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  • jens/quasar-wayland
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module Main (main) where
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Quasar
import Quasar.Prelude
import Quasar.Timer
......@@ -16,69 +14,6 @@ import Quasar.Wayland.Surface
import Codec.Picture
data Dimensions = Dimensions {
width :: Int,
height :: Int,
aspect :: Double
data Position = Position {
dimensions :: Dimensions,
pixelX :: Int,
pixelY :: Int,
u :: Double,
v :: Double,
x :: Double,
y :: Double
mkDimensions :: Int -> Int -> Dimensions
mkDimensions width height = Dimensions { width, height, aspect }
aspect :: Double
aspect = (fromIntegral width) / (fromIntegral height)
mkPosition :: Dimensions -> Int -> Int -> Position
mkPosition dimensions pixelX pixelY = Position { dimensions, pixelX, pixelY, u, v, x, y }
width' = dimensions.width
height' = dimensions.height
u :: Double
u = (fromIntegral pixelX) / (fromIntegral width')
v :: Double
v = (fromIntegral pixelY) / (fromIntegral height')
innerRadius :: Int
innerRadius = div (min width' height') 2
x :: Double
x = (fromIntegral $ pixelX - (div width' 2)) / (fromIntegral innerRadius)
y :: Double
y = (fromIntegral $ pixelY - (div height' 2)) / (fromIntegral innerRadius)
color :: forall a. RealFrac a => a -> a -> a -> PixelRGBA8
color r g b = PixelRGBA8 (toWord r) (toWord g) (toWord b) 255
toWord :: a -> Word8
toWord = truncate . (* 255) . (max 0) . (min 1)
gradient :: Position -> PixelRGBA8
gradient p = color (u p) 0 (v p)
solidColor :: Position -> PixelRGBA8
solidColor p = color 255 0 0
mkImage :: (Position -> PixelRGBA8) -> Image PixelRGBA8
mkImage fn = generateImage pixel width height
width :: Int
width = 512
height :: Int
height = 512
dimensions :: Dimensions
dimensions = mkDimensions width height
pixel :: Int -> Int -> PixelRGBA8
pixel x y = fn $ mkPosition dimensions x y
main :: IO ()
main = do
_ <- runQuasarAndExit (stderrLogger LogLevelWarning) do
......@@ -86,26 +21,11 @@ main = do
client <- connectWaylandClient
traceIO "Connected"
join $ liftIO $ atomically do
--xdgWmBase <- bindSingleton @Interface_xdg_wm_base client.registry
--setMessageHandler xdgWmBase EventHandler_xdg_wm_base {
-- ping = \serial -> xdgWmBase.pong serial
--xdgToplevel <- xdgSurface.get_toplevel
--setMessageHandler xdgToplevel EventHandler_xdg_toplevel {
-- configure = \_ _ _ -> pure (),
-- close = pure ()
--xdgToplevel.set_title "foobar"
join $ atomically do
(surface, wlSurface) <- newClientSurface @ShmBufferBackend client
(surface2, wlSurface2) <- newClientSurface @ShmBufferBackend client
wlrLayerShell <- bindSingleton @Interface_zwlr_layer_shell_v1 client.registry
configuredVar <- newTVar False
......@@ -140,7 +60,7 @@ main = do
buffer <- liftIO $ toImageBuffer (mkImage gradient)
buffer2 <- liftIO $ toImageBuffer (mkImage solidColor)
liftIO $ atomically do
atomically do
check =<< readTVar configuredVar
check =<< readTVar configuredVar2
commitSurface surface SurfaceCommit {
......@@ -153,29 +73,93 @@ main = do
offset = (0, 0),
bufferDamage = DamageList [Rectangle 0 0 42 42]
--destroyBuffer buffer
--destroyBuffer buffer2
destroyBuffer buffer
destroyBuffer buffer2
await =<< newDelay 100000
traceIO "Waiting 2s"
await =<< newDelay 2000000
liftIO $ atomically do
atomically do
commitSurface surface SurfaceCommit {
buffer = Nothing,
offset = (0, 0),
bufferDamage = DamageList []
-- await =<< newDelay 100000
atomically do
commitSurface surface2 SurfaceCommit {
buffer = Nothing,
offset = (0, 0),
bufferDamage = DamageList []
-- traceIO . ("shm buffer formats: " <>) . mconcat . intersperse ", " . fmap show . toList =<< await shm.formats
pure ()
await =<< newDelay 1000000
traceIO "Closing"
traceIO "Closed"
-- * Buffer content generation (using JuicyPixels)
data Dimensions = Dimensions {
width :: Int,
height :: Int,
aspect :: Double
data Position = Position {
dimensions :: Dimensions,
pixelX :: Int,
pixelY :: Int,
u :: Double,
v :: Double,
x :: Double,
y :: Double
mkDimensions :: Int -> Int -> Dimensions
