasar-wayland = hfinal.callCabal2nix "quasar-wayland" ./. {};
overlays = {
default = final: prev: {
haskell = prev.haskell // {
packageOverrides = hfinal: hprev: prev.haskell.packageOverrides hfinal hprev // {
quasar-wayland = hfinal.callCabal2nix "quasar-wayland" ./. {};
overlays = {
quasar = quasar.overlay;
......@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ category: Wayland, User Interfaces
description: An implementation of the Wayland protocol.
author: Jens Nolte
maintainer: Jens Nolte
copyright: 2021 Jens Nolte
copyright: 2021-2022 Jens Nolte
license: BSD-2-Clause
license-file: LICENSE
build-type: Simple
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ extra-source-files:
source-repository head
type: git
common shared-properties
......@@ -161,17 +161,18 @@ exportWlSurface :: ClientBufferBackend b => ClientSurfaceManager b -> Surface b
exportWlSurface surfaceManager surface = do
wlSurface <- surfaceManager.wlCompositor.create_surface
let clientSurface = ClientSurface { surfaceManager, wlSurface }
connectSurfaceDownstream surface (surfaceDownstream clientSurface)
-- TODO: add finalizer, so that the surface is destroyed with the wlSurface
-- TODO event handling
setEventHandler wlSurface EventHandler_wl_surface {
enter = \_ -> pure (),
leave = \_ -> pure ()
-- TODO must not connect before first configure
connectSurfaceDownstream surface clientSurface
pure wlSurface
surfaceDownstream :: ClientBufferBackend b => ClientSurface b -> SurfaceDownstream b
surfaceDownstream surface = onSurfaceCommit surface
instance ClientBufferBackend b => IsSurfaceDownstream b (ClientSurface b) where
commitSurfaceDownstream = onSurfaceCommit
onSurfaceCommit :: ClientBufferBackend b => ClientSurface b -> SurfaceCommit b -> STM ()
onSurfaceCommit surface (commit@SurfaceCommit{buffer = Nothing}) = do
......@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ module Quasar.Wayland.Server.Surface (
......@@ -18,9 +17,17 @@ import Quasar.Wayland.Surface
data ServerSurface b = ServerSurface {
state :: TVar (ServerSurfaceState b),
lastRole :: TVar (Maybe String)
data ServerSurfaceState b =
Unmapped |
Pending (Surface b -> STM ()) |
Mapped (MappedServerSurface b)
data MappedServerSurface b = MappedServerSurface {
surface :: Surface b,
lastRole :: TVar (Maybe String),
hasActiveRole :: TVar Bool,
pendingBuffer :: TVar (Maybe (ServerBuffer b)),
pendingOffset :: TVar (Int32, Int32),
pendingBufferDamage :: TVar Damage,
......@@ -34,39 +41,54 @@ data ServerBuffer b = ServerBuffer {
wlBuffer :: Object 'Server Interface_wl_buffer
newServerSurface :: forall b. STM (ServerSurface b)
newServerSurface :: STM (ServerSurface b)
newServerSurface = do
surface <- newSurface @b
state <- newTVar Unmapped
lastRole <- newTVar Nothing
hasActiveRole <- newTVar False
pure ServerSurface {
getServerSurface :: forall b. BufferBackend b => Object 'Server Interface_wl_surface -> STM (Maybe (ServerSurface b))
getServerSurface wlSurface = getInterfaceData @(ServerSurface b) wlSurface
--instance IsSurfaceUpstream b (ServerSurface b) where
-- connectSurfaceDownstream serverSurface downstream =
-- connectSurfaceDownstream serverSurface.surface downstream
commitServerSurface :: ServerSurface b -> STM ()
commitServerSurface serverSurface = do
readTVar serverSurface.state >>= \case
Unmapped -> throwM $ userError "Cannot commit a surface that does not have a role"
Pending surfaceMappedCallback -> do
mappedSurface <- mapServerSurface
writeTVar serverSurface.state (Mapped mappedSurface)
surfaceMappedCallback mappedSurface.surface
Mapped mappedSurface -> commitMappedServerSurface mappedSurface
mapServerSurface :: STM (MappedServerSurface b)
mapServerSurface = do
surface <- newSurface
pendingBuffer <- newTVar Nothing
pendingOffset <- newTVar (0, 0)
pendingBufferDamage <- newTVar mempty
pendingSurfaceDamage <- newTVar mempty
pure ServerSurface {
pure MappedServerSurface {
