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module Qd.Observable.ObservablePriority (
) where

import Qd.Observable
import Qd.Prelude

import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.List (maximumBy)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..), nonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Unique

type Entry v = (Unique, v)

-- | Mutable data structure that stores values of type "v" with an assiciated priority "p". The `Observable` instance can be used to get or observe the value with the highest priority.
data ObservablePriority p v = ObservablePriority (MVar (Internals p v))

instance Observable (Maybe v) (ObservablePriority p v) where
  getValue (ObservablePriority mvar) = getValueFromInternals <$> readMVar mvar 
      getValueFromInternals :: Internals p v -> Maybe v
      getValueFromInternals Internals{current=Nothing} = Nothing
      getValueFromInternals Internals{current=Just (_, _, value)} = Just value
  subscribe (ObservablePriority mvar) callback = do
    key <- newUnique
    modifyMVar_ mvar $ \internals@Internals{subscribers} -> do
      -- Call listener
      callback (Current, currentValue internals)
      return internals{subscribers = HM.insert key callback subscribers}
    return $ SubscriptionHandle $ unsubscribe' key
      unsubscribe' :: Unique -> IO ()
      unsubscribe' key = modifyMVar_ mvar $ \internals@Internals{subscribers} -> return internals{subscribers=HM.delete key subscribers}

type PriorityMap p v = HM.HashMap p (NonEmpty (Entry v))

data Internals p v = Internals {
  priorityMap :: PriorityMap p v,
  current :: Maybe (Unique, p, v),
  subscribers :: HM.HashMap Unique (ObservableCallback (Maybe v))

-- | Create a new `ObservablePriority` data structure.
create :: IO (ObservablePriority p v)
create = ObservablePriority <$> newMVar Internals {
    priorityMap = HM.empty,
    current = Nothing,
    subscribers = HM.empty

currentValue :: Internals k v -> Maybe v
currentValue Internals{current} = (\(_, _, value) -> value) <$> current

-- | Insert a value with an assigned priority into the data structure. If the priority is higher than the current highest priority the value will become the current value (and will be sent to subscribers). Otherwise the value will be stored and will only become the current value when all values with a higher priority and all values with the same priority that have been inserted earlier have been removed.
-- Returns an `RegistrationHandle` that can be used to remove the value from the data structure.
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insertValue :: forall p v. (Ord p, Hashable p) => ObservablePriority p v -> p -> v -> IO RegistrationHandle
insertValue (ObservablePriority mvar) priority value = modifyMVar mvar $ \internals -> do
  key <- newUnique
  newInternals <- insertValue' key internals
  return (newInternals, RegistrationHandle {deregister=removeValue key})
    insertValue' :: Unique -> Internals p v -> IO (Internals p v)
    insertValue' key internals@Internals{priorityMap, current}
      | hasToUpdateCurrent current = do
        let newInternals = internals{priorityMap=insertEntry priorityMap, current=Just (key, priority, value)}
        notifySubscribers newInternals
        return newInternals
      | otherwise = return $ internals{priorityMap=insertEntry priorityMap}
        insertEntry :: PriorityMap p v -> PriorityMap p v
        insertEntry = HM.alter addToEntryList priority
        addToEntryList :: Maybe (NonEmpty (Entry v)) -> Maybe (NonEmpty (Entry v))
        addToEntryList Nothing = Just newEntryList
        addToEntryList (Just list) = Just (list <> newEntryList)
        newEntryList :: NonEmpty (Entry v)
        newEntryList = (key, value) :| []

        hasToUpdateCurrent :: (Maybe (Unique, p, v)) -> Bool
        hasToUpdateCurrent Nothing = True
        hasToUpdateCurrent (Just (_, oldPriority, _)) = priority > oldPriority

    removeValue :: Unique -> IO ()
    removeValue key = modifyMVar_ mvar removeValue'
        removeValue' :: Internals p v -> IO (Internals p v)
        removeValue' internals@Internals{priorityMap, current} = do
          let newInternals = internals{priorityMap = removeEntry priorityMap}
          if hasToUpdateCurrent current
            then updateCurrent newInternals
            else return newInternals

        removeEntry :: PriorityMap p v -> PriorityMap p v
        removeEntry = HM.alter removeEntryFromList priority
        removeEntryFromList :: Maybe (NonEmpty (Entry v)) -> Maybe (NonEmpty (Entry v))
        removeEntryFromList Nothing = Nothing
        removeEntryFromList (Just list) = nonEmpty $ NonEmpty.filter (\(key', _) -> key' /= key) list

        updateCurrent :: Internals p v -> IO (Internals p v)
        updateCurrent internals@Internals{priorityMap} = do
          let newInternals = internals{current = selectCurrent $ HM.toList priorityMap}
          notifySubscribers newInternals
          return newInternals
        selectCurrent :: [(p, (NonEmpty (Entry v)))] -> Maybe (Unique, p, v)
        selectCurrent [] = Nothing
        selectCurrent list = Just . selectCurrentFromList . maximumBy (comparing fst) $ list
            selectCurrentFromList :: (p, (NonEmpty (Entry v))) -> (Unique, p, v)
            selectCurrentFromList (priority', entryList) = (key', priority', value')
                (key', value') = NonEmpty.head entryList

        hasToUpdateCurrent :: (Maybe (Unique, p, v)) -> Bool
        hasToUpdateCurrent Nothing = False
        hasToUpdateCurrent (Just (oldKey, _, _)) = key == oldKey

notifySubscribers :: forall p v. Internals p v -> IO ()
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notifySubscribers Internals{subscribers, current} = forM_ subscribers (\callback -> callback (Update, (\(_, _, value) -> value) <$> current))