mkDimensions width height = Dimensions { width, height, aspect }
aspect :: Double
aspect = (fromIntegral width) / (fromIntegral height)
mkPosition :: Dimensions -> Int -> Int -> Position
mkPosition dimensions pixelX pixelY = Position { dimensions, pixelX, pixelY, u, v, x, y }
width' = dimensions.width
height' = dimensions.height
u :: Double
u = (fromIntegral pixelX) / (fromIntegral width')
v :: Double
v = (fromIntegral pixelY) / (fromIntegral height')
innerRadius :: Int
innerRadius = div (min width' height') 2
x :: Double
x = (fromIntegral $ pixelX - (div width' 2)) / (fromIntegral innerRadius)
y :: Double
y = (fromIntegral $ pixelY - (div height' 2)) / (fromIntegral innerRadius)
color :: forall a. RealFrac a => a -> a -> a -> PixelRGBA8
color r g b = PixelRGBA8 (toWord r) (toWord g) (toWord b) 255
toWord :: a -> Word8
toWord = truncate . (* 255) . (max 0) . (min 1)
gradient :: Position -> PixelRGBA8
gradient p = color (u p) 0 (v p)
solidColor :: Position -> PixelRGBA8
solidColor _p = color (255 :: Double) 0 0
mkImage :: (Position -> PixelRGBA8) -> Image PixelRGBA8
mkImage fn = generateImage pixel width height
width :: Int
width = 512
height :: Int
height = 512
dimensions :: Dimensions
dimensions = mkDimensions width height
pixel :: Int -> Int -> PixelRGBA8
pixel x y = fn $ mkPosition dimensions x y
......@@ -5,15 +5,18 @@ import Quasar.Prelude
import Quasar.Wayland.Server
import Quasar.Wayland.Server.Registry
import Quasar.Wayland.Server.Shm
import Quasar.Wayland.Server.XdgShell
import Quasar.Wayland.Shm
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol.Generated
main :: IO ()
main = runQuasarAndExit (stderrLogger LogLevelWarning) do
wm <- atomically newServerWindowManager
layerShellGlobal = createGlobal @Interface_zwlr_layer_shell_v1 maxVersion (\x -> setRequestHandler x layerShellHandler)
registry <- newRegistry [compositorGlobal @ShmBufferBackend, shmGlobal, layerShellGlobal]
wmGlobal = xdgShellGlobal @ShmBufferBackend wm
registry <- newRegistry [compositorGlobal @ShmBufferBackend, shmGlobal, layerShellGlobal, wmGlobal]
server <- newWaylandServer registry
listenAt "example.socket" server
......@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ library
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module Quasar.Wayland.Client.Registry (
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Quasar
import Quasar.Prelude
import Quasar.Wayland.Client.Sync
......@@ -74,14 +75,14 @@ tryBindSingleton registry = do
globals <- filterInterface . HM.elems <$> readTVar registry.globalsVar
case globals of
[] -> pure $ Left $ mconcat ["No global named ", toString (interfaceName @i), " is available"]
[] -> pure $ Left $ mconcat ["No global named ", interfaceName @i, " is available"]
(global:[]) -> do
let version = min global.version (interfaceVersion @i)
(object, newId) <- bindNewObject registry.wlRegistry.objectProtocol version Nothing
registry.wlRegistry.bind newId
pure $ Right object
_ -> pure $ Left $ mconcat ["Cannot bind singleton: multiple globals with type ", toString (interfaceName @i), " are available"]
_ -> pure $ Left $ mconcat ["Cannot bind singleton: multiple globals with type ", interfaceName @i, " are available"]
filterInterface :: [Global] -> [Global]
filterInterface = filter \global -> global.interface == interfaceName @i
filterInterface = filter \global -> global.interface == fromString (interfaceName @i)
......@@ -87,12 +87,8 @@ releaseClientBuffer clientBuffer = do
destroyClientBuffer :: ClientBuffer b -> STM ()
destroyClientBuffer clientBuffer = do
writeTVar clientBuffer.destroyed True
state <- readTVar clientBuffer.state
case state of
Attached _ -> traceM "ClientBuffer: Destroyed while attached (this is a bug somewhere in the buffer locking logic)"
Released -> clientBuffer.wlBuffer.destroy
-- | Since `release` is undefined when a buffer is attached to multiple surfaces,
......@@ -9,7 +9,10 @@ module Quasar.Wayland.Connection (
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Data.Bits ((.&.))