getServerSurface :: forall b. BufferBackend b => Object 'Server Interface_wl_surface -> STM (Maybe (ServerSurface b))
getServerSurface wlSurface = getInterfaceData @(ServerSurface b) wlSurface
connectServerSurfaceDownstream :: forall b. ServerSurface b -> SurfaceDownstream b -> STM ()
connectServerSurfaceDownstream serverSurface downstream =
connectSurfaceDownstream serverSurface.surface downstream
commitServerSurface :: ServerSurface b -> STM ()
commitServerSurface surface = do
serverBuffer <- swapTVar surface.pendingBuffer Nothing
offset <- swapTVar surface.pendingOffset (0, 0)
bufferDamage <- swapTVar surface.pendingBufferDamage mempty
surfaceDamage <- swapTVar surface.pendingSurfaceDamage mempty
commitMappedServerSurface :: MappedServerSurface b -> STM ()
commitMappedServerSurface mapped = do
serverBuffer <- swapTVar mapped.pendingBuffer Nothing
offset <- swapTVar mapped.pendingOffset (0, 0)
bufferDamage <- swapTVar mapped.pendingBufferDamage mempty
surfaceDamage <- swapTVar mapped.pendingSurfaceDamage mempty
convertedSurfaceDamage =
case surfaceDamage of
......@@ -79,25 +101,36 @@ commitServerSurface surface = do
forM_ serverBuffer \sb ->
addBufferReleaseCallback sb.buffer sb.wlBuffer.release
commitSurface surface.surface SurfaceCommit {
commitSurface mapped.surface SurfaceCommit {
buffer = (.buffer) <$> serverBuffer,
bufferDamage = combinedDamage
requireMappedSurface :: ServerSurface b -> STM (MappedServerSurface b)
requireMappedSurface serverSurface = do
readTVar serverSurface.state >>= \case
Mapped mapped -> pure mapped
-- TODO improve exception / propagate error to the client
_ -> throwM $ userError "Requested operation requires a mapped surface"
attachToSurface :: forall b. BufferBackend b => ServerSurface b -> Maybe (Object 'Server Interface_wl_buffer) -> Int32 -> Int32 -> STM ()
attachToSurface surface wlBuffer x y = do
attachToSurface serverSurface wlBuffer x y = do
mappedSurface <- requireMappedSurface serverSurface
buffer <- mapM (getServerBuffer @b) wlBuffer
writeTVar surface.pendingBuffer buffer
writeTVar surface.pendingOffset (x, y)
damageSurface :: forall b. ServerSurface b -> Rectangle -> STM ()
damageSurface surface rect = modifyTVar surface.pendingSurfaceDamage (rect:)
damageBuffer :: forall b. ServerSurface b -> Rectangle -> STM ()
damageBuffer surface rect =
modifyTVar surface.pendingBufferDamage \case
writeTVar mappedSurface.pendingBuffer buffer
writeTVar mappedSurface.pendingOffset (x, y)
damageSurface :: ServerSurface b -> Rectangle -> STM ()
damageSurface serverSurface rect = do
mappedSurface <- requireMappedSurface serverSurface
modifyTVar mappedSurface.pendingSurfaceDamage (rect:)
damageBuffer :: ServerSurface b -> Rectangle -> STM ()
damageBuffer serverSurface rect = do
mappedSurface <- requireMappedSurface serverSurface
modifyTVar mappedSurface.pendingBufferDamage \case
DamageAll -> DamageAll
DamageList xs -> DamageList (rect : xs)
......@@ -146,14 +179,16 @@ getBuffer :: forall b. BufferBackend b => Object 'Server Interface_wl_buffer ->
getBuffer wlBuffer = (.buffer) <$> getServerBuffer wlBuffer
assignSurfaceRole :: forall i b. IsInterfaceSide 'Server i => ServerSurface b -> STM ()
assignSurfaceRole surface = do
assignSurfaceRole :: forall i b. IsInterfaceSide 'Server i => ServerSurface b -> (Surface b -> STM ()) -> STM ()
assignSurfaceRole surface onRoleCommit = do
let role = interfaceName @i
hasActiveRole <- readTVar surface.hasActiveRole
if hasActiveRole
then throwM (ProtocolUsageError "Cannot assign wl_surface a new role, since it already has an active role.")
else writeTVar surface.hasActiveRole True
readTVar surface.state >>= \case
Mapped _ -> throwM (ProtocolUsageError "Cannot assign wl_surface a new role, since it already has an active role.")
Pending _ -> throwM (ProtocolUsageError "Cannot assign wl_surface a new role, since it already has a pending role.")
Unmapped -> pure ()
writeTVar surface.state (Pending onRoleCommit)
readTVar surface.lastRole >>= \x -> (flip ($)) x \case
Just ((== role) -> True) -> pure ()
......@@ -163,4 +198,4 @@ assignSurfaceRole surface = do
Nothing -> writeTVar surface.lastRole (Just role)
removeSurfaceRole :: ServerSurface b -> STM ()
removeSurfaceRole surface = writeTVar surface.hasActiveRole False
removeSurfaceRole surface = undefined
......@@ -21,17 +21,22 @@ xdgShellGlobal :: forall b. BufferBackend b => ServerWindowManager b -> Global
xdgShellGlobal wm =
createGlobal @Interface_xdg_wm_base maxVersion (initializeXdgWmBase wm)
data XdgWmBase b = XdgWmBase {
wm :: ServerWindowManager b
initializeXdgWmBase ::
forall b.
BufferBackend b =>
ServerWindowManager b -> Object 'Server Interface_xdg_wm_base -> STM ()
initializeXdgWmBase wm wlXdgWm =
initializeXdgWmBase wm wlXdgWm = do
let xdgWmBase = XdgWmBase { wm }
setRequestHandler wlXdgWm RequestHandler_xdg_wm_base {
-- TODO raise error if any surface derived from this xdg_wm_base is still
-- alive
destroy = pure (),
create_positioner = undefined,
get_xdg_surface = initializeXdgSurface wm,
get_xdg_surface = initializeXdgSurface xdgWmBase,
pong = const (pure ())
......@@ -39,15 +44,14 @@ initializeXdgWmBase wm wlXdgWm =
data XdgSurface b = XdgSurface {
wlXdgSurface :: Object 'Server Interface_xdg_surface,
serverSurface :: ServerSurface b,
surfaceRole :: TVar (Maybe Role)
hasRoleObject :: TVar Bool,
surface :: TVar (Maybe (Surface b))
data Role = Toplevel | Popup
initializeXdgSurface ::
forall b.
BufferBackend b =>
ServerWindowManager b ->
XdgWmBase b ->
NewObject 'Server Interface_xdg_surface ->
Object 'Server Interface_wl_surface ->
STM ()
......@@ -58,7 +62,7 @@ initializeXdgSurface wm wlXdgSurface wlSurface = do
initializeXdgSurface' ::
forall b.
ServerWindowManager b ->
XdgWmBase b ->
NewObject 'Server Interface_xdg_surface ->
ServerSurface b ->
STM ()
......@@ -76,8 +80,15 @@ initializeXdgSurface' wm wlXdgSurface serverSurface = do
-- xdg_surface), this part of the spec is ignored in this implementation. A
-- role object is only set when creating a toplevel- or popup surface.
surfaceRole <- newTVar Nothing
let xdgSurface = XdgSurface { wlXdgSurface, serverSurface, surfaceRole }
hasRoleObject <- newTVar False
surface <- newTVar Nothing
let xdgSurface =
XdgSurface {
setRequestHandler wlXdgSurface RequestHandler_xdg_surface {
destroy = destroyXdgSurface xdgSurface,
......@@ -88,10 +99,10 @@ initializeXdgSurface' wm wlXdgSurface serverSurface = do
destroyXdgSurface :: XdgSurface b -> STM ()
destroyXdgSurface surface = do
readTVar surface.surfaceRole >>= \case
Just _ -> throwM (userError "Cannot destroy xdg_surface before its role object has been destroyed.")
Nothing -> pure ()
destroyXdgSurface xdgSurface =
whenM (readTVar xdgSurface.hasRoleObject) do
-- TODO convert to server error that is relayed to the client
throwM (userError "Cannot destroy xdg_surface before its role object has been destroyed.")