import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
import Data.ByteString.Internal qualified as BS
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BSL
import Data.List (singleton)
import Foreign (Storable, peekElemOff, pokeElemOff, withForeignPtr, sizeOf, castPtr)
import Language.C.Inline qualified as C
import Language.C.Inline.Unsafe qualified as CU
import Network.Socket (Socket)
......@@ -19,7 +22,7 @@ import Quasar.Prelude
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol
import Quasar.Wayland.Utils.Socket
import System.Posix.IO (closeFd)
import System.Posix.Types (Fd)
import System.Posix.Types (Fd(Fd))
C.include "<sys/socket.h>"
......@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ sendThread connection = mask_ $ forever do
(msg, fds) <- takeOutbox connection.protocolHandle
traceIO $ "Sending " <> show (BSL.length msg) <> " bytes"
traceIO $ "Sending " <> show (BSL.length msg) <> " bytes" <> describeFds fds
-- TODO limit max fds
send (fromIntegral (BSL.length msg)) (BSL.toChunks msg) fds
......@@ -96,7 +99,10 @@ sendThread connection = mask_ $ forever do
send :: Int -> [BS.ByteString] -> [Fd] -> IO ()
send remaining chunks fds = do
-- TODO add MSG_NOSIGNAL (not exposed by `network`)
sent <- sendMsg connection.socket chunks (Socket.encodeCmsg <$> fds) mempty
cmsgs <- case fds of
[] -> pure []
_ -> singleton <$> encodeFds fds
sent <- sendMsg connection.socket chunks cmsgs mempty
let nowRemaining = remaining - sent
when (nowRemaining > 0) do
send nowRemaining (dropL sent chunks) []
......@@ -114,23 +120,45 @@ receiveThread connection = forever do
-- TODO add MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC (not exposed by `network`)
(chunk, cmsgs, flags) <- recvMsg connection.socket 4096 cmsgBufferSize mempty
let fds = catMaybes (Socket.decodeCmsg @Fd <$> cmsgs)
fds <- mconcat <$> (mapM decodeFds cmsgs)
when (flags .&. Socket.MSG_CTRUNC > 0) do
when (any (\cmsg -> cmsg.cmsgId /= Socket.CmsgIdFd) cmsgs) do
-- TODO close fds
fail "Wayland connection: Ancillary data was truncated"
fail "Wayland connection: Received unexpected ancillary message (only SCM_RIGHTS is supported)"
when (length fds /= length cmsgs) do
when (flags .&. Socket.MSG_CTRUNC > 0) do
-- TODO close fds
fail "Wayland connection: Received unexpected ancillary message (only SCM_RIGHTS is supported)"
fail "Wayland connection: Ancillary data was truncated"
when (BS.null chunk) do
throwM SocketClosed
traceIO $ "Received " <> show (BS.length chunk) <> " bytes"
traceIO $ "Received " <> show (BS.length chunk) <> " bytes" <> describeFds fds
feedInput connection.protocolHandle chunk fds
decodeFds :: Socket.Cmsg -> IO [Fd]
decodeFds Socket.Cmsg{cmsgId, cmsgData=BS.BS fptr len}
| cmsgId == Socket.CmsgIdFd =
withForeignPtr fptr \ptr ->
mapM (peekElemOff (castPtr ptr)) [0..(len `div` sizeOf' @Fd - 1)]
| otherwise = pure []
encodeFds :: [Fd] -> IO Socket.Cmsg
encodeFds fds =
Socket.Cmsg Socket.CmsgIdFd <$>
BS.create (length fds * sizeOf' @Fd) \ptr ->
mapM_ (\(fd, i) -> (pokeElemOff (castPtr ptr) i fd)) (zip fds [0..])
sizeOf' :: forall a. Storable a => Int
sizeOf' = sizeOf @a unreachableCodePath
describeFds :: [Fd] -> String
describeFds [] = ""
describeFds fds = " (" <> (intercalate ", " ((\(Fd fd) -> "fd@" <> show fd) <$> fds)) <> ")"
closeConnection :: WaylandConnection s -> IO ()
closeConnection connection = Socket.close connection.socket
......@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ module Quasar.Wayland.Protocol.Core (
......@@ -248,8 +247,8 @@ class (
type InterfaceName i :: Symbol
type InterfaceVersion i :: Nat
interfaceName :: forall i. IsInterface i => WlString
interfaceName = fromString $ symbolVal @(InterfaceName i) Proxy
interfaceName :: forall i. IsInterface i => String
interfaceName = symbolVal @(InterfaceName i) Proxy
interfaceVersion :: forall i. IsInterface i => Word32
interfaceVersion = fromIntegral $ natVal @(InterfaceVersion i) Proxy
......@@ -364,9 +363,9 @@ instance IsInterface i => Show (Object s i) where
class IsObject a where
genericObjectId :: a -> GenericObjectId
objectInterfaceName :: a -> WlString
objectInterfaceName :: a -> String
showObject :: a -> String
showObject object = toString (objectInterfaceName object) <> "@" <> show (genericObjectId object)
showObject object = objectInterfaceName object <> "@" <> show (genericObjectId object)
class IsObjectSide a where
describeUpMessage :: a -> Opcode -> BSL.ByteString -> String
......@@ -378,11 +377,11 @@ instance forall s i. IsInterface i => IsObject (Object s i) where
instance forall s i. IsInterfaceSide s i => IsObjectSide (Object s i) where
describeUpMessage object opcode body = mconcat [
toString (objectInterfaceName object), "@", show (genericObjectId object),
objectInterfaceName object, "@", show (genericObjectId object),
".", fromMaybe "[invalidOpcode]" (opcodeName @(WireUp s i) opcode),
" (", show (BSL.length body), "B)"]
describeDownMessage object opcode body = mconcat [
toString (objectInterfaceName object), "@", show (genericObjectId object),
objectInterfaceName object, "@", show (genericObjectId object),
".", fromMaybe "[invalidOpcode]" (opcodeName @(WireDown s i) opcode),
" (", show (BSL.length body), "B)"]
......@@ -413,7 +412,7 @@ buildMessage opcode parts = (opcode,) . mconcat <$> sequence parts
invalidOpcode :: IsInterface i => Object s i -> Opcode -> Get a
invalidOpcode object opcode = fail $ mconcat [
"Invalid opcode ", show opcode, " on ", toString (objectInterfaceName object),
"Invalid opcode ", show opcode, " on ", objectInterfaceName object,
"@", show (genericObjectId object)]
showObjectMessage :: (IsObject a, IsMessage b) => a -> b -> String
......@@ -703,7 +702,7 @@ bindNewObject
bindNewObject protocol version messageHandler =
runProtocolM protocol do
(object, NewId (ObjectId newId)) <- newObject messageHandler
pure (object, GenericNewId (interfaceName @i) version newId)
pure (object, GenericNewId (fromString (interfaceName @i)) version newId)
-- | Create an object from a received id.