data XdgToplevel b = XdgToplevel {
xdgSurface :: XdgSurface b
......@@ -99,15 +110,19 @@ data XdgToplevel b = XdgToplevel {
initializeXdgToplevel :: XdgSurface b -> NewObject 'Server Interface_xdg_toplevel -> STM ()
initializeXdgToplevel xdgSurface wlXdgToplevel = do
-- NOTE this throws if the surface role is changed
-- TODO change error type to a corret ServerError if that happens
assignSurfaceRole @Interface_xdg_toplevel xdgSurface.serverSurface
writeTVar xdgSurface.surfaceRole (Just Toplevel)
writeTVar xdgSurface.hasRoleObject True
let xdgToplevel = XdgToplevel {
-- NOTE this throws if the surface role is changed
-- TODO change error type to a corret ServerError if that happens
(onInitialSurfaceCommit xdgToplevel)
setRequestHandler wlXdgToplevel RequestHandler_xdg_toplevel {
destroy = destroyXdgToplevel xdgToplevel,
set_parent = undefined,
......@@ -125,8 +140,15 @@ initializeXdgToplevel xdgSurface wlXdgToplevel = do
set_minimized = undefined
onInitialSurfaceCommit :: XdgToplevel b -> Surface b -> STM ()
onInitialSurfaceCommit xdgToplevel surface =
writeTVar xdgToplevel.xdgSurface.surface (Just surface)
onNullSurfaceCommit :: XdgToplevel b -> STM ()
onNullSurfaceCommit = undefined
destroyXdgToplevel :: XdgToplevel b -> STM ()
destroyXdgToplevel xdgToplevel = do
removeSurfaceRole xdgToplevel.xdgSurface.serverSurface
writeTVar xdgToplevel.xdgSurface.surfaceRole Nothing
writeTVar xdgToplevel.xdgSurface.surface Nothing
writeTVar xdgToplevel.xdgSurface.hasRoleObject False
......@@ -13,11 +13,13 @@ module Quasar.Wayland.Surface (
-- * Reexports
......@@ -31,7 +33,7 @@ import Quasar.Wayland.Utils.Once (once)
type BufferBackend :: Type -> Constraint
class Typeable b => BufferBackend b where
type BufferStorage b
type BufferStorage b :: Type
data Buffer b = Buffer {
......@@ -126,7 +128,8 @@ instance Monoid Damage where
data Surface b = Surface {
surfaceState :: TVar (SurfaceCommit b),
lastBufferUnlockFn :: TVar (STM ()),
-- Stores an STM action that will release the currently committed buffer.
bufferUnlockFn :: TVar (STM ()),
downstreams :: TVar [SurfaceDownstream b]
......@@ -143,7 +146,29 @@ data SurfaceCommit b = SurfaceCommit {
-- bufferDamage = old.bufferDamage <> new.bufferDamage
-- }
type SurfaceDownstream b = SurfaceCommit b -> STM ()
data SurfaceDownstream b = forall a. IsSurfaceDownstream b a => SurfaceDownstream a
class IsSurfaceDownstream b a | a -> b where
toSurfaceDownstream :: a -> SurfaceDownstream b
toSurfaceDownstream = SurfaceDownstream
commitSurfaceDownstream :: a -> SurfaceCommit b -> STM ()
instance IsSurfaceDownstream b (SurfaceDownstream b) where
toSurfaceDownstream = id
commitSurfaceDownstream (SurfaceDownstream x) = commitSurfaceDownstream x
data SurfaceUpstream b = forall a. IsSurfaceUpstream b a => SurfaceUpstream a
class IsSurfaceUpstream b a | a -> b where
toSurfaceUpstream :: a -> SurfaceUpstream b
toSurfaceUpstream = SurfaceUpstream
connectSurfaceDownstream :: IsSurfaceDownstream b d => a -> d -> STM ()
instance IsSurfaceUpstream b (SurfaceUpstream b) where
toSurfaceUpstream = id
connectSurfaceDownstream (SurfaceUpstream x) = connectSurfaceDownstream @b x
defaultSurfaceCommit :: Damage -> SurfaceCommit b
defaultSurfaceCommit bufferDamage = SurfaceCommit {
......@@ -155,30 +180,30 @@ defaultSurfaceCommit bufferDamage = SurfaceCommit {
newSurface :: forall b. STM (Surface b)
newSurface = do
surfaceState <- newTVar (defaultSurfaceCommit DamageAll)
lastBufferUnlockFn <- newTVar (pure ())
bufferUnlockFn <- newTVar (pure ())
downstreams <- newTVar []
pure Surface {
commitSurface :: Surface b -> SurfaceCommit b -> STM ()
commitSurface surface commit = do
join $ readTVar surface.lastBufferUnlockFn
unlockFn <-
case commit.buffer of
Just buffer -> lockBuffer buffer
Nothing -> pure (pure ())
writeTVar surface.lastBufferUnlockFn unlockFn
-- Store new unlockFn and then unlock previously used buffer
join $ swapTVar surface.bufferUnlockFn unlockFn
downstreams <- readTVar surface.downstreams
-- TODO handle exceptions, remove failed downstreams
mapM_ ($ commit) downstreams
mapM_ (\downstream -> commitSurfaceDownstream downstream commit) downstreams
connectSurfaceDownstream :: forall b. Surface b -> SurfaceDownstream b -> STM ()
connectSurfaceDownstream surface downstream = do
modifyTVar surface.downstreams (downstream:)
-- TODO commit downstream
instance IsSurfaceUpstream b (Surface b) where
connectSurfaceDownstream surface downstream = do
modifyTVar surface.downstreams (toSurfaceDownstream downstream:)
-- TODO handle exceptions
commitSurfaceDownstream downstream =<< readTVar surface.surfaceState