-- object).
......@@ -724,8 +723,8 @@ fromSomeObject
fromSomeObject (SomeObject someObject) =
case cast someObject of
Nothing -> Left $ mconcat ["Expected object with type ",
toString (interfaceName @i), ", but object has type ",
toString (objectInterfaceName someObject)]
interfaceName @i, ", but object has type ",
objectInterfaceName someObject]
Just object -> pure object
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Quasar.Prelude
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol.Core
......@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ data RegistryConnection = RegistryConnection {
createGlobal :: forall i. IsInterfaceSide 'Server i => Version -> (Object 'Server i -> STM ()) -> Global
createGlobal supportedVersion bindFn =
Global {
interface = interfaceName @i,
interface = fromString (interfaceName @i),
version = min supportedVersion (interfaceVersion @i),
module Quasar.Wayland.Server.Surface (
) where
......@@ -8,12 +13,14 @@ import Control.Monad.Catch
import Quasar.Prelude
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol.Generated
import Quasar.Wayland.Region (Rectangle(..), appAsRect)
import Quasar.Wayland.Region (appAsRect)
import Quasar.Wayland.Surface
data ServerSurface b = ServerSurface {
surface :: Surface b,
lastRole :: TVar (Maybe String),
hasActiveRole :: TVar Bool,
pendingBuffer :: TVar (Maybe (ServerBuffer b)),
pendingOffset :: TVar (Int32, Int32),
pendingBufferDamage :: TVar Damage,
......@@ -30,6 +37,8 @@ data ServerBuffer b = ServerBuffer {
newServerSurface :: forall b. STM (ServerSurface b)
newServerSurface = do
surface <- newSurface @b
lastRole <- newTVar Nothing
hasActiveRole <- newTVar False
pendingBuffer <- newTVar Nothing
pendingOffset <- newTVar (0, 0)
pendingBufferDamage <- newTVar mempty
......@@ -37,12 +46,21 @@ newServerSurface = do
pure ServerSurface {
getServerSurface :: forall b. BufferBackend b => Object 'Server Interface_wl_surface -> STM (Maybe (ServerSurface b))
getServerSurface wlSurface = getInterfaceData @(ServerSurface b) wlSurface
connectServerSurfaceDownstream :: forall b. ServerSurface b -> SurfaceDownstream b -> STM ()
connectServerSurfaceDownstream serverSurface downstream =
connectSurfaceDownstream serverSurface.surface downstream
commitServerSurface :: ServerSurface b -> STM ()
commitServerSurface surface = do
serverBuffer <- swapTVar surface.pendingBuffer Nothing
......@@ -86,23 +104,23 @@ damageBuffer surface rect =
initializeServerSurface :: forall b. BufferBackend b => Object 'Server Interface_wl_surface -> STM ()
initializeServerSurface wlSurface = do
surface <- newServerSurface @b
serverSurface <- newServerSurface @b
-- TODO missing requests
setMessageHandler wlSurface RequestHandler_wl_surface {
-- TODO ensure role is destroyed before surface
-- TODO destroy associated surface
destroy = pure (),
attach = attachToSurface surface,
damage = appAsRect (damageSurface surface),
attach = attachToSurface serverSurface,
damage = appAsRect (damageSurface serverSurface),
frame = \callback -> pure (),
set_opaque_region = \region -> pure (),
set_input_region = \region -> pure (),
commit = commitServerSurface surface,
commit = commitServerSurface serverSurface,
set_buffer_transform = \transform -> pure (),
set_buffer_scale = \scale -> pure (),
damage_buffer = appAsRect (damageBuffer surface)
damage_buffer = appAsRect (damageBuffer serverSurface)
setInterfaceData wlSurface surface
traceM "wl_surface not implemented"
setInterfaceData wlSurface serverSurface
initializeWlBuffer :: forall b. BufferBackend b => NewObject 'Server Interface_wl_buffer -> Buffer b -> STM ()
initializeWlBuffer wlBuffer buffer = do
......@@ -126,3 +144,23 @@ getServerBuffer wlBuffer = do
getBuffer :: forall b. BufferBackend b => Object 'Server Interface_wl_buffer -> STM (Buffer b)
getBuffer wlBuffer = (.buffer) <$> getServerBuffer wlBuffer
assignSurfaceRole :: forall i b. IsInterfaceSide 'Server i => ServerSurface b -> STM ()
assignSurfaceRole surface = do
let role = interfaceName @i
hasActiveRole <- readTVar surface.hasActiveRole
if hasActiveRole
then throwM (ProtocolUsageError "Cannot assign wl_surface a new role, since it already has an active role.")
else writeTVar surface.hasActiveRole True
readTVar surface.lastRole >>= \x -> (flip ($)) x \case
Just ((== role) -> True) -> pure ()
Just currentRole ->
let msg = mconcat ["Cannot change wl_surface role. The last role was ", currentRole, "; new role is ", role]
in throwM (ProtocolUsageError msg)
Nothing -> writeTVar surface.lastRole (Just role)
removeSurfaceRole :: ServerSurface b -> STM ()
removeSurfaceRole surface = writeTVar surface.hasActiveRole False
module Quasar.Wayland.Server.XdgShell (
) where
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Quasar.Prelude
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol.Generated
import Quasar.Wayland.Server.Registry
import Quasar.Wayland.Server.Surface
import Quasar.Wayland.Surface
data ServerWindowManager b = ServerWindowManager
newServerWindowManager :: STM (ServerWindowManager b)
newServerWindowManager = pure ServerWindowManager
xdgShellGlobal :: forall b. BufferBackend b => ServerWindowManager b -> Global
xdgShellGlobal wm =
createGlobal @Interface_xdg_wm_base maxVersion (initializeXdgWmBase wm)
initializeXdgWmBase ::
forall b.
BufferBackend b =>
ServerWindowManager b -> Object 'Server Interface_xdg_wm_base -> STM ()
initializeXdgWmBase wm wlXdgWm =
setRequestHandler wlXdgWm RequestHandler_xdg_wm_base {
-- TODO raise error if any surface derived from this xdg_wm_base is still
-- alive
destroy = pure (),
create_positioner = undefined,
get_xdg_surface = initializeXdgSurface wm,
pong = const (pure ())
data XdgSurface b = XdgSurface {
wlXdgSurface :: Object 'Server Interface_xdg_surface,
serverSurface :: ServerSurface b,
surfaceRole :: TVar (Maybe Role)
data Role = Toplevel | Popup
initializeXdgSurface ::
forall b.
BufferBackend b =>
ServerWindowManager b ->
NewObject 'Server Interface_xdg_surface ->
Object 'Server Interface_wl_surface ->
STM ()
initializeXdgSurface wm wlXdgSurface wlSurface = do
getServerSurface @b wlSurface >>= \case
Just serverSurface -> initializeXdgSurface' wm wlXdgSurface serverSurface
Nothing -> throwM (userError "Invalid server surface")
initializeXdgSurface' ::
forall b.
ServerWindowManager b ->
NewObject 'Server Interface_xdg_surface ->
ServerSurface b ->
STM ()
initializeXdgSurface' wm wlXdgSurface serverSurface = do
-- The spec says that "It is illegal to create an xdg_surface for a wl_surface
-- which already has an assigned role and this will result in a protocol
-- error."
-- In practice it's not as easy as just checking for an assigned role, since
-- this might also occur the other way round (an xdg_surface is created and
-- then the surface is assigned another role), or multiple xdg_surface objects
-- might be created for the same wl_surface.
-- Instead, since an xdg_surface has no effect in itself (in version 5 of
-- xdg_surface), this part of the spec is ignored in this implementation. A
-- role object is only set when creating a toplevel- or popup surface.
surfaceRole <- newTVar Nothing
let xdgSurface = XdgSurface { wlXdgSurface, serverSurface, surfaceRole }
setRequestHandler wlXdgSurface RequestHandler_xdg_surface {
destroy = destroyXdgSurface xdgSurface,
get_toplevel = initializeXdgToplevel xdgSurface,
get_popup = undefined,
set_window_geometry = undefined,
ack_configure = undefined
destroyXdgSurface :: XdgSurface b -> STM ()
destroyXdgSurface surface = do
readTVar surface.surfaceRole >>= \case
Just _ -> throwM (userError "Cannot destroy xdg_surface before its role object has been destroyed.")
Nothing -> pure ()
data XdgToplevel b = XdgToplevel {
xdgSurface :: XdgSurface b
initializeXdgToplevel :: XdgSurface b -> NewObject 'Server Interface_xdg_toplevel -> STM ()
initializeXdgToplevel xdgSurface wlXdgToplevel = do
-- NOTE this throws if the surface role is changed
-- TODO change error type to a corret ServerError if that happens
assignSurfaceRole @Interface_xdg_toplevel xdgSurface.serverSurface
writeTVar xdgSurface.surfaceRole (Just Toplevel)
let xdgToplevel = XdgToplevel {
setRequestHandler wlXdgToplevel RequestHandler_xdg_toplevel {
destroy = destroyXdgToplevel xdgToplevel,
set_parent = undefined,
set_title = \title -> pure (),
set_app_id = undefined,
show_window_menu = undefined,
move = undefined,
resize = undefined,
set_max_size = undefined,
set_min_size = undefined,
set_maximized = undefined,
unset_maximized = undefined,
set_fullscreen = undefined,
unset_fullscreen = undefined,
set_minimized = undefined
destroyXdgToplevel :: XdgToplevel b -> STM ()
destroyXdgToplevel xdgToplevel = do
removeSurfaceRole xdgToplevel.xdgSurface.serverSurface
writeTVar xdgToplevel.xdgSurface.surfaceRole Nothing
......@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ module Quasar.Wayland.Surface (
......@@ -24,11 +23,9 @@ module Quasar.Wayland.Surface (
) where
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Data.Hashable (Hashable(..))
import Data.Typeable
import Quasar.Prelude
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol
import Quasar.Wayland.Region (Rectangle(..))
import Quasar.Wayland.Utils.Once (once)
......@@ -116,15 +113,6 @@ isBufferDestroyed :: Buffer b -> STM Bool
isBufferDestroyed buffer = readTVar buffer.destroyed
class SurfaceRole a where
surfaceRoleName :: a -> String
data SomeSurfaceRole = forall a. SurfaceRole a => SomeSurfaceRole a
instance SurfaceRole SomeSurfaceRole where
surfaceRoleName (SomeSurfaceRole role) = surfaceRoleName role
data Damage = DamageAll | DamageList [Rectangle]
instance Semigroup Damage where
......@@ -137,7 +125,6 @@ instance Monoid Damage where
data Surface b = Surface {
surfaceRole :: TVar (Maybe SomeSurfaceRole),
surfaceState :: TVar (SurfaceCommit b),
lastBufferUnlockFn :: TVar (STM ()),
downstreams :: TVar [SurfaceDownstream b]
......@@ -167,27 +154,15 @@ defaultSurfaceCommit bufferDamage = SurfaceCommit {
newSurface :: forall b. STM (Surface b)
newSurface = do
surfaceRole <- newTVar Nothing
surfaceState <- newTVar (defaultSurfaceCommit DamageAll)
lastBufferUnlockFn <- newTVar (pure ())
downstreams <- newTVar []
pure Surface {
assignSurfaceRole :: SurfaceRole a => Surface b -> a -> STM ()
assignSurfaceRole surface role = do
readTVar surface.surfaceRole >>= \x -> (flip ($)) x \case
Just currentRole ->
let msg = mconcat ["Cannot change wl_surface role. Current role is ", surfaceRoleName currentRole, "; new role is ", surfaceRoleName role]
in throwM (ProtocolUsageError msg)
Nothing -> pure ()
writeTVar surface.surfaceRole (Just (SomeSurfaceRole role))
commitSurface :: Surface b -> SurfaceCommit b -> STM ()
commitSurface surface commit = do
join $ readTVar surface.lastBufferUnlockFn